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Granny Warren (aka Fauxcahontas) digs herself deeper into a hole during a debate with Scott Brown

by Mojambo ( 148 Comments › )
Filed under Elections 2012 at October 2nd, 2012 - 2:30 pm

My favorite Scott Brown line “I am not a student in your class”.  Also he pointed out that she rails against lower taxes but did not voluntary pay higher taxes herself.  by the way, Granny is not licensed to practice law in Massachusetts and she and her husband have a combined salary of $700,000 (she earned $429,981 at Harvard making Miss Occupy Wall Street a member of the 1%.

by Howie Carr

Does Granny Warren really believe everything she said last night in Lowell?

I mean, this woman is a moonbat’s moonbat. She makes Obama look like a moderate.

Two weeks ago, she was wringing her hands about higher college tuitions. Last night she repeated (or Scott Brown did it for her) that she’s for in-state tuition for illegal aliens — which amounts to free tuition for people in the country illegally. But not for kids from New Hampshire whose parents pay income tax in Massachusetts.

She also supports driver’s licenses for illegal aliens. Professor Warren, how about driver’s licenses for drunken drivers? Why should one class of criminals be discriminated against in favor of another?


Granted, Scott Brown still has the steeper hill to climb. He’s a Republican. He’s also an adult. This woman is untethered from the truth. So were her supporters in the Tsongas Center.

At the start when David Gregory mentioned the fake-Indian controversy, they softly hissed him. How dare he! Then she claimed she didn’t lie for five weeks about not knowing that Harvard was touting her as a “woman of color.”


Hey, maybe this is working for her. Perhaps the state is totally overrun with Kool-Aid drinkers who think the last four years have been great, and that if only we could borrow another $10 trillion from China and add another 15 million to the food stamp rolls….

She’s for Obama’s “jobs bill.” Too bad she wasn’t here in Boston during the ’70s. Did she ever hear of the Comprehensive Employment and Training Act (CETA)? City Hall trained a lot of hacks, for careers in the hackerama. Most of them never worked again.

Her only ammunition is Brown’s votes on all these fake roll-calls. Who’s her trainer, Chuck Schumer? She uses her talking points like a crutch — “millionaires and billionaires” and “subsidies for big oil.”

Big oil made $137 billion in profits last year! And how much did Big Government make in taxes on “Big Oil”? She was so out of gas at the end that she used the word “hammered” again.

Brown at least has new material for every debate. My favorite was when she brought up the “Buffett rule” and he came back with, “We already have a Buffett rule in this state. You can voluntarily pay higher state taxes. She chose not to.”

I’m sure he rehearsed this line too: “Excuse me, I’m not a student in your classroom.”

Granny’s the classic modern Democrat. She can’t even name a Republican she’d work with — at least one who’ll be there in January. To her, the only compromise is when Republicans surrender. She never saw a tax she didn’t want to raise — except her own.

“I’m from here,” Scott Brown said to begin his closing statement.

Yes he is. And Granny is from … Harvard.

Read the rest: Liz digs in deeper hole

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