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You’ve Got To Be Joking.

by Flyovercountry ( 80 Comments › )
Filed under Humor, Media at May 31st, 2011 - 5:30 pm

I read this today, and sprayed coffee on a formerly clean computer monitor, so be forewarned. Apparently, CBS wishes beyond all hope to win the main stream media race to reach the very bottom and most obviously biased news organization contest. They must have declared all evidence of intelligence will heretofore be hidden. They must be hard at work trying to woo Will Ferrell to the network in order to read the news as his Ron Burgandy Character. The reason for my laughter today? CBS reported in a serious manner today that Sarah Palin is going to create traffic accidents by not supplying the press with her schedule. It would seem as though the main stream media feels that Governor Palin owes them a complete accounting of her time, so that they can adequately destroy her image in any endeavor on which she embarks.

Driving around the country in this big ass bus is a little to hard for the investigative professionals in our national press corps keep up with. MSNBC has at least shown that it is possible to go too far with biased reporting by firing Keith Olberman, and suspending Ed Shultz. They have limits, weak as they may be. CBS, not so much. America is having accidents on its roadways according to CBS, and it is Sarah Palin’s fault. Beyond the lunacy of a supposed news gathering organization whining about the lack of cooperation of a private citizen who has not asked for, nor shown any expectation of receiving their publicity, why should Governor Palin give these imbeciles so much as a seconds thought? 30 months ago, they savaged her in their little and petty club. I can still remember Charlie Gibson looking down his nose through his prop glasses like a college professor lecturing Governor Palin on the proper definition of the Bush Doctrine which by the way, he got incredibly wrong. Tina Fey’s admittedly funny performance on SNL is still quoted by a cackling media and Arnold, not Kennedy, Schwartzenegger as though it were actually attributable to Palin. Personally, I don’t blame Mrs. Palin one bit for not wanting anything to do with a group who has demonstrated ill will and a complete lack of fairness. I don’t believe she will be able to win the Presidency, nor even the Republican Nomination while having a complete press avoidance strategy, but that is the business of Sarah Palin, and nobody else.

In short, quit your whining CBS. and try objectively reporting the news for a change, people might actually watch your dumb little news show then.

Crossposted at Musings of a Mad Conservative.

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