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Marco Rubio pushes trade schools and non-traditional learning

by Phantom Ace ( 8 Comments › )
Filed under Conservatism, Headlines, Republican Party at January 24th, 2013 - 11:39 pm

i may disagree with Rubio on foreign policy, but agree with him on most issues. Realizing that republicans need to push an economic agenda that emphasizes economic opportunity for the middle class, Rubio comes up with a good idea. Instead of emphasizing a 4 year degree in useless degrees like 3rd World Transgender studies, trade school and other forms of learning that will give people a marketable skill.

WASHINGTON — Sen. Marco Rubio delivered a short speech about education on Wednesday, discussing the need to modernize education for a new century and ensure that students receive the skills necessary to succeed in the changing job market.

Speaking at the U.S. Chamber of Commerce as part of a larger event on coordination between the business community and educational institutions, the likely 2016 presidential contender said that a “fundamental obstacle to economic progress is the skills gap that exists in our nation. The fact of the matter is that millions of our people do not have the skills that they need for the 21st century.”


“For the life of me, I don’t understand why we have stigmatized career education in this country,” Rubio said.

This is a great idea by Rubio and one the Republicans should embrace. This not only would help millions of Americans get marketable job skills, but it would assist in weakening the Education Industrial Complex. Kudos to the Senator on this issue. Now if he only stopped parroting John McCain on foreign policy!

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