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Tags: Christmas
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Merry Christmas, yinz guys!
@ coldwarrior:
Merry Christmas!
Kreciola TV in Poland gave us an early Christmas present, too.They released the full video of The Warning’s set at Poland Rocks in 4K:
Best comment on that thread:
I’m so looking forward to the Mexico City show in February.
Someone’s setting off traditional yuletide fireworks.
Merry Christmas to everyone but him.
Merry Christmas to all.
The Petersens‘ Sleigh Ride [2:31] is a fun take on one of my favorites.
Sorry to drag things up from a previous thread but,
@ Possum:
hey y’all
Merry Christmas
So I tried Possum’s suggestion of asking Grok for my profile. There’s something wrong with the algo. It said I’m sarcastic. Everybody knows I’m Little Miss Sweetness and Light.
Anyhoo, Merry Christmas ya filthy animals………
@ lobo91:
I read your posts downstairs about the USS Gettysburg. It’s still a fuck up tho – I think?
eaglesoars wrote:
Oh, absolutely. Nobody knows yet exactly WHY it happened, that was just WHAT happened.
@ Possum:
Since it was nap time I thought I’d let the author have a go at it first. Nap time is over.
I don’t get Trump’s comments on Canada, the Panama Canal, and Greenland.
Sure, Carter’s giveaway of the Canal was stupid, but it’s a treaty, a done deal.
And why would we want a California north?
If he’s trolling, let’s get to business, not trolls.
right_wing2 wrote:
Alberta seems sane.
Seems like he IS down to business, and trolling draws out more of the media bias (and that of the Deep State).
right_wing2 wrote:
This is dead on.
“Democrats, you lost because you ran a moron in place of a president you knew was a corpse attached to a car battery. Even the Amish who never vote… voted.”
more at the link
Denmark has announced a huge boost in defence spending for Greenland, hours after US President-elect Donald Trump’s desire to buy the Arctic territory – BBC
@ eaglesoars:
There’s a bigass hint.
As for Canada, they have an illegal immigrant problem and the border between Canuckistan and the US is almost non-existent. Something like 90% of the Canadian population lives within 100 miles of the US border, so buying up some critical strips at the trouble spots might be a good idea.
yeah, they’ll just hide it someplace else
The State Department’s center for fighting global disinformation received a lump of coal in its Christmas stocking this week as congressional lawmakers excluded new funding and authorization for the office beyond this year.
The Global Engagement Center, which tracks foreign disinformation, will lose its authority on Dec. 24. Despite a concerted push by State officials to lobby Congress for an extension, a measure to extend the center’s authority into 2031 was stripped out of the final version of defense authorization legislation that passed through the Senate.
“The Global Engagement Center will terminate by operation of law [by the end
of the day] on December 23, 2024,” a State Department spokesperson told CyberScoop in an email. “The Department of State has consulted with Congress regarding next steps.”
Little Steven Van Zandt (Springsteen’s pirate bandana-wearing guitar player) has a decent eclectic collection of Christmas songs on his Underground Garage website.
@ Bunk Five Hawks X:
Okay, that collection is a bit rough. I fast forwarded twice so far. One more and I’m outta there.
@ Bunk Five Hawks X:
The Chieftain’s The Bells of Dublin is much more appropriate.
@ Bunk Five Hawks X:
Fox finally reporting on the drones
@ eaglesoars:
now let’s see if they start ramping up the pressure to make people really freak out
This is a very funny piece on the difference between Christmas and Hanukkah – which happen to fall on the same day this year
We’re so full of prime rib we can’t eat the sides. Save dessert for tomorrow
Merry Christmas to all.
We drove to Topeka, had lunch with BIL and his family, then to her friend’s place to open presents, and back to BIL’s for dessert/presents.
Back to Wichita so Mrs can do her first round of chemo in the morning. 8:45 for an injection, then the treatment starts around 9:30 for 5 hours.
Follow up on Friday, then another appointment on the 3rd for labs.
2nd round is the 16th, then we see the surgeon who worked on her arm on the 22nd. She’s still got some pain/weakness, so I’m a bit concerned.
@ eaglesoars:
I lucked out this year. I dropped hints to the missus several times trying to get something to go on and she finally said, “Just get me some champagne.”
Done. A local Office Supply store is now The Beer & Wine Warehouse and has a huge section dedicated to champagne. I don’t know anything about champagne except both Dom Perignon champagne and Snoop Dog sparkling wine come in black bottles and DP is more expensive. I didn’t see either, but there was a stack of white boxes near the entry, and since I’m a buyer, not a shopper, I bought one for under $500.
I didn’t realize until this morning that the unknown champagne I bought had the name Marguerite – the French version of the missus’ first name. The missus was amazed that I found something so thoughtful. WIN!
right_wing2 wrote:
The infusion doesn’t take five hours, but they keep patients in the facility to watch for bad reactions. Years back they’d send patients home after the infusion was complete. Some were back within an hour or two with projectile vomiting, so now they keep them longer as a precaution.
Good luck to the missus, let me know how it goes.
@ right_wing2:
Give her all our hugs. I’m sure she must be scared (and you too). Keep us posted.
Bunk Five Hawks X wrote:
Lucky bastard
@ right_wing2:
@ eaglesoars:
There is nothing to be scared about.
@ Bunk Five Hawks X:
Well played, sir!
Round 1 of chemo is wrapped up. She felt fine through the whole process. There’s a follow up tomorrow, and another one next Friday. Her 2nd infusion will be scheduled then, probably around the 16th.
@ right_wing2:
For me, I get a 48 hour pump on Monday, effects kick in Wednesday and they last through Thursday before tapering off.
Saw my Onkydoc Tuesday after last week’s CT scan, and he was pleased, no changes as usual. May 5 2025 will be my five-year chemoversary, and Onkydoc said MAYBE we could stop the chemo. Best news I’ve had in a long while, even if it’s a MAYBE.
@ Bunk Five Hawks X:
I bring the staff nursies presents for Christmas, and this year’s gift was a hit. There were four tins worth of stick-on googly eyes scattered throughout the clinic.
@ Bunk Five Hawks X:
I hope they can finally stop the chemo and you then you live a full and active life!
However, I will call your doctor and ask if he could prescribe you every two weeks, weed for three days, cocaine for the next day, LSD on weekends and a really strong laxative on Fridays.
A cancer free and chemo free Bunk is the best Christmas gift ever.
Going to miss the dramatic mood changes though buddy.
Tomorrow I will find my old UK passports dating back to my first one in 1977.
H1-B rings a bell in my memory. I got a passport and a US visa because I went for a vacation in Los Angeles for ten days. It was a lifetime visa allowing multiple entry to the USA. I had to go to the US embassy in Grosvenor Square, the old embassy, in person to get it. Them Marines were snappy dressers!
In the late 1980’s I went to the USA on a three week training course. UK passports are valid 10 years and I had a new one.
If you traveled from UK to USA for commerce you need a visa, the old one in my old passport got me in. But on arrival they cancelled my old visa as rules changed. It was no longer for life but the duration of the passport it was in.
Will find passports from last century and get Lucy to scan them
Thoughts on Trump’s picks:
Bongino- One of his better picks. I think his Chief of Staff and AG are good, too.
SecDef isn’t bad, but might not be the best.
Treasury Sec ties to Soros concern me.
I’m not sure about Agriculture, Transportation, or Labor
Kennedy concerns me- he’s too anti vax.
Linda McMahon could be better, regardless of getting rid of the department of education.
Noem wasn’t a great choice, IMHO.
@ Possum:
US Visa on passport is B2
Looking through old passports at the visa pages the best one ever is just a tiny smudge of ink. No date, no details just a mark on a page of a passport that only those who knows know.
@ Possum:
B2 is tourism, figures, went to that Disney place.
Later got in for business on that same visa. Came to USA many times after.
What is missing is exit stamps.
Fuck there are about twelve of me here!
@ Possum:
The Australian and African visa stamps all match up. Entry and exit.
The USA stamps are a mess. Looks like I entered Boston and never left. Same in New York, Chicago and Nebraska among other places.
Canada has their shit together, and the entry and exit stamps has a nice Maple leaf on them.
@ Possum:
I spent a month in Mexico last spring and only got one stamp (entering Mexico at Mexicali). Driving across the border is strange these days. Going to Mexico, there’s nobody on the US side at all. Coming back through Tecate was just the opposite. Nobody on the Mexican side, and just one bored-looking guy on the US side who just glanced at my passport.
@ lobo91:
They really ain’t got a clue who is coming into the USA
Well at international airports they kind of know, but once someone is in then they are free to go where they want and stay as long as they want.
I am a legally in the USA now. The FBI got my fingerprints.
Because I know they have my finger prints whenever I do something naughty I wear gloves.
@ Possum:
To expand on this.
My fingerprints are on file. If I were to commit a mass murder using an axe without wearing my gloves then it would take maybe 2-3 days to know who I was by running the finger prints.
They got me!
When I got my Green card I got finger printed.
When I re-newed my driver licence, the real ID one, they thumb printed me. Why just thumbs I will never know.
OK so a finger and thumb print search on a database may take a while if trying to identify a serial killer may take time.
Matching a finger, or thumb print against a known person should take just seconds.
I am really happy the USA has all my biometric data. It proves it is me in seconds.
@ Possum:
I couldn’t even tell you how many copies of my fingerprints are on file. Dozens, probably. My DNA isn’t in CODIS (as far as I know), but it is in the DOD database. Supposedly, that one doesn’t feed into CODIS, but who knows?
@ lobo91:
There are two ways to look at this.
Having all that personal information on file is an invasion of privacy.
Also having all that personal information on file is a blessing.
I am OK with mine on file.
What goes through my head when I think of it is that fucking missile thing.
You heard it, ” the missile does not know where it is but it knows where it is not and knows where it was” thing.
The government has all my information, I am OK with that. It INSTANTLY proves I am not a serial killer.
@ lobo91:
Oh, and do not tell us here why your DNA is on file with the DOD as some people here are fragile and may faint.
Glad you made it to retirement.
A food post!
Christmas dinner was a grilled sharp cheddar cheese sandwich with raw yellow onions. The sharp cheddar is not as sharp as it should be so there was some stone ground mustard added.
Served with a bottle of MD 2020.
Boxing day supper ( boxing day is not an American thing ) is going to be tatties and onions with a swirl of Heinz 57 sauce and beer.
And bed… Night!
@ Possum:
Everyone in the military has DNA on file since around 2003 or so. It’s only supposed to be used for casualty identification purposes, but who knows?
Possum wrote:
Onkydoc emphasised the MAYBE, so we’ll see. If you get the cocktail changed, leave out the weed. It just gets me giggly, paranoid and hungry. The other stuff is probably okay.
@ Possum:
IF the MAYBE happens, one of the drawbacks will be that I won’t be able to blame chemo for being an asshole on occasion. Might have to go full time.
@ Bunk Five Hawks X:
Full time asshole is what I am and I accept it.
Welcome to my world.
@ Possum:
I’ve been taking copious notes in preparation for the transition.
Speaking of assholes, czech yinzmail.
The Kiffness 😀
Quiet… too quiet… something’s going down…
A big New Years ball. That’s what’s going down.
@ Bunk Five Hawks X:
Listened to a couple of tracks, not my thing but happy he and friends are having fun.
A random Friday food post.
Only 17 second video but going to try this when I have eaten the backlog of potato and onions Yorkshire style LOL
I must admit that recently when making scrambled eggs I do not beat the eggs to a froth but just stir the eggs in a bowl enough to break the yolks and then cook them and they end up as a white and yellow blob.
Odd thing is I do actually have gelatin packets in stock. Leftover from the time my oven worked and I was making pork pies. Served with mushy peas and vinegar.
Oh, and over on X a certain Musk person is loosing it.
Fascinated as to how can anyone fuck themselves in the face. I cannot research that as Pornhub is banned in Texas….
I will ask Grok.
right_wing2 wrote:
Greenland was just a kinda ‘watch it Xi ‘cos I’m after your arse for exporting rare earth ores from Greenland, throw away line. The Cananada ‘joust ‘ was just Trump rubbing Treaudeau’s nose in it after Trueudeau’s cow towering visit to Florida. The bit on Panama however has black-letter Law behind Trump’s threat. Read the Law regarding changing ownership of the Canal Zone if anyone is so foolish to sell the Canal to a foreign entity who is a threat to the Republic. The Black-Letter Law will be backed up with the US First Marine Division.
bird flu
just one more thing we will be hit with in 2025
media hysterics to follow
rain of lead wrote:
@ Aussie Infidel:
Yep, treaties have consequences
Calo wrote:
@ Calo:
Hi Calo! Merry Christmas Happy New Year and all that stuff!
Too long to excerpt but this is the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard
The new year will ring in new “green” requirements from the Environmental Protection Agency for heating and air conditioning units that threaten to raise prices and, for the first time, require flammable refrigerants in residential and commercial HVAC units.
Granularity, We need more in emergency alerts.
In the last few hours I have been subjected to severe storm warnings, tornado warnings and even a shelter in place advisory.
It is a nice sunny day here.
I subscribe to Harris County alerts.
Harris county is fucking huge,
It would be nice if all these scary alerts were broadcast to just the affected ZIP codes.
Turning off emergency alerts, sick of them crying wolf when there are no sheep where I live.
Possum wrote:
That was my take as well. Not bad, just not my genre, but he got good write-ups on some music sites. I was honored that he asked to use the photo of me in anti-covid gear for cover art, but then his graphics buddy effed with it and made it teh geh.
Calo wrote:
Well heigh-dee-ho Miz Calo!
@ Possum:
The apparently send out Amber Alert messages statewide here in NM. I live in the northwest part of the state. I really don’t need to get messages about something that happened in the southeast corner, 5 hours away, particularly when the vehicle was last seen heading toward Mexico (the opposite direction).
coldwarrior wrote:
@ Bunk Five Hawks X:
Don’t forget monkey pox
@ lobo91:
coldwarrior wrote:
They sure as hell do!
The Panama Canal Zone written into black Letter Law is a case in point. It’s backed up by Black Letter Law and the 1st. Marine Division regarding who Panama can sell the Canal to , after all the US were invited in to dig the bloody thing by Panama in the first place! Hence the Treaty provisions specifically drafted and given the US to defend their Canal, from the likes of Xi and the CCP, who can rent the Canal as they have already. Placing CCP military onto the ground as Xi has is a ‘Bridge too far’ however, covered by pretending to be a (ahem) run by a ‘private company’ but in reality just the Chinese Communist Party …. ‘in drag’…… That’s where the rubber hits the road, where the Canal Zone Treaty Legal Provisions, meet the reality of the firepower of the US First Marine Division.
Nice cheeky ‘try on’ by Xi. But he’ll discover to his chagrin that the US First Marine Division, don’t share his sense of humour!
@ Aussie Infidel:
If a law isn’t enforced, eventually it ceases to be a law.
Kinda like the 9 Dash Line.
@ Bunk Five Hawks X:
Stupid and uneducated people like me would greatly appreciate an explanation and links to an obscure reference to things like “9 Dash Line”
Is it a reference to sports that ends with a yell of TOUCH DOWN?
@ Possum:
Now after that interruption to my TV viewing schedule, I check in here during the adverts.
Back to watching everything Angie Harmon is in. My current obsession.
No links, LOL. Google her yourselves.
Bunk Five Hawks X wrote:
The Panama Canal is worth serious moneyed is a key strategic USN gateway for the fleets between the Atlantic and Pacific oceans. The Canal is no piddling ditch. Follow the $$$$ and the 1st Marine Division footprints! The Monroe Doctrine may be ‘just old hat’ but the canal has real world strategic meaning that is worth blood and treasure to argue the toss with the CCP.
@ Aussie Infidel:
Yep. Wanna crash the economy of the world? Close it.
@ Possum:
All I see are eyebrows and legs. Can’t ogle more because the missus might catch me.
Southside Johnny & the Asbury Jukes were a spinoff from Springsteen’s E Street Band. Great blue-eyed Jersey soul.
It appears he had a stroke while onstage.
@ Bunk Five Hawks X:
She is like a Sandra Bullock sister. And an awesome actor. Currently binge watching Rizzoli and Isles and as I know fuck all about acting some scenes almost seem like the director told them the basic idea and just let them get on with it without a formal script.
Also, she does not appear to be getting any older.
Side note, I goggled her and Rizzoli and Isles started in 2010 and in that she looks skinny and fit!
The other side note is she gave birth to three daughters prior to 2010.
Finley was born in October 2003 and was closely followed by her sister, Avery, who was born in June 2005. Harmon welcomed her youngest daughter, Emery, in December 2008.
I ain’t a stalker!!!!!!!
Jimmy Carter has died.
Dr. Leana Wen, the Communist doctor who demanded Americans lose all their rights during the Covid pandemic, appeared on CBS’s “Face the Nation” on Sunday to discuss the Bird Flu outbreak.
The CDC recently confirmed the first severe U.S. human case of H5N1 bird flu in a 65-year-old Louisiana man who had contact with sick backyard birds.
California’s Democrat Governor Gavin Newsom last week declared a state of emergency in response to the recent bird flu outbreak.
On Sunday CBS News rolled out Covid tyrant Dr. Leana Wen to weigh in on the bird flu and she called for the Biden Regime to get millions of doses of vaccines to the American people as soon as possible
This is cool. When Pau was interviewed by Modern Drummer magazine, she got to play with some of the drum sets they have on display. The first one belonged to Alex Van Halen, and the second was Neil Peart’s. She looks like a little kid behind them, of course:
right_wing2 wrote:
Memories are coming back. Double digit inflation, the oil embargo, the Iran Hostage Crisis, Billy beer…
@ Bunk Five Hawks X:
A terrible president. Weak. Naïve. Inept.
But very giving with all his work with Habitat for Humanity.
Bill Gates owns the patent to Henrietta Lacks cells…that held the most deadly form of Cancer…to make his fake meat…that he says will replace all red meat…due to Climate Change…so you’ll be eating a dead Black Woman’s tumours.
Bill Gates is a Menace to Society.
right_wing2 wrote:
Meh. HFH took jobs away from unemployed local tradesmen by doing all the work themselves.
@ Bunk Five Hawks X:
But these were homes being given away. It saved habitat from having to pay the costs of building them because the people living in them did the work.
@ right_wing2:
Well, maybe not given away, but sold a greatly reduced cost.
A couple that used to go to my church built a place through a similar group here, and since she was pregnant I did her share of the work.
@ right_wing2:
I knew a contractor and his crew who built them all themselves, paid for with Hab 4 Hum donations. That was in the 1980s.
I am playing with myself again. I am bored.
So, since December 1st I have gained 4 pounds. Yeah, yeah, I know what is causing it. Them damn 5L boxes of wine and 30 packs of beer Walmart keeps delivering at my doorstep.
The general guide to how many calories it takes to gain one pound is 3500 above your daily needs. That means in December so far I have eaten and drank 14000 calories above my base metabolic rate.
That is an average of 500 calories per day above what I need per day. Average daily for december is 2660. Which tells me a good target for maintaining weight is ~2000 calories per day. Less and I will lose weight again.
When I started monitorig calories back in May I lost 20lbs in a couple of months. I aimed for less than 1500 calories per day.
Starting 1st January going back on 1500 calories per day. Should be easy as calories from food for December were 1056.
Anyone who made it this far through the post will now be looking at the numbers again, doing the math and thinking “WTF”
Yep, to be a skinny Possum I need to drink much less alcoholic beverage. I won’t be as much fun though….
@ Possum:
For reference I have been awake for 14 hours.
Today intake of box Cabernet is 1.8L ( six coffee mugs of 300ml each to be exact ) I is a metric Possum.
And that is an amazing total of 1440 calories so far today!
Basically eat more food and drink more alcohol you gets fat.
Eat less food and drink less alcohol and you get skinny.
Or pay hundreds of dollars a month to buy Monjano or Ozempic and stab yourself in your fat leg and….
Well, I hates needles.
Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, and Happy New Year, everyone !
@ Possum:
Breaking news. ZERO left overs in the fridge that require eating.
There is half a bag of sad looking Iceberg lettuce that should have got eated but it is going into the trash.
Also there is a cucumber that was plump and firm when it arrived but is now shriveled and wrinkly. Even Viagra ain’t going to get it back to its prime.
Had another mug of wine. Found the gelatin packets! Got eggs, but no whisk thing. Going to have to do this using a fork.
Or eat a can of Campbells chicken soup and go to bed. NO! going to make gelatin eggy pancakes! with a side of Good Value medium salsa.
Canoe Convoy wrote:
Yeah! Let us all celebrate we are one year closer to death.
Canoe Convoy wrote:
And a kwazee Kwanzaa to you!
@ Bunk Five Hawks X:
I is Muslim. We get more holidays!
That not eating for a month during daylight hours is difficult, for some, but I am on cat time. Sleep all day and hunt mice all night.
@ Possum:
For some of us, every day’s a hoolie.
Trump’s Amazon cart
@ lobo91:
@ Bunk Five Hawks X:
I am going to have to think of some way to make every day different.
Even to the extent of doing cleaning or laundry or toe nail cutting on a fixed schedule rather than thinking ” nah, I will do it tomorrow”
Even pay day is not something to look forward to once every couple of weeks. It now only happens once a year, and it was last week.
@ lobo91:
It’s on his cellphone screen too!
Deborah Birx admits she lied about the vax
Ward Carroll posted the transcript of a message reportedly sent by the pilot of the F/A-18 that was shot down last weekend. Someone conveniently posted a glossary, which I’ll attach below:
The local economy in this area is doing quite well at the moment.
Even though the grass has stopped growing it is fall and there is a shit ton of leaves that need blowing around. So employment is still high.
What is a measure of the disposable income of the local population?
My buddy is almost out of weed. Saw him today and he says he is going to have to get another batch for tomorrow night.
Note, I do not buy from him.
This is going to piss off all the pro 2nd amendment people here but.
There should be a 10,000% tax on bullets. Each bullet should cost at least $45.79.
Possum wrote:
How about no?
@ lobo91:
OK, a compromise.
Make fireworks less expensive than bullets.
At least with fireworks you get a whoosh, a bang and sparkly pretty lights in the sky.
Last night it was bullets and quarter sticks of dynamite. My drug dealer buddy of 20 years in the military confirmed this.
He lives in the apartment complex just up the road from me.
@ Possum:
Even better plan!! I get creative after a couple of beers.
Blanks should be issued free of charge. Just like free needles are given to drug addicts.
Then anyone with them hand held fire works that just go bang could bang away all night without fear of causing death or injury to anyone.
Last night for some reason sounded like a wedding in Afghanistan. Tonight is quiet.
Tomorrow night will be bangs and sparkles in the sky from about 9pm, with a spectacular show at midnight.
When fireworks run out after that we will have bullets flying again.
@ Possum:
Here’s an even better plan: How about if we put the people using guns to do illegal stuff in prison for at least 50 years and leave the rest of us the hell alone?
@ lobo91:
That I fully agree with.
Enforce existing gun laws.
You have my vote.
Fireworks here upset the cats and they go hide. 4th July, Christmas eve, New year eve.
The random gunfire 2-3 times a week here they don’t give a fuck. They are used to it.
Microwave just died a loud, smelly electrical death!
Goodbye good my friend.
Now please welcome my new microwave, $59.54 including tax, will be delivered by 9am-1pm today, as in 8-12 hours from now, free shipping.
Walmart are kicking Amazon ass here.
@ Possum:
Our washing machine threw a tantrum yesterday. Froze up, locked up my wet chonis and bath towels. I stared at it for a while. When staring didn’t work, I thought, “What would MacGyver do?” and fixed it with part of a plastic cup and a pair of scissors. Works fine now.
Mrs Wing got hit pretty hard with the first chemo round. She’s been tired and achy since Sat.
I had my long-overdue screening yesterday and they found some polyps. I should hear the results on that by Monday. Maybe Friday. Doc did suggest coming back in 3-4 years instead of 10.
@ right_wing2:
Is she spared the nausea? Hiccups?
@ Bunk Five Hawks X:
Might want to keep a diary of side effects, when they start, when they fade, when she feels better. Her oncologist might find it helpful, and he/she can modify the cocktail.
@ Bunk Five Hawks X:
Oh no. She’s been able to eat toast with a little jam. We’re going to try won ton soup tonight. Might get real gutsy and give her a bite of sweet chili chicken and a spoon full of rice.
@ Bunk Five Hawks X:
Good idea! I’ll pass that on.
@ Possum:
Microwave arrived at 10:10am, I was asleep but jumped out of bed to bring it in before Porch Pirates grabbed it. Didn’t bother to unpack it, made a mug of instant coffee using faucet hot water.
Just unboxed it and plugged it in. WTF?
( Oh Glen absolutely LOVES the box it came in. )
The days are long gone where you just press the number buttons for say 1 minute and 30 seconds. You know 130 start!
Fucking cheap $55 700W microwave is more complicated to get going than the Apollo Moon Lander.
There is even a sequence you have to press to get it unlocked after you heat something up. Yeah I get it, to stop small children getting hot food out of it by just hitting the door release. Great idea actually, and it can be disabled by doing a few key strokes.
Anyway, it is like a new pair of boxer shorts, takes a week or so to get used to them.
I really miss the days when a microwave had just one rotary knob you turned to the time you wanted and then it went tick tick tick DING!
Public Service Announcement.
Anyone living in the South West of Houston should immediately have something nice to eat then curl up into bed with a pillow over your head and get a few hours sleep while you can. 5pm is the curl up and sleep deadline.
Estimated time of arrival of the fireworks and gunfire Noisenado is 10pm and it will probably last until 2-3am Wednesday 1st January 2025.
If you have cats please make sure the cupboard under the sink is stocked with a warm blanket, snacks and water.
I’m still in my pjs. not cooking. sacked out on the sofa with a book.
After a hectic 3.5 yrs we just want to be STILL.
Happy New Year
@ eaglesoars:
feliz año nuevo
LOL, I was outside an hour ago and did the waving and sign language with a couple of neighbors who were having a beer. Said to them ” Happy new year! ” and they did not have a clue what I was talking about.
I then Googled the translation when I came inside, so next time I can say it. Google translate also speaks the translation.
Been practicing for an hour…
@ Possum:
And me trying to speak Spanish will be a very bad idea.
I have lived and worked and visited many countries. Theoretically I should be able to speak French, had to study the language for five years in school. Picked up basic Italian working there for months.
Unless you can speak and understand another language fluently even though you know basic words do not even try.
Once you speak in that language the natives will then assume you can speak and understand their language and off they go, speaking fast and using big words.
It is better that you do not say any words at all in their language. It makes communication easier.
@ Possum:
Really laughing, reminds me of a time I was in Italy, in a café, reading an Italian newspaper. If you concentrate then some Italian words are close to English, and you can fill in the gaps to get the general outline of a story. The pictures help.
Someone came up to me and started speaking to me in Italian, and I replied in English I did not understand him. Puzzled he switched to English, better than mine, and we had a good laugh.
@ right_wing2:
During my early treatments, once the side effects ebbed I felt mild euphoria. My brain fogged the memory of the ordeal and I had no feelings of dread for the next infusion.
When the next round kicked in, it was like, “Oh yeah. I remember this,” and the cycle repeats.
I had no trouble keeping food down, but some foods were unpalatable, like tomatoes. They tasted like mud, couldn’t eat them. A sip of lemon juice before eating helped.
@ Possum:
Fireworks started at 6pm. No nap for me and cats in cupboards.
The good thing is stupid Central American music consisting of accordions and trumpets has not started yet.
But it will…..
@ Bunk Five Hawks X:
She was able to keep the broth and some rice down. She might try one of the dumplings here in a while.
She already had been keeping a food and symptom diary.
A cooking post.
Trying to make packet mash with meatballs and gravy when drunk is not easy when you have a new, child proof, microwave.
If I could find my reading glasses I could learn how to turn the child lock function off. I think it involves a sekrit code.
Got it!
In standby mode press the 0/unlock button for 3 seconds.
When display shows LOC press 7 then 9
Display shows uLoc and buzzer will beep once
Child safety door lock mode is now deactivated.
And the child in me no longer wants mash and meatballs. Grilled cheese sammich!
( unless the stove suddenly became child proof )
Possum wrote:
Here’s one to start you off. You and your cats can sing along, too.
This guy plays everything.
Happy New Year to all.
May your troubles be less & your blessings be more, and nothing but happiness come through your door.
WTF did I just wake up to?
New Orleans terrorist sparks mystery over hidden object spotted on the back of his EV
Fury as Joe Biden posts ‘heartless’ New Year’s message after New Orleans terror attack
coinky dink
Tesla Cybertruck Explodes At Entrance Of Trump International Hotel In Las Vegas; VIDEO Surfaces
@ eaglesoars:
BREAKING: Huge explosion reported near Trump Tower in Las Vegas.
You gotta be joking.
Vehicle Used in New Orleans Terror Attack Crossed the Border Two Days Ago. Trump Responds.
@ eaglesoars:
Community Notes: “Fox News retracted the initial report that the vehicle crossed the border two days before the attack. It was tracked crossing the U.S. border in November.”
@ Bunk Five Hawks X:
It was apparently a rental, anyway. Since someone else was probably renting it at the time, I don’t know that the border crossing bit is even relevant.
@ lobo91:
People trying to make it an immigration issue or something.
Lot of speculation and everyone is issuing “statements”.
@ Bunk Five Hawks X:
thank you
People may be conflating reports but I’m seeing posts that both NOLA and Vegas events had explosives in the vehicles
Hearing Jabbar was reported twice to his Army COC for Islamic extremist views and they were too scared of causing a racial and religious issue to address
@ eaglesoars:
Now THAT doesn’t surprise me at all. I’m guessing that’s not his birth name, either. He looks black to me (and yes, I know there are Muslims in Africa). Probably a convert.
Wait WHAT? We’re funding the TALIBAN?
You have IEDs in America and a President sending $40 million a week to the Taliban. You have State officials regularly meeting with terrorists and a Senate that won’t pass HR6586 to defund the Taliban.
What’s coming next will make 9/11 look like a dress rehearsal.
NOLA Police has always been shit.
Anne Kirkpatrick, New Orleans elderly, female police chief ran over 2 people in her car in August.
Before being hired in New Orleans, she was the head of police in Oakland, California… where she was fired.
She later sued Oakland and got a $1.5 million settlement.
funds from Iran?
Joe Biden released the funds that Trump had frozen from Iran, and since that time, both the United States of America and Israel have had mass casualty events as a result.
The blood is on Bidens hands.
MULTIPLE pipe bombs were found in truck used in New Orleans attack, and they were wired for remote detonation, per AP
This comes minutes after it was revealed police have reviewed video of 3 men and 1 women placing other bombs
BIG plot.
Shamsud Din Jabbar was flagged and barred from reenlistment circa 2014 for an incident that happened while he was on his way out of the 82nd ABN DIV and Army for a normal ETS. He wasn’t allowed to join the National Guard because of it.
Unfortunately I can’t share the details because of who sent them to me, so this is a “trust me bro” post. Take with a grain of salt. Maybe it spurs a reporter to call Fort Bragg and do some digging.
what is ETS?
Just got word that my brother in law is dying. He’s at home. Maybe a week.
He’s 94.
Happy fucking New New Year
The @FBI in Houston says they are securing a perimeter in Texas that is related to the terrorist attack in New Orleans this weekend.
FBI statement at link
down for a nap
eaglesoars wrote:
Sorry to hear that. Condolences
@ eaglesoars:
Expiration of Term of Service. It means his active duty contract was up.
Happy New Year.
Going to bed, but I noticed the Buckeyes are man-handling the number 1 college football team like a drunk soriety girl at a frat party.
Hyvaa Uttaa vuotta kaikille ( testing out the Finnish )
eaglesoars wrote:
Condolences, Eagles.
Canoe Convoy wrote:
Godt Nytaar!
is what they say in Norwegia.
lobo91 wrote:
@ lobo91:
@ Bunk Five Hawks X:
thank you. His name is Jay. Grew up the youngest of 11 kids. Family was dirt poor. Outhouse poor. Joined the military and learned to be a butcher. Opened his own store/gas station. Hardest working man I’ve ever known. He epitomizes “well lived life”. Every time they visited he brought me venison he’d taken himself.
Canoe Convoy wrote:
same to you (I think)
I read somewhere that Finnish is the hardest language to learn
US. military construction convoy reportedly heading to Ain al-Arab – to construct a US. military base in the SDF controlled city in northern Syria, right on the border with Türkiye
13 shot at nightclub in Queens.
I trust X less and less every day now.
Try searching X for,
Shamsud Din Jabbar
Din Jabbar
And you get “Something went wrong. Try reloading.”
Whoever blocked those searches must have got bored or gone off shift.
Shamsudin Jabbar works. As you can see there is only one “d”
Anyway, it looks to me as if X is blocking searches on some keywords.
@ eaglesoars:
Damn. I’m sorry to hear that.
Jay is gone. I know God will bless and keep him.
@ eaglesoars:
I’m so sorry for your loss. Peace to your family.
@ right_wing2:
Thank you
Apparent anti-Trump cybertruck bomber was a Special Forces operative who wore ‘Slava Ukraini’ shirts
@ eaglesoars:
Possum conspiracy theory.
Matt Livelsberger rented a Cybertruck because him and a few of his buddies were going to try on out. For fun.
However, Matt Livelsberger was unaware that his biddies had found out he was bonking one of their girlfriends..
The buddies stick together, honour etc.
So, they shoot Livelsberger in the head, put a shit load of flammable stuff in the Cybertruck, put him in the driver seat and program truck to drive to where it exploded.
It arrives at its destination with Livelsberger already dead and that triggers the inflammable stuff. Not a real bomb as such but enough to create a fire that removes all forensic evidence.
A revenge killing. Simples.
I can sort of understand why someone from Houston would rent a Ford EV truck to go on a killing spree in New Orleans as them electric trucks are werry werry qwiet and you can sneak up on people and kill them.
Stealth killing machine….
Making a contribution to this community with a food post.
Saw it last night when drunk and with no onions. Good thing I book marked it.
The key thing I learned is the lid of a jar and an onion.
It may be of interest to others. A great way of slicing an onion without it escaping and causing severed fingers.
@ Possum:
I has an onion. After several tries the lid of the peanut butter jar is the one.
My coffee, Mayo and pickled beetroot may taste and smell of onion though.
Soaking the cut onion for two hours or more in ice cold water.
LOL estimated time for eating a blooming onion is approximately three hours from now.
Sometimes cooking is like climbing mount Everest. Takes a long time, a lot of effort and at the end you think ” what was the fucking point “
@ Possum:
A thought! I do not have many.
Watching the video of making a blooming onion and dismayed when realising that when adding the flour I need sweet paprika, whatever that is. BUT!
Use curry powder instead!
We are now on target to create a blooming onion Bhaji. Yep, I can do this.
I am fearless when cooking, also I have seven rolls of Angle Soft in the bathroom cupboard. I am prepared for failures.
@ Possum:
yep, I am bored
@ Possum:
Lucy nailed it!
She must really love me.
The onion bhaji Lucy made would go great with lobster, a Romain salad with raspberry vinaigrette salad and a baked potato.
As we have no romaine lettuce, raspberries, vinegar or potatoes then….
Onion Bhaji is going into the fridge. Supper will be a cheese sandwich.
@ Possum:
No lobster either….
Possum wrote:
I like the video, but the piano covers up the cool open-mouth munching sounds.
Possum wrote:
Interesting thread.
“More information coming out. This is looking like a setup. GBs close to him are positive he would not do such a thing.”
Woke up from my afternoon nap at 2am and have been thinking.
About slicing onions. Us western people slice an onion into rings, or half rings, and stir fry them and they end up looking like a soggy pile of worms.
Now, cutting up an onion using a lid from a jar made a blooming onion. If then I sliced off the bottom I would have onion pieces that look like the onions you get in a Chinese stir fry take away.
Maybe slicing the onions into rings lets out the juice, but cutting up the onion into “petals” allows juice to be retained due to the direction of the internal cell structure. Cut across the cells juice leaks out. Cut along the line of cells and the cells retain the juice.
I need to experiment. One onion sliced and one onion petaled and mixed together then stir fried and see which bits of onion remain plump and succulent, not soggy.
How to keep a possum happy, just give him a 3 pound bag of yellow onions and it will provide him days of entertainment.
BREAKING: Crooked Judge Merchan has ordered Trump to appear for sentencing on January 10.
@ eaglesoars:
Trump should be sentenced to four years house arrest, or whatever they call it.
He must wear a GPS ankle monitor at all times.
Must reside at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, Washington DC, 20500
@ eaglesoars:
Notice that the order says that he doesn’t have to appear in person. That indicates to me that there’s no plan to take him into custody, at least.
@ lobo91:
He should appear in person.
What a photo opportunity.
BREAKING : Prime Minster Keir Starmer has resigned and pending an investigation regarding the scandal of British girls being neglected.
That’s the headline we are all waiting for, followed with “A general election has been called”
Who’s with me?
Lunch is the rest of that onion thing, taco beef, flour tortillas, sour cream ( actually no sour cream in stock, it is now Greek yoghurt ) and medium salsa.
I buy medium salsa because it is more versatile, actually mild salsa in a jar is even better.
A squirt or two of Siracha transforms mild salsa to medium or hot or fucking stupid hot depending on the number of squirts.
Then a nap…..
@ eaglesoars:
You misfired.
Posted your book marks instead.
Kind of upset you never bookmarked my girl Lucy.
@ Possum:
Looks like I made the cut. Thanks, Eagles.
@ Possum:
@ Bunk Five Hawks X:
have fun!
Breaking News: Greenland Prime Minister Múte Egede has officially announced a desire to obtain independence from Denmark in the wake of President Trump’s comments about buying the island territory for the United States.
Via: The Hill
Moment Keir Starmer is booed by furious crowd for jumping 3-hour queue on family holiday
I like this!
President Trump has nominated Tammy Bruce to be the spokesperson for the State Department.
Guess Honduras can do without the protection and revenue.
@ Bunk Five Hawks X:
That’s hilarious. Trump should fly all illegals to our bases in Honduras and then close the bases.
@ eaglesoars:
And remove all improvements to the site. Down to dirt.
Language warning: NSFW, NSFK
@ Bunk Five Hawks X:
what is a 1st amendment auditor?
Things that annoy me on Movies and TV shows and life in general.
The cooking things where someone is making a sauce and they taste it from the big spoon they are stirring it with or offer the spoon to someone else to taste it then put the spoon back in the pot and continue to stir.
Example Rizzoli and Isles season 7 episode 12 01:16 mark.
I cook for one, me, and if I need to taste what I am cooking I get a teaspoon, dip it into the whatever and taste it then spoon goes into the sink.
I never taste from the utensil I am using to cook my awesome food then use it to continue stirring.
Cat update.
Natasha is returning to normal. No fireworks since 2nd January. They started here on Christmas eve and there was a week of them. She spent the daytime hours in bed and nights in a kitchen cupboard.
Fireworks are illegal in Harris county which is basically Houston.
OK I am not a fireworks nazi, but my cats and I could handle a couple of hours of them on Christmas eve and two more hours new year’s eve. I have no problem with law enforcement ignoring the law in those time frames.
We just endured 8 fucking days living in a war zone.
eaglesoars wrote:
An obnoxious jerk who makes lawful videos in places / circumstances in a way that provokes people to call the police. They’re insufferable.
@ Bunk Five Hawks X:
obnoxious indeed. but that’s a waste of police resources.
He was required reading.
hey y’all
spicy hot chili
and an ice cold modelo
life is good
Could Trump name a sewer after Soros and Hillary?
I have a serious case of the lazies today
Apparently Starmer did NOT resign??????????????
getting ice tomorrow
14 degrees tonight, 25 tomorrow, 1 tomorrow night, 14 Monday.
I’m hibernating.
Elon Musk is doing to X what Charles Johnson did to Little Green Footballs.
rain of lead wrote:
Mate of mine has just returned from China where he noted that the incinerators have been opened up for business as the hospital system in China is filling up quickly. Looks as if A-H5N1 is on the loose again but this time it’s broken through the security controls already and the CCP doesn’t know how to get it back under control and is panicking. Between 2003 and 2024 the cases topped 928 infected and 464 died or ~ 48% mortality. It may have been a little lower due to the poor identification rates of those identified as infected, which would lower the mortality figured to between 35-45% mortality.
As of February 2024 there have been very few instances of human-to-human transmission, and each outbreak has been limited to a few people. From the beginning of ‘Fall’ the numbers infected has exploded, and is going exponential. All subtypes of avian Influenza A have potential to cross the species barrier, with H5N1 and H7N9 considered the biggest threats.
In December 2024, researchers showed one mutation could allow the virus to switch its specificity to human receptors, increasing the risk of human-to-human transmission.
the human influenza hemagglutinin prefers to bind to alpha-2,6 sialic acid receptors.[29][30] This means that when the H5N1 strain infects humans, it will replicate in the lower respiratory tract (where alpha-2,3 sialic acid receptors are more plentiful in humans) and consequently cause viral pneumonia.
Looks as if the CCP has cocked it up again and the A-H5N1 variant is on the lose again and the CCP has lose control AGAIN! The switching on of the furnaces has told the tale yet again. Trump needs to stop all travel between China and the West. This should be the first decision on the agenda on 20 Jan2025.
Here we go again! Pfizer et al will be rubbing their hand in glee of a new enrichment of the Big Pharma and the faux inoculations of mRNA ‘poisoned chalice’.
The Chinese report came from my source who has solid CCP credentials. Trying to get a hold of a trusted friend in NZ, who’s sister is married to a very senior member of the CCP , just to confirm this initial report from the Chinese guy who reported this to me is kosher. There is going to be a ‘rush for the doors’ before the Chinese New Year travel season explodes and hundreds of millions visit family throughout China and beyond.
right_wing2 wrote:
Better to name a jail after them! That’s where they belong with Fauci among others.
@ eaglesoars:
Some things never change!
UNREAL: UK cops arrest underage sex slave and not the Muslims raping her
Possum wrote:
I don’t know why everybody is getting their knickers in a twist. Look at what Elon is posting. It ain’t all sweetness and light
ice hanging off patio furniture
oh yeah remember this?
UK police commissioner threatens to extradite, jail US citizens over online posts: ‘We’ll come after you’
Possum wrote:
BREAKING – I-81 north near MM 6.9 (near Bristol) is closed due to a tractor trailer crash caused by ice.
half of Bristol is in Virginia, half in Tennessee
made cream of parsnip apple soup. delicious
hey y’all
ain’t somthin supposed to be going on in DC tomorrow?
will it be affected by snow?
rain of lead wrote:
Tomorrow is the certification of the electoral college votes
New thread for the fireworks.