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In Case You Missed It, We Had Us Another Earth Day

by Flyovercountry ( 90 Comments › )
Filed under Marxism, Progressives, Socialism at May 1st, 2013 - 7:00 pm

Political Cartoons by Eric Allie

Lost in the midst of America being reminded once again that we are embroiled in a war being brought to us by Radical Islam, (which pretty much means about half of all Muslims,) we missed the chance to celebrate the Socialist Dystopian war on affordable energy, known as Earth Day. Of course there were some things that I wanted to mention as a part of the celebration of small doom predicting chickens this year, as an attempt to do my part.

It actually snowed in Cleveland on Earth Day this year. Since last year’s Earth Day, 1 Million more people, many of them small children from the third world, died of Malaria due to the worldwide banning of DDT. Rachel Carson’s book, “Silent Spring,” has been proven to be rife with fraudulent data. This is significant, since it was the basis for the banning of DDT.

The Earth has a long history of warming and cooling trends, and the most recently experienced trend of warming temperatures was no where near the level of extraordinary when considered with other such trends in our planets past. Other such events have been generally matched by periods of expanding wealth and economic growth, and have been good things for the living critters, (including us,) of Planet Earth. Global Warming has never resulted in catastrophe, but in fact the opposite, when ever it has occurred.

Nations with dependable electrical power grids that can supply reliable refrigeration to their populace, generally have life expectancies double those nations without this capability. Without the advancements in farming techniques and the use of genetic manipulations, largely provided by Monsanto, no less than half of the world’s current population would starve to death. Referring to these saviors of man kind as anything other than heroic is just plain stupidity, an arrogant stupidity at that.

The technology that has often been pointed to as something that is polluting our planet is in fact responsible for making it a much cleaner place in which we live. During those halcyon days before we could use diesel powered vehicles to cart our refuse and waste away, man kind lived in his own filth. During the medieval times, large percentages of the human population died from preventable communicable diseases and pestilence, such as the plague. Life expectancies hovered somewhere in the late 20’s or early 30’s, e-coli was the expectation and not the exception. Cities were filthy places where deadly diseases were literally behind and in front of every door.

Most of the complaining about climate change seems to be coming from those places where the weather is perfect nearly all year round. If combating climate change means that I must limit my usage of toilet paper to a level where my personal hygiene suffers or that I have to shovel another inch of snow in order to preserve the bike paths in a place that is several hundred miles from where I live, I have three words to say. Surf’s Up California!

Those CFL light bulbs that the environazi crowd are pushing so heavily upon us may theoretically use less electricity, (this assumption is based on the bulbs in question actually working properly on a steady basis, which they do not,) but if one breaks in your home, the ensuing mercury poisoning and need for a Hasmat Clean Up Crew will teach you quickly how, really, really bad for the environment those damned things actually are. As with many of the ideas of the green crowd, their way of doing things usually is no better for the environment, sometimes actually worse, and always adds unnecessary layers of expense.

Responsibility is never taken for the consequences of their actions, like the deaths of 50 Million people who so far have paid the ultimate price for DDT being eliminated as a pesticide. Consequences you see, are for we little people in flyover country to bear.

Cross Posted from Musings of a Mad Conservative.



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