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Tales from the Climategate Crypt and The Good Charles

by snork ( 101 Comments › )
Filed under Climate, Crime at January 15th, 2010 - 6:00 am

Something’s up. I’m not sure exactly what, but the police in the UK may be hitting a brick wall, and are breathing down some necks here. Today, two threads broke on two different blogs. Here, on ClimateAudit, Steve Mc recapped the sequence of events back in November surrounding the release of the leaked files into the internet wilds. His recount of events centered around the involvement of one Steve Mosher, one of the CA regulars, and the other major players.

Meanwhile over at WhatsUpWithThat, a fellow heretofore known as “CTM” (Charles the Moderator) “comes out”. Because of the way the events unfolded, CTM was one of the first people to get his hands on the leaked file, and had to sit on it for a couple of days while Anthony Watts returned from Europe, and could assess the situation.

CTM, as it turns out, is Charles Rotter of San Fransisco. Steve Mosher’s roommate. He had been simply anonymous “Charles”, but circumstances have made him decide to out himself. This, of course, explains how it is that Steve got a copy of the file so early on, and the fact that Charles decided to out himself tells me that someone has been breathing down both of their necks. No need for conspiracy theories; they laid it all out there.

As if this isn’t enough of a detective novel yet (and rumor has it that there’s a book in the works!), Mosher plunked this comment in his thread at CA:

Steven Mosher

Posted Jan 13, 2010 at 2:39 PM | Permalink | Reply

From our side of the story we have divulged ll we know.

From Charles first finding the file in moderation at WUWT evening Nov17th His call to me went out at 7:02PM [ PST; 10:02 Eastern: SMc ] to my work with the file from shortly after that time until Nov 19th 11:55 PSt [3:55 pm Eastern] when I posted to lucia.

Steve has told his story. Charles his. Jeff, lucia, Anthony has given me quotes for the book. bender even came forward. No need for the police to do any more interviews. Unless, they are interested in other things like my funding. So, You hear that Norwich police? if you want to “solve” the crime everything I know is now posted on the internet. If you want to know if I’m supported by anybody? well first off none of your damn  business, and secondly no.

Now. What does gavin know?

Well, what does Gavin know? It seems like everyone else involved, on four blogs on the skeptical side have placed their cards down on the table. And now they’re openly telling the Norwich police that it’s all out there, and there’s no more. So the only other party involved in the release of the file (as opposed to a different bunch implicated in the emails themselves) is Gavin Schmidt.

Obviously the principals in this tale know things that you and I don’t know, and they’re trying to put Gavin in a corner. What does this all mean? I. Don’t. Know. Not a clue. But this isn’t happening for no reason, and I think it’s a safe bet that the butler’s about to start confessing.

Stay tuned; this is one of the strangest real-life dramas I’ve ever seen in my life.


Just to keep track of the principals involved in this drama, here are the people mentioned above:

“Bender” – Anonymous contributor of CA, seems to be a statistician

Lucia Liljegren – Mechanical Engineering professor, runs the blog “The Blackboard”. Everyone in this story has balls, and she’s no exception. Despite the last name, she’s Latina. My nominee for “wise Latina”.

Jeff Id – Runs the blog “The Air Vent”

Steve McIntyre – Runs ClimateAudit, and was part of the McIntyre/McKitrick  team who initially trashed Mann’s hockey stick. Statistician.

Steve Mosher – Active on CA and the other blogs mentioned here. Avionics Engineer by day.

Gavin Schmidt – NASA climatologist by day; reports to the notorious James Hansen. Supposedly runs the alarmist blog in his spare time.

Charles Rotter – Anonymous moderator at WUWT until self-outing 1/13/10.

Anthony Watts – Runs “WattsUpWithThat blog, a.k.a. WUWT. Original claim to fame was the surface station quality project.

Extra: Things are getting warm in Pennsylvania:

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