“Ballet routine in the famous Mermaid Room cocktail lounge of the Fresno Hacienda. Complete back bar is glass side of patio swim pool.”
Tags: Fresno, Mermaid Room, postcard
“Ballet routine in the famous Mermaid Room cocktail lounge of the Fresno Hacienda. Complete back bar is glass side of patio swim pool.”
Tags: Fresno, Mermaid Room, postcard
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Poteen2 spotted this piece of brilliance. Fantasy writer Larry Corriea summarized current events and expands on them as if he were writing a ham-fisted thriller cliché novel.
And it goes on. The ghost of P.J. O’Rourke lives.
On Tuesday, President Trump retruthed a post on Truth Social that suggests that the FBI Director may have been in on the assassination plot.
BREAKING: Reports Hamas chief Ismail Haniyeh has been assassinated in Iran
7 min ago
Kari Lake won the Republican Senate primary in Arizona
US & UK both have begun moving it’s warships towards the Israeli Coast in the Eastern Mediterranean
They have already crossed the Strait of Gibraltar.
US Marines are inbound to Cyprus
World War 3 about to start?
Positioning for the start of World War 3?
Target rich environment
NYT: Iran is hold an emergency meeting of its Supreme National Security Council at the supreme leader’s residence, an event that happens during extraordinary circumstances, according to two Iranian officials. Gen. Ghaani the commander in chief of the Quds forces who oversees the militant network of miltiia is also at the meeting. Via
and just in case
Portable electric battery company Moxion created and produced an eco-friendly mobile power station that Time magazine dubbed “the Invention of the Year.” In just four years they grew to 248 employees with $100M in funding.
Now they’re going out of business.
Diesel generators are cheap.
Calo wrote:
And with no Commander In Chief.
@ Bunk Five Hawks X:
@ lobo91:
Of the two wounded civilians the first was standing when hit by shot #1 that first through Trump’s right ear and hit the first civilian through his right kidney, and seated second civilian by shot# 2, was hit in the left neck/shoulder . Bullet #3 missed low. Bullet #4 & 5 missed high. One bullet #4 or #5 may have hit the high pressure line of the hoist/ crane.
So much for the narrative, that the killed ‘the firefighter’, with a head shot when crouching protecting his wife and two children. That was the narrative, but the actual projectile #6 would have missed high above crouching casualty, if we are guided by the narrative. The firefighter was killed whilst on his feet. Bullet #6 killed the standing civilian striking his right back edge of the head. Bullet #7 missed low.
Here’s an interesting simulation of the shooting.
Although, it’s now believed the shooter fired 8 shots….not the seven shown in the simulation.
Still, it gives a good idea of the pattern of shots fired and intent….and sinks the theory that the shooter was trying for mass casualties.
He was after Trump….pure and simple.
Billboard Chris met a Hypervegan.
Aussie Infidel wrote:
How much time elapsed between shot #1 and #8?
eaglesoars wrote:
Maybe 7 seconds
@ lobo91:
do you have any opinion on this 2-shooters scenario going around?
eaglesoars wrote:
Not really. It’s too hard to tell what’s even true at this point
I am about to tell you a true story. I want you veterans who are voting for Harris to listen and listen very fvcking loud and clear to what I am saying. I have the receipts for this story. Everything else you can google. I had a veteran family who were on tough times, In my replies from yesterday they were thrown out of a homeless shelter despite medical issues for the wife and the veteran husband now holding down a job. The wife made a reply to me that made me think she was going to commit suicide. I reached out on a DM. This Veteran Couple needed two days lodging to stay off the streets until the husbands first paycheck came in.
I started making calls, If this couple were illegal aliens I could have had them lodging at 3 -4 star hotels with meal vouchers in 2 hours. Even a convicted alien felons are eligible for the same things that our veterans are not. Because of not-for-profit laws I could not just give them cash, I would have had it come down to it, but under the law I was not allowed to do that and be able to run it through the not for profit. After hours of going through red tape, I was able to successfully get them lodging until their next paycheck and run it through the not for profit. But because the husband is WORKING, I could not get them meal vouchers. So now I am trying to keep them fed until Friday. These are not drug addicts, they are VETERANS. They bleed for this country. So get the fvck off your high horse about an alleged comment that Trump did not actually make and look at actual policies you assholes. This is real life.
I spent 11 hours of my day yesterday getting a Veteran family temporary lodging. If I was an illegal alien outreach coordinator could have had them in luxury hotel, meal vouchers with a debit card inside of 8 hours and you can fact check that shit. So, on top of everything else, I find out that Harris/Biden are paying families of the Taliban soldiers killed in the war with us a STIPEND. Yes, in essence, we are paying them not to terror attack us, we are being legally blackmailed, and nobody gives a fvck. Fact check that shit. Attached to this is the receipt to the 1 star very low scale hotel I was able to get a veteran approved for. A 1-star hotel no food vouchers. That is what Joe Biden and Kamala Harris think of you.
lobo91 wrote:
same here. that’s why I’m asking cuz I’m not trusting/confused
Harris might be the most dangerous candidate we’ve ever had.
right_wing2 wrote:
No. Obama. He is the puppet master
Incoming reports of Commander of the IRGC Aerospace Forces, Amir Ali Hajizadeh assassinated in Damascus, Syria.
@ eaglesoars:
She’s more radical, or at least more openly so, than Obama.
@ right_wing2:
Although he hates that the Constitution doesn’t tell you all the crap government has to do for you. The endless parade of free shit.
She might feel that way too. And probably does.
Apropro of nothing, there is a woman I follow who has been a homicide investigator for decades (sappholives83). She’s run into her share of trans people, taken lots of courses, etc.
They are ALL fetishists and many violent. This is not a question of’being born in the wrong body’, this is right up there with that Buffalo Bill killer in the movie Silence of the Lambs.
Want to really upset a TRA handmaiden? Tell her that you support her transition and that she’s a real woman in your eyes, and watch how fast she gets mad at the suggestion that she might be a “transwoman.”
These people are hypocrites and liars, and the more we force them to confront that fact, the better.
The money paid out to Taliban is WAY WORSE than what he explained here.
Listen to this CIA Targeting Officer about the weekly pallets of cash Biden sends to Kabul. $43 Million……. Low end
Crimeny. Look at this.
nsane footage of Trump shooter getting in position on the roof across from the rally.
I’m wondering why we haven’t heard who was actually in charge on the ground that day. That’s who needs to be testifying in front of Congress, not the Secret Service director. They weren’t there, so how are they supposed to explain what happened?
eaglesoars wrote:
I didn’t time the shots but the seven … or perhaps eight shots took about .. 2 seconds for #1-#3 a slight pause of a second and then #4 and #5 a pause of a second and #6 and #7 in 2 seconds.
About six seconds all up
Trump reacted quickly over about a second and a half so he was under fire including the USSS pile on during the first 3 shots.
The final four shots were attempting to hit a not obscured Trump on the ground.
If there had been a second assassin then it may have been another story when he got back onto his feet as the ‘ponytail’ Homeland Security woman allowed for a head shot from the crowd or from a 180 degree sector.
No Grassy Knoll this time!
Probably nothing to iit but I noticed in several v idoes I watched of someone walking up to the open window to the3 right of where Crooks positioned himself and, in oje video the guy holding the camera stuck it out the window and to his left to show where Crooks was. I immediatly thought ‘Where is the window SCREEN ?’ We’ve become so habituated to not seeing window screens in the TV shows and movies we’ve been watching since we were little kids, that no one pays any attention to the fact that the screens are missing as the character either speaks to someone who is outside, or throws something out the window, whatever.
I also saw footage of guys climbing up a ladder to one of the windows so maybe someone removed the screen after the fact so LEOs could go in and out this way. Why they want / need to do this, I have no idea, just sayin’.
Anyway, I hope investigators ask about this because it COULD lead to a second shooter or the real marksman positioned behind Crooks and Crooks was just the fall guy. Its nothing beyond the scope of any of our alphabet agencies, I’m sure.
All this crap about ‘Its an EASY SHOT, my four year old, right now, can make that shot without even a practice shot’ bullsh*t pisses me off. Hitting a man in the ear/head, no scope, from 450′ is NOT so easy – especially when you KNOW you’ve been spotted by LEO, confronted even, and that you are surrounded by expert anti sniper snipers !! There is NO WAY to practise that scenario. I do believe he was brainwashed, made comfortable with re assuring words that he had absolutely nothing to worry about.
Back to the screens: No one opens a window these days unless theres a screen in place, right ? I wouldn’t. I got enough critters flyin’, walking, crawling and slithering outside mine that I have to have a good one in place before I open a window(s) and I’m sure its no different in PA. .
Oh, and yes, I realize how ludicrous it is to suggest that one of the alphabet agencies would have any interest in getting to the bottom of things if they were also involved. I do know that theres a difference though between the guy/gals on the ‘street’ and the upper management who know these questions will be asked and so plan for it.
@ 4_Sticks:
Interesting thought. Any idea what the building is used for?
A combined cooking and technology post.
First technology. Apple products suck, as in once you get sucked in then you are trapped.
Specifically the incompatibility of iPhone 7 with iOS 16. It can’t run it. So what, all the apps and shit you downloaded and used still run, just cannot use the latest apps that use features of iOS 16.
Some apps on an older phone occasionally require an update. It may be because on one of the screens the developer made a spelling mistake, or they changed the font, or even added more fish to a cat fishing game. ( um not a game where you catch catfish but a game you let your cat play! )
I am OK with that, using old apps and getting updates to my old apps that run on iOS 15. No problem.
So why am I pissed and a new Android phone arrives Friday?
The Apple store or whatever the fuck the place where you downloads apps from now requires, you guessed it, iOS 16.
So even the old apps that have minor updates not using features of iOS 16 will not run, they ask for an update which I cannot get. Uber is the big one for me. I am grounded!
Anyway I no longer have any contact with anyone using an iPhone so no big loss. Android is far superior.
What has cooking and technology got to do with each other in the same post?
I get all my groceries delivered by Walmart+ with the in home option. It is great, same price as store, plus 10% optional tip. And they do not screw things up very often and if they do substitute items I am asked to approve those substitutions.
My complaint? The meat I get is trimmed of fat too much. Once I get my new Android phone I am going to take a ride to Walmart and get me some fatty steaks, fatty pork chops and butt roasts and anything else that has fat on it and stock the freezer.
Uber will cost me $20 round trip, but worth it to get nice meat with fat on it that I can roast.
So, having an outdated iPhone prevents me from cooking a nice roast…
For some reason donkeys have started showing up in my TL and I’ve become very fond of the little buggers
Having a smart friend
Just casually looking at the news and it seems a certain country did an air raid on Yemen, Syria, Lebanon and Iraq in the last week.
In the good old days of the cold war the USSR did sneaky, kind of untraceable stuff to kill people by injecting a pellet of nasty shit into the leg of someone using an umbrella or pitting Polonium in someone’s afternoon tea.
How times have changed.
In other news the Royal Navy are sailing full speed to somewhere they really do not have any place to be.
The Royal Navy should stay the fuck in British waters and protect the country from the French ( 1066 ) the Spanish armada ( 1588 ) and more recently Germany ( September 1940, battle of Britain )
Oh well, at least when the fan hits the shit I am too old to serve in His Majesties armed forces.
EXCLUSIVEFemale volleyball player, 17, left paralyzed with brain damage by transgender opponent who ‘cackled with delight’ after knocking her to ground
Boxers who failed gender tests at world championships cleared to compete at Olympics
fighting women of course
This would be fantastic
—————-\\Trump is correct. Taxing seniors on their Social Security retirement TWICE makes no sense.
My bill, the Senior Citizens Tax Elimination Act (HR 3206), exempts Social Security retirement payments from taxation.
@ eaglesoars:
In the video in which the guy stuck the camera outside the window, the host said what is was used for but I didn’t pay enough attention to it or I was interrupted, i forget now but yes, he did say what the room was used for. i spent a good hour this morning looking through my history to no avail although I did not click on every page in hopes of finding it, I would have had to sit here all day. I thought it was part of one of the Congressman video, he visited the site and that room but I think it was a video inside a video kind of thing – all of which doesn’t answer your question or help any, I know. I’m just so ticked off that I didn’t bookmark that page.
It was one of those things where the thought didn’t jell all at once while watching the videos. I’m 99 9/1oths positive that he said looking out to his left he could see where Crooks was lying on the roof, if that helps any.
Sorry for takin’, as Duke used to say “the long way ’round the barn…”.
@ eaglesoars:
Best chuckle I’ve had in awhile, thanks !
I’m reading Paris is empty.
1. people were appalled at the opening ceremonies and want nothing to do with the place
2. no attempt by the gov’t to control violent muslim migrant crime
3. all businesses are refusing cash payments and insisting on payment via QR codes. People are checking out of hotels and not patronizing restaurants because of it. Massive business failures on the horizon. I’m not clear if this is a gov’t mandate.
Also, what was the bullshit about making athletes swim in the Seine? So they cleared it of e.coli? Are you kidding me? I grew up swimming in the Monongahela river. The first thing I learned was to keep my mouth closed. Fish are in there and they produce their own waste which you don’t want to be ingesting. And trust me, the Mon has some monster catfish. I hated those fuckers. We could swim to our hearts content but weren’t allowed back in the house until we hosed down.
There’s this guy on X who has been slamming seed oils for being inflammatory,etc, saying we should be consuming only animal fats.
So I’ve asked him to explain the Italians and Greeks who have been taking in olive oil with their mother’s milk for centuries and they seem to be just fine.
If you don’t eat seed oil don’t sweat it, it’s just seed oils that tend to get stuck in fat cells since they’re so toxic that can’t be metabolized for energy. Traditional oils can be easily metabolized out if you’re not insulin resistant (which is a really high bar nowadays).
And I stand corrected
t’s not a seed oil. Olives are fruit with pits or seeds that are not pressed into oil. The fruit pulp is pressed for the oil.
eaglesoars wrote:
I was gonna point that out. We use olive oil and animal fats only. Occasionally peanut oil for the rare deep fry.
Not the video I was looking for but it may be more informative than that one. I don’t know if this rifle w/ camo is set up post shooting or what but it looks like ‘screen’ effect to me. Since they covered this gun w/ camo I would think that leaving the screen in place would also help to that end BUT would it have any effect on the bullets travel ? I would think that unless this was tested beforehand, they wouldn’t chance it and remove the screen.
6:25 – 7:30 Kinda looks like theres a screen in this window at least. There were several windows opened though.
eaglesoars wrote:
This is big. The taxation of SS is one of the big secrets of the dem party that they don’t want people talking about. Getting this would be a big win for the republican party and takes away one of the dems personal piggy banks.
‘New video’. BTW, if y’all are sick of, burned out on etc etc the assassination story, just tell me to shut up and I’ll keep it to myself. In the meantime:
The reason why I’m posting THIS particular video is that I’d like to know if any of you have an opinion on the fact that ‘Crooks could be seen running across the roof by the SS detail’, as evidenced by the below video, one which I haven’t seen until just a few minutes ago:
‘Foreshortening’ comes to mind:
portray or show (an object or view) as closer than it is or as having less depth or distance, as an effect of perspective or the angle of vision.
“seen from the road, the mountain is greatly foreshortened”
prematurely or dramatically shorten or reduce (something) in time or scale.
“our experience is that it is usually a mistake to try to foreshorten the process”
Oh, and the salient video footage is 1:42 into the above referenced video
Pardon moi !
@ Deplorable Martian Overlord:
It would also be quite nice if pensions from a foreign country were not taxed either.
This is money coming from overseas into the US economy where it is taxed when it is spent. Think of it as a foreign investment in the USA. Currently it is double taxation on overseas money.
Even if Trump does that I still am not voting for him though.
4_Sticks wrote:
keep it up. I may not be in the mood to read it when you post but I’ll get around to it. much appreciated
@ eaglesoars:
It is more interesting than my attempt to become as fit and skinny as a racing snake.
Where the action is.
Possum wrote:
Another area that taxes are screwed up is with what I am dealing with.
I am a product tester for a certain big company that delivers AtoZ. However, I get a 1099 covering all the products I get to test. I only make 15000 a year but now I owe almost 2 grand in taxes because of products I test, many of which I review as not worth the money that they are charging.
We don’t get to remove the coupons that these companies offer either like you would if you bought it. We pay almost 20% tax value on 100 dollar item even if a person buying it outright only pays 30 bucks after coupons.
The whole thing is screwed up. I’m still trying to figure out which form I have to fill out to get tax forgiveness. There’s two different forms, but they aren’t clear on which a person needs to do and their help line is less than useless.
@ Bunk Five Hawks X:
I saw that. Looks like South America and Southern half of Africa are nice peaceful places.
@ Deplorable Martian Overlord:
Just a stupid thought but if you were a company and registered this product testing and 1099 you get to that small business you may be able to claim up to 25% of the yearly costs of your home bills as ” office expenses ”
Also you may be able to claim mileage to and from where you do the test purchases.
Ask Bunk, I think he may have experience on an ” home office ”
Makes filling a tax return into a professional thing though. Not the free Turbo tax app.
I would really like to support the national postal service for all their fine work and be patriotic but I cannot.
Every time I get a confirmation of a shipment for something bought online and it is a USPS tracking number my heart sinks.
50% of the time it ends in a fuckup.
This latest package is going to be six cartons of cigarettes. There is a 50% chance that the USPS will force me to quit smoking the cheap online shit and get my ass walking to the store every day again.
Why did I stop walking to the store(s) every day to get beer and smokes?
Fucking pan handlers and homeless beggars wanting soda and chips and money.
So that is why beer is delivered in bulk, $35 minimum, and smokes delivered ( maybe ) As to exercise I calculated that if I walked twice around the block it was the same as walking to the store and back.
Um, not walked around the block once so far, and the unlimited supply of beer has caused consumption to be more than a daily six pack.
Fucking street vermin are making me fat again! ( us fatties always have an excuse and blame others for their plumpness )
A streaming TV show recommendation.
Bosch on Amazon first came out in 2015. Watched the whole series every year since. Did not like Bosch Legacy as much.
Anyway, enough time has past so I still remember the main details but not the finer stuff. I do not usually watch anything more than once, other than Metropolis and Con_air.
Re watching the Bosch series is good, on season 4 Episode 10 at the moment.
@ Possum:
Did you ever see the fake promo Amazon did for a Coltrane spinoff?
@ lobo91:
That was good!
As I said I am just finishing series 4 and Coltrane is not in it yet. Enough time has passed that even though I remember Coltrane exists I cannot remember how Bosch got him.
Just got notification. My new ANDROID phone arrives tomorrow!
Life changing event, I can use Uber again, I will no longer be a prisoner in my home.
Also! The washers and dryers in apartment complex use an app to start them and pay.
No more washing socks and panties in the bath tub and hanging them out on the balcony to dry, a man’s panties should be private.
I trust UPS, they will deliver. Hope I don’t fuck up transferring the number to it. Contacts transfer are not a problem. Don’t have any.
Except someone’s doctor in California but that is another story….
@ Possum:
Amazon made that video a few years ago and released it on April Fool’s Day.
A ton of people thought that it was real, and demanded to know when it was coming out.
@ lobo91:
I would have fallen for it. You know dogs.
To get a dog to perform not just on a joke video but on the real show must be an enormous task and you need a very well trained dog.
Distractions, camera crew, director, actors, smells on the set. Awesome trained dog.
Now cats on TV shows and Movies is another matter. They are featured as greeting their owner who smells of tuna then running away when the shooting starts.
My cats could not be in movies. When the shooting starts they do not care. Seriously, gunfire does not bother them. Fire works do and one of the 4am garbage trucks. I think it needs a new silencer or a tune up. I am not an expert on garbage truck engines.
But the cats are.
@ Possum:
LOL as a side note, one of the ambulances that used to visit the apartment complex scared Natasha. We get one once or twice a week.
That ambulance must no longer be around. The new ones she don’t give a shit about.
How do I know which ambulances and fire trucks visit?
Secret Internet skills, oh and this website helps!
They tell you which units attend. Also if I look at the site when fire goes past then it is usually 7-8 minutes after call placed.
Note to residents here, bleed slow….
OK! without doing any spoilers Coltrane first appearance is season 5 episode 1 at the 8:07 mark.
Possum wrote:
ISWYDT Citizen Possum
Lunch would have been a portion of liver and onions but due to the excess of beer available I am not risking cooking it. Onions were sliced without losing any fingers and then microwaved at 700W for a total of 6 minutes to partially cook them ( 4 minutes, 10 minutes rest, 2 minutes more ) They are now tender, sweet and juicy.
One pound of liver was rinsed, dried using paper towels then coated in flour. Then set aside. It now resembles a crime scene.
A skillet was warmed up on the stove containing 13g of beef lard. All the indications are go for liver and onions and a nutritious side salad of lettuce, cucumber and tomato.
Change of plans, crime scene liver is in the fridge, so is the 250g portion of partially cooked onions. Personally I blame the beer and fear of frying liver and onions while wearing only socks and a smile.
Yep for anyone noticing, it is now 6:30pm and I am still talking about what to have for lunch! I think I also skipped breakfast.
Being retired and single is awesome, you can eat what you want, drink what you want, anytime you want and nobody cares.
Still contemplating lunch, lettuce, cucumber, a tomato and a can of tuna? Or a can of sardines?
In oil, water or tomato sauce?
Three more beers and a can of Fancy Feast will sound great! But on toast or a tortillas wrap? ( for anyone without cats Fancy Feast is the expensive shit in small cans. Cats won’t eat it, they prefer a dead mouse. Walmart does not sell dead or alive mice, yet )
@ Bunk Five Hawks X:
You get it. I do that “I am not voting” routine every four years.
But this year I MAY vote for Kamala. Risk spending 10 years in federal prison but the evidence of a non-citizen voting may void the election results.
The ultimate ” take one for the team ” thing.
@ Deplorable Martian Overlord:
Possum wrote:
Correct. Whatever the s.f. of the “office” / total house s.f. determines the percentage, and you can deduct all utilities, cell phone, internet access, etc.
The killer is the Self-Employment Tax.
A competent CPA is a must.
@ Bunk Five Hawks X:
Thanks, it may help DMO but as I said it takes a tax professional to do it.
Free Turbotax quits when it gets complicated. Been there! LOL
@ Possum:
$250 for tax prep is a deal. Mine suggests deductions and strategies *wink-wink*.
@ Bunk Five Hawks X:
Hope he sees this. Now is an ideal time to talk to and hire someone that knows tax stuff. January to April they are buisy doing regular tax returns and in October they will be busy filing late tax returns and keeping people out of jail.
This time of year they are bored….
Mr. I HEART ROMA ia vicious.
@ Possum:
I’m retired and I still can’t use the free TurboTax.
@ Possum:
Get a CPA who’s in his 40s, 50s at the oldest. I’ve had two tax preppers die on me.
@ lobo91:
I am in great fear of this. I have to deal with both UK and USA taxes.
Way out of Turbo Tax domain.
@ Bunk Five Hawks X:
Funny you should mention this. In Iowa we were a few years filing taxes, and getting a Green Card is kind of slightly difficult without a IRS record. To people on the sidelines yelling ” Illegals should pay taxes! ”
Non citizens and non Green Card holders can register with the IRS and they get issued an ITIN number ( Individual Taxpayer Identification Number , which is stupidly in the format of a SSN. )
I had one for over 14 years and paid tax and SS using it. Then I got a SS number.
Accountant dealing with my US taxes had a fire in his garage where he kept all the records. No big deal.
Next year when trying to get taxes sorted out he died.
Cannot remember my ITIN so my past is history and gone as far as IRS is concerned.
So is life.
Before I drink the last of my beer and go for an afternoon nap at 7:24pm without breakfast or lunch.
There is a way that American tax payers can LEGALLY and without consequence pay an illegal $50 a week to mow your lawn.
Say they ask for $60 a week, you as a tax payer can deduct tax from that cash payment and on your tax return you declare the tax you subtracted from a cash payment to an un identified person. You took $10 in tax. Now this is where it gets complicated. You collected $10 in tax which you must then pay to the IRS. That way you never paid an illegal but you did your duty as in deducting tax and pay that tax to the IRS.
It is up to the person who mowed your lawn to report on his/her tax return how much was deducted from his/her payment.
Chances are he/her if illegal does not file a tax return so they are not getting the money you deducted back.
So, the system works, if you hire illegals for casual jobs and deduct tax at the basic rate then declare the money you deducted/owe the IRS you are squeaky clean.
I bet not ONE person who pays an illegal to mow a lawn deducts tax and declares it. I would! I know the rules and the law.
Stop laughing, you know I live in a second floor apartment. If an illegal is mowing my grass I ain’t deducting tax I am calling 911
eaglesoars wrote:
Absolutely agree on that.
Obama is a puppet master. Perhaps operating under guidance but still pulling strings in the current administration.
Obama’s admin 3.0
Anyway, just had breakfast and now it is bed time.
For those wondering it was 410 calories consisting of buttered toast and a topping of smushed Cali Girl Sardines. Unfortunately I normally order the 5oz cans of sardines but last order they were out of stock. My shopper substituted four 5oz cans for two 15oz cans. What a deal! Cheaper per ounce.
The 5oz cans have tiny sardines so they fit in the can. The big cans contain BIG sardines. No problem, I just have to smush them more.
So, off to bed, without cleaning my teeth so if a cat decides to sleep on my face I am going to breath sardine breath on them.
Then they will jump off my face and go try to find where the sardines are!
I knows cats….
The Warning just headlined the first night of this year’s Pol’and Rock festival. It’s billed as the largest free music festival in the world, with an average attendance of over 500,00 people!
It’s also livestreamed in 4k, so there’s a high quality video of their set available:
Five hundred thousand people. That’s unreal. Ten years ago, they were playing covers at their school in Mexico.
lobo91 wrote:
That is dangerous
@ eaglesoars:
Good to know, great to hear !
@ lobo91:
Talk about your coincidences: I just now got off the found with an old friend after we spent some time talking about the old days, outdoor R&R 3 day jams (Poconos Raceway, 1972 in particular), being squished between 350,000 people for 3 days, no food, no water other than what we got from the short downpour that turned the dirt into a foot of mud and, oh yeah, PLENTY of, ahehmmm…. ‘Holy SHIT. Keith Emerson is in the night SKY, playing his B3 while spinning ass over end … no, it can’t be … I must be hallucinating – oh yeah, that was the idea wasn’t it ? No bathrooms or porta potties, no food, barely any water and when I looked in the cars rear view on the way home, I could see that my skin was tinged a deathly looking greenish/yellow ! “Oh well, just another organ failing, ya really got to knock this stuff off kid !!” Not to mention the damage done to our ears and so on.
I swore off these kind of events then and there. They expected people to pay them to be treated like this ? Screw that, screw them !! Sideways. And the horse they rode in on !! I’m glad those days are over (the more extreme ones at least).
So my ol’ pal and I hung up the phones and I decided to check here real quick before hoppin’ in the sack and the memories of the self imposed torture of that summer weekend is starting to fade, I’m getting sleepy – but wait, what this I see:
“The Warning just headlined the first night of this year’s Pol’and Rock festival. It’s billed as the largest free music festival in the world, with an average attendance of over 500,00 people!”
Wow. God bless ’em and keep ’em safe ! I had my fun, I had my fill … hopefully they’ve vastly improved since 1972.
coldwarrior wrote:
Use Olive oil always except when using very hot oil deep frying. Easiest way of cooking chips without having to go into deep fat is to pour a little olive oil onto a pile of chips and roll them about with your oily hands and them bake them in the oven, until soft to the tooth!
Remember you can easily get enough Olive oil daily by putting 2 table so-one of Virgin Oil in a glass plus half a tablespoon of lemon juice and drink it before bed. It’ll surprise you with the effect after 14 days.
You can get your daily 3 fish oils from just two or three sardines or even Tuna.
Sardines are cheap as chips and a small tin can keep you fed with Omega 3 oils easily.
Alternatively you can find Norwegian Cod-Livers in natural cod liver oil. Yummy and again not expensive.
Hand cut the spuds into squares, boil with baking soda till soft, gently toss in truffle infused olive oil and a little Parmigiano Regiano…bake until the outsides are crunchy…salt n pepper.
@ lobo91:
@ 4_Sticks:
half a million!!! thats a logistical nightmare. i cant even imagine that. the biggest show i was at was at blossom in ohio to see the grateful dead back in the early 90’s. much interesting visuals and auditory ‘ahemmmm’ moments!
@ coldwarrior:
I didn’t realize that anyone was still doing events that large. That’s like some of the huge concerts they had in the late ’70s at race tracks like Ontario. This one is held at a decommissioned airfield of some sort. From what I’ve read, the largest attendance they’ve had was 750,000 in 2019. There are no exact figures, because it’s free.
@ coldwarrior:
They played the Wacken Open Air festival in Germany last week, too.
coldwarrior wrote:
Avocado oil has a higher smoke point that any other oil I’m aware of. However that IS a seed oil.
The olive oil I use is estate bottled from a producer is Crete.
Ellora Farms, Certified PDO Extra Virgin Olive Oil, Single Estate, Single Origin, Single Variety, Cold Press & Traceable Olive Oil, Born in Crete, Greece, Kosher, 1 Lt Tin (33.8 oz.)
The unopened can has a label on top of the spout with the batch number on it.
eaglesoars wrote:
“Open the piiiit!”
The Supreme Court SCOTUS ruling in President Trump v. US was sent back to the DC court.
The DC circuit opinion and Judge Chutkan’s order denying presidential immunity from prosecution were vacated.
Trump Won!
And the court ordered Trump be repaid his costs, a bit over $3k
But there is something weird about this. Dated July 1 and I don’t understand the signature
Oh, and we’ve still got 2 astronauts stranded in space and NASA can’t decide how to retrieve them
He did? How would that even work?
Donald Trump Suggests Paying Off $35T National Debt With Bitcoin
Somebody explain this to me please
34 trillion – US Debt
21 million – Bitcoin
Bitcoin supply when valued at $1.62 million each equals the US debt today.
Using the Power Law of
Bitcoin hits $1.62 million per coin in 2034-2035.
It will be impossible for the US to own all BTC
But – the US could own ~20% of the BTC supply – currently owns 1%
20% of 21 million is 4.2 million.
In 2045 the BTC approaches $10mm/coin with hyper bitcoinization.
20% of this 2045 BTC price exceeds the US national debt (~$42 trillion)
In today’s dollars the US could buy the other 19% of BTC (3,990,000 coins) for $267,330,000,000
Say $270 billion.
If the US government bought $270 billion of BTC and held it for 20 years it more than erases the current national debt.
Here’s a whole thread (and some sub-threads) on ‘inside job/2nd shooter’ thing
@ eaglesoars:
Sounds about as dumb as when Paul Krugman came up with the idea of minting a handful of $1 trillion coins to do it.
@ eaglesoars:
Bought it with what?
Also, the idea that it would “pay off the debt” presumes no additional debt is accrued. So we’re going to magically balance the budget, too?
@ lobo91:
Thank you cuz I’m sitting here thinking I’m my daddy’s dumbest daughter for thinking that may be a problem and what am I missing that all these ‘smart’ people are seeing?
@ eaglesoars:
Any of these idea are just accounting gimmicks. They wouldn’t “pay off” anything.
Looks like Josh Shapiro is going to be Kamala’s running mate. She’s supposed to make the announcement on Monday during a speech in PA, so it makes sense if he’s the pick.
Mark Levin says his sources report that “a recession is coming in hard” due to Biden/Harris economic policy.
@ lobo91:
I’m hearing he’s got some sort of sex abuse probles
Also some PA state legislator tweeted it out
@ eaglesoars:
Doesn’t seem like a good choice to me. The fact that he’s Jewish and a supporter of Israel isn’t going to gain them any votes in Michigan or Wisconsin.
! Remember me?
Sure would be a shame if someone dug up photos of you sponsoring Drag Queen Bingo Night in Philadelphia
coldwarrior wrote:
Detective son does his chippies that way too Yummy!
Olive oil is a low temperature oil so using it to crispy up par-boiled chips in the oven works well.
High temperature seed oils are really bad for you!
Spent Thursday in A&E hell. Stood in line for 90 minutes to get to the poor bastards who were doing Triage for the great unwashed. Got to sit down in a waiting area after the initial paperwork got done. 4 hours later I saw another poor done unto guy in the sharp end of Triage. He took blood and did some physical tests. CAA was a mystery to him so I filled him in on what he needed to discover to get me along the chain deeper into A&E. Ended up in an initial ward waiting for blood work to come back. No food or water offered and this was mid afternoon by then and 7AM breakfast of 2 toasts and a coffee was a vague memory by then. I had my own stainless steel gym water bottle so I was OK. About 6PM a nurse brought around a sandwich but then took it away because I was due in imagery unit! Bugger! I could have used those 2 ham sandwiches too. Got a CT of my head 1.5 milli Sevets, even though I had been to the dentist that morning at 9AM and had a mouth x-ray. Asked the radiologist doing the head CT scan how much radiation a full dental x-ray delivered. He didn’t have a clue!
Back into the holding ward then 10 minutes I was called back to the CT unit where I was told that they needed to do ANOTHER CT scan of my head.
Didn’t know but dome quack wanted a Contrast Dye CT as well. Asked by we didn’t to that in the first place. Reradologise didn’t know and I realised that they were working VERY Hard as they were understaffed. When told the quack ordered a contrast dye I said absolutely NOT as I was allergic to Iodine based dyes. Asked why that wasn’t discovered in my notes. Seems that the Public system and Private systems don’t share information unless someone orders it to be transferred. Pathetic! 🙁 Lousy communications will kill ya most times!
Back in the holding ward again, Saw dinner being handed out …. still ZIP! no fluids offered either but I had my gym water-bottle so still OK there. Asked if i was due some food from a nurse behind a computer screen. “Dinner is off but I’ll get you a ham sandwich”. I never saw from her again ! Grabbed a passing nurse as my 2 bits of breakfast toast, 12 hours earlier had been all used up! She came back with 2 ham sandwiches and a small pottle of yoghurt. Told her that her blood was worth bottling and thanked her. 🙂
By 8 PM I got moved to a slightly better holding ward and some nurses pretended to carry out standard ‘stroke’ tests and incompetently took BPs through multiple layers of thick clothing. This lot seemed to speak some deeply accented ESOL type gibberish from behind a couple of face masks. They all hailed from Third World hell hole nations couldn’t speak the ‘Kings English’ and were just going through the motions, in carrying out tests that meant nothing to anyone …. but I guess it kept them occupied and away from dangerous machinery! 🙂
By 10PM after having been in this screw-up palace for 12 hours finally got to level #5 stroke ward with a decent bed and decent nursing staff who knew their shit! ‘Charlie Chan’ in the next curtained cubical spent 2 hours chatting loudly with his mates in China on the phone. I was about to get up and tell him to zip it but a decent Kiwi quack and one of the seriously nurses dropped in and carried out a set of different TIA and stroke tests. They both actually knew what CAA was and we talked about the chain of events that had happened over the past 50 hours.
Comfortable night in a zero G position adjustable bed although the night nurse came regularly for BP and tests that chopped up the sleep patterns somewhat. Somehow I AGAIN missed out on getting fed. The new shift nurses sorted it however and voila actual FOOD! 24 hours late but FOOD regardless. Just as I took my first mouthful of food the team of neurological quacks arrived. I suggested accessing my GP’s notes and my log of events and timings that had happened before I headed to A&E the prior morning. Why my patient notes didn’t mesh between Private and Public systems. Why the whole CT cock ups had happened.
By the time they departed the breakfast was cold but who cares, I was former infantry and we are used to cold food! 🙂 Cold porridge and sliced poached tasted GREAT! Cold OJ and cold toast tasted like ambrosia! 🙂
The queer quack at the end of the line following the Neurologist specialist about told me that they were cutting me loose and he’d e-mail my release papers later in the day.
I got OUTA there! Without catching anything nasty. Sitting in Triage was akin to sitting in a Petri dish!
Mrs. AI collected me grabbed a local bus to where she’d parked in the adjoining suburb and got me home where I ate ‘second breakfast’!
A biology post.
These Intersex athletes have a genetic defect/abnormality that unfortunately leaves them with ambiguous genitalia.
I will not go into details as this is a family oriented site. Also I cannot provide links to examples as Pornhub is blocked in Texas. If you do research on just XY chromosome people then sometimes during development of the embryo things go wrong. Not in a huge way as the foetus grows to term and is born.
An example not connected to the genitalia issue is Spina Bifida. Early on in development of the neural tube there is some confusion as to which end of it the head will develop.
As to testicles or ovaries, then that is more well defined. Two of one or the other. Where they end up may be an issue. Same thing with penis or clitoris. Vaginal opening, even uterus.
If someone is born with ambiguous genitalia but they are XY and have testosterone producing testicles inside their body and not in a usual nut sack, and also have a very small penis/large clitoris they can go through life as being of male or female outward appearance as they wish.
BUT. an XY person is MALE and there are some things that an XY person cannot do in life. Being a woman boxer, wrestler, javelin thrower, shot putter etc. So don’t even attempt to pursue that as a career. You cannot be one.
Why do I give a shit? I have a genetic disorder and there are MANY jobs I would not be accepted to do. I know of my genetic abnormality and I did not ever try to force my way into jobs due to discrimination etc.
That is the way things are. You accept it and get on with life.
XY, big dick or no dick you are male.
How a sexual harassment scandal involving a Josh Shapiro aide could affect the Pa. governor’s VP chances
@ coldwarrior:
No driving for the next 30 days! Bugger! 🙁
CAA doesn’t always cause standard symptoms and all that happens to me is a loss of feeling on the opposite side of the place where the a small leakage happens in the LH frontal lobe sheath capillaries. I can use my hands, no freezing of affected side, no headaches … zip … just loss of feeling as the wave sweeps from my thumb up, to my arm shoulder, right trunk, neck, jaw RH nose, and RH ear. Lasts in restricted areas from 15 seconds to 80 minutes in a sort of wave that passes as it arrives and departs to contiguous areas on the upper RH side.
Weird ehhh!
What are the bloody odds mate. 1:10,000.
Chevron is moving its HQ from CA to TX.
@ Aussie Infidel:
That food thing is a bugger!
I got hospitalized in the mid 1990s for what at first was suspected appendicitis. Howeve I knew the doctors and surgeons did not believe me. They prodded and poked and I said ” Ouch! ” in all the wrong places.
They think patients are deaf, I herd them talking and they decided to take my appendix out next morning just to make me happy and go away.
Next morning taken to the OR so they could do a 15 minute appendectomy and get me to shut the fuck up.
Five hours later, drugged up to the eyeballs and sporting a small appendectomy scar, a longer scar that looks like I had an hysterectomy and when that was not enough wreaking havoc on my body ended up with a scar from just below my tits to coming very close to mr happy. Anyway I proven them wrong, was not a fake twitchy appendix they got themselves a tumour the size of an orange!
Which pathology lost. But the surgeon said it did not look like cancer. ( British medicine in the 1990s was advanced. Indian doctors did not need no pathology labs, they just used look and feel )
Anyway, on a drip for days and no food. started to get really hungry, I mean HUNGRY!
Asked for food, ” sorry sir, you cannot have any food until you have a bowel motion! ”
About day seven I faked a shit, ” oops sorry, flushed it! ” so they gave me my first meal in a week. French onion soup.
If you do not eat for a week then everything tastes more intense. Fucking French Onion soup came straight back up!
That ham sandwich would have been just the ticket though.
@ Possum:
I actually felt sorry for the nurse they sent to tell me I couldn’t have anything to eat unless I took a shit and I was explaining to her that how can someone take a shit if they had not eaten!
I think that is catch 22 or something medical.
Aussie Infidel wrote:
what’s going on?
@ eaglesoars:
Cerebral amyloid angiopathy (CAA) is a type of cerebrovascular disorder characterized by the accumulation of amyloid within the leptomeninges and small/medium-sized cerebral blood vessels.[1] The amyloid deposition results in fragile vessels that may manifest in brain bleeds. It may also present with cognitive impairments, incidental microbleeds, hemosiderosis, inflammatory leukoencephalopathy, Alzheimer’s disease, or transient neurological symptoms.[2] It can occur in certain familial syndromes or sporadically. Diagnosis is primarily made through a combination of clinical, pathological, and radiographic findings. Currently, there are no disease-modifying treatments available. Prognosis is dependent on CAA presenting features, with worse outcomes in patients with large hematomas and older age.
An absolutely brilliant way to dice onions
@ eaglesoars:
Thanks for that. I am single and live alone so I eat loads of onions.
But as I commented a while ago slicing and dicing onions sometimes scares me. One wrong slice and I may bleed to death and the cats will feed on my decaying corpse.
Seriously I like the idea of only cutting off the sprouting end of the onion and leaving the root end intact to hold the segments together. The video only shows cutting half the onion though. Guess when you get close to the root end you then have to get more creative and still stay safe.
@ Possum:
However, an embarrasing admission to make. To slice and dice an onion like that you need a very sharp and non serrated bladed knife.
I do not have one. I gave all my sharp knives away for safety reasons.
I use a bread knife for cutting up everything, thinking maybe wrongly that one slice may not be a fatal wound, we shall see.
Did I tell you all about my fear of getting into the bath tub or taking a shower?
I live alone, stay stinky and stay safe.
Defense Secretary Revokes Plea Deal for Accused Sept. 11 Plotters
Defense Secretary Lloyd J. Austin III assumed direct oversight of the case and effectively put the death penalty back on the table.
Defense Secretary Lloyd J. Austin III on Friday relieved the overseer of the war court at Guantánamo Bay and revoked a plea agreement reached earlier this week with the accused mastermind of the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks and two alleged accomplices.
eaglesoars wrote:
Just visited A&E hell for about 30 hours and got kicked about all in the cause of various quacks covering their arses and subjecting me to getting buggered about by well paid bastards in white coats.
I knew exactly what was happening where it was happening, and even why it had happened. However I was forced to endure ‘quack hell’ to justify the various quacks ticking boxes and ordering expensive tests.
I would have just endured this nonsense if they had been able to simply administer the scheduling of a bite to eat over 24 hours!
This will very never kill me but will probably on occasion every few years allow some clutch of ‘quacks’ to pontificate learnedly, charge the ‘public purse’ expensively, and generally did me about enormously!
Just saw this post on X in my timeline.
Now, can anyone say what triggered a Possum to spend the next 90 minutes having a few mugs of Cabernet Sauvignon ( out of a 5 liter box ) and re, and re, and re-watching a German black and white movie from 1927?
A clue.
The result.
@ Aussie Infidel:
You were lucky they did not have French Onion soup on the menu.
eaglesoars wrote:
Austin is nasty ideologue of the first water and deserves’ keel-hauling’ for his trouble.
My ‘god-son’ is one of his two LTC military secretaries at the Pentagon!
I may have to have him exorcised (akin to de-gaussing) when he escapes from the ‘five sided puzzle palace’!
Possum wrote:
I would have chugged it mate. I was hungry and when I am hungry I get testy. I may have thrown up over the Chief Neurologist just in spite!
OK I had to pause this 1927 black and white silent German movie just to comment on the fact it was lacking tattoos and piercings and blue hair on the women and they are beautiful.
2024 women have a lot to learn from 1920s Germany.
( P.S. movie is not actually silent. But that is a secret )
@ eaglesoars:
Hiya Eagles
A bit about the late great George Pell who suffered greatly in attempting to clean out the rot and thievery from the Vatican Bank.
George failed, and got ‘railroaded’ spent over 400 days in Pentridge Jail in Victoria, in solitary for his trouble . Finally the unamimous bench of the whole Australian High Court found him, not even Not Guilty, but INNOCENT of all trumped up ideological charges, by a couple of nasty Victorian Supreme Court mates of the Masonic Brotherhood who were setting up Pell for destruction.
Aussie Infidel wrote:
Well I don’t so please explain………
The International Boxing Association is going to pay Angela Carini the prize money of an Olympic champion because her fight against Imane Khelif was unfair. Imane has been banned from IBA fights because he has XY chromosomes.
What an incredible move by the IBA.
They will also support Sitora Turdibekova who was beat up in the Olympics by Lin Yu-Ting who’s also banned by the IBA because he has XY chromosomes. IBA President Umar Kremlev said this about the Olympic disaster:
“I couldn’t look at her tears. I am not indifferent to such situations and I can assure that we will protect each boxer. I do not understand why they would kill Women’s boxing. Only eligible athletes should compete for the sake of safety.”
@ eaglesoars:
Why trying to get secular US Jews to vote for Trump is a lost crusade!
… and why 3,500 years later Jews still keep making the same secular beginner mistakes again and again!
BREAKING: Missouri AG Andrew Bailey announces investigation into Life Time Fitness
for allowing and defending a man entering the women’s locker rooms in Missouri. They may face criminal and covil liabilities.
@ Possum:
The guy has at least one nut floating around somewhere for testosterone to show up unannounced.
eaglesoars wrote:
……I knew exactly what was happening…..
* I was having some caperial blood leaking into the left temporal sheath due to CAA softening of the walls of my capillaries allowing a small quantity of blood getting between my Cerebral cortex and the sheath causing a bit of irritation creating the loss in sensation in my RH fingers, RH arm, RH trunk, RH face, jaw ear and nose.
The chances of this happening are 1: 10,000 …. that’s the odds.
…. where it was happening
* Beneath my LH frontal sheath that manifest as loss of sensation on the opposite side due to irritation!
…. even why it had happened
* Probably due to stress… Daughter lost her job as International News Producer at the now defunct TV3; Flew out to the UK for a job with Associated Press and an International News Producer probably forever; Trying to get a holiday house together with all the BS that goes with that.; #2 son getting Pneumonia for the fourth time in the last decade in the middle of his Detectives training exams; having to pitch hit looking after my grandson with CF as we await for his 6th birthday earn we get access to Tricafta a wonder drug ($400k a year for life… but here in NZ Free) that eliminates all symptoms (just 8 weeks to wait now! ). Trying to sell daughter’s car , house, and packing up her home for sale and trying to sell it… or rent it; heart surgery 8 months ago (very successful) but loads of crap that went with it all; …. stress! ….
I could go on but I won’t!
eaglesoars wrote:
I do the same except the first cuts are parallel with the root.
@ Bunk Five Hawks X:
Yep I know these things. Undesended testicles.
When we were born our nuts are hidden. When we grow older our nuts descend into our ready made nutsack.
Not always, and often it is an operation to free the trapped nut or nuts and place them in the sack.
@ Bunk Five Hawks X:
At 8:30 pm central time and you are talking geometry and parallel shit as to cutting up an onion and I am drunk as a skunk?
This ain’t going to end well.
I probably will go to bed.
@ Possum:
I got tired of nutsack stories.
Thai rednecks.
@ Bunk Five Hawks X:
Me too.
Interesting thing about a nutsack, check it iut sometime in a mirror.
Why is there a stripe on the middle of a nutsack?
Because if you did not grow up to be a male your nutsack would have divided into two parts and you would have been a girl with inner labia.
Men and women are not really much different.
Joe Bonamassa in the house!
OK a food post, no mention of nutsacks.
Almost 9pm and my calorie spreadsheet gets archives and reset for tomorrow at midnight.
today calorie total so far is 1540 calories. Consisting of 340 calories of Walmart cheap mixed nuts and 1200 calories from five coffee mugs at 300ml each Cabernet Sauvignon.
I got three more hours to get a few more coffee mugs of wine or eat real food.
Nah, it is Friday.
Where is coffee mug?
Possum wrote:
You can us a serrated knife. When the piece left to cut is a bit too small for your comfort, stick a fork in it, hold the fork handle with one hand and slice between the fork tines with the other
Aussie Infidel wrote:
Another story. You know how I said USPS were not my favorite people to deliver packages but today UPS got on my shitlist.
New ANDROID phone was due to be delivered second day air to me between 1pm and 5pm.
Got a notification at 3:06pm unable to deliver. They tried to deliver at 2:57pm. No reason for failed delivery.
I was at home. If signature required then I was home. No note on door wit an attempted delivery notification.
The UPS delivery people are paid an insane amount of money per hour.
Anyway got a notification that my package was going to be available for me to pick it up at a nearby UPS affiliate store. Googled it, 2.3 miles away. Cool no problem! Monday I will just get in my car and drive there, but shit, I do not have a car.
No problem, Monday just get an Uber, it is not far, will cost about $15 round trip but how bad do you want your new $39.99 phone?
The reason I ordered a new phone was my fucking apple thing cannot do Uber any more!
So here we are, another catch 22. Cannot get phone that could let me get to phone because I don’t have the phone.
Schrodinger’s cat got it easy!
Something that may have escaped loyal patriots and America rules the world people.
Someone in the USA Senate tabled a motion authorising the use of the USA military against another country.
In 1939 diplomatic speak that would be a declaration of war.
I got 11 bags of microwave popcorn ready. I eated one, going to put the rest of them on my balcony. An early warning system.
Just to clarify, Joe Bonanassa isn’t at my house. We’re both at the Sandia Casino Amphitheater in Albuquerque. He’s the one on the stage
A maybe disgusting post, or an example of how I treat my cats hygiene wise.
Last night before bed I was hungry. This fucking diet thing. an easy low calorie 170 meal is a whole can of Campbells chicken noodle soup.
Can in a bowl, then they say a can of water but I do half a can water.
No bowl for doing soup. Bowl was in fridge containing onions ready for liver and onions, which I cooked tonight and it is in the slow cooker.
Anyway, needing soup and no bowl to microwave it in may be a p4roblem except there was one of the cat bowls washed and clean by the sink.
So, ate chicken soup out of the cats dish.
@ Possum:
Now you know why I have no friends.
Friend ” why are you eating out of the cat dish? ”
Me “well you are too, enjoy your Fancy Feast soup “
Trump has agreed to debate Kamala, Sept 4, on Fox, Martha McCallum Brett Baier moderating. Somewhere in Pennsylvania
Pizza meter is off the charts and the “bars” in DC are empty near the Pentagon. Brace yourselves.
I love this stuff. The land mass of Africa compared to others. Spoiler: IT’S EFFING HUGE!!
Ok, this is very cute. They thought they might sneak out.
Ah, mebbe not…………….
eaglesoars wrote:
“War is coming because the Little Gay Club is slow?”
“Yes. Exactly yes.”
Bunk Five Hawks X wrote:
I was going to explain Aussie Infidels adventure, but Doc Possum beat me to it!
@ coldwarrior:
so is Shapiro gonna be her pick for veep?
another reason to not go
So…the Secret Service finally held a press conference about the Trump assassination attempt yesterday. It’s SO much worse than we thought.
@ lobo91:
LOL that man should shut the fuck up.
If I was an Iranian operative and I now knew the SS and local law enforcement communicated by cell phone text messages I would buy me one of those cell phone jammers that used to be common in restaurants and hook it up to a big ass car battery and wipe out cell coverage for a square mile.
have not confirmed
BREAKING: Kamala campaign does NOT AGREE to the debate with President Trump on Sept 4th on FOX.
I don’t blame you for being scared Kamala.. Last time Donald Trump debated a Democrat he ended his career.
rain of lead wrote:
2nd comment:
“They know that the current administration’s open border has let who knows how many terrorists into the USA. They’re counting on a mass casualty event happening. You couldn’t pay me to go to a game, concert or even the fucking Zoo in the next couple of months. Fucking commie bastards.”
Band introductions from last night’s show:
Didn’t know this existed until this week. Two of my favorite voices together.
Bonamassa is a machine. He recently released his 28th solo album (and coincidentally, his 28th #1 album on the Billboard Blues charts). He’s also released 24 other albums with his various side projects.
lobo91 wrote:
I have been invited to go to Wacken a few times over the years. The company that does security for it, well the owner lives in the same town I do. When he heard about my back ground, he asked if I wanted to be part of the security team for the Wacken event. LOL. Turned him down. I had to much going on.
Medical post.
I am annoyed, after approximately ten days without taking multi-vitamins for old people joint pains are gone again.
Even in my left knee which is first to give me pain and last joint pain goes away from.
There is obviously something in them that is irritating my joints. Finding what is going to be a nightmare as there are many vitamins and minerals listed on the label.
Only way I can see is to buy each vitamin listed as separate tablets and introduce them to my diet one at a time. That is going to be expensive. Then there are the minerals.
Maybe eliminate minerals by trying to find just a complete vitamin supplement, no added minerals. Just a thought. Have to take a look at vitamins for kids, none of that extra for old people stuff.
@ Possum:
Yes I did extensive Googling and it is useless. Google “can multivitamins cause joint pain” and general answer is yes, but which vitamin?
One example, vitamin D. Not enough causes joint pain.
Too much causes joint pain.
I picked vitamin D at random but you get the idea. Maybe I should just east lettuce and liver and skip the vitamin and mineral supplements.
Google “liver salad” and just see what disgusting things even I would not eat are found!
An interesting thing for anyone here who is bored, not with my posts but just bored and has five minutes to spare in a day.
Log what you eat, look at the nutritional values. Ignore the fat, proteins and carbohydrates. Just take note of the percentage daily values of all the other things. Apart from eating an orange and hitting 100% vitamin C daily requirement nothing else even comes close.
Sodium will if you eat processed food, but the rest, ain’t even close.
Either the daily requirement numbers are bollocks or what is in food data is bollocks.
Focus on just one requirement, say iron. Record your iron intake for a day. According to nutritional data you will be lucky to even get to 10% unless you suck on rusty nails as a snack.
As to my diet, fuck it. I used to be fat and happy, like Santa or Buddha. They are always smiling.
Lunch at 9am ( I have been up for hours ) is going to be a bacon and lettuce and tomato sandwiches using real bread not that low carb rubber bread and a huge coffee mug of not coffee but cheap boxed Cabernet Sauvignon.
Will not bore you with the details but according to USDA data what that contains as to vitamins and minerals is just a blip on my daily requirement.
LOL using science eating shit like that and drinking wine within a week I should die of lack of vital nutrients.
OR I could re-start taking multi-vitamins and minerals and fight through the pain, wear a knee brace and take four Ibuprophen an hour before I walk slowly to the store and buy beer.
Tough choice to make.
Oh, dear God.
An insect post.
Fruit flies like fruit, they feed on fruit and lay eggs on rotting fruit and the emergent larvae feed on that rotting fruit, pupate then emerge as adults who then mate and females lay eggs on rotting fruit and the cycle continues.
I knows fruit flies, they breed fast and are used in genetic studies to show students how cross breeding and dominant and recessive genes work. Scientific name for these little motherfuckers is Drosophila melanogaster.
So, why is my apartment now infested with them? They seem to like me and although they do not bite me because I am not a rotting fruit they tickle.
No fruit is here, I has cucumbers and tomatoes but they are in the fridge. These fruit flies go nuts over wet cat food!
That is what they are eating and laying eggs in. Who would have thought that the simple fruit eating fruit fly would evolve into a cat food eating carnivore!
Also, the spray that is supposed to kill flying insects does not kill them. It makes me cough and makes the cats run outside but the flying carnivorous fruit flies do not give a shit.
I found a new source of income. High schools and universities can purchase samples of fruit flies to use in genetic experiments.
25-30 of the little buggers for $9.95 plus shipping.
I am cheap, $1 for every hundred you can catch, no shipping involved.
In fact if you come and catch all of them no charge.
@ Possum:
The only thing I’ve found that works for fruit flies is these
@ lobo91:
I am at a loss as to why fruit flies are invading my apartment. There is no fruit here.
The fuckers are after the wet cat food.
@ Possum:
We had the same problem about 6 months ago. They just showed up one day, and it took months to get rid of them
@ lobo91:
I just went to take a picture of the cat food wet meat dish I put food in about an hour ago but not useful. A couple of fly type flies, I have flies as I keep door and patio window open so cats can come and go as they please.
About six fruit flies in it, but it is 10:30 I have a feeling fruit flies only emerge at dim light.
Update on cat that returned after being gone over two years and showed up, all skin and bones and with a severe snotty nose.
He is still eating and drinking and still has a snotty nose and he is losing weight.
Hopefully my new phone will arrive eventually and we can go Uber us to a vetinarian. He is FIV+ but maybe a massive dose of antibiotics can clear up the nose thing.
Damn cat gone for over two years, came back and does things here like he never left. Currently sprawled on mouse mat and watching a movie in another window. He gets pissed when I pause movie to post here…..
I see England is about to go up in flames. There is a word for the prime minister but it’s one of the few words I refuse to use. He referred to the Brits trying to defend the country/culture as ‘right wing thugs’ and then had himself photographed kneeling. Someone in his cabinet has proposed lockdowns and the cops are siding with the migrants.
I’ve seen comments blaming it on Brexit/Farage and EDL (English Defense League). The EDL hasn’t existed for years, it was Tommy Robinson’s old group. Oh, and they arrested Tommy again on some bogus terrorism charge. But none of this crew is blaming it on the raping and now the murders of 3 little girls.
Never ever give up your guns
This is utter bullshit
The Kuwaiti Newspaper, Al-Jarida, has released an Article which claims an American Delegation recently flew from Turkey to the City of Karaj in Northern Iran, for a Secret Meeting brokered by Oman with Senior Iranian Officials, to convey a Message of “Calm and Warning” to Iran in hopes to prevent a Full-Scale Regional War.
During the meeting, which lasted Two Hours, it is claimed that U.S. Officials expressed President Biden’s Discontent with continued Escalation by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and that the United States does not want a War with Iran, but that they will come to the Defense of Israel; though they hope Iran will not “Fall into the Trap” of launching a Major Attack which would only Strengthen the International Power of Prime Minster Netanyahu.
NO. The message should be “Knock it the fuck off or we take out your reactors, your military and we hold you responsible for your proxies so it will be the same response. Now sit down, shut up and wait for that whatever imam it is you’re waiting for. China and Russia don’t care if you fight down to the last man and we will see to it that you do.”
@ eaglesoars:
Way to go USA!!!!!
Attack and destroy infrastructure in sovereign nations. Without declairing war.
Just like Israel bombed Syria, Lebanon, Iran and Yemen in the past week.
A certain country should STFU and STFD
@ eaglesoars:
That is the Tommy Robinson that is a pro Israeli puppet?
Complete pig.
‘You will regret this!’ Keir Starmer rages at ‘organised, violent thuggery’ as mob storm Rotherham migrant hotel
Prime Minister Sir Keir Starmer has hit out at “organised, violent thuggery” during a furious Downing Street press conference.
The Labour leader called the presser in the wake of violence in Rotherham, where protesters have stormed a hotel.
The Government has today announced greater protection for mosques with new emergency security that can be rapidly deployed.
The new rapid response process means mosques at risk of violent disorder can be offered additional security personnel.
No mention of the Muslims running around the streets with machetes, being told by the cops “We are here to protect you” and to hide their machetes in their mosques.
Man, that place is gonna burn.
Possum wrote:
Actually, I would have no problem declaring war except Biden has drained the strategic oil reserve so I think we might be at a disadvantage there.
@ eaglesoars:
That was only a few million barrels, and they do it from time to time to make sure the oil can get to refineries.
Granted and I acknowledge it was a bit more crude oil than ususl.
The USA could be oil independent, not ever importing any more.
Same as bananas and watermelon. but we still import them.
LOL talking about importing things to the USA we could produce here. I have a couple of orange thingies from Peru that just yelled ” EAT ME!!!!!! “
@ Possum:
I’m not sure why we import bananas/watermelon. Maybe we can’t grow enough to supply demand?
I’m getting a bit peeved about people yelling at Trump for going after Raffensperger. “What’s he doing, he NEEDS Georgia!”
Yeah, well Raffensperger was in on it. Cleta Mitchell explains it very well and the only reason I know about it is because Bannon had her on. So here is Cleta explaining it very well
Fact: Trump’s legal team filed an election contest on Dec 4 2020. Supposed to be expedited but Chief Judge of Fulton County failed (refused?) to assign an eligible judge. So Pres Trump never got his day in Court. All the media focuses on is Pres Trump’s statement “we just have to find 12,000 votes”. The problem with that narrative is the Trump team had ALREADY found them – many many more than 12,000 votes that were included in the certified total – votes that were ILLEGAL under GA law. And shouldn’t have been counted. More than the margin between Pres Trump and Biden.
What Raffensperger has never done to this day is sit down and compare the data in the lawsuit with data from his office that he insisted proved Trump wrong. Data in the lawsuit such as:
more at the link
Which should tell you meat is really good for people
WHO director Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus declares ‘War on Meat’ to fight ‘Climate Change’
“Our food systems are harming the health of people and planet.”
@ eaglesoars:
I just took a pork shoulder off the smoker. He’d better not come around here.
New discoveries in human origins
Paleoanthropologist Lee Berger revealed details about the fascinating discovery in South Africa of remains belonging to a previously unknown species of pre-humans, dating back over two million years.
Numerous traces of this species were found in an underground chamber in Dinaledi, leading to the conclusion that it served as a burial site—a ritual previously thought to be exclusively human. Subsequent evidence of stone tools and even the use of fire were also discovered, indicating a species the size of a chimpanzee that predates the Neanderthals.
@ eaglesoars:
It is probably a seasonal thing. We now expect all fruits and vegetables to be available year round.
Take oranges for instance, when I was a kid they were a treat around Christmas time. They do not grow in England but probably imported from places like Spain and Portugal and southern France. Which is a fair distance away but doable.
Oranges in the summer would have to come from the Southern Hemisphere so when I was young not likely to be affordable if imported from thousands of miles away.
In a way I miss the times when food was seasonal.
Talking of oranges I just walked to the store to get three of those kick ass Peruvian orange things. It makes sense, it is Winter in Peru. Orange season!
I’m seeing reports/predictions of major stock market crashes starting tomorrow. Actually, Japan has already fallen, worst in 8 yrs
I THINK it’s about the Middle East
Anyhoo US stock holders are being told to get ready for a hit tomorrow
Sitting here watching Bosch season 7 episode 3 and for absolutely no reason thought to myself ” what day is it? ”
Had to check my phone LOL
Not as it really matters to me what day it is as when you get as old as I am everyday is the same.
A wave of financial collapses in multiple markets is happening across the world.
Black Swan or Black Monday?
Stocks and crypto have plunged as investors start to panic while a global sell-off deepens.
Absolute chaos in Japan as stocks are on track for their biggest decline in more than eight years, following a significant drop last Friday.
This is an even larger drop than the Black Monday crash of 1987.
South Korea has halted all sell orders as markets crash more than 5%.
In the United States, the Magnificent 7 stocks have erased nearly $500 billion overnight.
With rumors of World War III and civil war across Europe, the markets are expecting an even deeper crash tomorrow.
Trading halted in JPN
@ right_wing2:
She’s had some facial work done.
@ Possum:
lobo91 wrote:
Get a paper cup, drop a cut grape in it, cover the top with Saran Wrap and secure with a rubber band, then poke a hole in the plastic wrap with a pencil.
coldwarrior wrote:
seeing rpts a lot of online brokerages are down, Fidelity, etc.
@ Bunk Five Hawks X:
Mexicans don’t seem to eat grapes. I think on my next Walmart order I will see if they will deliver one.
Public service announcement.
Don’t look at your 401k, your IRA, your pension fund and the dollar to other currency exchange rates. It will ruin your lunch, which here would be liver and onions and mash but it is 94F and I can’t afford to use the AC anymore.
Planning for the future I am collecting recipes for Ramen Noodles and cheap hot dogs.
As for somewhere to live I am torn between getting a refrigerator box or a matching pair of washer/dryer boxes.
I think a double wide cardboard box home would be kind of stylish.
right_wing2 wrote:
I think I’m trapped in the seventh level of idiot hell!
This lady (and I use that term figuratively) is either as high as a kite or is a class A Idiot!
eaglesoars wrote:
How the hell did great apes get to the Americas? This a crazy stuff.
@ coldwarrior:
@ eaglesoars:
So much for freedom of the Press let alone freedom of speech, as the Commissioner of the Metropolitan Police in London perpetrating a common assaulting on a news hound. Namely grabbing the news-hound’s microphone out of his hands and dropping it onto the pavement as he walks past whilst refusing to answer a question about ‘two tier Policing’.
Naturally the Commissioner of the MET won’t face court for his assault on a reporter just doing his job. One would question that this is prima facie evidence of just that so called ‘two tiered Policing’ policy from the MET itself! No sign of the MET Commissioner being arrested for ‘common assault’ on the horizon!
One rule for the ‘Eloi’ and another rule for we mere ‘ Molduks’
Sir Keir Starmer Announces ‘Standing Army’ to Combat Riots as he Insists ‘There is no Two-Tier Policing’
A near-week of threats hasn’t had the hoped-for impact for Sir Keir Starmer, who on Monday announced a change of tack with the establishment of a “standing army” to crush riots where they appeared.
The Prime Minister, a seasoned lawyer with a usually assured and slick style seemed unsure of his words at times and lacked his normal energy as he spoke to journalists on Monday after he stepped out of a government crisis meeting.
Speaking at his official residence and office Downing Street, Sir Keir said of what had been agreed as the next steps: “The first is we’ll have a standing army of specialist officers… [unintelligible]… so what we’ll have enough officers to deal with this where we need them”.
Nevertheless, the Prime Minister still seemed happy enough with the recording to publish it through his official channel several hours later.
Stuttering Sir Keir evidently wasn’t the only attendee shaken by Monday’s COBRA (UK government emergency management committee) meeting in the Cabinet Office. Sir Mark Rowley, the country’s top police officer was also around the table and was evidently so worked up by whatever had gone on inside, he snapped at a journalist as he left the building, grabbing the man’s microphone out of his hand and casting it onto the ground.
The top cop may have felt slighted after the journalist in question asked him “Are we going to end two-tier policing, sir?”, referring to the rising number of observers asking why there appears to be such a clear differential in police response between communities when they take the the streets. The government does not appear to consider the issue one worth engaging with, however: the Home Secretary dodged the question when asked on breakfast television on Monday, and the Prime Minister in his “Standing Army” press conference also evaded answering.
The wheels are falling off in the UK!
Ally Venable got to play the National Anthem at an Astros game:
I don’t know how this idiot ended up in my timeline. I almost never engage but for some reason my sense of humor overcame my wisdom – such as it is
A not insignificant portion of the emotional labor of being a woman involves figuring out a way to give instructions that are a) clear enough to prevent confusion or mistakes but b) not so minute and specific that the recipient feels micromanaged or infantilized.
from me:
This has to be the most tedious crap I’ve read in at least 5 years. And I’m a woman.
’emotional labor’ my ass
Great fun. These people really cannot grasp that there are those among us who simply don’t take them seriously
@ lobo91:
That’s very cool!
Possum wrote:
The bait can be any sweet fruit. If you’re out of fruit, just pour in a little vinegar.
Aussie Infidel wrote:
Through the Mexican Border near Agua Prieta.
eaglesoars wrote:
Anyone whose bio claims he/she writes humor usually doesn’t.
Bunk Five Hawks X wrote:
This isn’t the direction we need to see.
Several news outlets reporting Harris has picked MN Gov Walz.
Good. Hubby knew him when he was in Congress. Said he is one of the lamest, dumbest people he has ever known
@ eaglesoars:
is that pinhead gonna debate? he’ll get crushed
@ eaglesoars:
They’re both radical left.
@ coldwarrior:
no clue. Harris obviously is avoiding a debate so it would look awkward if he agreed to debate and she didn’t
He “retired” as soon as he found out that his National Guard unit was being deployed to Iraq.
right_wing2 wrote:
Money has leveled out recently, Trump 5.63% v. Harris 44.25%
@ lobo91:
It’s official. Harris chose Walz.
Bunk Five Hawks X wrote:
Hard to believe that she found someone even further to the left
@ lobo91:
The stuff coming out on X about this guy – replacing the state flag w/Somali flag, etc (saw a video on that one) – is just jawdropping
@ eaglesoars:
i guess shapiro was too jewish.
lobo91 wrote:
Two uber-marxists on the dem ticket confirms that major fraud is on the horizon.
coldwarrior wrote:
coldwarrior wrote:
I wonder if it will matter that her husband is Jewish
Rep. Ilhan Omar, a “Squad” staple, member of the “Hamas Caucus,” and fellow Minnesotan, said Walz has “all of the qualities that the vice president needs to balance out the ticket.”
“Balance out”?
I guess because he’s white? It sure as hell isn’t an ideological balance. They’re both approaching Mao and Stalin.
What the hell
Minnesota First Lady says she left the windows open during the 2020 BLM riots to smell the burning tires and soak in the moment
Her daughter was also caught leaking National Guard plans to rioters so they could avoid arrest
This family is sick
@ right_wing2:
If Harris wins that bitch will be Sec State
@ eaglesoars:
That smell is the destruction of private property.
@ eaglesoars:
Dear God.
But that’s what we need to hammer home every day, just out insane they are.
@ eaglesoars:
Could she be Sec of State due to being in the line of succession?
Yet another America Last type, for sure.
@ right_wing2:
Yes. It would just skip over her. The only person who absolutely has to be qualified for the presidency is the VP, since that’s really their main function.
right_wing2 wrote:
After the VP, it’s Speaker of the House
Tim Walz has been given a new moniker on X
Because he mandated female hygiene products in school men’s rooms: Tampon Tim
@ eaglesoars:
Then the President Pro Tempore of the Senate. After that, it goes through the Cabinet secretaries in order of when the departments were created, starting with the Secretary of State.
Ever watch the show Designated Survivor? It was about the HUD Secretary becoming president after the Capitol is blown up during a joint session of Congress. Starred Keifer Sutherland.
lobo91 wrote:
The first few episodes. It stank on ice
Kamala & Walz are appearing together in PA. She’s drunk
Tim Walz’s wife says convicted criminals should get “as many chances as they need.”
“[That] doesn’t really please those ‘law and order’ people.”
video at the link
@ lobo91:
I knows all this stuff because I used to read books.
There is always one person who does not attend the State of the Union address.
Who it is going to be is a big secret. Possums know secrets.
DEVELOPING: Kamala VP pick Tim Walz traveled to Communist China every year from 1996 until at least 2003, after receiving special work visa from the Chinese government, and later honeymooned in China, continuing his infatuation with the Communist dictatorship …
Paul Sperry is an investigative journalist
@ Possum:
LOL just Googled “Designated Survivor ” and saw it is a TV series.
Guess the big secret is not such a big secret any more!
Oh, and as to ad tracking software and how sites spy on you and give that data to companies so they can target you.
Firstly, IP address tracking. Yes I am the only fluent and native English speaker within a 10 mile radius. My geographical location however may indicate I am Hispanic. That is why the ads on sites I visit are in Spanish, even the in movie ads on Tubi and Amazon video are in Spanish.
Hey, I don’t really care, but what is starting to piss me off is the age related ads, on sites I visit, ads during streaming shows and junk email.
You know, the ones all old people get.
Burial or Cremation, these are your options and costs. To find out more about these options call us or email us at……
@ Possum:
I get ads in Spanish all the time. Apparently, companies think everyone in NM speaks Spanish
@ lobo91:
LOL actually we should. It is in our best interests.
Ever go into a convenience store for hot food or try to order something from a street taco truck?
Impossible, I have to just point at something I may like. Lucky I will eat anything.
Told a medical professional working in Texas that no longer speaks to me is best thing they could do is to learn to speak Spanish for career progression and patient interaction.
Here in Houston I was applying for jobs and found one I was well qualified for. Small print stated applicant must have a fork lift certification. CHECK!
Fluent in English. CHECK!
Fluent in Vietnamese. Aw shit.
lobo91 wrote:
Gogl thinks I’m an equa dor Ian cardiologist.
I keep it going
@ Possum:
Fuck that.
Possum wrote:
Don’t forget the Trident Society who will dump your corpse into the briny deep as the band plays “There’s Got To Be A Morning After”.
@ Possum:
Ever hear a loud domestic argument in Vietnamese? It’s hilarious.
Far-Left Squad Member Cori Bush Loses By Landslide in Missouri Primary
Shock Revelation: Starliner Can’t Undock From Space Station Safely
Boeing didn’t finish the flight software on Starliner preventing the space capsule from undocking and returning to earth autonomously. This is the reason Boeing hasn’t been willing to allow the astronauts to return to Earth on Dragon. They will lose the capsule.
Wife of Tory councilor is arrested for RACIAL HATRED after saying rioters should ‘set fire to all the migrant hotels’ – but her husband insists she isn’t a racist as she looks after ‘Bangladeshi kids’
For anyone who hasn’t seen it, I highly recommend the documentary The Fall of Minneapolis. Tim Walz figures prominently in it.
It’s on Youtube, but I can’t embed it here for some reason.
@ lobo91:
Kackle Kamala and Tampon Tim
Bed. nite
Inquiring minds may be wondering why I have not posted anything about how many calories I ate and drink recently.
Several days ago we had a slight accident here. While measuring accurately 300 grams of Cabernet into a coffee mug from a 5 liter box of wine the process was invaded by fruit flies. There was arm waving and some spillage occurred.
As a consequence the kitchen scale that was accurate to 0.1 grams is still drunk as a skunk and cannot accurately weigh bugger all.
So, it means I have to guess portion sizes. Hey I got this!
For some unknown reason I gained 3 pounds since I broke the scale.
@ eaglesoars:
I’m sure her replacement won’t be much better, but almost anyone would be an improvement.
UK government calls on Elon Musk to act responsibly amid provocative posts as unrest grips the country
I saw something earlier where some barrister was calling for X to be banned in the UK
eaglesoars wrote:
Here we go. Jessica Simor, King’s Counsellor. Suggests passing a ‘short bill’ (whatever that is) to shut down twitter in the UK
Jessica is recognised as one of the country’s leading specialists in public/regulatory, EU and human rights law, acting for a wide range of clients, ranging from large companies, regulators , Government departments, NGOs, and for private individuals. She has particular experience in environment (climate change, recycling, sustainability, labelling), energy, privacy/data protection, tax (VAT/excise), and competition law across different industries.
The UK has fallen
BREAKING: UK authorities will round up and charge citizens who RETWEET any material deemed as “inciting hatred”
UK Threatens to Extradite Overseas Social Media Users Who Criticize Mass Migration, Two-Tier Policing.
The United Kingdom’s Director of Public Prosecutions, Stephen Parkinson, has threatened to extradite overseas social media users who have supported or spoken out on the anti-mass migration protests and riots gripping the country. Prime Minister Sir Keir Starmer has promised draconian action against those protesting against the deadly stabbing of multiple young girls by a migration-background teenager in Southport, England last week.Parkinson said that overseas social media posters should be aware that “they are not safe and there is nowhere to hide.”
X owner and tech billionaire Elon Musk has also strongly criticized Prime Minister Starmer for two-tier policing of anti-mass migration demonstrators and Muslim counter-demonstrators, branding him “#TwoTierKier.”It remains unclear whether the British government will try to extradite Musk for his posts or for allowing support for the anti-mass migration protests on X.
The United States and the United Kingdom have an extradition treaty signed in 2003 that lists terrorism as an offense for extradition.
Musk is an American citizen
uh huh
Tim Walz: “There’s no guarantee to free speech on misinformation or hate speech and especially around our democracy”
@ eaglesoars:
Only government approved speech is allowed.
DSA takes credit for keeping Harris from picking that icky Jew guy:
This story just gets better and better:
@ lobo91:
Possums are either psychic or excellent rocket scientists.
Exhibit A from June 10th.
I am a practical person and if I was an Astronaut traveling to the ISS in a Boeing anything in the future for an eight day stay I would pack a few extra pairs of socks and some emergency stay tighty whiteys.
It is not as if you can wash socks in the bath tub and hang them outside to dry like you can on Earth.
@ lobo91:
Haven’t read it yet.
@ Bunk Five Hawks X:
I am a space ship expert and that article is incorrect. It says that the stranded astronauts cannot return until February 2025 as that is when Space X can send up a rescue Crew Dragon.
The true fact is to get them back the Space X mission that was supposed to be late August and has been postponed to September will only carry two crew. That leaves two seats open when it is due back in February so the stranded astronauts will have to do the work of the two that were bumped off the August/September mission.
PLUS! The Crew Dragon cannot dock at the ISS as there are no spare docking ports. Starliner is taking up one of the two, and another Crew Dragon is attached to the other one.
So, just send the Boeing Starliner back unmanned to free up the docking port. Simples!
Um, the Starliner cannot undock unmanned. Software not written.
LOL, it is a shame we are no longer buddies with Russia.
As I said in June, what you go up in is what you come back in. Also those spacecraft are technically lifeboats.
A few weeks ago there was a near miss of space debris and the ISS. Nothing they do not plan for and procedure is all the people on the ISS go sit in their own return spacecraft and either wait and undock and fly to Earth if ISS is hit or they crawl back onto the ISS if all is OK again.
One of the lifeboats ain’t working right. Fingers crossed ISS is not hit by space junk.
lobo91 wrote:
That was the movie where they got down to the Secretary of Agriculture before they found one who still had a pulse?
Starmer looking at building internment camps on the Falklands to detain those ‘right wing thugs’
So we’ll send British protestors to the Falklands, but put up illegals in taxpayer-funded private accommodation and grant them amnesty?
This man is a ****ing menace.
@ Aussie Infidel:
HUD (Housing and Urban Development)
No source cited, so………
Breaking News: One of the Chinese Police stations out of the 7 uncovered here in the United States is in the Twin Cities in Minnesota and has ties to Governor Waltz Global program.
@ Aussie Infidel:
By Dawns Early Light is another movie I will repeatedly watch.
1990 and the reason I will re watch it has absolutely nothing to do with Rebecca De Mornay being in it. Not at all, nope.
Anyway in that one Secretary of the Interior was the new president. And he ain’t got a clue.
Worth a watch. Cold war almost gone really wrong.
Anyway it is legally on Amazon Prime video and there maybe another version here….
Possum wrote:
They just need to ask the crew to pick the short straw and ‘ahem ‘ volunteer to do the undock program and then ride the broken Starliner during reentry.
Maybe they crew can decide using Rock Paper Scissors.
I’m going to put forward a series of events: I have been wracking my brains as to why Starmer is so utterly tone deaf. Why is he SO supportive of Muslims when they hate him and didn’t vote for him – why? NWO? WEF? implementing DID? …none of it quite fit. Then, earlier, writing about The Völkischer Beobachter, I referred to a few of my books on the subject, and it struck me.
I, like many, for decades, 100% believed that
was nothing but a “Far Right, racist, Nazi thug”.
Tommy Robinson’s film “Silenced” was produced in 2023. The courts placed an order preventing him from showing the film on July 4, 2024.
The film showed the inherent corruption within the legal system, CPS, media, council and even the school board, and, most importantly, the government.
“X,” on October 27, 2022.
Elon Musk reinstated Tommy Robinson’s account on X on April 4, 2023.
From that point, the narrative changed. Many millions of people like me were forced to readdress our opinions. (In fact, he and I had a massive barney to start with.)
His account gathered momentum, and grew in numbers, all over the world.
On Remembrance day he was arrested for eating a fried breakfast by 10 police officers who pepper sprayed him in the face. The optics were really bad.
With his growing X platform, international interest, the media started to sit up. Instead of people screaming “racist” every time his name was mentioned, conservative media started to listen to him.
Most notably, Jordan Peterson which gave him the opportunity to be interviewed without accusation and validated him as a serious voice in the UK. Since then, other, credible, conservative podcasters, commentators, and international TV programmes have given him a platform.
On the march on 1st there were crowds of tens of thousands. Peaceful. The only problems were caused by agitators, not the crowd.
Most recently, on the 27th the crowd doubled or more, and around 100k people turned up. Even Muslim LBC reporters noted that every single person there was peaceful, it was full of people of all races, creeds and backgrounds.
He was then immediately arrested under Terrorism charges.
Fast Forward to today: the narrative is that he is stoking riots – we all know that’s not true. Muslims have been fed information that the EDL are after their mosques, one video even showed a Muslim man saying the police came and told him the EDL were coming for his mosque. Over and over they’re lying about what he has said. And the media are complicit.
My theory: Starmer, who was head of the CPS, is absolutely shitting his pants that something is going to come out. The legal system is totally nepotistic. We all know, from Silenced, they’re all in each others pockets. I think there is something they’re hiding, and I think they’re using all this to discredit him. And I think it’s absolutely fking massive.
I now believe these riots are being deliberately stoked to implicate Tommy and anyone else who might dare ask questions.
The punishment for talking online, is so insanely disproportionate, it’s a warning to all of us.
Something else, something bigger is going on. There is a massive arse-covering exercise afoot. Pedo rings? Back-handers? corruption? Why are the Tories so quiet?
some interesting responses on the thread
It’s fascinating watching people who typically despise the military and those who serve jumping to the defense of Tim Walz’s service record. The fact that so few of them know what the hell they’re talking about is a bonus, of course.
I seem to recall these same people insisting that George W. Bush “dodged the draft” by becoming a fighter pilot in the National Guard, since that’s apparently not the “real military.” The 24 years Walz spent in the National Guard, on the other hand, are somehow equivalent to Audie Murphy. Oh, and the 4 years that JD Vance served in the Marine Corps, including a tour in Iraq, doesn’t count, since he was a journalist. Last time checked, rockets, mortars and IEDs don’t ask what your MOS is, but whatever. Of course, when Al Gore did a tour in Vietnam as a military journalist, that was a big deal. Don’t ask me to explain the difference.
Transportation Pete weighs in
Come to think of it, denigrating the worth of a soldier’s service based on whether he deployed to a war zone is… kind of like denigrating the worth of a woman’s citizenship based on whether she happens to have children.
my response
From the guy who posed in a hospital bed with children he purchased.
eaglesoars wrote:
Especially in a situation where a self appointed Commissar is the bastard who defines what misinformation actually is, and how he defines what hate speech is too!
Needless to say forget about being innocent until proven in a court of being guilty within reasonable doubt.
It’ll be … “March the next guilty bastard in …. STAR Chamber …. type (ahem) justice!
Possum wrote:
Hardly noticed Rebecca De Mornay…. like bloody hell!!
I need a co-pilot like that!
eaglesoars wrote:
Just as the covert Democrats infiltrated the RNC in the late 70s and early 80s and the RINO s were born the whole of the Conservative Party structure has been ‘white-anted’ and destroyed. The Candidate Selection voting power was captured first and it was easier after that to seize control of the Tories. Same thing happened over a longer period of infiltration from 1870s through to 1960 inside the Catholic Church. The standard Marxist / Progressive infiltration appears wherever an organisational structured power is established. Evil is certainly on the move everywhere and now they don’t even care whether they are found out infiltrating. Grampski writ large!
The fascist authoritarian Left is so cock sure that they can’t be beaten that they operate openly.
That was their greatest mistake. We win. They lose … in horrific ways. I even feel a little sorry for them. Very little!
lobo91 wrote:
If they have to ask the difference then you’re wasting your breath anyway mate!
@ eaglesoars:
In case anyone hasn’t seen Walz before, here’s a photo of him I got off the net.
It’s a picture of him after being arrested in Nebraska after driving at 96 mph in a 55 zone….whilst pissed out of his skull…(below)
Walz’s campaign manager claimed that Walz was not “not drunk”, but ‘attributed the DUI charge to the officer “misunderstanding Walz’s deafness”….whatever the hell that means.
He failed both a field sobriety and breath test administered by the arresting officer.
According to a court transcript, Walz had a blood alcohol concentration of .128.
By the way Walz is NOT deaf either. That was just his Campaign Manager lying on his behalf.
@ lobo91:
As far as I’m aware, Harris refuses to debate Trump on Fox.
Her excuse was, that Trump agreed to a second debate on ABC…with Biden.
Trump bit back and reminded her that that agreement to debate on ABC, was with Biden….not her.
Let’s not forget….leftist Chris Wallace is no longer on Fox to manage candidate debates….he’s gone to his spiritual home on CNN.
Obviously, Harris thinks Brett Baier or Martha McCallum might ask her an actual question…..and the puppet masters can’t have that….she might inadvertently say the truth.
Which is probably the same reason she has so far refused to do ANY Q & A journalist interviews.
Funny how that sort of stuff happens!
Here’s a debate idea:
The candidates ask each OTHER 4-6 questions related to broad issues.
Immigration, taxes, the economy, environmental issues.
Cackles wouldn’t be able to get the questions ahead of time.
@ Aussie Infidel:
I’m pretty sure that’s by design. They’re attempting to replicate Biden’s 2020 “basement campaign” strategy, just using a different excuse.
Imagine if this were a Republican administration
#BREAKING: The “Global Alliance for Responsible Media” is discontinuing.
Big win for the First Amendment.
Big win for oversight.
GARM was a group that advised advertisers where they should spend their money based on the political correctness of the outlet. They advised against X, for example, and Elon decided to sue. I don’t believe for a minute this will stop them, they’ll try another avenue, but it’s going to be more difficult.
Apparently Dunkin Donuts took their advice, decided to not advertise on X (for example) and now they’re facing a big fat boycott.
right_wing2 wrote:
That is an EXCELLENT idea!
A prominent British crocodile expert has been jailed for 10 years and five months for raping, torturing and killing dozens of dogs.
Adam Britton, a zoologist based in Darwin, Australia, pleaded guilty to 56 charges of bestiality and animal cruelty at the Supreme Court of the Northern Territory (NT) in September last year.
He also pleaded guilty to four counts of accessing and transmitting child abuse material.
Britton, 52, whose sentencing suffered a series of delays, was on Thursday also banned for life from purchasing animals and having them on his property, Australian media reports.
His offending involved the torture and exploitation of 42 dogs, and the deaths of 39, in a shipping container on his property – which he used to film many of his crimes.
Britton will not be eligible for parole for six years, according to ABC.
Chief Justice Michael Grant described Britton’s “grotesque” and “unspeakable” crimes against animals as he sentenced him.
The judge excused court officers during his sentencing remarks, as he warned the gallery that details of the offences could cause a “nervous shock or some other adverse psychological reactions”.
He said: “Although I’m loathe to do so, given the gross depravity and perversity of your actions, it is necessary for the purpose of sentencing you to provide some generally representative detail and description of the offending conduct.”
The court previously heard Britton had a “sadistic sexual interest” in animals, and in particular dogs.
As well as torturing his own dogs, he also sourced animals from unsuspecting pet owners in the Darwin region.
“He often built a rapport with the dog owners in negotiating taking custody of their animals, many of whom had to reluctantly give their pets away due to travel or work commitments,” prosecutor Marty Aust told the court back in September.
Ten years? Burn this fucker at the stake
The Global Alliance for Responsible Media is ‘discontinuing’ after Elon Musk’s X filed an antitrust lawsuit against it
The advertising trade group The World Federation of Advertisers told its members on Thursday that it was “discontinuing” activities for its Global Alliance for Responsible Media initiative following an antitrust lawsuit filed by Elon Musk’s X against the company earlier this week.
Stephan Loerke, the CEO of the WFA, wrote in an email to members, seen by Business Insider, that the decision was “not made lightly” but that GARM is a not-for-profit organization with limited resources.
Loerke said that the WFA and GARM intended to contest the allegations in X’s suit in court and were confident the outcome of the case would “demonstrate our full adherence to competition rules in all our activities.”
The news came just two days after X filed an antitrust suit in a Texas court, which alleged that GARM’s members illegally colluded to “collectively withhold billions of dollars in advertising revenue” from Twitter, now known as X. GARM members Unilever, Mars, CVS, and Ørsted are also named defendants.
The World Federation of Advertisers
ok, got it
Don’t know who it was but some reporter asked Trump about “the national abortion ban”
Either the reporter is a moron or is trying to feed a narrative
@ eaglesoars:
Not mutually exclusive
Looks like the September 10th debate is back on
eaglesoars wrote:
Croc h’ordeuvres . Three Aussies eaten by BIG Salty crocs so far already this year. Make it a round 4 !
Actually crocs eat about three times as many Aussies as do sharks over the long term. Large salt water crocs also prey on large sharks as well.
Sharks (mostly BullSharks )are controlled through shark netting as are kangaroo numbers and dingo populations but for reasons known to Greenie Nutters Large Salt water crocs are totally protected. WHY?
Their numbers are going exponential and the numbers of attacks on humans is increasing … a LOT!
These are huge 2 tonne monster crocs that are VERY territorial and extremely aggressive. Feed Greenie Marxists to crocs and then shoot the crocs. Win-win all around!
lobo91 wrote:
The only potential excuse for Harris is ‘stupid to the bone’ politicised ‘squirrel shit’.
Possum wrote:
Not a bad movie. I can’t understand why the character played by De Mornay peeps from under the window shades with one eye, to watch the nuke go off ? Why blind herself in one eye/ Why look into a VERY white light when there was just ‘white’ to see?
Hmmmm ?
I don’t know why!
@ Aussie Infidel:
She said there was too much commercial traffic in the air to fly with blinds closed.
@ Possum:
Oh and she was covering one eye because the pilot just punched her.
Aussie Infidel wrote:
2 tonnes!!
An excellent column by Kurt Schlichter:
lobo91 wrote:
Not only that. He signed into law that pedophilia is ‘just another sexual orientation’ or something.
Got this from my sister via email.
Christopher Columbus was believed to be a ‘hidden– Jew. He used a triangular system of dots and letters that resembled inscriptions found on gravestones of Jewish Cemeteries in Spain; the anagram was a cryptic substitute for a Kaddish, a prayer recited in the synagogue by mourners after the death of a close relative. Thus, Columbus’ subterfuge allowed his sons to say Kaddish for their crypto-Jewish father when he died. Estelle Irizarry a Linguistics professor at Georgetown University concluded that the explorer’s primary written and spoken language was “Ladino” (Castilian Spanish) At the top left hand corner of all but one of the 13 letters written by Columbus to his son Diego contained the handwritten Hebrew letters bet-hei, meaning b’ezrat Hashem (with God’s help).Observant Jews have for centuries customarily added this blessing to their letters. Scholars point to the date on which Columbus set sail as further evidence of his true motives. He was originally going to sail on August 2, 1492, a day that happened to coincide with the Jewish holiday of Tisha B’av, marking the destruction of the First and Second Holy Temples of Jerusalem. Columbus postponed this original sail date by one day to avoid embarking on the holiday which would have been considered by Jews to be an unlucky day to set sail.(Coincidentally or significantly, the day he set forth was the very day that Jews were, by law, given the choice of converting, leaving Spain or being killed.)
She said it came from From Elaine Levitt, the Israel American Foundation Newsletter 2019.
Fascinating, but have no clue
Possum wrote:
Just do what we used to do for real when we were in the same bit of airspace as Continental Airlines who were notorious for NOT being where they were supposed to be at altitudes they were not to be at!
We would go off track some obscure distance like say 12.48 Nm off track to the left and at some obscure altitude like FL 370 (37,000 feet at QNH 1013) but then add on 468 feet of additional altitude. We’d also turn on every light we had to make our aircraft stand out blazing with light so these bastards could see us. We’d also attempt to contact then on 121.7 Mhz and HF 3145 kHz as well as the VHF ‘chatter frequency 123.45 Mhz.
These idiots never answered and we watch them fly past us in the dark on the Airway.
They would demand Block Altitudes to ensure that they were exactly on the Climb / Weight graphs because they got extra pay from Continental for saving a couple of thousand bucks worth of gas. Trouble is that tactic reserved huge 4,000 foot bands of airspace that stuck approaching traffic below their best fuel burn numbers, and prevented climbs by all of the other traffic. This tactic also stopped traffic from descending for approaches until the traffic was clear laterally once a forward weigh point had been reached and an accurate position had been passed. This caused every other airline getting forced to burn extra fuel due to being forced to fly at unsuitably altitudes.
All other airlines took evasive action to miss Continental traffic. Many times they would pass in the night at altitudes that were below their lower base of their Block Altitude. They were dangerous and selfish for what were a couple of hundred bucks extra bonus for saving a few tonnes of gas whilst forcing other traffic on the Airway to burn tens of thousands of tonnes of extra fuel.
Continental were notorious for their terrible lack of airmanship and dangerous and illegal shenanigans.
One night the whole crew were obviously all ASLEEP as they missed landing at Nadi in Fiji and were headed for Antarctica !
Nadi Radar ‘selcalled’ them repeatedly. We tried them on emergency frequencies as we were stuck above them and couldn’t get a clearance through their cruise altitude. Finally we raised them on 121.5 VHF and woke them up. The crew hardly ever flew into the SW Pacific as it was considered a ‘plumb route’ and only old and senior crew got to bid for the trip. They couldn’t find Nadi runway when they finally descended. They were at 5,000 feet looking to home in on the Nadi VORTEC. Alas unlike all most every other VORTEC in the world it was NOT located at the Airfield!!! It was in the middle of a 3,000 foot high jungle clad range of mountains. They told Nadi Radar that they wanter to defend to 2,000 feet because they couldn’t see the approach lights! Nadi said DEFINITELY NOT, maintain 5,000 feet and look up. We were at 10,000 feet above them with every light we carried blazing. Nadi Approach told the idiots flying Continental to follow Air NZ Boeing 747-200 above them at 1,000 feet and Air NZ (us) would lead the Continental airplane around and onto the approach vectors for Nadi runway. Once these idiots had established on approach Nadi cleared us to circle and defend to 5,000 feet and once Continental were on the ground we could land as well. We saw the crew in Flight Planning and they refused to even make eye contact! Idiots as well as cowards! They could have killed their 287 passengers by missing the Nadi landing and run out of fuel hours later somewhere deep in the SW Pacific!
1000 feet should be 10,000 feet as we were stuck above Continental.
eaglesoars wrote:
18 foot long and their torso was 6-7 feet diameter or about 18 feet circumference around the belly. 2 tonnes!
Washburn: Letter From Michigan AG Threatens Prosecution For Election Speech
(6 min video interview by Natalie Winters w/The Federalist reporter)
BREAKING: British Police have announced that they will now be arresting & extraditing anyone retweeting or posting their thoughts/opinions on social media related to the anti immigration protests in the UK, even if they’re doing so from other countries
Time to pull our ambassador
have blocked all foreign IPs in a bid to reduce the harms of alleged xenophobia in the UK. The irony hurts.
later in the thread
Not just Cheshire – all police dot uk is blocked.
They want to hide like the old Soviet Union
@ eaglesoars:
I wish them luck with that. Might work with Canada. Nobody else is going to cooperate.
Got a nail in one of my tires
$353 to replace. ouch
@ eaglesoars:
Same here. I retrieved my truck from its 3 week vacation at the body shop the other day and had to go straight to the tire shop.
@ eaglesoars:
I think this dog should take Kamala Harris’ place on the ticket:
I’m in a hurry I’ll find the tweet later but Elon just suspended the UK Government’s official account for threatening its own citizens
@ eaglesoars:
Ben Shapiro is a douchebag.
That is all.
eaglesoars wrote:
hoax, unfortunately
This however is not
It’s been written in the Telegraph that Keir Starmer is considering FORCING social media companies to remove ‘legal but harmful’ content.
If this transpires I think
would ignore it whilst BANNING UK government accounts.
What do you think?
Telegraph is behind a paywall so I can’t see how Starmer intends to do that
England Police say they will extradite and imprison Americans over social media posts
These people are fucking insane
Former Scottish First Minister Humza Yousaf calls for a crackdown of .
Yousaf branded Elon Musk “One of the most dangerous men on the planet” as he called for censorship.
“He uses his billions… to amplify far-right white supremacist ideology.”
The comments are fun
If you’re planning to visit the UK this summer, check if you need a UK visa
eaglesoars wrote:
That statement is vague enough to make it unverifiable with or without the paywall.
@ Bunk Five Hawks X:
Read between the lines. They’re going after Elon.
eaglesoars wrote:
That’s obvious.
I was looking for the Telegraph article.
Passed 300. New thread –> https://www.blogmocracy.com/2024/08/10/light-at-the-end/