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Posts Tagged ‘Union Thugs’

With The Full Court Press On, Here Come The Dishonest Polls

by Flyovercountry ( 153 Comments › )
Filed under Elections 2010, Elections 2012, Politics, Polls, Socialism at March 2nd, 2011 - 2:00 pm

I have had several arguments in the past with friends regarding the accuracy of media polls.  The argument takes a while to verbalize, but it always ends up here, the liberal friends generally think that all polls are extremely accurate measures of public sentiment, we conservatives generally believe them to be largely nonsense.  That being said, we all usually pay attention to them.  This argument has gone on for years.  During Presidential Campaigns I will often point out that the polls don’t even agree with other, and it will be pointed out to me that for the most part, a large majority of polls will usually predict actual results quite accurately.  Being an analytic wonk, I usually like to dig a little deeper.  I like to look at a polls internals, or at least look at the work of those who have spent the time to do that for me.  Which brings us to the polls this week concerning the protests of public sector unions occurring in Madison, Wisconsin and Columbus, Ohio. 

The polls to put it bluntly, are baloney.  CBS, the NYT, and PPP have all come out with polls which state that 60% of the American Public are supportive of the Unions, and against governors Walker and Kasich.  In effect, what these polls are stating is that the elections of November 2010, which hinged on these very issues, were not what the citizens of Ohio and Wisconsin really wanted when they overwhelmingly elected not only Republican Governors, but also completely realigned the State Legislatures of both States to be entirely controlled by the GOP.  That at the very beginning of this very fight the voters of these two states demanded, the voters inexplicably changed their minds.  On the very face of it, this seems preposterous.  So, how did these pollsters come up with this, and why. 

As promised, the work of someone who looked at the internals of the polls for me.  There is also a link attached to Morrisey’s article which shows someone looking at the PPP poll in Wisconsin.  Here are some highlights from Morrisey’s article.

First, the partisan split in the sample gave a ten-point advantage to Democrats.  Their sample for this poll had a D/R/I split of 36/26/31, an absurd sample for political polling.  In December, Rasmussen’s general-population survey put Republicans ahead, 36.0% to 34.7% for Democrats.  A recent poll by Gallup shows erosion in Democratic affiliation all through 2010.  In 2008, Barack Obama won the popular vote by seven points nationwide, and the NYT/CBS poll assumes that the electorate has grown more Democratic in 2011.

Next, 20% of the poll’s respondents claim to come from union households.  However, only 11.9% of American workers belong to a union, according to a report published by the Bureau of Labor Statistics last month and noted by none other than the Times itself.  Union membership fell to a 70-year low as a percentage of the workforce, which in itself is a rather damning statement about the view of collective bargaining by the vast majority of American workers.  How exactly did the survey manage to comprise itself of almost twice as many union-household respondents for a poll on union policies as union members in the workforce?  Interesting.
Finally, 25% of respondents are either public employees or share a household with a public employee.  Federal employees comprise less than 2% of the workforce at around 2 million.  Overall, the US has 22.22 million government employees out of an employed workforce of 130.27 million, according to the Current Employment Statistics survey at the BLS.  Government employment accounts for 17% of all workers, so a sample consisting of 25% public-sector households for a survey of adults (not registered voters) seems a little off.

That sums up the how.  Let’s talk now about the why.  I have never kept it a secret that I view a vast majority of the media to be extremely biased towards the left side of any argument or debate.  My liberal friends have all called me crazy, and even insisted that if anything the media is biased towards the other side.  Usually, the last statement makes me laugh.  I realize that laughing is not an argument, but I usually can’t help it.  All I will say is that during the 2008 election, even most members of the media admitted that they were openly campaigning for President Obama and using their positions withing the reporting world to conduct that campaign.  When you get a confession, a smoking gun is not required, but here is that smoking gun anyhow.

The political left realizes, as do many conservatives that this battle going on right now will have implications for a long time. The public sector unions are the power base for the political left. These unions are the top contributor monetarily to the Democrat Party. They contribute zero to the GOP. When the public sector is paid, they receive funds directly from the taxpayers. They donate part of those payments to Democrats. When Democrats hold public office, the unions and Democrats negotiate a contract, and the bill is presented to voters. These contracts are beyond preposterous in most cases. On average, Public Sector employees earn double what Private Sector employees make for similar work performed. During the latest economic unpleasantness, Public Sector workers received an average 7% wage increase, while the private Sector received increased unemployment and increased taxation. Public Sector Employees contribute nothing towards their own retirement, and receive pensions which actually manage to pay them better wages in retirement than during their working years. They pay nothing for their own health care, and reality dictates that the Private Sector, which is shrinking as a percentage of the economy will not be able to afford this for another year or two, let alone for the long term.

For those of you who wish to know, this has nothing to do with the kids, or the middle class. This is entirely about the political power of the union chieftains and their flow of money. They add nothing to our society, and it is time to send the pied piper packing. Elections have consequences, and November of 2010 was the true iteration of Democracy, not the bussed in thugs sucking air in Madison and Columbus.

Crossposted at Musings of a Mad Conservative.

UPDATE:  To put the exclamation point on the whole thing, here’s a Quinnipiac poll which shows the issue a lot closer, with 45% backing the Republican position and 42% leaning the other way.

The Lunacy In Wisconsin, Look for It Soon In Your State

by Flyovercountry ( 247 Comments › )
Filed under Politics, Progressives, Socialism at February 18th, 2011 - 2:00 pm

When asked for a comment on the latest union unrest in Wisconsin, President Obama did his level best to appear as though he could see both sides of the issue. His answer ultimately betrayed him, but he at least tried. In his retort, Obama stated that the state workers of America were making hard sacrifices, which caused me again to spray coffee through my nose. What sacrifices have the State Unions made? Please name one, if you are able to think of any. Government workers average about 25% higher pay than private sector employees on a national level. They have the most generous pensions known on the planet. They contribute nothing to their medical or dental, and they are exempt from Social Security. They have built in generous raises completely independent of actual job performance, and absent any accountability even in the harshest of economic times. All of this is paid for by the shrinking Private sector, which is experiencing the economic downturn largely due to the meddling of the same tantruming Government unions. So, I must ask again, what sacrifices?

Each and every time these budget and economic crises occurs, and we fiscal conservatives start talking about where to cut, we get scolded by Democrats about how money which just became part of the ballooning budget a year ago is something which we can not live without. Why is it the Government is never part of the sacrifice they ask of the rest of us. We are told not to be so greedy, by people who are growing and giving themselves more funds and power. Then the heart wrenching stories come out, and the anecdotal stories of poor people who were adversely affected by the mean heartless fiscal conservatives who shut down the vital functions of the benevolent government agencies. After the debate and some research of course, these stories always turn out to be false and contrived. Another observation is why is it only the vital functions of government are the first things to be affected. For years, we were scolded that if we didn’t pump more into education, our kids would be left behind academically. So here we are, spending more per student in our public schools than any nation on Earth, and no where near the top. Our public school system cost per student is double the cost per student in private schools, and the results are not even in the same planet. The reason is simple, what we give to education goes directly to the union. It funds massive and unaffordable pensions, health care, and political donations. So, the next time you hear someone wailing it’s for the kids, realize that it isn’t benefiting the kids in the least. If you watch the video, you can hear San Fran Nan make that exact plea.

Every time we have been down this road in the past, the GOP folds like a wet taco. We can not afford for them to do it again. Grow a backbone you dolts, and don’t give in to the hype this time around. We can not afford to kick this can any further down the road.

Originally Posted at Musings of a Mad Conservative. 

UPDATE:  Then, there’s this little tid bit right here.  It seems that a decent chunk of those protesting at the Wisconsin Capitol are not even from Wisconsin after all.  Once again, President Obama, who’s sole accomplishment during his Presidency has been to produce bad Kabuki Theater, has bussed in SEIU thugs to give the appearance of a massive popular uprising.

Obama to use Progressive Union Thugs to intimidate Protesters

by Phantom Ace ( 34 Comments › )
Filed under Barack Obama, Communism, Healthcare, Liberal Fascism at August 6th, 2009 - 2:46 pm

This is what I was warning about. With their Fascist agenda in trouble, the Progressives are getting desperate. Their smears and attacks are no longer working and they are running out of ideas. Obama, true to his Totalitarian nature is now getting the AFL-CIO to bring in Union Thugs to confront the Obamacare protesters. This is being reported by the Progressive Propaganda outlet: Huffington Post.

The nation’s largest federation of labor organizations has promised to directly engage with boisterous conservative protesters at Democratic town halls during the August recess.

In a memo sent out on Thursday, AFL-CIO President John Sweeney outlined the blueprint for how the union conglomerate would step up recess activities on health care reform and other topics pertinent to the labor community. The document makes clear that Obama allies view the town hall forums as ground zero of the health care debate. It also uses the specter of the infamous 2000 recount “Brooks Brothers” protest to rally its members to the administration’s side.

“The principal battleground in the campaign will be town hall meetings and other gatherings with members of Congress in their home districts,” reads the memo. “We want your help to organize major union participation to counter the right-wing “Tea-Party Patriots” who will try to disrupt those meetings, as they’ve been trying to do to meetings for the last month. …

Read the rest.

This is a desperate act, whenever a Totalitarian regime is in trouble, they resort to intimidation and the threat of violence. I suggest to anyone going to a Town hall, to not back down. If they get in your face, do it in return. Defend yourself, if physically threatened. The Progressives are desperate, let us not waiver due to intimidation!