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Mayday Greetings, 2019

by coldwarrior ( 76 Comments › )
Filed under Economy, History, Open thread at May 1st, 2019 - 9:03 am

I will dispense with the Soviet National Anthem this year as the ‘Revolution’ is already upon us. The Democrat Party has gone full blown socialist. Remember your Marx and Engels, capitalism->socialism->communism. They say that the revolution cannot occur unless there is capitalism first to build into socialism and then communism.

The end goal is the dictatorship of the proletariat. Hayek reminds us that this dictatorship will inevitably end in the removal and destruction of personal freedom as does an autocracy. What occurs is that the complete monopolization of power then resides in a bureaucratic elite, a ‘Nomenklatura’, whose right to rule over all can never be questioned as they are the vanguard of the revolution. There can be no opposition to the elite.

Right now, a former barmaid thinks that she is the vanguard of the revolution. This is laughable on its face. She is but a tool of what has always been there. Her job is to trot out the ridiculous and make them topics for discussion; this is a softening up, to use military parlance. She is a clown placed there to take the initial flak for these outrageous ideas. The vanguard of the revolution, according to Lenin, are professional revolutionaries who are completely committed to communism as the end goal.

Dictatorship does not necessarily mean the abolition of democracy for the class that exercises the dictatorship over other classes; but it does mean the abolition of democracy (or very material restriction, which is also a form of abolition) for the class over which, or against which, the dictatorship is exercised.
— V. I. Lenin

OH, ok, why not

I couldn’t help myself.


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76 Responses to “Mayday Greetings, 2019”
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  1. eaglesoars
    1 | May 1, 2019 9:37 am

    Her job is to trot out the ridiculous and make them topics for discussion; this is a softening up, to use military parlance. She is a clown placed there to take the initial flak for these outrageous ideas.

    like this one?

    Sen. Gillibrand has unveiled a plan to give every voter up to $600 in what she calls “Democracy Dollars” that they can donate to federal candidates for office.

    Dinesh D’Souza tried something like that and they threw his ass in jail. Altho’ I think Gillibrand’s idea would fall under ‘money laundering’ and not ‘straw man’

  2. 2 | May 1, 2019 12:32 pm

    @ eaglesoars:

    I met Jellybrain when she showed up here for a “reception” (*cough* fundraiser) for Cankles at my San Francisco office.

    She is, quite literally, one the STUPIDEST women I have ever met. She is a walking Blonde Joke.

    Barr is doing some serious ass-kicking at the Senate I hear.

  3. eaglesoars
    3 | May 1, 2019 1:17 pm

    The Barbarian wrote:

    She is, quite literally, one the STUPIDEST women I have ever met.

    She is also a pathological liar and I’m not exaggerating. Her ‘tell’ is – she flutters her eyelashes.

    Barr played with Sheldon Whitehouse like a cat w/a mouse.

    ” ‘spying’ isn’t a commonly used term” sez good ole Whitehouse, trying to head off a headline about how Barr is opening investigations into Obama spying on Trump.

    “It’s commonly used by me” sez Barr

    Barr had to remind one of them that Mueller reports to HIM,not the other way around. So, basically, too effing bad if Mueller is unhappy w/his press, he can piss up a rope and try to stand downstream.

    But the best part – for me – is when he said that if there was never any intent to make the call on a prosecutable offense, the investigation never should have happened.

    The guy is unflappable.

  4. eaglesoars
    4 | May 1, 2019 1:24 pm

    I think this may end up being important. Ben Sasse asked Barr to explain who Deripaska is

    Barr said he’d rather not, not in an open hearing.

    See, IIRC my scum senator Warner had a back channel open with that guy.

  5. 5 | May 1, 2019 2:30 pm

    @ eaglesoars:

    Apparently Barr also mentioned that they were doing to do some serious investigation into the LEAKS that were supposedly coming out of the FBI, DOJ and SC’s office. I have a feeling Schiffty, No-Nads and a few people in the MSM,not to mention Brennan and Clapper, are getting pretty damn worried right about now. Schiffty always said he had the “evidence” of collusion and yet NO ONE in the MSM is asking him since the release of the Mueller report where the hell it is. Maybe Schiffty thinks it lives in all those redactions.

  6. eaglesoars
    6 | May 1, 2019 2:49 pm

    The Barbarian wrote:

    Schiffty always said he had the “evidence” of collusion

    hook his ass up to a polygraph

  7. eaglesoars
    7 | May 1, 2019 2:53 pm

    James Comey: Trump eating the souls of Barr, Rosenstein

    yeah, I think Rosenstein is going to end up a white-hat guy

  8. eaglesoars
    8 | May 1, 2019 3:17 pm

    Well, if Barr and Mueller were friends before this, I don’t think they are now.

    Barr said the letter was ‘snitty’ and one of his aides probably wrote it (read “Weismann”)

    DaNang Dick “May we see your notes on the phone call”

    Barr: No.

    Why not?

    Why should you?

    This was fun. I think Miss Lindsey had more fun than anybody

  9. 9 | May 1, 2019 3:48 pm

    Apparently they aren’t going to call Mueller in front of the Senate, which leaves it to the House.

    Personally, while I realize he was inevitably ineffective in follow up POST hearing, I personally would enjoy the Republicans requesting Trey Gowdy to grill Mueller on their behalf.

    Although depending on the Committee, Jim Jordan may get him pretty good. And he should give Trey a call and get some questions and follow-ups.

  10. eaglesoars
    10 | May 1, 2019 5:44 pm

    Sounds like Barr just told the House to piss off. He’s not testifying.

  11. 11 | May 1, 2019 6:13 pm

    @ eaglesoars:

    They want him interrogated by “staff lawyers.” This is the Attorney General of the United States, you jerks — You don’t send out some bottom third of the class in law school to question him.

    After watching the way he decimated those Judiciary Committee Democrats today, they don’t want to be made to look like the bigger fools they are. So they say “we’ll have our Committee lawyers question you” which is pretty much an insult. Barr says “no” and of course they’ll make hay out it, and their willing cohorts in the media will push the narrative. And Schiffty doesn’t want Barr looking at him saying “and yes, I’m going to be investigating the leaks that came out of that investigation, since you seem to have been the recipient of many of them.

  12. eaglesoars
    12 | May 1, 2019 6:22 pm

    The Barbarian wrote:

    which is pretty much an insult.

    Is the insult the point or is there something else going on?

  13. 13 | May 1, 2019 7:25 pm

    @ eaglesoars:

    I should think they insulted Barr by saying he isn’t worth THEIR very important Congressional time to question so they’ll let their flunkies do it. Barr, because it is an insult, says “pound sand, you question me or I don’t appear. I’m not some second-year AUSA being called up to the Hill.”

    House asshats then claim Barr is in breach of their subpoena – wouldn’t surprise me if they try to “censure” him (payback for AG Meerkat in Fast and Furious) and claim he’s trying to hide something. And the MSM cohorts will gleefully report it.

    After all, they were reporting the Mueller (read: Weissman) letter to Barr completely wrong.

  14. eaglesoars
    14 | May 1, 2019 7:44 pm

    @ The Barbarian:

    ah, a ploy to lead to censure. got it. (‘meerkat’- HA!)

    I was watching Swalwell on McCallum and realized he reminds me of Poindexter, the guy Barbie wouldn’t touch with a barge pole, besides she was dating Ken.

  15. lobo91
    15 | May 1, 2019 8:24 pm

    Dem Alabama State Rep On Abortion: “Some Kids Are Unwanted,” So “Kill Them Now Or Kill Them Later”

    Alabama State Rep. John Rogers (D) on abortion: “Some kids are unwanted, so you kill them now or you kill them later. You bring them in the world unwanted, unloved, you send them to the electric chair. So, you kill them now or you kill them later”

  16. RIX
    16 | May 1, 2019 8:47 pm

    lobo91 wrote:

    Dem Alabama State Rep On Abortion: “Some Kids Are Unwanted,” So “Kill Them Now Or Kill Them Later”

    Alabama State Rep. John Rogers (D) on abortion: “Some kids are unwanted, so you kill them now or you kill them later. You bring them in the world unwanted, unloved, you send them to the electric chair. So, you kill them now or you kill them later”

    What a soulless mother. F****er

  17. eaglesoars
    17 | May 1, 2019 9:30 pm

    @ lobo91:
    @ RIX:

    For somebody who would have been a prime target of Margaret Sanger and her ilk back in the day, you’d think he would have given that one some thought

  18. eaglesoars
    19 | May 1, 2019 9:56 pm

    @ yenta-fada:

    yeah, I think the yellow vest types have been overtaken/infiltrated. I don’t know what to wish for tho. Should Germany invade or not?


  19. eaglesoars
    20 | May 1, 2019 10:09 pm

    @ yenta-fada:

    what is this I’m hearing about Alberta turning off the oil taps to B.C.? Can they do that? Why do they want to?

  20. eaglesoars
    21 | May 1, 2019 10:35 pm

    8 years ago today we killed bin laden

    it is also Holocaust Memorial day (I think based on the first day of the Warsaw Ghetto uprising, not sure)

    now I’m off to bed. nite.

  21. Deplorable Martian Overlord
    22 | May 1, 2019 11:06 pm

    Welp, tomorrow my moron governor announces his campaign finance scam/presidential run.

  22. yenta-fada
    23 | May 1, 2019 11:10 pm

    eaglesoars wrote:

    @ yenta-fada:

    what is this I’m hearing about Alberta turning off the oil taps to B.C.? Can they do that? Why do they want to?

    I’m hardly an oil expert. B.C. gets gas and oil that come down from Alaska, among other places. B.C. has had a socialist government who collaborates in shutting down oil pipelines that would allow access to B.C. ports and export their oil to other countries. Trudeau and arm and arm with the UN and gets paid very well for that. He HATES Canadians who are not French or in line with a radical agenda. He is a Marxist tyrant who is (to use Buzzsaw’s old term) ‘Revanchist. People are waking up to his incompetence and some of his Quebec elitist Corporations. They have not realized his utter contempt for Canada and the pleasure that he gains at demeaning people.

    Alberta is busy fighting Ottawa and its decades of corruption, theft, and special treatment. I’m not sure they want to get into scrabbles with B.C.

  23. yenta-fada
    24 | May 1, 2019 11:12 pm

    Deplorable Martian Overlord wrote:

    down oil pipelines that would allow access to B.C. ports and export

    We all need a happier hobby. But…addicted.

  24. yenta-fada
    25 | May 1, 2019 11:17 pm

    eaglesoars wrote:

    @ yenta-fada:

    yeah, I think the yellow vest types have been overtaken/infiltrated. I don’t know what to wish for tho. Should Germany invade or not?


    For sure I’ve seen vids of muslims in yellow vests harassing Jews. Of course Antifa and others who just want things to burn don’t find it hard to don a yellow vest. The Germans need to take their own country back from Angela’s invaders.

  25. yenta-fada
    26 | May 1, 2019 11:22 pm

    @ yenta-fada:

    Apologies for multiple typos. I forget what a lousy typist I’ve become. Grammar seems to have suffered as well, but I still talk pretty. 🙂

  26. yenta-fada
    27 | May 1, 2019 11:37 pm

    eaglesoars wrote:

    @ yenta-fada:

    what is this I’m hearing about Alberta turning off the oil taps to B.C.? Can they do that? Why do they want to?

    Here’s the actual article about turning off the taps to B.C.

    It was an election promise. Note they are not intending to do it so quickly, but want to have some leverage with the Marxists in Lotus Land. Central and Northern B.C. are more conservative.

  27. yenta-fada
    28 | May 1, 2019 11:58 pm

    eaglesoars wrote:

    8 years ago today we killed bin laden

    it is also Holocaust Memorial day (I think based on the first day of the Warsaw Ghetto uprising, not sure)

    now I’m off to bed. nite.

    Blog comment:

    “And our environmentalist prime minister is burning jet fuel to Toronto today for the Holocaust Remembrance Day ceremony. He is taking along his immigration minister, because who loves the Jews more than a Somali muslim.”

    See, that’s tone deaf, it’s in your face. Just like Obambi’s shoes up on the desk in the Oval Office. Open disrespect that no one is allowed to criticize.

  28. yenta-fada
    29 | May 2, 2019 12:01 am

    @ yenta-fada:

    Previous boo boo ‘NOT tone deaf’. *sigh* I can double the comments by correcting my mistakes, so I’ll prolly just stop doing it.

  29. yenta-fada
    30 | May 2, 2019 3:49 am

    Insomnia edition. Appears that they are going after Nellie Ohr.

  30. yenta-fada
    31 | May 2, 2019 3:52 am

    AOC happy meme meme.

    “I just got back the scores from my I.Q. Test, and the results are negative!!!” 🙂

  31. rain of lead
    32 | May 2, 2019 6:45 am

    morning y’all

    man, may is a super busy month here
    I have a birthday this month (54)
    an anniversary (33)
    an all-star archery tournament for the girl
    the nationals tournament as well
    she closes out her sophmore year at school
    and she has staff training for summer camp

    just not enough hours in the day or days in the week

  32. eaglesoars
    34 | May 2, 2019 9:43 am

    Deplorable Martian Overlord wrote:

    Is this important or just more noise?

    It’s more than noise, but not a bombshell. It fills some ‘how’ and ‘when’ holes that people have been trying to fill in.

    Nellie Ohr was never an employee/contractor for the FBI. She was employed as a contractor by the CIA to research Russia. I wonder if she shared product the CIA paid her for with the FBI – for free, because “Hi, Honey!”. That would get her ass fired quick.

  33. 35 | May 2, 2019 10:04 am

    @ eaglesoars:

    The comment I saw on her yesterday was that she practically had her own DESK at the FBI/DOJ.

    I think the Democrats are starting to get VERY worried about the outcome of the investigation in the “Collusion” of the Obama Administration and the Clinton Campaign and the genesis of the Russia investigation, and the fact that Barr saw enough in the Mueller report to disturb him about the necessity for it in the first place. Also the leaks are going to come under scrutiny. And that is not good for those Democrat dirtbags in Congress and the media.

    So what to do, what to do. Easy – get ahead of the narrative by smearing, slandering and belittling the Attorney General who is requesting it. That hearing yesterday was nothing more than the Democrats wanting an opportunity to disparage the character of the AG that is now coming after them. They could give a crap about collusion – that ship has sailed. And they have no case for obstruction – sure they’re clinging to that “Trump wouldn’t sit for an interview” but frankly if Mueller’s request for Trump statements came AFTER he knew there was no collusion – which I believe it did – then that request for an interview was nothing more than a perjury trap. Weissman’s stock in trade.

  34. eaglesoars
    36 | May 2, 2019 10:28 am

    @ The Barbarian:

    I want to see what they do to discredit Mueller. Barr is a sideshow, he isn’t responsible for clearing Trump of collusion.

    The OTHER trap is going to come out of SDNY. Also, I saw the other day that Judge Sullivan allowed a case to go forward against Trump that uses the emoluments clause.

    So it’s a lot of nothing but they can always say “Well, there are x number of investigations going on, that must mean something”.

    SDNY is going to be interesting as that involves real estate and Russia. If it follows the story line that’s been thrown at me on twitter, it will start w/money laundering Putin’s dirty money.

    The way it works is that these Russian mafia types that Putin allowed to make money bought units at Trump Towers for more than the market value in order to launder the money. Trump knew and ‘allowed’ it. Whether they did or didn’t I have no idea.

    The thing is, Trump doesn’t own Trump Towers. Trump doesn’t own a lot of buildings with his name on them. Trump owns the NAME. He may own some of the restaurants, a couple of condo units, etc., in individual bldgs., but generally, he doesn’t own the stuff.

    So he could not have profited by selling and/or operating properties he doesn’t own.

    This should be fun.

  35. eaglesoars
    37 | May 2, 2019 10:31 am

    The Barbarian wrote:

    if Mueller’s request for Trump statements came AFTER he knew there was no collusion –

    Mueller knew there was no collusion w/in 2 months. I want my $25 million back.

  36. AZfederalist
    38 | May 2, 2019 10:56 am

    eaglesoars wrote:

    Mueller knew there was no collusion w/in 2 months. I want my $25 million back.

    $25M would have financed at least a couple of critical advanced DoD development programs. That would have benefited the country.

  37. 39 | May 2, 2019 10:59 am

    A judge allowing a case to go forward isn’t all that unusual. Granting a dismissal motion allows for immediate appeal. If the 2nd Circuit grants, it will start the process all over again. We had a case where the judge granted dismissal twice and the 9th Circuit reversed twice. The third time we let the process play out through discovery and then filed a motion for summary judgment, which was granted. Plaintiffs took the appeal, and this time the 9th denied, because the record was now clear they had no case. Judge may very well be doing the same thing here.

    They will get nowhere on emoluments, but I see the Congress is gearing up to pitch that ridiculous idea again as well. If there was anyone who violated the emoluments clause, it was Hillary Clinton, who was scarfing up donations to her foundation and selling future Presidential access.

  38. 40 | May 2, 2019 11:00 am

    Looks like the House Democrats are ranting against an empty chair where Barr was supposed to sit and be grilled by their third-tier law school graduate staffers.

    Frankly, No-Nads, Clint Eastwood did it better.

  39. eaglesoars
    41 | May 2, 2019 11:10 am

    The Barbarian wrote:

    Judge may very well be doing the same thing here.

    Sullivan is a good judge. As soon as I saw his name I thought “Oh, here’s the ‘Go hang yerselves, dumasses’, ruling”.

  40. 42 | May 2, 2019 1:25 pm

    Watching that clown Cohen from Tennessee parade around with the chicken figurine and eating KFC in the chamber. All I can think of is his potential GOP challengers are getting some excellent sound bites and video for their campaigns.

    Also, NEVER has a cabinet official been questioned by “staffers” at an Oversight Committee hearing. Which is what I’ve said all along. This was a move designed to force Barr not to appear because it would be demeaning to his office. No-Nads looks like an ass, especially when Barr was more than happy to appear before the SENATE and be questioned by Senators.

    Oh, and this is rich – Democrats are now saying “hey, they brought in an outside attorney to question [Ballsey-Fraud] so don’t tell US this isn’t unprecedented!!” First of all, Ballsey-Fraud is not a Cabinet Level official. Second of all, it was the DEMOCRATS who forced this move when they complained about the GOP Members of the Committee were all older White men who would traumatize the poor little perjurer during her testimony.

    In fact, the GOP brought in a sex crimes prosecutor, who would from her experience have more empathy for Fraud than for Kavannaugh.

  41. 44 | May 2, 2019 6:05 pm

    @ coldwarrior:

    CNN had to report their own poll results today showing that 54% of Americans APPROVE of the way Donald Trump is handling the Economy.

    Now, since it was CNN, you just know they skewed the sample size and type to produce results showing that the populace does not believe the economy is getting better or is stagnant or whatever. That they got THESE results tells me that the actual percentage is probably much, much higher.

    And it’s the Economy that’s No. 1 for people. And Democrats and that silly idiot Biden are going to run AGAINST it???

  42. 45 | May 2, 2019 6:11 pm

    By the way, now that the cat is out of the bag on how the Obama Administration refused to do anything about Russian interference when they were told it was happening, they now are blaming Mitch McConnell saying he prevented Obama from doing anything about it.

    What.The.Effing.HELL? Has anyone here seen the basis for this?

  43. rain of lead
    46 | May 2, 2019 6:29 pm

    another interesting cover
    Lauren O’Connell- House of the Rising Sun

  44. rain of lead
    47 | May 2, 2019 6:39 pm

    space x launch live, launch in 5 minutes from now

  45. rain of lead
    48 | May 2, 2019 6:40 pm

    The upcoming mission, dubbed Arabsat 6A, will launch a large communications satellite for Saudi Arabian corporation Arabsat. Built by Lockheed Martin, the satellite is an advanced commercial communications satellite, designed to provide internet and communications services to residents of the Middle East, Africa and parts of Europe.

  46. rain of lead
    49 | May 2, 2019 6:43 pm

    two minutes

  47. rain of lead
    50 | May 2, 2019 6:54 pm

    two boosters landed

  48. rain of lead
    51 | May 2, 2019 6:56 pm

    third booster landed on the drone ship

  49. eaglesoars
    52 | May 2, 2019 7:20 pm

    The Barbarian wrote:

    they now are blaming Mitch McConnell saying he prevented Obama from doing anything about it.

    What did Susan Rice give the ‘stand down’ order about again?

    Then there’s this

    Baker’s book also gives new insight into why Obama was so hesitant about criticizing Russia for meddling in the 2016 election before vote took place.

    Obama was led by his ‘cautious don’t-do-stupid-s**t instincts’ and feared that a forceful response would make Russia ‘escalate’ its operation.

    Then there was the question of how Trump would react and Obama admitted that ‘if I speak out more, he’ll just say it’s rigged’.

    Obama wrongly assumed that Clinton would win the election and Obama said in one meeting that Russian President Vladimir Putin ‘backed the wrong horse’.

    In the end Obama would wait until after the election result before expelling Russian diplomats and it was only weeks before he left office that he released the intelligence assessment confirming that the hacking was done the Kremlin.

  50. lobo91
    54 | May 2, 2019 7:34 pm

    FBI Had An Investigator Pose As ‘Assistant’ To Stefan Halper To Spy On George Papadopolous

    A woman who posed as an assistant to former Cambridge professor Stefan Halper has been identified as an FBI investigator who worked on an intelligence-gathering operation against George Papadopoulos, the former Trump campaign adviser.

    The New York Times reports that the woman, who used the alias Azra Turk, was tasked by the FBI to work alongside Halper during a series of meetings with Papadopoulos in London in September 2016.

    The operation, which The Times says yielded little information from Papadopoulos, adds a new wrinkle to “Spygate,” the term that President Donald Trump began using after it was reported in May 2018 that Halper was a longtime CIA and FBI informant.

    Democrats and some pundits have defended the FBI against the “Spygate” term, which they consider a pejorative. Attorney General William Barr told Congress on April 9 that he believes government agencies spied on the Trump team. He said he has formed a task force to investigate whether the surveillance was authorized.

  51. eaglesoars
    55 | May 2, 2019 7:52 pm

    @ lobo91:

    you know, after reading this crap for over 2 yrs, I just shake my head at how totally inept the intelligence community is.

  52. eaglesoars
    56 | May 2, 2019 7:59 pm

    The Barbarian wrote:

    CNN had to report their own poll results today showing that 54% of Americans APPROVE of the way Donald Trump is handling the Economy.

    CNN’s ratings tanked after release of the Mueller report. They’re trying to do something that restores the idea that they’re an unbiased news org

  53. AZfederalist
    57 | May 2, 2019 8:05 pm

    rain of lead wrote:

    space x launch live, launch in 5 minutes from now

    Got to it 1 minute before launch. Very cool

  54. 58 | May 2, 2019 8:10 pm

    @ eaglesoars:
    I met him once. He was almost as tall sitting down as I am standing up.

  55. eaglesoars
    59 | May 2, 2019 8:19 pm

    @ lobo91:

    Papadopoulos thinks she was CIA, not FBI. He says her English language skills were really not good.

  56. eaglesoars
    60 | May 2, 2019 8:20 pm

    right_wing2 wrote:

    @ eaglesoars:
    I met him once. He was almost as tall sitting down as I am standing up.

    how did he end up in a wheelchair? The article mentions it but never explains. sounds like he was a nice guy

  57. eaglesoars
    61 | May 2, 2019 8:28 pm

    eaglesoars wrote:

    @ lobo91:

    Papadopoulos thinks she was CIA, not FBI. He says her English language skills were really not good.

    Wait till people find out about Svetlana Lokhova. she’s totally innocent of anything but they tried to say Flynn was hooking up with her. She’s a Russian author, that’s it. She’s been on Tucker’s show but the progs/MSM would never cover that.

  58. 62 | May 2, 2019 8:37 pm

    @ eaglesoars:
    This was probably 20 years ago so he was still walking then. He, Kenny Baker and Jeremy Bullock (Boba Fett) we’re there.

  59. eaglesoars
    63 | May 2, 2019 8:44 pm

    @ right_wing2:

    It’s stunning to watch people who, in my mind, have never aged, do just that. I realized today that Peter Cetera, who is one of my romantic crooners FOREVEH – is 74.

    Angelica Houstin and I are the same age. She looks like she’s been dragged thru a knothole. I mean – wtf?

    Now Keef is a different story. Immortal.

  60. yenta-fada
    64 | May 2, 2019 9:26 pm

    eaglesoars wrote:

    @ lobo91:

    you know, after reading this crap for over 2 yrs, I just shake my head at how totally inept the intelligence community is.

    Consider the effects of corrupt and treasonous leadership for all those years. The butt kissers and fellow far lefties would have been promoted and gained access to power. The honest people had to keep their opinions to themselves or risk losing their jobs. So, who is left to be trusted with highly classified information? At the same time, obambi was getting rid of high ranking Patriots at the Pentagon. Who is left?

  61. Calo
    65 | May 2, 2019 9:53 pm

    @ yenta-fada:
    Greetings, Yenta. Just perusing the news and it looks like the dams are breaking over Russia,Russia, collusion scam.
    So, maybe all hope isn’t lost for the honest govt folks, yet.

  62. eaglesoars
    66 | May 2, 2019 9:59 pm

    yenta-fada wrote:

    Consider the effects of corrupt and treasonous leadership for all those years.

    Brennan advanced under TENET. Advanced under Dem Clinton but appointed to CIA DIR under Bush 43. He’s not corrupt, he was just effing incompetent. The last competent one we had was, I think, Woolsey

  63. Possum
    67 | May 2, 2019 10:28 pm

    @ Calo:
    Hi my friend!

    How is Stan Lee, the famous Chinese Kung Fu fighting cat.

    ( I have a strange thing about cat names. One cat I had was nicknamed “Katinski Pusskin”, that was his Russian name. He was always rushing somewhere. Real name ” Trubble” because he was always getting into trouble. Also a lady cat that had a Chinese name. “Poo Ping Puss” yep she got called that when she was in the litter box. Real name “Flossy” )

  64. Calo
    68 | May 2, 2019 10:43 pm

    @ Possum:
    Well, you got that right Stan Lee, the fighting cat, got in a fight over a cat bed( he has 3) with my lil kitty resulting in an abscess from a bite. Antibiotic shot given. Alll is good and done with the vet visit by 9 am.

  65. Possum
    69 | May 2, 2019 10:47 pm

    Calo wrote:

    @ Possum:
    Well, you got that right Stan Lee, the fighting cat, got in a fight over a cat bed( he has 3) with my lil kitty resulting in an abscess from a bite. Antibiotic shot given. Alll is good and done with the vet visit by 9 am.

    Great news! well sort of…..

    The great Stan Lee got his ass kicked by a six pound girl.

    Much the same happens in my house. LOL

  66. yenta-fada
    70 | May 2, 2019 11:45 pm

    @ Calo:

    How great is it that you showed up!! {{{Calo}}}

    This must be the day of the week that you only work one job. I trust you are well and that your daughter is in school. My humble opinion is that Trump will be elected 2020 even with all the crooks and liars around him. More dirt will pile up around the dems. Most people still do not appreciate the monsters he has had to fight in order to protect Americans. Yet even some of the critics have to recognize that they have a strong leader. They worry that he is unpredictable.
    The Chinese respect him for that very thing even if they are not allies.

    I think the Brits wish they had a Donald Trump to fight for independence from the grubby tyrants at the EU. Liberal Canadians consider themselves above Trump. So they got a greedy, stupid, corrupt Trudeau who never held a job. There must be something in our water…

    I know you are busy, but don’t be a stranger. 🙂

  67. yenta-fada
    71 | May 2, 2019 11:54 pm

    @ Possum:

    Naming cats is a lot of fun. I prefer dogs, but we never had the proper time and attention they need. Cats can spend a lot of hours alone just sitting around and feeling superior.

  68. yenta-fada
    72 | May 3, 2019 12:00 am

    New coating for planes etc. that keeps ice from forming on surfaces.

  69. 73 | May 3, 2019 7:08 am

    Early CNN polls show Trump trailing every Democratic candidate except Warren. It is early, it is CNN, but those numbers need to change.

  70. 75 | May 3, 2019 7:30 am

    @ right_wing2:
    Polls like that this early are as about as useless as tits on a bull. That’s if you give any credence to them being accurate. Which in the past three to four years hasn’t happened on both sides of the border.

  71. 76 | May 3, 2019 11:19 am

    @ PaladinPhil:
    And yes it’s very early and since it’s CNN it’s probably about as reliable as a Yugo. But I want to go all out over the next 18 months.

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