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You Isolationist Pig!

by coldwarrior ( 176 Comments › )
Filed under Economy, Open thread at August 11th, 2015 - 8:30 am

Rain of Lead got me with the headline:

China Rattles Markets With Yuan Devaluation

Or, China just drove down wages.

Part of the agreement that goes with free trade treaties is that governments don’t do what China just did to their currency. See, when you devalue your currency you export unemployment and import inflation. ‘Beggar Thy Neighbor’ or ‘Competitive Devaluation’ . See, Free Trade deals are based on free floating currencies where you r partners don’t export their unemployment to you.


Seriously, I know they quit teaching economics in school so that the rulers can pull the wool over the eyes of the rubes. ‘You aren’t a conservative if you aren’t for free trade!’ goes the mantra. Sadly, a whole lot of economic illiterate ‘conservatives’ buy that nonsense. Ha! Suckers! Your jobs get exported overseas and ya still hold onto that chant: ‘You can’t be a conservative if you aren’t for Free Trade agreements.

Well, sunshine, what we agree to isn’t what Adam Smith was talking about. We sign up for what Adam Smith was talking about, then our trade partners go down the economic nationalism path. This causes jobs to get exported for America.


Have you ever noticed that the ‘conservatives’ who are for Free Trade Deals are never in position that can be exported overseas? The talking heads, politicians, and such just love this stuff because it keeps wages low, unemployment up and in their short sightedness prevents real economic growth here in America. How is that conservative to sell out your own economy and countrymen?

So tell me, how is it conservative to be a SUCKER?



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