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Tim Pawlenty drops out

by Phantom Ace ( 3 Comments › )
Filed under Elections 2012, Headlines, Republican Party at August 14th, 2011 - 1:48 pm

After the beating he took at the hands of Michele Bachmann Thursday night, he clearly lost the stomach. Tim Pawlenty has dropped out of the race for the 2012 GOP Presidential nomination. His anemic 3rd Place showing on Saturday, during the Ames, Iowa straw poll put the nail in the coffin of his hopes. He saw the writing on the wall and just gave up.

Former Minnesota Gov. Tim Pawlenty dropped out of the race for the GOP presidential nomination on Sunday, hours after finishing a disappointing third in the Iowa straw poll.

“I wish it would have been different. But obviously the pathway forward for me doesn’t really exist so we are going to end the campaign,” Pawlenty said on ABC’s “This Week” from Iowa shortly after disclosing his plans in a private conference call with supporters.

The low-key Midwesterner and two-term governor had struggled to gain traction in a state he had said he must win and never caught fire nationally with a Republican electorate seemingly craving a charismatic, nonestablishment, rabble-rouser to go up against President Barack Obama.

Michele Bachmann’s ruthless attack took the fight out of Tim Pawlenty. He clearly realized he didn’t have the stomach for a Presidential run, so he gave up. I’m glad he did. We need a fighter, not a nice man.

Bachmann has a scalp under her belt.

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