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Scott Walker Is What The GOP Needs For 2016

by Flyovercountry ( 110 Comments › )
Filed under Republican Party, The Political Right at June 24th, 2014 - 8:14 am

First, I am usually loathe to make an endorsement prior to a majority of the public discourse having been laid out for all to see, but these are unusual times my fellow inhabitants of the worker’s paradise formerly reserved for the free and brave. We need something unusual, and Scott walker is that. He is a Republican Governor of a decidedly blue state, and what’s even more important, he’s not a Rino who ran as a Republican simply to get himself past the crowded Democrat field. He’s as Conservative as they come, and has appeal for the Tea Party base and the Establishment types as well. He’ll be able to unify the party, and will do so without pandering to the populist positions of the past, as we’d seen from Bob Dole, John McCain, Mitt Romney, and of course Chris Christie.

We won’t get the Democrat Lite Pet Issue du jour, national minimum wage indexed to inflation, feel good gun control laws which would do nothing to change what ever horrific event found its way to the daily news cycle in order to scare us, no sitting on a couch with Nancy Pelosi for a common stance on how to combat make believe problems for no other purpose than to appeal to left of center voters, and there will be no pimping out of new entitlement programs or creation of new massive federal agencies or directorates. What would we get from a President Walker? If his performance in Wisconsin is any indication, less government spending, a balanced federal budget, the shrinking of our entitlement culture, someone willing to fight hard against the special interests of the Unions, tax cuts, less federal regulation, and most importantly, someone willing to fight against both the liberal narrative and framing of debate, and someone who will fight against capitulation within his own party. That last point is of major importance.

In the face of opposition, Scott Walker did not fold, he fought back, which is something that has been lacking from the right side of the aisle for quite a long time. He won the election for Governor of Wisconsin, despite the veritable fortune spent by the Unions to defeat him, as did a Republican Majority in their State Legislature and State Assembly. Shocking as it may seem, Walker and the bicameral Legislative Branch of Wisconsin actually went about the business of enacting the agenda upon which they’d campaigned. (A note for those paying attention, they campaigned on a platform of unapologetic conservatism, something which won in bluest of blue Wisconsin.) The Political Left went ballistic, and Wisconsinites were treated to their State Capitol becoming a circus. The Walker reforms were eventually enacted anyhow, and the Political Left, rife with massive amounts of union cash attempted to recall each of the newly elected GOP Legislature members. This of course failed to turn control of the Legislature, despite the Millions poured into it, and the State’s election of a Supreme Court Justice became the next battle ground for the right versus left proxy war. The same hysterical effort was employed, and again Wisconsin broke spending records for a Supreme Court election, in which the union backed candidate lost. Next, Scott Walker faced a recall election, and became the only Governor in U.S. history to defeat such an effort. He not only won, but actually polled a higher percentage of the vote than his initial election. Through it all, Walker himself never once flinched on his positions. He never compromised on his beliefs, and he never capitulated to the please those seeking to have him move to softer more centrist, (meaning tacking to the left,) positions politically. In the face of that, he cut his state’s spending, balanced a budget, refused to hop on the Medicaid expansion bandwagon, cut taxes, instituted deregulation, and maintained his bona fides as an unapologetic eloquent spokes person for free markets, limited governance, and self determination.

I realize that Walker has not announced his desire to run for this office, and currently is engaged in convincing the good people of Wisconsin that he deserves another four years as the top executive of that state. However, if he does run, he’ll have my vote. The left will always tell us who they are afraid of, not with their actual words, which are seldom truthful, but with their deeds. The money spent by the left to defeat Walker is astounding, even more so when all of the aforementioned shenanigans are added together. Busing in professional protesters to Madison during the summer of 2011 must alone have cost a fortune, and then feeding and housing for the duration of that battle, and all of that effort to be soundly defeated in three subsequent elections, that’s got to sting a bit. The recent unsealing of a document, (one that contains not a single scrap of evidence by the way,) and then trumpeting it to the press as if its some sort of revelation, is itself that loud and clear indication that the left is terrified of a Walker candidacy. When they take the destroy at all costs attitude, that’s who they believe can really defeat them. This is a malevolent version of Brer Rabbit begging not to be thrown into the briar patch.

Walker is a straight forward eloquent advocate for the principles that got Reagan twice elected in landslides. He is unapologetic, forceful, and unwavering. He won’t sell out in order to pander, and that more than anything terrifies the other side.

Exit Question: In that game of, “is the Republican crazy, senile, evil, or stupid,” which one will Scott Walker get?

Cross Posted from Musings of a Mad Conservative.



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