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Included In The List Of Politicians Claiming The Mantle Of Reagan Is……. Barack Obama?

by Flyovercountry ( 77 Comments › )
Filed under Cult of Obama, Elections 2012, Politics, Progressives, Uncategorized at July 22nd, 2011 - 11:30 am

One of the most sickening memes to be pimped to us from the, (and yes, I’m borrowing a catchy phrase from doriangrey,) treasonous fifth column media is that Barack Obama is Reaganesque in the performance of his duties as President. Those of you with an adult memory will remember Ronald Reagan as the man who simplified the tax code by eliminating huge sections of it. He lowered marginal tax rates to their lowest levels in any era, (the top marginal rate was 28%.) He flattened out the pyramid, and he eliminated a vast array of shelters and credits in order to insure that the so called rich were not able to escape their fair share. At the same time, he projected American strength by beefing up the military and vastly increasing its budget, not just from a conventional standpoint, but also by going full bore into the SDI missile defensive shields. This system, which is a thorn in the sides of the Socialists since its inception is the world’s only true defensive weapons system, as it is designed not to harm anybody, but simply to shoot down incoming missiles aimed at us. Just to make another quick point, how anyone calling themselves an advocate for peace would be able to oppose this system is beyond astounding. Ronald Reagan had inherited a far worse economy from Jimmy Carter, and by deregulation, lowering tax rates, and defunding large swaths of the federal bureaucracy, he was able to show vast improvements in the economy by this point in his Presidency. Barack Obama is increasing government regulation, adding new taxes at an astounding rate, and indeed creating new government bureaucracies by executive fiat. He is in effect the anti-Reagan. Indeed, it takes an incredible amount of dishonesty to draw this comparison in a serious manner. So, naturally when we need that level of dishonesty, I give you MSNBC.

Fortunately, during that same show, Chris Matthews made the mistake of having someone with an adult memory, Michael Steele, on as a guest. The result was one that I probably would have had, outright laughter. My favorite part? Well that would be Matthews and his other guest, Joan Walsh, are actually feigning hurt feelings at the concept of being laughed at for making this comparison.

The bottom line is this, if you do not wish to be laughed at, do not say stupid things. Equating Barack Obama to Ronald Reagan qualifies under this rule.  I understand the why, President Obama’s performance of the job he successfully campaigned for in 2008 has not been stellar, to say the least.  Even his most ardent supporters are beginning to show frustration with his performance to date.  The only thing left for them is to try to equate him with someone who was actually good at the job.  That is why it is somewhat amusing to me to witness the same people who viciously maligned Reagan, called him stupid, derided his policies, now attempting to co-opt his legacy for their man.

Special note:  The post I put up two days ago was not advocating for tax increases as a means to closing the budget deficit.  In fact, I argued the opposite.  For whatever reason, some folks assumed that I had taken the opposite view, and was for the so called balanced approach.  As someone who has an understanding of the Laffer Curve, I can assure you that I fully understand that Tax Rate Cuts lead to increased revenues.

Cross Posted at Musings of a Mad Conservative.

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