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Constitution!? We Don’t Need No Stinking Constitution!

by Flyovercountry ( 390 Comments › )
Filed under Barack Obama, Politics at June 20th, 2012 - 2:00 pm

Whenever Congress refuses to act, Joe and I we’re going to act, In the months to come, wherever we have an opportunity, we’re going to take steps on our own to keep this economy moving.

President Barack Hussein Obama – February 2012

That little quote right there, actually uttered by the 44th President of the United States earlier this year should send chills down the collective, (pun definitely intended,) spines of every American Citizen that actually possesses functioning grey matter. This was a formal declaration by our duly elected chief executive that he fully intends to spend the remainder of his hopefully single term as President operating outside of the confines imposed upon that office by our founding documents. There will be some defense offered by the liberals I’m sure, that would state that this was merely a political speech designed to energize his carefully selected and arranged poly chromatic audience. To that I have this reply, he has been living it. He has demonstrated, really since January of 2011 that he feels no compunction at all with handling his official duties as if the Constitution were a mere annoyance to be discarded like a spiritual adviser caught damning America during one of his many recorded sermons espousing the virtues of Black Liberation Theology. He has been busy using executive fiat to create law without the pesky input of the Legislative Branch of our government and has shown repeatedly, absolute contempt for the role of the Judiciary. He has in fact, operated as if he were coronated king rather than inaugurated President.

What I find amusing is how the liberals of our country, including by the way one Barack Hussein Obama, had been relentlessly accusing George w. Bush of doing the same exact thing, without any actual instances to highlight the charge mind you, while they remain eerily silent on the subject while their man literally ignores our founding documents.

George W. Bush was excoriated as a dictator for the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. Whether you agree with those uses of our national defense services or not, there remains one non deniable point of fact. President Bush went to and received from Congress overwhelming bipartisan support for both of those uses of our military. Through out his entire Presidency, he continued to ask for and receive permission from Congress, even after his party lost the majority in both chambers, for continued congressional authorization for everything he did as Commander in Chief of our armed forces. Barack Obama has not yet asked congress for any type of authorization for his usage of our military, which includes by the way major operations in Libya and our role in a coup which occurred there.

Congress refuses to pass cap and trade? No problem for the President who has found executive fiat in his tool chest. All he need do is direct his appointees to declare every single mud puddle from Maine to the Aleutian Islands to be a wetland, declare that there exists some species of mosquito different from all of the rest, and there you have it, cap and trade inflicted upon American businesses with out a single Congressional vote in favor of the new law.

The President’s political side failed to convince sufficient numbers of Americans to agree with the surrender of our national sovereignty by singing the Kyoto accords? Don’t worry, he’ll simply use the Department of Energy as a bludgeon for the prevention of any domestic energy production. So, even though the purpose that having a Department of Energy was sold to the American People was to, “provide a platform for which our domestic energy production would be sufficient to ensure the we would never again be held hostage to the lawless whims of the Arab world,” President Obama has successfully changed that mission, to the point where a federal judge has actually taken the extraordinary step issue a contempt order for his unilateral shut down of drilling in the Gulf. A place by the way where I am still waiting for any actual evidence of any negative environmental impact to emerge. It should also be noted that many other nations are drilling in those and many other of the world’s waterways where our President has shut us down, including Mexico, Cuba, Viet Nam, North Korea, Brazil, Venezuela, Columbia, and even Russia.

This past week, another fiat order was issued and one that was even more disturbing in its application than any of the other edicts issued by the Obama Regime to date. I am speaking of the immigration order pronounced by the Obama Regime. The reason why this one stands out as the most egregious to date is that most Americans agree with his position on this particular issue. It is that fact that makes this so dangerous and perhaps one of the more dangerous aspects of a Presidency which can be argued to be a 4 year attempt to destroy the nation as we all know it.

Let me start here. I am pro immigration. Any one who has spent more than 15 minutes studying economics will tell you quite eloquently, the importance of allowing for an extremely open immigration policy and for allowing further, an extremely friendly free trade policy. The lens of history is crystal clear on this point, our nation’s greatest boom of economic wealth came during a time when we allowed for unfettered immigration into our fold. Anywhere in history, when you see vast increases in per capita wealth, you will also find societies accepting openly any and all comers into their midst. The only time that this truth falters is when social welfare programs are introduced into the mix, and those programs only present a problem, in the context of immigration, when non citizens are allowed to participate in them.

With that being said the, “how he did it,” here is important. Barack Obama proposed this to Congress, and was defeated. Rather than with working with Congress on one of the compromises he promised us while campaigning, our President decided that an end run was in order. More specifically, an end run on one of the precious few issues today where he probably enjoys the support of a majority of our fellow citizens. The President who ran on a platform of Hopety Change, rethinking the way in which our current elected leaders fail so often to work with one another amicably and instead cynically pander to their base and demonize the opposition, took his Presidential toys and went home. Barack Obama promised to put an end to wanton enmity, and further promised that he alone would be able to bridge the gap between disparate factions constantly at war in the world’s greatest deliberative body.

If there were one issue where he should have been able to achieve this lofty goal, or at the very least one issue where he could have laid claim to having achieved this lofty goal, this issue was it. A majority of Americans want to see our immigration issues fixed. Most Americans want people, and in large numbers, to be able to come to America and to be free to participate in the American Dream. No matter if you agree with the policies objectives or not, any objective analysis could not possibly be positive about how it was achieved. Our President met with failure during his first attempt. He then quit. He then threw a temper tantrum and circumvented the Constitution. All on an issue where even the other side wants to see him succeed with this particular piece of legislation. In what possible universe would this square with the promise of the new improved Hopety Change way of reaching past our philosophical differences.

The reason this is so bad is that it establishes a dangerous precedent. He chose this issue as a part of his parade of fiat precisely because he knows that a majority of Americans agree with him on this point. As a matter of fact, his new policy fiat looks an awful lot like legislation offered up by Tea Party favorite, Marco Rubio. So much so in fact that Rubio has been all over the news shows saying as much. So why the end run, when it is pretty obvious that he could get this done easily within the confines on his office as dictated by our Constitution?

Here is where his cynicism really shines through. He picked this precisely because he knew he had broad support, if not in Congress, then in the population at large. What is dangerous here is that he may be allowed to get away with this one. His hope is that since people by and large agree with the adoption of this policy, they will be willing to over look the fact that how it was accomplished is in fact in violation to the laws governing how laws are instituted. In fact, he chose to pass up one of the precious few legislative victories possible for him in order to test the path of executive fiat.

Anyone willing to do that, must me removed from office.

Cross Posted at Musings of a Mad Conservative.



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