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Meet The Democrat Leadership Series, Jesse Jackson Jr. (D) Mars.

by Flyovercountry ( 185 Comments › )
Filed under Democratic Party, Humor, Politics, Regulation at March 10th, 2011 - 8:30 am

First Watch the clip:

I saw this one at Hot Air and then again at Ace of Spades. It took me a while to quit laughing. Allaphundit asks a probing question which got me thinking.

The most fun part of this thought experiment (apart from figuring out how to pay for it, natch) is imagining the sort of insane lobbying wars that would erupt if the feds suddenly decided to start outfitting huge swaths of the population with specific goods. Not only within industries — e.g., which lucky PC company will get the federal contract for 10 million laptops for kids? — but among industries, as manufacturers across the land try to explain why owning their product rises to the level of a fundamental right. Imagine Anthony Kennedy declaring for a 5-4 SCOTUS majority that the Due Process Clause guarantees you a Cuisinart. A glorious day for America, my friends.

After the fit of laughter, I realized that this dolt actually got himself elected to congress from Illinois’ Second District.  Besides being filled with thoughts of trying to declare Chicago a separate nation, or possibly even a foreign planet, It worries me that until November of 2010 he represented the majority party in American politics.  Have we really progressed to this point in our collective thinking?  clearly there is a stark difference between left and right in our world today.  The Constitution lies at the crux of this difference.  For the first time in my life, the political left is openly admitting that they do not believe our founding documents should be followed.  Chris Matthews has called it racist.  President Obama went on NPR as recently as 2002 and whined that our founding fathers did not address redistributive justice, (whatever in the hell that is.)  Supreme Court nominees are being picked by our current President and confirmed by our current Senate based not on their adherence to or interpretation of the Constitution, but upon their ability to empathise with a pet group of declared societal victims.  This goes well beyond those transgressions however.  This speech entertains the notion that any commodity can be legislated into being a basic right and paid for from the public largess.  If your believe that I am merely a worry wart, I will ask you two questions.  One, did you hear any congressman laughing, as we did at Jackson’s idiocy?  Two, do you realize that our current Health Care Law is this exactly? 

Buy up plenty of shares of Oester stock, they make Cuisinarts.

Crossposted at Musings of a Mad Conservative.



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