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Posts Tagged ‘blogs’

Ignore all those bloggers and activists, please

by Guest Post ( 68 Comments › )
Filed under Barack Obama, Censorship, Cult of Obama, Democratic Party, Progressives at October 17th, 2013 - 5:00 pm

Guest Blogger: Doriangrey

Amusing words from a man reputed to have won reelection through the use of social networking.

“All of us need to stop focusing on the lobbyists, and the bloggers, and the talking heads on radio, and the professional activists who profit from conflict, and focus on what the majority of Americans sent us here to do,” Obama continued.

Obama went after what he called the “rhetoric” which “gets worse” annually, and for members to focus on where they agree. He cited a “balanced approach” to a budget process as one of these areas of agreement between Democrats and Republicans.

“Had one side not decided to pursue a strategy of brinkmanship, each side could have gotten together and figured out how do we shape a budget that provides certainty to businesses, and people who rely on government?” Obama said.

Please allow me to rephrase this the way it sounds to my ears.

Those damned meddling bloggers and the talking heads on radio nearly cost me my Marxist Velvet Coup, will no one rid me of them?

Remember, this is the exact same Marxist-in-Chief that just recently when asked if he bore any responsibility for making Washington more divided, responded by basically saying, hell no.

DIANA WILLIAMS, WABC-TV: You were the one many years ago, when you were running for this office who said, you know, ‘I’m going to create a bipartisan atmosphere in Washington.’ Yet, Washington is more split than ever before. This country is more divided than ever before. Why have you not been able to create a bipartisan atmosphere here and do you take any of the blame on yourself for that?

PRESIDENT OBAMA: Well, you know, I think that if you look at my track record over the last four years, I have consistently sought compromise. Sometimes, to the point that Democrats have been mad at me, but I didn’t care because I did what I thought was best for the country… The problem that we have right now is that on the other side, just a faction of the Republican party — it doesn’t represent all Republicans — that have decided to take a very extreme position and to use very extreme tactics in order to get stuff done. And the more moderate, reasonable members of the Republican party up in Congress often times have difficulty dealing with that faction. And, what we’ve seen as a result is the kind of mess that we’re seeing today. So, the upshot is this: if you look at both my policies as well as the approach that I’ve taken in governing, there is a lot of overlap between what I’m proposing and what Republicans have proposed in the past. I take their ideas all the time. What we haven’t seen is a willingness on the other side to engage in the basic compromises that are required for governance.

Not one single Republican voted for Obamacare, not one. Obama’s statement when questioned about this was “I won”. Tell me where in God’s Name anyone with two functional brain cells can find anything even remotely resembling compromise in that?

Edit: Please Contrast Obama’s attempts to silence dissenting points of view with Former Congressman Allen West.

(Cross Posted@ The Wilderness of Mirrors)

“Pimp Yo Blog!” OPEN

by Kafir ( 141 Comments › )
Filed under Blogmocracy, Links, Open thread at June 25th, 2010 - 2:00 pm

Welcome to a Friday afternoon open thread ~ I want to draw our readers attention to the “hot links” application once again… We are hoping that people add stories that interest them or that needs the exposure! This could be a great tool!

Along those lines, we have very many talented commenters that have their own blogs. I’m taking this opportunity to make sure you guys note the “hot links” feature and take advantage of it to… PIMP YO BLOG! ! ! Did you write up a fantastic article that you would like to share with us? Hot link it! It can be silly or serious or whatever suits your fancy! If there is a category that you would like to see added just let me know and we’ll try to make it as user friendly as possible!

I’m taking the liberty to go through our blogroll and add some links from some of our favored bloggers and commenters as examples. Check it out and HOOK US UP WITH YOUR OWN!

Let your voices be heard at the Blogmocracy!


“Congratulations! You Are A Piece of ____ !”

by Bunk Five Hawks X ( 358 Comments › )
Filed under Humor, Open thread at June 14th, 2010 - 10:20 pm

You’ve seen them. They began on the C and D Blogs, and they’re all over the B Blogs now. Dopey questionnaires that ask you to answer five or six odd questions, none of which can be answered wrong. Then you submit your answers, and the magic internet blogsite genii tells you what kind of breakfast cereal you are, or some such drivel.

Don’t know what I’m railing about? Here are a few examples:

What kind of afro-desiac are you?

What kind of paper clip do you most resemble?

If you were a freakin’ cupcake, would you be less of a dork?

What kind of imaginary powers that would raise you up from your own miserable pathetic little life that you would wish for, assuming you have a life to begin with?

The results of these inane surveys are then posted on the authors’ websites with a proclamation such as “I am a furry little wombat/budgie hybrid who enjoys hot cocoa.” Barf.

So, then, I have a proposal for y’all. Whenever and wherever you find a blog that asks you to take a dopey “What Kind Of ___ Am I” type quiz, don’t bother clicking on the link. Just answer “I’m Asparagus.” No further explanation is necessary.

Let’s get rid of this obnoxious trend so we can get on with REALLY inane blogging, like cat snoring videos:

[Originally posted here. Reposted with permission.]

Ugh. Time for an Overnight Open Thread.