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Posts Tagged ‘al-taqiyya’

Nekama’s Troll Hammer: Where It All Began

by 1389AD ( 144 Comments › )
Filed under Fatah, Hamas, Hezballah, History, Islamic hypocrisy, Islamic Invasion, Israel, Jihad, Judaism, LGF, Palestinians at September 18th, 2010 - 9:00 pm

The Memory Hole Versus The Wayback Machine

Although libelblogger Charles Johnson has long since flushed the highly esteemed Nekama’s Troll Hammer down the memory hole on his site, it lives on, courtesy of the Wayback Machine.

Author Nekama has declared it to be open source, so I urge you to follow his suggestion: update or replace expired links, bring it up to date, and post it everywhere.

#38 Nekama 8/17/2003 06:30PM PST

Please consider The Memo to be an open source, Linux based reply that all are welcome to use and improve upon.

Inspired by Zulubaby.

Nekama’s Original Troll Hammer from August 17, 2003

#19 Nekama 8/17/2003 06:10PM PST

#7 Leesider

Congratulations. You are the first to receive the memo:


This is an automated reply from the Bulls–t Detector at Little Green Footballs.

Your recent post contained troll-like characteristics which resembles the type of message sent by spoiled ISM members on summer holiday, college students who have recently inhaled Noam Chomsky’s foul rantings, Adam Shapiro wannabes, Nazi sympathizers, or genuine Koranimals.

In order to prevent another thread being hijacked, and to send your message to the appropriate department for response (FOAD, GAZE, Go Away Gordon, or The Bus To Rachel Corrie’s Tomb Is Leaving – Be Sure You’re Under It), kindly reply to the following questions:

1. Are you aware that the Disputed Territories never belonged to the “Palestinians” and only came into Israeli possession as a result of the 1967 six day war in which Egypt, Jordan, Syria, and Lebanon all massed forces at Israel’s border in order to “push the Jews into the sea”. The Arabs lost and Israel took control of the land. Do you agree that if the Koranimals don’t want to lose territory to Israel, then they shouldn’t start wars? Do you agree that there is justice that Israel, who as far back as 1948 has always sought peace with her far larger neighbors, should live in prosperity – making the desert bloom – while the residents of 19 adjacent Arab countries who are blessed with far more land as well as oil wealth live in their own feces?

2. Did you know that the “Palestinians” could have had their own country as far back as 1948 had they accepted the UN sponsored partition plan which gave Israel AND the Palestinians a countries of their own on land which Jews had lived on for thousands of years before Mohammed ever had a wet dream about virgins? The Arabs rejected the UN offer and went to war with the infant Israeli nation. The Arabs lost and have been whining about it ever since. Do you agree this is like a murderer who kills his parents and asks for special treatment since he is now an orphan?

3. Can you tell us ANY Arab country which offers Jews the right to be citizens, vote, own property, businesses, be a part of the government or have ANY of the rights which Israeli Arabs enjoy? Any Arab country which gives those rights to Christians? How about to other Arabs? Wouldn’t you just LOVE to be a citizen of Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Iran, or Syria?

4. Since as many Jews (approximately 850,000) were kicked out of Arab countries as were Arabs who left present day Israel (despite being literally begged to stay), why should Arabs be permitted to return to Israel if Jews aren’t allowed to set foot in Arab countries? Can you explain why Arabs can worship freely in Israel but Jews would certainly be hung from street lamps after having their intestines devoured by an Arab mob if they so much as entered an Arab country?

5. Israel resettled and absorbed all of the Jews from Arab countries who wished to become Israelis. Why haven’t any Arab countries offered to resettle Arabs who were displaced from Israel, leaving them to rot for 60 years in squalid refugee camps? And why are those refugee camps still there? Could it be that the billions of dollars that the UNWRA has sent there goes to terrorist groups like Hamas, Islamic Jihad, El Aqsa Martyrs Brigade, or Hezbollah? How did Yassir Arafat achieve his $300 million in wealth? Why aren’t these funds distributed for humanitarian use?

6. Did you know that the Arabs in the disputed territories (conquered by Israel in the 1967 war which was started by Arabs) and who are not Israelis already have two countries right now? And that they are called Egypt and Jordan?

7. If your complaint is about the security fence which Israel is finally building in the Disputed Territories, are you aware that it is built solely to keep the “brave” Arab terrorists out so that they can no longer self detonate on busses, in dining halls or pizzerias and kill Jewish grandmothers and schoolchildren? Why are the Arabs so brave when they target unarmed civilians but even when they outnumber their opponents they get their sandy asses kicked all the way to Mecca when they are faced with Jewish soldiers? Why do Arab soldiers make the French look like super heroes?

8. Please explain why you are so concerned about Arabs, who possess 99% of the land in this region and are in control of the world’s greatest natural resource, which literally flows out of the ground? Can’t their brother muslims offer some of the surplus land and nature’s riches to the “Palestinians”? Or is it true that Arabs are willing to die right down to the last “Palestinian”?

9. Why do you not exhibit the same level of concern for say, people in Saudi Arabia who are beheaded, subject to amputation, stoning, honor killing etc.? What about women who are denied any semblance of basic civil rights, including the right not to be treated as property for the entertainment and abuse of her father, brothers, or husbands? What about the Muslims in Sudan and Egypt who are still enslaved, or the women there whose genitalia are barbarically cut off? How about the oppression of Shiites by Sunnis, the gassing of the Kurds by Iraq, or the massacre of “Palestinians” by Jordan (Black September)? Why doesn’t this concern you?

10. Did you ever stop to wonder how much better off everyone in the region would be if Arabs stopped trying to kill Jews and destroy Israel? What would happen if the Israelis gave up their weapons and disarmed? Would they live to see the next day? But what would happen if the Arabs completely disarmed? You know the answer: They would all be AT PEACE! And if there is no war to rile them up, the Arabs would be forced to look at their own repressive, pre-medieval societies. Why would they want to do that when there are Jews to kill?

11. Have you heard “People who define themselves primarily by what they hate, rather than who they love, are doomed to failure and misery”? Can you see the parallels to the Arabs, who are blessed with land and oil, but still gladly train their children to kill themselves in order to kill Jews? Have you heard Golda Meir’s words to the effect of “There will be peace when the Arabs love their children more than they hate ours”? Why do the Arabs hate so much?

Please state your answers to the questions listed above. If you need assistance or require additional study, then please refer to the following links:

History of the Middle East Conflict:

Thousands of women killed for honor:

Muslims lament Israel’s existence:

Disputed Territories – Forgotten Facts

The size of Israel compared to neighboring countries in the region

Jews expelled from Arab Countries

One Million Jews flee Arab countries – why no right of return for them?

Middle East Facts

Middle East Truth

Larry Miller on Hypocrisy

Please respond to the items listed above. Based on your answers a thoughtful reply or instruction to FOAD will be provided.

Thank you for writing to Little Green Footballs.


Troll Early Warning Detection Team

Note: This article dates back to 2003; not all of the above links still work.

Don’t Try To Tell Me Obama Is Not A Muslim

by 1389AD ( 73 Comments › )
Filed under Barack Obama, Election 2008, Islam, Leftist-Islamic Alliance, Palestinians, Polls, Saudi Arabia at September 5th, 2010 - 2:00 pm

(Originally posted on 1389 Blog)
By CzechRebel

I have had more than enough of the speculation about whether Obama is a Muslim or not. The only way that you could argue that he is not a Muslim would be to make up your own definition of “Muslim” that is meant to exclude him.

Muslims consider the child of a Muslim father to be a Muslim. I am not aware of any exceptions. Many Muslims who are true to the tenets of their faith believe that a Muslim who truly adopts another faith is guilty of a capital offense and should be killed. There has never been any question that Barack Hussein Obama’s father was a Muslim. In addition, Barry’s Muslim stepfather raised him as a Muslim. Given those facts, we can conclude that Muslims believe that Obama is a Muslim. Were that not so, those Muslims who believe in the stated tenets of their faith would be calling for Obama’s execution as an apostate from Islam.

American Muslims support Obama

Do Muslims find Obama offensive? Apparently, not in America! A recent Gallup poll showed that a whopping 78% of the American Muslim population approve of the Obama Administration. All other religious groups showed a lesser level of approval. If Obama were a man who had left the Islamic faith, American Muslims would certainly not approve of him, and some would risk imprisonment to call for his death.

Obama in Muslim garb with Somali religious leader

Saudi Muslims certainly accept Obama

…Many thanks to Russkiy for translating this article. The translator has highlighted those portions of the text that he considers notable:

The image which appeared recently of Barack Hussein Obama wearing traditional Islamic clothing, accompanied by a Somali religious leader, has steered emotions and caused a wave of severe disapproval amongst American voters. A similar wave of anger and discontent came from Obama supporters, who accused his opponent Hillary Clinton of trying to tarnish his reputation by means of leaking this image to the public. Obama, in response to the rumour of his being a closet Muslim, has made an official statement, denying the rumours suggesting he a Muslim and stated that he has in fact been a devout Christian for more than twenty years, and that he regularly attends church services.

The sad part in all this is the fact that if he is indeed a Muslim, he has to resort to taqiyya and concealment in order to keep his chances of becoming president alive. In the light of September 11 events, and following the barrage of images, in which firebrand Islamic clerics incite terrorism, while at the same time no religious authority to this day has come out to condemn any of the major terrorist attacks and refute religious justifications terrorists rely upon in order to recruit followers, Islam has become associated with terrorism. The followers of Islam are now seen as crazy lunatics full of hate, intent on fighting the entire world, while at the same time being unable to manage their own affairs and reconcile themselves with the modernity. All this has blackened the face of Islam to such an extent that it became a liability and a sure thing to destroy campaign chances of the hopeful presidential nominee.

These stupid terrorist fools do not realise and are incapable of appreciating such a rare and precious opportunity for a Muslim to occupy the Oval Office. By their actions they probably have ruined chances of this Muslim immigrant from becoming president of the United States.

Read the rest.

Obviously, Obama did make it into the White House, depite the misgivings expressed in the above article, which came out before the 2008 US elections. I present it here as evidence that the Muslims in Saudi Arabia take it for granted that Obama is one of them.

Could Obama be a secret apostate from Islam?

So, there is no question that Obama is considered a Muslim in the Muslim community. But could he be a secret apostate, a man who has left the Islamic faith, though able to fool nearly all Muslims on this planet that he had not? Well, if that were so, he would be the opposite of Ronald Reagan in one more way. (Obama has already made a recession into a depression by increasing taxes and spending, in contrast to Reagan, who brought the country out of a recession by cutting taxes and spending.) If Obama is not a Muslim, then he is a great actor and will have a career waiting for him as a thespian when he leaves office. In fact, he would be such a good actor that all the films featuring actor Ronald Reagan would pale by comparison.

Look at the evidence

Obama’s behavior has been such that implies he is a Muslim, for example: his refusal to speak in the presence of a cross; his amusement at the ridicule of Jews’ and Christians’ holy book; his refusal to bring his wife to Islamic-dominated countries; his word choices such as “Islamic Republic of Iran” rather than “Iran” and “holy Koran” rather than “Koran”; he includes himself when speaking of the Muslim community; along with other little reminders that he wholeheartedly supports Islam. There were no Christmas presents for Malia and Sasha Obama, and the White House nativity scene almost got the boot. (See More Evidence that Obama is a Muslim and Even More Evidence that Obama is a Muslim.)

Other than having attended Jeremiah Wright’s Caucasian-hating ‘church,’ Obama has shown no signs of being anything other than a Muslim.

Obama is first in line to support the Ground Zero Mega Mosque, situated in a location to remind us of the Islamic 9-11 victory. Yet, I

Why is Sheikh Yusuf al-Qaradawi telling western Muslims to ‘cool it’ for now?

by 1389AD ( 128 Comments › )
Filed under Islamic hypocrisy, Islamic Invasion, Islamists, Jihad, Sharia (Islamic Law) at August 11th, 2010 - 11:30 am

Thumbnail photo of Sheikh Yusuf al-Qaradawi

Deflecting suspicion by pretending to ‘liberalize’ Muslim life

Sheikh Yusuf al-Qaradawi, who, despite what some of his supporters claim, is neither peace-loving nor “moderate”, has warned Muslims in western lands to ‘cool it’ for the time being.

Why this strategic retreat? It seems that the constant efforts to import the benighted and savage Muslim ideology and lifestyle into western nations has begun to draw negative attention. More and more of the citizenry (though not yet the governments) of western nations have learned to be suspicious of everything having to do with Islam, and with very good reason. For just one example, the outrageous attempt to build a huge mosque next to the Ground Zero site has alerted much of the public to the true nature of Islam, and has given rise to widespread public protests. (See SIOA: NYC’s MTA Drops Restrictions on Free Speech, Allows Bus Ads Linking 9/11 to Ground Zero Mosque.)

As far as Qaradawi and other jihadis are concerned, it will never do to have the public catch on while there is still time to put a stop to their activities.

Top Muslim Cleric Qaradawi Urges Western Muslims to ‘Liberalize’ – Outwardly, Anyway h/t: Gates of Vienna

…Qaradawi is referring to those other aspects of Sharia law — you know, subjugation of non-Muslim infidels, absolute authority over women, jihad, draconian punishments, and all the rest — that do create “hardships” for Muslims who try to implement them in the West, for instance, by getting them arrested and imprisoned.

In other words, far from “liberalizing” Muslim life, taysir allows only for insincere conformity. As Qaradawi made clear, to practice taysir is not to renounce Sharia’s otherwise harsh obligations; it is to put them on hold till circumstances are more accommodating.

Qaradawi’s Muslim Brotherhood colleague, Tariq Ramadan, provides an ideal example: he recommends that a “moratorium” — a temporary ban — be placed on the Muslim practice of stoning adulterers to death; yet he refuses to say that stoning is intrinsically un-Islamic. This, of course, is taysir in practice: because stoning people in the West is liable to get the stoner incarcerated or worse, upholding the Sharia mandate to stone adulterers is “hard” on Muslims living in the West, so best to put it on hold — that is, till circumstances are more opportune.

A final observation: the notorious doctrine of taqiyya, which permits Muslims to deceive non-Muslims, is rooted in taysir; in fact, one of the few books devoted to the topic, al-Taqiyya fi al-Islam, spends some time rationalizing taqiyya in light of taysir. And there it is: when Sheikh Yusuf al-Qaradawi, perhaps the most authoritative Muslim voice in Sunni Islam today, calls on Muslims “especially in Europe and America” to practice taysir, he is, in essence, calling on them to practice taqiyya — calling on them to conform outwardly to Western standards while inwardly maintaining loyalty to Sharia.

Read it all.

What the “Stealth Jihad” is all about

The long and the short of it is that our Muslim enemies are in the process of using western beliefs and ideals, including protections enshrined in the US Constitution, as a cover for their efforts to overthrow and destroy western civilization. This book review by Janet Levy at American Thinker sums up the modern stealth jihadi agenda very well.

Modern Day Trojan Horse: The Islamic Doctrine of Immigration

h/t: vagabond trader, who found this link on Weasel Zippers

By Sam Solomon and Elias Al Maqdisi
ANM Publishers, 2009
139 pp., $14.95

Within the past few decades, mosques have increasingly dotted the landscapes of American and European cities and towns, with mega mosques often overshadowing adjacent, centuries-old churches in predominantly Christian regions. Islamic schools or academies and a host of Muslim organizations have become omnipresent across the West.

Meanwhile, Americans and Europeans have made countless accommodations to Muslim demands. They have included footbaths; high-decibel, five-times-daily calls to prayer; segregated male-female gym and swimming pool hours; halal food; workplace dispensations for handling pork products and for female head and face coverings; and special, public prayer rooms. Also, shari’ah-compliant financial transactions, the expunging of offensive likenesses of Mohammed or imagined depictions of Arabic characters that connote “Allah,” official swearings-in on Korans in place of customary Bibles, the neutralizing of official descriptive language about Islamists and the jihad, the revision of so-called offensive content in movies and television programs, the removal of representations of pigs from the public sphere, and many other acculturations to Muslim entreaties have all been made in the service of respecting Muslim religious beliefs and practices.

To those in Western democracies, these accommodating actions appear, on the surface, to be little more than harmless civil gestures, respecting the needs of a growing religion in their midst and welcoming a new addition to their proud, multicultural tradition. Many Westerners pat themselves on the back for their liberal bent, their tolerance and their open-mindedness.

Little do they realize that this strategic pattern of demands is part of an insidious, 1,400-year-old proscription for Muslims that originates in the Koran and the Sunnah, the deeds of Mohammed. It is the Hijra or doctrine of immigration. Modeled by Mohammed’s migration from Mecca to Medina, this immigration is not to a romanticized melting pot wherein newcomers gratefully search for opportunities for a better life in liberty and freely offer their talents and loyalty to benefit their new homeland. This is immigration for Islamic expansionism employing ethnic separatism to gain special status and privileges within the host country. Hijra is immigration designed to subvert and subdue non-Muslim societies and pave the way for eventual, total Islamization.

Read it all.

UK foundation to distribute textbook that lauds Muslim world’s scientific and cultural heritage

by tqcincinnatus ( 53 Comments › )
Filed under Islamic hypocrisy, Islamic Supremacism, Islamists, Science at September 3rd, 2009 - 5:00 am

This sounds like a great idea!  But honestly, how many pages can you devote to the invention of the electric prayer rug before it gets monotonous?

An educational foundation in the UK has announced plans to distribute to high schools a free book that highlights the scientific and cultural legacies of Muslim civilization.

1001 Inventions: Muslim Heritage in Our World is the creation of the Foundation for Science Technology and Civilization (FSTC), a Manchester-based organization set up to raise awareness of the contributions of the Muslim world to modern civilization.

FSTC said the contribution that Muslim and other civilizations have made to the modern world has been widely overlooked and that its team of academics has focused on debunking the myth of the so-called “Dark Ages of Civilization.”

“The period between the 7th and 17th centuries – which has been erroneously labelled ‘the Dark Ages’ – was in fact a time of exceptional scientific and cultural advancement in China, India and the Arab world,” Prof. Salim Al-Hassani, chief editor of the book, said.

“This is the period in history that gave us the first manned flight, huge advances in engineering, the development of robotics and the foundations of modern mathematics, chemistry and physics.”

In a technical sense, the book is correct – between the 7th and 17th centuries, there was scientific advancement in China, India, and the Arab World.  Unfortunately for the integrity and honesty of this book’s publisher and promotors, nearly all of that advancement was in China and India.  Nevertheless, the overall premise is simply shoddy.  Robotics?  Manned flight?  Suuuuuure.   While the Muslim world did make some contributions to fields such as optics, chemistry, and mathematics (and they DID, let’s be fair), the al-taqiyya represented here reaches ridiculous proportions.

Further, we should note that for the period between the 7th and 17th centuries in Europe, it is equally erroneous to call these “the Dark Ages.”  Of course, from the 15th century on, Europe was having its own Renaissance, and had already far outstripped the Muslim world intellectually.  But even in the earlier part of the Middle Ages, Europe was advancing in science and culture as much as the rest of the world.  Medieval Europe saw advances in mathematics, physics (especially mechanics and ballistics), engineering, astronomy, and navigation (the technology for Columbus to sail across the Atlantic didn’t appear out of nowhere….)  European construction technology was far superior to that of the Islamic world in the High Middle Ages (12-13th centuries), enabling the Europeans to produce huge and intricate castles and cathedrals that the Muslims could not have begun to match.   Europe led the way in early industrialisation, too.  In the 13th century, London had enough productive industry that it already suffered from air pollution caused by the burning of wood for fuel in forges and other industrial concerns. 

In fact, Europe’s problem in the Middle Ages was not that it was backwards and behind the times – instead, the problem was that the continent was so politically divided that Europeans were unable to project significant power beyond the confines of their own continent until they reached the point where they had a decisive enough technological advantage that small numbers of them could defeat much larger non-European forces. 

Basically, this book represents two seemingly contrary trends in Islamic apologetics that nevertheless seem to converge quite frequently – the attempt to put across the superiority of Islamic culture historically, but doing so in a way that essentially submits Islamic culture and history to the confines of Western ideas of progress and goodness.  Even when lying to downgrade Western contributions at the expense of their own, the Muslims still have to define themselves by Western ideals.  Even in “winning”, they lose.

And really, if you think about it, I don’t see why they think this book would be helpful to their cause.  As anyone can see, the Muslim world today is one of the most backwards, kleptocratic, corrupt regions on the face of the earth.  What does it say about their civilisation’s long-term competency if it can go from having magical robotic manned flight back in the Middle Ages and being the supposedly premiere culture in the world, to having a combined gross national product among its 57 members that is less than that of the Great Satan alone, and being unable to maintain a functioning cellular service without the Great Satan’s technicians?