Short only by a few weeks before we enter the 37th year of the Turkish bloody invasion of Cyprus and continued occupation of half of the Republic of Cyprus and instead of ANTENA (Greece) focusing on the tragedy of Cyprus since the barbaric Turkish invasion in July and August 1974 and its consequences on the lives of the Greek Cypriot refugees, the continued plight of the relatives of the still missing people, the systematic and ruthless destruction and vandalism of well over 500 Orthodox churches and other religious places in the occupied, the plight of the Greek Cypriot enclaved and their extermination, the I DO NOT FORGET of the 200,000 Greek Cypriot refugees and displaced people and their demand to return and repossess their stolen properties, and despicably ANTENA 1(Greece) promotes the Turkish series “Ezel”. This Turkish production was shot also in areas under Turkish occupation since the invasion of 1974, beautiful Voukolida village in the Karpas Penisula as well as parts of occupied Kyrenia. Already the station received a high volume of telephone complaints, faxed letters and email protests for their decision to promote this Turkish production. The Cyprus Embassy in Athens has also been receiving complaints about this.
NOTE: It should be noted that ANTENA (Cyprus) is NOT involved and DOES NOT SHOW this Turkish production.
ACTION ALERT: We call upon all people and associations, to read, learn the item, publish, inform others, and most of all REACT by telephone calls to the station expressing indignation, write letters to the station, send emails, faxes and contact your Members of Parliament (for those in Greece) and complain asking for the withdrawal of this series. In protest you can also contribute by switching off and turn to other channels, there are so many around.
If you are Greek-American or Greek-Canadian ask Antenna to remove the Ezel show or else you will stop your subscription and change it to Mega or Alter, this will hurt their pocket, even if a few drop off. Because UNLIKE Greece and Cyprus where they rely on advertisers, in USA and CANADA to see ANTI is based on PAID subscriptions.
The following blog has mentioned something to this effect as well:
How to contact the station:
Antenna TV S.A. · Athens Kifissias Ave. 10-12,
Maroussi Phone: +30-210-688-6100 Athens Fax: +30-210-689-0304 151 25 Greece
A few words about hotel Artemis in beautiful but occupied Voukolida:
Artemis hotel is a hotel/casino by the sea built by Turkish businessmen. The land on which it was built belongs to Greek Cypriot displaced persons of Voukolida village. Its golden sand beach is almost two miles long and very near the Ayia Thekla church – which the Turks and the Turkish Cypriots DEMOLISHED only a few weeks ago because it was…destructing the view of a new hotel under construction only 50 yards from the sea. A small paradise under Turkish continued occupation since 1974. They renamed the village of Voukolida to BAFRA.
Letter by Congressmen Sarbanes and Bilirakis
Congressmen John P. Sarbanes and Gus Bilirakis have written a joint letter to Congress dated 26 May, 2011 about the destruction of Ayia Thekla church titled “Concerning the Turkish Occupation of the Republic of Cyprus – Incident dated May 2, 2011 – Demolition of Orthodox Church in occupied Cyprus”. To read the full text of the letter: LINK
On the 23rd of June 2011 Greek Cypriot students demonstrated outside the Antena 1(Greece) studios and sent letters of protest demanding the termination of this Turkish production which is grossly offensive to the Greek Cypriots.
The Kyrenian Refugee Association has also addressed a letter of protest to the Management of ANTENA 1 (Greece). [Their letter, in Greek, is included in the PDF at the following link.]
To read a PDF copy complete with links and pictures, visit:
LINK at Cyprus Action Network
Download «Από την Ένωση στην Κατοχή» by distinguished Greek-Cypriot journalist and researcher Mrs. Fanoulla Argyrou. This book is the comprehensive record from the British Archives on how they destroyed Cyprus: LINK
Cyprus Action Network of America (CANA)
2578 Broadway #132
New York, NY 10025
New York: Tel. 917-699-9935 9935