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Fox News and Saudi Money and Glen Beck and Geert Wilders…

by coldwarrior ( 121 Comments › )
Filed under Free Speech, Islamic Finance, Media, Saudi Arabia at March 11th, 2010 - 5:00 am

This is an expansion of this thread from a few days ago, the Beck/Wilders clip is used as an example and to refresh our memory.

Fox is getting very picky about this Beck/Wilders clip so i wont post it here, Here’s the transcript of what Beck Said about Geert Wilders:

In France, polls have this guy, the president, Nicolas Sarkozy, he is center-right. He’s hitting now new lows. Look out, because whoever is ruling now in any country no matter what, as this economy tanks and they spend all this money and it doesn’t matter if they’re right or left, as they tank, they’re going to become extraordinarily unpopular. So his approval rating is down to 36 percent. However, this guy, far right, Villepin (sic) — he’s at 57 percent.

Also, you have far right Dutch M.P. Geert Wilders. Last year, he was banned from the U.K. They said his presence could threaten community a harmony and therefore public safety. Last week, not only was he allowed into England, he was at the House of Lords, where he screened a film on the Quran.

The right and left are growing again in Europe. The left — listen carefully — the left in Europe is communism. The right is fascism, in Europe.

Europe is making the same mistakes that they made at the turn of the century. Mark my words — watch, please, do me a favor. We don’t have enough staff to watch this and nobody else is looking for it. Please, watch the crazy fringe groups over in Europe and e-mail. Tweet them to me at Glenn Beck on Twitter. Please, watch them as a watchdog, because they’re headed down the wrong tracks and we have to be prepared.

This is Geert Wilders on Beck 25FEB2009, so Glenn is familiar with the situation and the man.

Well, what do we think about Beck now, does he get a pass on this one? Should he apologize? He has done good work in the past. Has Fox been ‘infiltrated’ by Saudi influence? I hope this Beck ‘error’ has nothing to do with this:

He’s a prince! He graduated summa cum laude from Menlo University in 1979! He’s the Saudi Warren Buffet! He’s also Fox News’ fourth biggest investor–although Prince Alwaleed bin Talal claims that he’s the second biggest investor in News Corp., after Rupert Murdoch himself

I am not throwing Beck or Fox under the dhimmi bus yet; his content, and that of Fox News, may have to be scrutinized from now on. I just cant help but think what better way for the Wahhabist Saudi’s to alienate and diminish Europe’s most famous anti-jihadi and to assassinate his character than to buy a piece of editorial control in America’s most popular TV news service.  I hope this is not the case. Fox has taken the Saudi money in exchange for access to the Middle East media.

The Wahhabi influence in university and mosques and the fact that almost all of the imam’s in the US (especially in the US prison system) are also Wahhabi-Saudi funded and are anti-west in values and politics are of major concern. This is a security threat that has to be watched carefully, this is how the teachings infiltrate out country.

Does this mean that the Saudi-Wahhabi money has influenced fox/beck…i’m not there yet, is it a concern, yes. Does it look bad, yes. I am very concerned over this because fox is watched by so many people, and is trusted by them. Fox is still the go-to news network for unbiased reporting. Its size and trust by definition means that it needs to be careful about alliances and editorial decisions.

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