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“TrafficGate” Isn’t The Reason Why I’ll Not Vote For Chris Christie, Chris Christie Is That Reason All Unto Himself

by Flyovercountry ( 154 Comments › )
Filed under Elections 2016, Progressives, Republican Party at January 16th, 2014 - 7:00 am

We’ve indeed reached a strange and perilous time in our national identity my friends. Let me say up front, I look forward to seeing many of you in the Marxist reeducation camps. The fervent believers out there who agree with the brave march towards our Socialist Worker’s Paradise, I bid you to enjoy your food pellets, those wonderful messages that the chocolate ration has been increased to 20 grams per week from 30, and your never ending war with East Asia.

I could not help but notice that Chris Christie has been accused of purposefully undertaking the single worst act of malfeasance imaginable in the realm of political crime, causing a traffic jam. While I do not ever agree with causing political opponents harm with the full weight and power of one’s political office, let’s place this particular crime in its full context. This bit of nontroversy received generous, nonstop, trumpeted distribution by our main stream media. MSNBC even went the extra mile to give it a full one hour special, in which the entire six seconds worth of actual news about a stolen email in which an aid kinda sorta alluded to possible contemplation of using road construction to bully a political adversary. No where has the aid been shown to have received instruction or permission from anyone else for this heinous act, which has now by the way been given a death toll, something usually reserved for reporting on war or natural disaster.

Now for just a half second’s perspective on this. Anyone who has driven across Pennsylvania can see half of the State’s highways are experiencing traffic disruption, with absolutely zero evidence that any work is being performed, or even being contemplated, complete with those wonderful signs that the whole freaking mess is courtesy of Barack Obama’s Stimulus Program. The answer is yes by the way, the Bamster’s name actually appears on those signs. Now, we’re just getting warmed up in the whole perspective game, so bear with me a little bit.

Let’s just take a little trip down memory lane for a peek into some of the Obama Administration’s shenanigans, which by the way in total, has to date not yet received the same amount of media attention that some lane closures along the New York, New Jersey border has been the beneficiary of. (It’s right about now that the more astute among you might ask, is this the first time in all of recorded history that there has been lane closures in and around the New York, North Jersey area?) Our President has illegally purchased high powered weapons and gifted them to Mexican Drug Lords so that they would be used in high profile crimes. His hope was that the violent crime wave that he fueled would sway public opinion in favor of his abrogation plans for our Second Amendment. In that particular scandal, Two American law enforcement officers sacrificed their lives, all for the political agenda of our 44th President. Eric Holder, our top law enforcement officer, is still ignoring a Contempt of Congress order, for his perjurious statements regarding this scandal. Barack Obama, our President, was implicated in the sale of his Senate Seat using former Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich as a conduit. He fired US Inspector General’s, any of them who had made inquiries into ACORN, even before the O’Keefe videos, (and weren’t those fun,) broke on the Breitbart website. He ordered the arrest of a private citizen, Nakoula, B. Nakoula, for exercising his First Amendment rights by making an anti-Islamic movie. He did this for the sole purpose of deflecting attention from the root cause of the Benghazi incident, his disastrously naive foreign policy, rooted by the way in the preposterous notion that he had eradicated Al Queda. This represented a dark and evil first for our nation, Mr. Nakoula was our very first political prisoner. That little fact can not be stated loudly enough. During this same incident by the way, he managed to hack into the private computer of a CBS reporter, Sharyl Atkinson, and sent his top advisers to any available camera and or microphone with the explicit instructions to lie about the truth of what happened on that night and what his involvement in that incident happened to be.

Barack Obama has repeatedly taken executive fiat to the next level, completely dictating new law and bypassing the checks and balances proscribed by our national charter. He has shirked his constitutional duty as President by selecting previously enacted and signed legislation to not enforce, all based upon his personal whim. This unprecedented power grab by the way is something that every Democrat and his brother had accused previous GOP Chief Executives of undertaking, even though there was zero evidence that this was the case. In the case of Barack Obama, there’s not only the evidence available to prove this, he’s openly bragging about it in his speeches now. Bill Clinton acted as an agent for the current President to offer Joe Sestak a bribe to stay out of the Pennsylvania Senatorial election in 2010. The last time I checked, bribery was a felony, punishable by several years in a federal penitentiary. He violated the war powers act in Libya. He waged a war without congressional approval, and what’s worse, he didn’t even bother with reporting to congressional oversight once the generous 60 day window had passed. He ignored the specific restraints of the U.S. Constitution as well, which specifically states that only our Congress can authorize a declaration of war. He dropped the charges against the New Black Panthers in Philadelphia for voter intimidation, after the prosecution had overwhelmingly proved its case and a guilty verdict had been returned. He continued to pour money into the Solyndra debacle, even after it was made painfully clear that no amount of government largess would save the company. All this by the way so that he could hold his green energy speech from a still opened facility, rather than from one that would have been vacated a couple of weeks prior to his appearance touting that company’s success. Several members of his Administration have been found to have violated the Hatch Act, which prevents government officials from making political endorsements while performing their specific duties related to their positions. Several Government agencies have been caught throwing themselves lavish parties on the tax payers dime, during by the way one of the truly severe recessions experienced since WWII. One of those agencies was the GSA, a part of our bureaucracy tasked with identifying government waste and abuse. Let’s not forget the Pigford Scandal, one that has Barack Obama’s actual fingerprints on it. $50 Billion of tax payers money has been fraudulently disbursed to any Black person who merely claims that they had attempted to farm, whether or not they’d actually ever even seen a farm, as a part of the alleged abuse of the USDA, accused of not purchasing sufficient crops and livestock from Black owned farms in several Southern States. The illicit payments had two effects. One, it was a direct rip off of the taxpayers, as most of the money went to people who were never farmers, nor even dreamed of being farmers, and two, it diluted the payments to those who actually were farmers in the South and may have actually been injured by the USDA. (The case never went to trial, so we’ll never know if our government was guilty or innocent.) This by the way was why Andrew Breitbart was looking into the activities of Shirley Sherrod when that whole kerfuffle blew up.

Kathleen Sebelius has been caught blackmailing several insurance industry executives as a part of the new Obamacare Law, using threatened enforcement of the law as a means to secure political contributions. Eric Holder signed a search warrant to investigate a journalist working for Fox News, James Rosen. In the warrant, Holder went to the lengths of naming Rosen to be a co-conspirator in a case that saw information which proved malfeasance on the part of the Obama Administration leaked to the press. It was also learned as a part of the Rosen investigation, several AP reporters were also targeted and spied upon by the Obama Administration. The President used the IRS to target and harass political adversaries during both the 2010 Midterms and the 2012 Presidential Election. Donors to GOP candidates were audited at a rate that precludes random activity, and conservative PACs were effectively shut down. One of his top IRS appointees, Lois Lerner, actually invoked her Fifth Amendment Rights in lieu of giving testimony.

This last one was made even more troubling this week as the FBI has officially stated that there’s nothing to see here, even though the context of invoking Fifth Amendment rights in lieu of testimony is in itself a declaration that at some level, a crime had in fact been committed. Perhaps this has more to do with a puzzling statement made by the FBI last week, in which the once formidable investigative agency declared that law enforcement was no longer their mission. Apparently you see, in the age of Obama, NASA is no longer a space agency, it is a Muslim Outreach Agency, and the FBI is no longer a crime fighting agency, it is now another spy organization. All of this has happened with nary a peep from our supposedly independent free press.

Don’t take this as a defense of Chris Christie, we’ll get to him soon enough. I just wanted to highlight the collective insanity of our nation, so easily manipulated by the hypocrites feeding us our news. While Chris Christie’s possible, and by the way no where near even connected to it yet, behavior of purposefully slowing down traffic in the jurisdiction of a political foe may rise to the level of creepy, it pales in comparison to the malevolence of the man who should be the most accountable person in our nation. Nobody died because of Richard Nixon’s crimes, which by the way wouldn’t even register as noticeable in today’s world. Barack Obama’s foray into felonious behavior can be directly linked to at least six deaths, all of whom died solely for his political convenience.

Here is why I will not vote for Chris Christie. This particular photograph is from the Sunday prior to the 2012 Election. Bear in mind, before you say what’s wrong with him looking out for his state and his constituents, that the Governor of New York, who experienced the very same hurricane, had the good sense to tell the President, don’t come. “We don’t need the hassle of a Presidential visit on top of all of the other problems that we’re experiencing right now.” I have no time for a turn cloak who purposefully sabotaged the efforts of someone who befriended him and actually gave him a keynote position in his nominating Suarez.

While I applaud Chris Christie’s effort and success in taking on the corrupt and powerful public unions of his state, he is no conservative. His positions on the Second Amendment are something that I would hate to see in the White House. He is a big government nanny state Republican, with the same exact Northern Liberal cred as we’ve seen all to much of recently from the party purportedly on the political right. He will oppose the bulk of the free market principles that are so vitally important to the future success of our nation, (this by the way is my personal pet issue.) He will oppose free trade, and turn the other way in terms of preventing illegal immigration. (Notice those of you about to explode, I emboldened the word illegal, as in legal immigration is something that I believe we should encourage.)

Once again, the Trifecta crew gets it right. Give a listen if you’d like.

Cross Posted from Musings of a Mad Conservative.



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