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Posts Tagged ‘Affirmative Action’

Richard Nixon paved the way for Barack Obama

by Mojambo ( 164 Comments › )
Filed under Barack Obama, Election 2008, History, Liberal Fascism, Political Correctness, Progressives at August 23rd, 2011 - 2:00 pm

Despite being the number 1 monster for the Left (actually W. can now challenge him for that position), Richard E. Nixon (yes know-it-alls I know it is Richard M. Nixon – Richard E. Nixon is what Archie Bunker used to refer to him as, didn’t you ever watch All In The Family?)  like the rest  of the elite Republican Establishment was never a conservative.  Wage and Price Controls, the EPA, the Clean Air Act, taking the U.S. dollar off the gold standard, Endangered Species Act – all were initiated under his administration. The most pernicious thing we can thank Richard E. Nixon for was the Philadelphia Plan which institutionalized Affirmative Action (i.e. reverse discrimination). From the seeds of Affirmative Action (1973)  was sprouted Barack Obama in 2008 and the rest is history. Nixon, who had very little interest in domestic policy, was more then happy to let the Democrats in the Senate and House run things at home  as long as he could concentrate on his greatest passion – foreign affairs.

by James Lewis

As Matt Patterson pointed out in these pages, Obama is the Affirmative Action President.  He was elected to make up for America’s never-ending guilt about black folks.  That obsessional guilt trip works so well that it’s landed us in racial socialism, also called affirmative action.  Marxism whips up resentments of the poor against the rich — but in fact it empowers only the left.  Well, racial socialism does the same thing.  It whips up “people of color” against evil palefaces in order to empower the left.  It’s the Ku Klux Klan in new sheets.

In the “historic” election of 2008, a white kid told me he voted for The Savior “because Hillary looks too white.”  It was his little contribution to affirmative action.  He will now be victimized for life for the color of his skin.

Well, who started affirmative action?

AA as compensatory racial favoritism was first announced by Lyndon Baines Johnson.  But it was implemented by the Nixon Labor Department as the Revised Philadelpha Plan, with strict racial quotas and timetables.  The Philadelphia Plan was supposed to make up for genuine discrimination against blacks in the Philadelphia buildings trades.  But it quickly triggered an avalanche of racial compensation claims, legal decisions, and executive orders that flipped the burden of proof.

Today, instead of having to prove a history of group discrimination, AA simply presumes a proven history of discrimination and compels employers to prove it ain’t so.  Nixon ordered the Commerce Department to start its first racial compensation plan.  In 1973 he “required all United States Federal Agencies to implement affirmative employment opportunity programs for all federal employees.”

Once AA applied to all federal agencies, it quickly spread to all institutions that took money from the feds, including the states and local governments, universities, colleges, general education systems, federal contractors, and on and on.  AA became the presumption of universal white guilt in America.

Now there is legitimate compensation law, going back to the Bible and the Code of Hammurabi.  If I harm you from malice or neglect, I owe you compensation.  The trouble with AA is that it no longer requires proof.  If you’re white, male, and heterosexual, you are presumed guilty.  If racial discrimination harmed someone centuries ago, AA creates the presumption of guilt by race.  AA has universalized group guilt, and has driven a stake through the Equal Protection Clause of the US Constitution.


Watergate was a third-rate burglary, but Nixon’s affirmative action order may topple America as a nation.  Americans are no longer equal.  We are color-coded M&M candies.  The left can play any color against the others for generations to come.

The Nazis were just another racial socialist movement.  Ethnic scapegoating was their road to power.  Racial socialism has a fearful historical track record.

I saw the AA mafia rising in academia when I was serving my sentence there.  In English, education, communication, and ethnic studies, AA brought in the radical left — not by merit, but by race, gender, and militancy.  If you’re gay you get preferential hiring in some colleges today.  Agitators like Bill Ayers get life tenure as “education” professors because education became Marxified.  That’s how the left took over the colleges.  That’s why your kids can’t read today — but they are brainwashed to feel guilt because of African-American slavery that ended in 1865.  That’s also why the left will never talk about twelve centuries of Muslim slavers.  Like poverty, slavery is just an excuse for the left.  They don’t care about slavery.  They care about power.


In 2008 Obama bamboozled the nice liberals who fell for the Racial Revenge narrative.  But back in reality it’s black people who now have a 35% unemployment rate.  Anne Coulter points out:

When blacks were only four generations out of slavery, their illegitimacy rate was about 23 percent (lower than the white illegitimacy rate is now). Then Democrats decided to help them! Barely two generations since LBJ’s Great Society programs began, the black illegitimacy rate has tripled to 72 percent.

That’s the best predictor of school dropouts, gang warfare, crime, drug abuse, and yes, more unmarried pregnancies for more kids growing up in pathological conditions.  It’s an epidemic.

Socialism destroys families, as you just saw in London, and then the media beat home the message that more socialism is the answer.  HIV works the same way.

Our fantabulous hero Obama should be called Barack bin Nixon, because his spiritual father is truly Richard Milhous Nixon.

Read the rest here: How Nixon Created Obama

The Lesson of an Affirmative Action President

by Mojambo ( 126 Comments › )
Filed under Politics at January 28th, 2010 - 8:00 pm

I personally think that affirmative action (talk about a phony p.c. “term” – there is nothing affirmative about it), is the most pernicious aspect of liberalisms Great Society. Ironically it was Richard Nixon (despised by liberals with a passion later to be used on George W. Bush) who with his Philadelphia Plan first gave us reverse discrimination. Liberals do Black people no favors by pushing them ahead of the line  without taking into considerations their qualifications and training. I have had liberals tell me (quietly of course) that they are reluctant to use a Black Doctor or Dentist for fear that the man was not qualified because he/she was an “affirmative action student”. The author points out that Asian-Americans are not considered to be minorities so they are in effect discriminated against. however as we know,  Asian-American students generally have terrific study habits and need no government intervention – all they want is a level playing field.

by James Lewis

You don’t pick brain surgeons by the color of their skin. You pick them by competence only. Same thing with airplane pilots. But we have allowed the profoundly irrational liberal media to persuade the American public that we are supposed to pick a U.S. president by affirmative action. Obama was elected to universal Hosannas because he is black. It wasn’t a secret. That’s why the Left around the world went into ecstasies when Obama ran and got elected.

We’ve been using affirmative action to hire and promote teachers and cops and to popularize movie stars and media heroes. We’ve had a generation of affirmative action agitprop, 24/7/365. Hillary Clinton was going to dictate racial and gender preferences for medical school admissions under HillaryCare. You can bet that reverse-racism is all over the 2,200 pages of ObamaCare. It’s reverse-racism forever!

In America today, competence is suspect, and incompetence gets all the attention. Yet competence is what keeps us alive.

Affirmative action was allowed by the Supreme Court as a temporary exception to the Equal Protection Clause of the Constitution until blacks had the same opportunities others did. It has now been about forty years, and the goal posts have just moved farther and farther Left. Today it’s not just blacks — it’s women, homosexuals, and illegal aliens. And it’s no longer equality of opportunity, but equality of outcome, which was the goal of Communism for seventy years in the Soviet Union, until the whole Soviet Empire crumbled as a result.

In the Soviet Union, everything was politicized. Incompetent people ran agriculture along Stalinist lines. Everything turned into a lie, and lies accelerated as they propagated through the system, in exactly the way the Climategate lies get worse and worse as they get passed along by politically correct bureaucrats and scientists. When political loyalty controls the outcomes, honesty and competence are driven out at every level of society. Nobody can point to Obama’s anti-terrorist policies and say that’s wildly incompetent — without fearing they will be accused of racism.

From a temporary policy to give black people a better chance in life, we have now arrived at a Marxist goal of universal equality for everyone — except for white, male, heterosexual, and excessively normal people. We have reversed racism, but guess what? Reverse-racism is still racism. As a direct result, corruption now pervades the big cities and Washington, D.C. That’s because race, gender, and victim status have taken over as the criteria for all the benefits society has to offer.

Obama’s election to the nation’s most powerful office is the direct outcome of racial reasoning. It was race that put him over the top against Hillary, in a thousand media endorsements, and finally, against John McCain, who was old, male and white. Three strikes against McCain, who for all his faults is vastly more experienced and knowledgeable than the Obamessiah.

Meanwhile, blacks are still suffering from the pervasive social pathology of the inner city — almost all self-inflicted, with the help of the welfare state. Europe shows exactly the same results, except that the victims of welfarism aren’t black, but mostly white and Muslim immigrants. American blacks today are more bitter and more racially enraged than ever before, after forty years of affirmative action. Affirmative action hasn’t helped women, who now have to work two jobs, one at home and one for income, especially because so many men have walked away from their families under liberal cultural values. Reverse-racism has actively hurt generations of children, who have grown up in broken homes as a direct result of pernicious social policies which Obama has actually tried to make worse. One of the first things he did was to reverse Clinton’s welfare reform so that social pathology in the black community can spread its poison even wider and deeper. Obama isn’t good for black people — but then, blacks consistently vote for those who do them the most harm.

Read the rest.

Truths We Dare Not Speak

by Mojambo ( 88 Comments › )
Filed under Politics at January 14th, 2010 - 6:15 am

Victor Davis Hanson – whose columns used to be a staple on another blog (but not any more) – cuts through the dogma, political correctness, and pseudo intellectual claptrap to speak truth to issues that too many people are afraid to confront. Immigration, Middle East, Iraq,  Ivy League education, affirmative action etc. are all subjects where the accepted mantra should no longer go unchallenged. I particularly enjoyed his take down of the Middle East as being the most “important” crisis in the world.

by Victor Davis Hanson

There are a number of things we simply no longer talk about. The silence is partly due to intellectual laziness. Or maybe it is because of political correctness—or even attributable to ignorance and the absence of curiosity.

In no particular order, I list five propositions that simply have become taboo.

1). Illegal Immigration and California.

There are dozens of recent exposés on the California mess. The “I accuse” themes—all quite accurate—are well known.


2) Iraq.

We are tired of Iraq and have Trotskyized it out of our existence, given the huge cost and 4,000 dead.

But consider: not a single America died in Iraq in December (38 murdered in Chicago during that period); three have been lost this month (24 murdered so far this month in Chicago).

Some random thoughts. The surge was a brilliant success.

A Harry Reid (“the war is lost”) or Barack Obama (out of Iraq by March 2008 and the surge “is not working”) have never subsequently suggested that they were wrong at a time when our troops desperately were trying against all odds to save the fragile country.


3) Affirmative Action.

The concept was noble, but now antiquated and mostly absurd. It requires the logic of the Old Confederacy to determine racial purity among the intermarried citizenry. Jet-black Punjabis get no preferences. Light-skinned Mexican-Americans of the fourth-generation claim privilege. Poor whites from Tulare don’t rank. The children of black dentists do. I see very little logic here.

Asians? We both claim them as minorities, and yet we discriminate against them at the University of California admissions process on the basis of their own superior achievement.


4) The Ivy League is a Naked Emperor.

By Ivy League I do not mean just Harvard, Princeton, and Yale, but the entire concept of high-priced elite schools like a Stanford, Duke, or Columbia as well. We know a BA from such institutions does not ipso facto any longer, as it once may well have, guarantee knowledge or competence. We know the race/class/gender craze has watered down the curriculum, and ensured therapy and empathy trump recall of facts and adherence to the inductive method.


5) The “Middle East” is a Fraud

Why do we beat ourselves up over Israel and the Palestinians? Why not occupied Cyprus? Or the Kuriles? Or South Ossetia? Or the divided city of Nicosia?  Is there a “Falklands Question”?

Why are not Germans blowing themselves up in Gdansk, the former East Prussia, the Alsace, or old Silesia to recover “lost” land?

Were there no Israeli-Arab wars before the “occupation” of 1967? Does anyone think that, should the West Bank simply take a 30-year break from the violence, emulate Western business and government, draw in Gulf capital, a few thousands acres here or there would then be still be relevant?

Read the rest.