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Open Thread: BBQ – Buffalo Hoofs

by bar ( 50 Comments › )
Filed under Open thread at July 17th, 2009 - 1:40 pm

BBQ Buffalo Hoofs


1. A 12pack of New Castle or any favorite beer or wine or mixed drink or non at all
2. Chicken drumsticks at least 4 per person, Foster Farms preferably, no plumping and the commercials are funny
3. A bottle of Stubbs wicked wing sauce – even this Californian knows that they know BBQ in Texas, just cause I am surrounded by liberals and have blonde hair doesn’t mean I am that stupid.
4. Salt & pepper
5. Any Grill, mine is charcoal.


Open 1 bottle of beer and drink half of it now. About 2 hours before cooking place drumsticks on wax paper or in a zip lock bag, season with salt and pepper then cover with the wicked wing sauce. Now drink the other half of that beer you just opened, opening another one at this time is optional. Oh, yeah, wash your hands really good before rubbing eyes unless you want to cry for some reason. Well maybe you just had a fight with your wife, then don’t wash your hands before you rub those eyes and apologize. The things we stubble upon in life are pretty amazing when practiced properly.

Now light that grill, a hot fire is best. I like around a 1.5-2 one-thousand count. Place your bare hand about 1 inch above the grill and count one one-thousand, two one-thousand etc.. until you cant take it any more. Less than a one one-thousand count is 500+, two one-thousand is 400ish, three one-thousand is 300-350ish. 400-500+ degrees (F) is great stuff but without big open flames or you will burn the skin, even though the meat will still be very tasty.
These drumsticks are very forgiving, impossible to dry out with the skin and wicked sauce. Depending on how hot and spicy you like your food, you can brush with the wicked sauce, the more you brush the hotter they get, brush 2-3 times for ‘it burns my lips’. Does it burn yours?
They have taken me anywhere from 25-40 minutes to cook, depending on the fire temp.
I cook them until the bone is exposed at the small end and they start ripping open at the opposite end. I don’t recall checking the internal temp, but it must be around 190-200, kinda overdone by some standards.

They are fall off the bone tender, tasty and without any dryness whatsoever. Its wicked good.



Happy Birthday “Rodan“!




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