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A Lesson In Unintended Consequences: The Story Of Liberal Economics.

by Flyovercountry ( 57 Comments › )
Filed under Democratic Party, Economy, Environmentalism, Progressives, Socialism at April 25th, 2011 - 4:30 pm

One of my many peeves about the liberal mind set is the innate ability to avoid any discussion about the responsibility for enactment of their destructive policies. I have never fully understood how it happens, but it always does. One reason may be their ability to shed tears at any provocation and immediately be able to claim that they are the only one who truly care about the terrible problems that they create. One example would be liberals successfully banning of DDT, the subsequent deaths of 50 Million People world wide due to increases in a Malaria epidemic, followed by an endless supply of liberals bleating on endlessly about how we, as human beings must do more to stop the horrific spread of the Malaria epidemic that they themselves caused.

Example number two, takes us to Barak Obama’s home state of Illinois. The blue staters in Illinois, in typical liberal fashion ran up a deficit that has ended up crippling the state. Don’t fret over it though, they had a plan. Tax the living snot out of the private sector, and just confiscate the short fall from others. Read the link to see how that is working out for them.

Amazon leaves Illinois, and Illinois tries to make the rest of America pay for their stupidity.

The unintended consequence of course is that businesses leave. Why should they stay? The more Illinois acts irresponsibly, and tries to make others pay for their idiocy, the more those being forced to pay, (against their will in most cases,) will make the decision to leave. If Durbin’s new scheme to steal from the private sector actually does become law, what will keep the Amazon’s of the world here in America.  Amazon is very capable from opening an online business in the Cayman Islands, or even in China if they so choose.  At one time, on line gambling was the hot thing to crack down on.  When we as a nation tried that, we succeeded only in increasing the volume of online gambling.  How much longer will we allow the liberals of this country to run amok and keep creating the very problems that they are constantly whining about?  Good luck Illinois, I don’t feel compelled in the slightest to help you out of the situation created by your stupidity.  Think long and hard before electing another liberal to any job with more responsibility than dog catcher.

Another lesson in unintended consequences comes to us from Washington.  This one makes me laugh, because I don’t live in Washington.  If I did, and actually bought one of these smug mobiles, I would be fighting mad indeed.
How much more of this Socialist nonsense will you good folks in the State of Washington force upon yourselves?

So, to reiterate, for those of you who did not read the story, here it is.  Washington’s liberals succeeded in making cars which run on gasoline economically inferior to those which are hybrids.  They had to impose literally the highest energy taxation rates and punitive measures to achieve this.  They also had to throw in some hefty subsidizing activity for a health dose of crony capitalism on the other side, but after a couple of Billion in expense that Washington’s citizens could not afford, Washington did succeed in its destructive quest to engineer society.  The result of course was a collapse in the revenue collected by the commerce having an adequate oil supply produces.  So, in order to make up this shortfall, rather than allow the free markets to do what they have always done so well, Washington is going to punish her citizens for doing what the state forced them into.

Crossposted at Musings of a Mad Conservative.

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