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Well, Guess What!

by Flyovercountry ( 63 Comments › )
Filed under Media at December 7th, 2012 - 11:30 am

Alternate Title: What Media Bias?

The new jobs report will be out tomorrow, and courtesy of Gallup, this is what it’ll show. Contrary to what those flowery headlines force fed to America over the past two months stated, those idiotic stimulus programs known as the Stimulus and Quantitative Easing are not, “just now beginning to work.” Now that pure statistical fudging is no longer necessary to insure the reelection of the single worst President in our illustrious 239 year history, we have been given the Christmas present of the largest single month spike in unemployment since January of 2009. No sitting President since Franklin Roosevelt has been reelected with unemployment above 8%, so magically, and with the heavy usage of baloney fairy dust, our unemployment number dipped below 8% for October and November just in time for the election of the least qualified man in any room that he enters. Now that the election is over and it is the first week of December, the effects of the baloney fairy dust seem to be wearing off. Once the adjustments are made in two weeks, it’ll be 8.3%.

Will we still get a promise that jobs will be his number one priority again, and assured that his laser like focus will be pointed at, “getting America back to work?” Will jobs be the first thing he thinks about in the morning and the last thought to occupy his mind at night before sleep overtakes him? That is why America reelected this buffoon isn’t it, for his ability to feel empathy with our national plight? I’m sure that while vacationing in Hawaii on our dime, 40 Million of them to be exact, that empathy will be kicking into overdrive.

I find it hard to blame a media that was so in the tank for Barack Obama that they purposefully reported fabrication as fact, spiked stories that would have put some of the sleazier elements of the current administration into focus, or even buried any questions or stories relating to Benghazi, Solyndra, Fast and Furious so deep in their reporting that the vast majority of Americans still have no clue as to what those subjects are about. When push came to shove, America voted en mass for a cult figure rather than on the importance of those issues that exist today. It’s cool to like Obama, even though he has used his Presidency almost exclusively as a platform to attempt the achievement of destroying our Republic.

We here in America have gotten to a point where our reputed rugged individualism is a thing of a distant past, a long forgotten vestige which will fade as an unpleasant memory to be told by a new class of malevolent overlords who bring promises of comfort and pampering but deliver new forms of constant crisis and tyranny. It began in our schools, the Department of Education which began in 1978, under President Carter, a man no one has mistaken for competent. As an illustration for how permanent new forms of government power and scope truly are. Two hugely unpopular pieces of our leviathan, put into place by the most unpopular President of all time, are still with us some 32 years after he had been fired by an America who only took four years to realize the huge mistake they’d made with his election. Suggest ridding ourselves of the Departments of Education and Energy today in public, and take a peek at the reaction you’ll receive. Then you’ll have some clue as to the permanent nature of the damage political shenanigans will have upon our society.

Far more damaging than political shenanigans is a populace that collectively refuses to engage its adult memory. People have found it convenient to blame George W. Bush in particular, and Republicans in general for the credit crisis that is still afflicting our economy. Never mind that this perception is exactly opposite of reality, this crisis was used as the basis for allowing the current administration to pass legislation that made that admittedly harder than most recession even worse than it would have been, had the free markets been allowed to clean up the mess naturally. All of this however is merely academic, as for the first time in my life, the very language of our society belongs not to the values of what made our nation the land of the free and the home of the brave, but to the Socialists who began their takeover from the days of Woodrow Wilson on. confiscation of our private property is now called an investment in our infrastructure and future. Relief of that confiscation has been labeled as something that our government can either afford or not afford. Success has become something to be punished, and no longer admired.

For those of you who doubt how important this cultural battle is, and where we have lost the elections lately, have a peek at something from the California Federation of Teachers. Most of you have undoubtedly seen this already, but bear in mind that this is designed as an elementary educational tool to be used in the classrooms of our most populous state. It was designed for children too young to have any kind of understanding what so ever of the concepts being discussed. It is meant to indoctrinate, from the earliest possible age, a whole generation of children who might have grown up one day and actually threatened the grasp on power now enjoyed by the Marxists who have taken hold of the asylum.

Few things will ever point to the absolute dire situation we find our republic embroiled in as well as this made for elementary school children, “educational,” video does. These people, while being completely unhinged from reality, are now more in the mainstream of American thought than we are. Think about this for a moment. Being right with our arguments on economics and politics is no longer enough. While it may be cathartic to be on the right side of history, that will get us nothing but temporary warm and fuzzy feelings. We have work to do, and that work has to start with conservatives running for and winning seats on every local school board in the nation. We need to get involved, at the local level, with what is being taught in our schools. An accurate view of economics, history, math, science, must become paramount. Conflict resolution, political correctness, and inclusion studies need to be gone. A whole society with skulls filled with mush is a further disaster waiting to continue.

I realize that this essay started as a discussion of how the unemployment rate magically jumped up after the election, just as magically as it dipped just prior to the election. As impressive as that magic was however, the true tragedy was not this lie being perpetrated upon the American people by a lap dog media flexing its own muscles for the nefarious purpose of seeing Barack Obama reelected President. The tragedy was that this obvious lie was bought hook, line, and sinker by 50.6% of American voters. That’s far too many people who completely lack curiosity to have about for the health of any republic, and most especially ours.

Cross Posted from Musings of a Mad Conservative.

Update: The Obama Boom: 146,000 job created in November, Unemployment drops to 7.7%



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