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Posts Tagged ‘California’

Essential VDH

by Iron Fist ( 21 Comments › )
Filed under Headlines at April 11th, 2011 - 8:40 am

Go thou and read thereof. Excerpt:

California in the Balance.

We calibrate California’s decline by its myriad of paradoxes. The nation’s highest bundle of gas, sales, and income taxes cannot close the nation’s largest annual deficit at $25 billion. Test scores are at the country’s near bottom; teachers’ salaries at the very top. Scores of the affluent are leaving each week; scores of the indigent are arriving. The nation’s most richly endowed state is also the most regulated; the most liberal of our residents are also the most ready to practice apartheid in their Bel Air or Palo Alto enclaves.

We now see highway patrolmen and city police, in the manner of South American law enforcement, out in force. Everywhere they are monitoring, watching, ticketing — no warnings, no margins of error — desperate to earn traffic fines that might feed the state that feeds them. I could go on. But you get the picture that we are living on the fumes of a rich state that our forefathers brilliantly exploited, and now there is not much energy left in the fading exhaust to keep us going.

I see California in terms now of the razor’s edge with disaster not far in either direction. A postmodern affluent lifestyle hangs in the balance here without a margin of error. Let me give some examples.

He sees hope that California can be saved. I, myself, do not. California is circling the drain. I count them a suicide.

Caption This!

by Deplorable Macker ( 107 Comments › )
Filed under Caption This, Democratic Party, Open thread at February 3rd, 2011 - 4:30 pm

Since California got what it deserved in re-electing Jerry Brown as their Governor, let US also do the same for Jerry Brown:

The target is acquired…Commence Captioning! This is also an Open Thread.
And I’m going to start it off!

“I swear to God, honest! She was so well-endowed, they moved all over the place when we went at it back in the day at Malibu Beach!”

Friday Night Drinking Thread: Suffering Bastard

by 1389AD ( 132 Comments › )
Filed under Food and Drink, Music, Open thread at November 19th, 2010 - 9:00 pm

Suffering Bastard cocktail with ingredients - click for more information

Long ago, far away, I partook of a “Suffering Bastard” cocktail in a Chicago restaurant. It didn’t come in a fancy glass, but that was okay.

I don’t have much of a sweet tooth (hardly any at all, as a matter of fact) and cocktails are a rarity for me. In the Serb tradition, I normally drink my liquor neat – no mixers, no ice, no prechilling. But as mixed drinks go, this one wasn’t bad.

Classic Suffering Bastard Recipe from Drinks Mixer™:

1 1/2 oz rum
1 oz overproof rum
3/4 oz Orange Curacao liqueur
1/2 oz orgeat syrup
1 oz fresh lime juice
2 oz fresh orange juice

Shake all ingredients well and strain into an ice-filled double old-fashioned glass.

Garnish with slices of orange and lime, and serve.

Read more: Suffering Bastard recipe

All of these photos are clickable…

Another version of this drink uses gin instead of rum, and a mint garnish. Never tried it; I don’t care much for gin, and I hate mint. (Click photo below for recipe.)

Suffering Bastard cocktail - click for alternate recipe

The classic Suffering Bastard tropical cocktail originated with Victor Bergeron, founder of the Trader Vic’s Polynesian-themed restaurant chain. The Lope offers some commentary on the drink:

Once upon a time, Trader Vic’s sold Mai Tai rum in one of the coolest containers that ever held anything; it was called “Mai Tai Joe” but that name was little-known to recent-year collectors who nicknamed it the “suffering bastard” decanter, after a drink served at Trader Vic’s.

Trader Vic's Suffering Bastard Decanter (front)

Trader Vic's Suffering Bastard Decanter (rear)

Here’s one of the matching Suffering Bastard mugs. They are no longer being made, but collectors sell them on the web.

Trader Vic's Suffering Bastard Mug

Martin Denny: Quiet Village

Blogmocracy Birthday:

Happy Birthday M!

Beyond “skewing” – California “Air Board” Must Be Held To Account

by Kafir ( 246 Comments › )
Filed under Blogmocracy, Elections 2010, Guest Post, Politics, Progressives at October 8th, 2010 - 9:00 pm

Blogmocracy in Action!
Guest post by: Bumr50!

The negligence of this body is not startling.

The degree to which they have misrepresented their data, on which the legislature depends in order to formulate standards, is.

Overestimate fueled state’s landmark diesel law

Wyatt Buchanan, Chronicle Sacramento Bureau
San Francisco Chronicle October 8, 2010 04:00 AM

Friday, October 8, 2010

California grossly miscalculated pollution levels in a scientific analysis used to toughen the state’s clean-air standards, and scientists have spent the past several months revising data and planning a significant weakening of the landmark regulation, The Chronicle has found.

The pollution estimate in question was too high – by 340 percent, according to the California Air Resources Board, the state agency charged with researching and adopting air quality standards. The estimate was a key part in the creation of a regulation adopted by the Air Resources Board in 2007, a rule that forces businesses to cut diesel emissions by replacing or making costly upgrades to heavy-duty, diesel-fueled off-road vehicles used in construction and other industries.

340% is not a “miscalculation.”

Even if it is, what accountability do the individuals involved face?
Will industry be permitted to sue for losses incurred by the cumbersome environmental legislation passed under the assumption that the data was accurate?

Oh, I see. It’s that damn economy Bush left us with.

The staff of the powerful and widely respected Air Resources Board said the overestimate is largely due to the board calculating emissions before the economy slumped, which halted the use of many of the 150,000 diesel-exhaust-spewing vehicles in California. Independent researchers, however, found huge overestimates in the air board’s work on diesel emissions and attributed the flawed work to a faulty method of calculation – not the economic downturn.

The overestimate, which comes after another bad calculation by the air board on diesel-related deaths that made headlines in 2009, prompted the board to suspend the regulation this year while officials decided whether to weaken the rule.

In another development, Meg Whitman has stated that if elected Governor she would immediately suspend the new regs.

The Brown camp responded with the succint: “You whore!”

Read more.

– Bumr50