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Turkish PM says all defense ties with Israel will be cut and warns over Cyprus

by Phantom Ace ( 5 Comments › )
Filed under Dhimmitude, Headlines, Islam, Islamic hypocrisy, Islamic Invasion, Islamic Supremacism, Islamists, Israel, Muslim Brotherhood, Turkey at September 6th, 2011 - 7:21 pm

The genocidal nation of Turkey again lashes out at Israel and Cyprus.  PM Tayyip Erdogan says all military ties to Israel will be cut. In addition he says he might visit Gaza and confirmed that Turkey will start sending warships to the Eastern Mediterranean. He also warned Cyprus about developing their gas fields.

Turkish Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan said on Tuesday that Turkey was “totally suspending” defense ties with Israel, after downgrading diplomatic relations with the country.

While it was initially reported that Erdogan had also suspended all trade ties between the two nations, this was later clarified to refer to defense-related trade only.

“Trade ties, military ties, defense industry ties – we are completely suspending them. This process will be followed by different measures,” Erdogan told reporters in Ankara.

But an official at Erdogan’s office later told Reuters the prime minister was referring to military and defense trade ties only, not overall trade, which last year reached a total bilateral volume of $3.5 billion.


Asked about exploratory drilling for natural gas by Greek Cypriots, Egemen Bagis, Turkey’s European Union minister, told Turkish media last week: “It is for this (reason) that countries have warships. It is for this (reason) that we have equipment and we train our navies.”

It’s time for Israel to stop being nice. They need to reach out to the Greek Cypriots and strengthen ties. Whatever information they have on Turkish capabilities should be given to Cyprus, Greece and Armenia. The Turks are genocidal monsters and I have no respect for their debased culture born of rape.

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