I love court shows. Not the Dick Wolfe “Law and Order in Your SUV” (t/m Rush) but the small claims variety – Judge Judy, The People’s Court. On my occasional day off, I tend to check them out (I don’t do the DVR of these; they end up piling up in the memory because I have no interest in watching them when I get home from dealing with “real cases, real litigants who have filed an action in a court of law.” Because those “real litigant” guys are generally a pain in the a**.
The only possible explanation anyone could have for coming on these shows are one of two: (1) the show gives you a free trip to L.A. or New York and pays your judgment, if any (thereby teaching you NOTHING about personal responsibility) or (2) your chance to act like a lawyer on national television. Because these are essentially small claims cases and in most states, lawyers are not permitted to represent litigants. Some states, like New York, allow the DEFENDANT the services of a lawyer; if you’re the plaintiff, good luck.
These cases fall into general categories – Loans, Cell phones, Messy Tenants. Oh, and Fender Benders. In each of these, the ones who are there for their Perry Mason moments look foolish.’
1. Loans. Usually this is a woman who has continually lent her now ex-boyfriend a considerable sum of money over a period of time. Okay, if you start dating a guy and after two weeks he starts telling you his money problems, walk don’t run to the nearest exit. Because you’re about to get tapped. Repeatedly. First it’s a new tire. Then his TV set is on the fritz – and oh, he can’t make his car payment. And the loan amount keeps increasing. But there is no payment. When asked why you continually loaned him money, you’re response is that you TRUSTED him – oh, and that he said he’d pay your back when he got his tax return. Yeah, honey, when it’s July, that tax return has come and gone. By now, the amount he owes you is so great that he needs to break up with you – a move which makes him believe he is absolved of all responsibility since “we were a couple, your honor.” Oh and the excuse for not paying is that “well, I did things for her too. I washed her car…..” This is only useful if you’re also planning to wash all the cars of the employees of PG&E in return for payment of the electric bill that she wasn’t able to pay because she helped you catch up on your rent. One judge told the victim – “you kept lending him money even after he failed to pay you back. YOU have to accept some responsibility for being an idiot.”
2. Cell Phones. Also usually a woman getting either her boyfriend or her good friend a cell phone on HER plan. This is to help out because they are unable to get their own cell phone due to – get ready for it – bad credit. And in our modern society, a cell phone is essential – ask Obama – he made sure everyone in America who voted for him had one and that you, as a responsible cellular consumer, paid for it. And of course, the “friend” isn’t going to want the cheap smart phone from LG or Motorola – no, no, they’re going to want that top of the line Samsung or iPhone that can conveniently be financed in 30 monthly payments – on YOUR bill, which also commits you to at least a two-year contract. And when said friend doesn’t come through with paying the monthly charges said line accumulates, YOU are on the hook for it. Sure you can de-activate the line – but now you get to pay for the cost of the phone and the remainder of the contract. The friend’s excuse is usually along the lines of “I never saw a bill.” But in the end the Judge asks the plaintiff – “What part of they had bad credit and therefore couldn’t get a phone didn’t send up a red flag for you?
3. Messy Tenants. Actually, these are two varieties – the pig who leaves the rented property a filthy mess and the landlord has had to evict them for past-due rent or landlords who are holding security deposits because they really don’t want to give them back. These are the ones I really love, because one side or the other customarily makes a great show of handing up to the bench the state or municipality’s codes on housing. Of course, when you Google “law regarding….” it gives you one code section. It doesn’t give you the other code sections that mitigation or define. “Here your honor – I present to you (with appropriate flourish) a copy of California Civil Code 189.0, which states that I only have to give them 30 days’ notice!” And if you’d read further, idiot, you’d see that that subsection 189.0(f) stated that if they had occupied the dwelling for more than a year, you needed to give 60 days notice.
One of my all-time favorite Civilian Barrister moments is the The Dick Van Dyke Show; the one where Rob goes to small claims court over four pillows. Pillows. And he then proceeds to utilize every Perry Mason expression imaginable. Especially “if it please the court.” Happily I found it on YouTube, and what the hell – watch (or even just listen) while you’re in front of the monitor (and see if you can catch the reference to “The Defenders: (for those of us over 50) in the process: (Hint – fast forward to the courtroom scenes – they really are priceless). And as always, this is your open thread for Sunday, so please – let’s have some fun!
The best lawyer ever, Attorney Jackie Chiles!
Now that she’s graduated from high school, Ally Venable is finally able to play some shows outside of the Gulf Coast area. This is frome the Iridium in NYC last week:
Jackie Chiles gets very creative with law suit basis. But the wrong client.
@ doriangrey:
Thanks for the thread Barbarian. My hubby watches Judge Judy & Marilyn Millian (sp) every day. Both judges are smart, funny, and pull no punches. Judge Judy is freer with the word ‘moron’ and other descriptors. Where she tones herself down completely is when she has children as part of the case. She’s very gentle with them
Judge Millian is Cuban by origin. Her family is in Construction, and she has dealt with all kinds of trades growing up. That kind of knowledge comes in very handy for the cases she gets. She’s a no bs person, but she tends to use humor.
Barbarian, I don’t remember “The Defenders”. I still laugh that they had to show a married couple in double beds.
Is this supposed to be a threat?
“If they do not treat [us] well commercially, they should not expect us to treat them well by containing the migration that comes from other regions of the world and crosses Mexico,” Guajardo said.”
“We will defend all the migrants in the American continent and all the migrants in the world,” Obrador said. “Immigrants must leave their towns and find a life in the United States.” Declaring it “a human right we will defend.”
Current estimates are around 10,000. However, the South American group is expected to hook up with an organized group of approximately 40,000 Mexicans in the next few days and reach the U.S. border near election week with well over 50k people total.
(I hooked several different tweets from CTH together)
Guajardo is something like the Minister of Economy and he belongs to the International Revolutionary Party.
Obrador is Mexico’s President-elect.
@ eaglesoars:
Sounds like a threat to me.
@ eaglesoars:
Living in the US is a “human right” now?
My folks watch Judge Judy. Whenever they have had it on while I’m visiting, I just shake my head. People really can’t be that stupid, can they?
lobo91 wrote:
But I thought we are racist and bigoted, where the top 1% oppress the bottom 99%. Why would anyone want to come here?
Calo, Yep Pupusa ladies are still here.
However, I think the testosterone fueled crazy person is got a problem.
He is growing lots of fur….
@ AZfederalist:
Why would people cross deserts and rivers to get away from their home country, only to protest in the streets while waving that same country’s flag?
Calo, last time we met you never noticed that I had so much hair on me I should have been swinging from a tree and throwing bananas at you.
@ lobo91:
I came here in 1998 via British Airways and I shut the fuck up and sat the fuck down and enjoy the American way of life.
Possum wrote:
Pretty much what millions of others did over the centuries (aside from the airplane part)
AZfederalist wrote:
FREE STUFF. Subnormal IQ entitlement brought to you by Marxist Dictatorship of the Proletariat.
@ lobo91:
I invaded the USA Business Class. Champagne and a shrimp dinner.
But then I had to do a shit load of paperwork to be able to stay here.
My greatest prized possession is my Green Card.
Most American Citizens coulld not get one. LOL
lobo91 wrote:
Yep. And most started with nothing. No free anything. The invaders have been told they can jump to the head of the line. Here they do get preference. It is a lie based on fraud, and it is coming unglued.
yenta-fada wrote:
I thought that was just Trudy’s eyebrow
@ yenta-fada:
I heard an interesting stat yesterday on tour at Texas A&M nursing school .
They are offering new grad nurses a 30k bonus to work along the Texas border hospitals for 1year.
That 30k is in addition to their salary.
Which tells me, the border towns in Texas are still shitholes to live in because of the migrant invaders.
Well, let’s see. Warren did the Red October torpedo thing with her little DNA stunt. Now it looks like Spartacus Booker may take it in the hull with allegations that he followed some guy into the men’s room (at the airport in Atlanta I think) and propositioned him.
We don’t need no stinkin’ evidence, either.
I think that’s the new rule
Calo wrote:
I’m betting there are some infectious diseases there that are being kept under wraps
yenta-fada wrote:
i grew up with a ton of serb, italian, and eastern europeans. my friend’s grand parents were the ones off the boat. vcame here to work in the mills, mines, and rail road.
one example, the grandfather landed in new york and bought a train ticket west, he had enough money to get here. got hired on the rail road. now…the family is massive and great, successful people. his funeral was something to behold.
@ yenta-fada:
I came to the USA in 1998 to start a business. Invested over $100,000 and employed two US Citizens.
Business failed after a year but at least I tried.
Should have climbed over the fence would have got me here for free.
( Possums are scared of heights. Should have come via a tunnel )
@ Possum:
do you ever get ‘homesick’?
eaglesoars wrote:
Every time my friend and I have a stupid fight.
When fight is over I become a Texan again.
Not ashamed to admit it. My home is where my heart is. And my heart is where my home is.
Also a couple of cats are kind of messing up my heart and my home thing, but you get the idea,
Living where we do, we know so many people who have left their homelands, sometimes permanently, sometimes unwillingly, and I just cannot imagine.
Our neighbors are from Nepal. They thought after they got their kids, raised as Americans, off to college, they’d go home again, knowing their children would be off to the best start in the world.
Then the earthquake. Shiva went home to check on his mom, etc. He just cried. “I can never go home again, it’s all gone”. His mom died w/in a year.
Calo wrote:
Well, maybe I should apply to work in ER there.
ER technician, I can operate and maintain all the equipment used in an ER or an OR
Also my special skill is catching student nurses when they pass out and prevent them from fracturing their skulls on the ER floor.
Yep Possum been there for three years.. You get to KNOW when a student is “going down ”
I enjoyed that time in my life….
I do not think Calo worked in OR much.
I did for three years.
In an OR we talk with our eyes.
Maybe CW understands.
@ Possum:
As I told the daughter yesterday, OR nurses are just glorified paper pushers to verify the counting of stuff that happen in OR.
@ Calo:
In my day OR nurses assisted the surgeons, passed them the tools, and in some cases sewed up the patient at the end of the procedure.
My job was to assist the anesthetist, transfer the patient to the operating table and be the gofer. (Gofer blood, Gofer plasma, gofer the resus cart, gofer the mop and bucket at the end of the operation)
That was 30 years ago.
I remember one incident where I made a mistake one night at the start of an emergency open heart surgery. I got really seriously yelled at. I almost lost my job
I hope the heart surgeon that tried to get me fired died a long, slow death from kidney failure
@ Calo:
And Calo, I told you….
I want her to be what I never was.
OR does not need brilliant surgeons that know biochemistry and phsycology and human growth development.
AN OR needs ARTISTIC people, some one with a steady hand and skills.
CW may disagree, but I would rather be sewn up by someone that had sewing skills than some asshole that had 12 PHds and couldn’t tie his sho laces .
Calo, If she can stomach it ER is the place to be.
That is where I hung out on night shift while on standby for OR.
You do not know what is coming next.
@ Calo:
30k in hazard pay is too much hazard. Who could have imagined open borders for parasites and high taxes for the productive? Bass ackwards. The brainwashed are stuck in the past.
@ Possum:
She will figure out where she is meant to be on her clinical rotations.
Last night we were looking up military scholarships for nurse anesthetists and nurse practitioners to file away for future use.
@ Calo:
My number one regret in life.
I went to medical school.
I could have gone there as a lieutenant in the Royal Navy. All tuition paid.
The lady in my life at the time did not want me to do that.
So I did not.
First big mistake I ever made in my life.
@ yenta-fada:
“”30k in hazard pay is too much hazard.””
I agree,Yenta. I’d rather her live around the Med Center of Houston after obtaining her degree, for no bonus rather than in a border town.
@ Calo:
We get her the RN thingy.
Then she can work anywhere.
No pressure…
@ eaglesoars:
Check yer email.
Hey I have real skills!
Anyone have a PDP11/05 /15 /35 /45/55 that needs fixing?
How about a PDP11/04 /34/44
Don’t even mention the LSI 11/03 /23/ 73 and the amazing LSI 11/21 Falcon.
Oh by the way I have VAX 11/730 750 780 785 skills.
Not to mention VAX 8600 and Vax 8650
But, my one and true love is PDP11/70 she was an awesome machine.
As long as you made sure the fans under her cache were at least five bladed, and working.
@ Possum:
I miss the old days….
@ Possum:
It was nice chatting with you again, Possum.
Get some sleep, make an appointment with the doc tomorrow about your difficulties.
@ Calo:
I like talking to you.
Yes I will make an appointment with a “Doctor” tomorrow. But I know what is wrong.
It is going to cost me all the money I have to get it mended, and if I WAS Boris it would cost $60
LOL going to the humane society place tomorrow. Pretending to be a cat.
Nuts removed, Rabies shot all for $60 but they will clip my right ear.
Amazon Prime is great.
In the last 6 weeks I have watched Thunderbirds and Boch
Currently watching The man in the high castle.
It is tough going… boring… but…
alexa davalos is a really hot chick!
Blue eyed, brown hair and a chin dimple.
I am strange.
karma, she is a bitch
rain of lead wrote:
Made this comment at WZ:
It really doesn’t matter whether she really had a husband who died 9/11 or not. What is important is that the Antifa goon believed she did and behaved in a totally inappropriate manner and was only forced to back down when confronted by someone more powerful than he.
Dear Lord, a prayer.
All the creatures on earth are your creatures.
Tonight I got a new air mattress because my old one got multiple leaks due to your creatures pouncing on it.
So, God, Lord, whoever you are. Can you please request the creatures that you created ( Named Boris and Natasha ) stop pouncing on my bed!!!!
Thank you.
@ AZfederalist:
yah that guy was a bully. I probably wouldn’t fire him. I’d demote him. Put him on a three person work crew sweeping floors. Publish the story in the company magazine.
@ Possum:
I liked Boesch. Lot of stuff there.
darkwords wrote:
The author was the Executive Producer on the series. I liked the earlier Bosch books better than Connelly’s later efforts. e.g. “The Concrete Blonde” Bosch is a great character.
From ‘The other McCain:
The connection between the American midterm election and the northbound caravan of Honduran migrants is probably not a coincidence, although liberals in the media will scream “conspiracy theory” at any Republican who points this out. If your cynical hunch is that the latest “refugee” crisis has been manufactured by the Left as an election-year propaganda effort, however, you’re not alone. A Google search for the terms “Soros + Honduras + caravan” turned up nearly 300,000 results Friday. You don’t have to be paranoid to suspect that billionaire George Soros is paying the bills whenever you see any allegedly spontaneous “grassroots” activism on behalf of Democrats. When a left-wing activist was arrested last week for assaulting the female campaign manager for Nevada GOP gubernatorial candidate Adam Laxalt, it turned out the suspect was on the payroll of American Bridge 21st Century, an organization funded by — you guessed, didn’t you? — George Soros.
work in the ER
that is where all the fun starts, every other floor is just a sequel
Possum wrote:
Haaa, my number one regret in life… Is learning how to play the damned guitar.
coldwarrior and I have talked at length about why I (according to him) should have gone into medicine instead. He is probably correct (he usual is) that I would have made a Great Doctor. Well, except for the passing out at the sight of blood thing.
Ok, I don’t actually pass out at the sight of blood. I could never be a doctor for a different reason. cold and I have also discussed this at great length. I get way to personally/emotionally involved in people to be a doctor.
I could never take losing a patient. It would kill me. I cannot even comprehend how people in the medical field do it. Sometimes cold calls me after he has had a rough night. We talk for hours, and it absolutely breaks my heart what he goes through on those nights.
I cannot even remotely grasp where people like Coldwarror or Calo find the strength to go back day after day knowing that they will have bad days. Cold tells me it is because saving a life makes up for it. I just don’t see it.