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Posts Tagged ‘Caligula’

The Democratic Party is a religion

by Phantom Ace ( 46 Comments › )
Filed under Barack Obama, Cult of Obama, Democratic Party, Progressives at September 11th, 2012 - 8:00 am

After watching the Democratic Convention and the subsequent bounce I have come to a conclusion. We are not dealing with a political party. The modern Democratic “party” is a religion. It is not based on fact but articles of faith. It even has a messiah/godhead. The Left’s war on religion has left many without a spiritual belief system. This created a void that Obama has filled in the lives of Democrats.

Barack Obama is the messiah of the Democrat religion. He is viewed as someone who has been sent to redeem America of it’s sin of slavery and oppression of the 3rd world. Obama is even seen to have divine powers. Many of his followers claim that he can heal the planet and one even thought his voice stopped the rain. Democrats view Obama as a divine god-king who must be worshiped. If you even criticize Obama they label you racist. This term doesn’t mean what it originally intended any more. It now means you are a heretic who does not like Obama.

Global warming is an article of faith. The Democrats believe that the changing climate can be stopped by humans. They believe their messiah (Obama) has the power to do this.

They have a racial caste system. At the top are Progressive Whites, who are the master race of this Democratic religion. Underneath them different groups have different roles in the caste system. Hispanics are domestic help and construction workers. Blacks are singers, actors and sports professionals. Indians are tech support and doctors.  Asians are food providers who provide take out restaurants or they run beauty salons and dry cleaners. Conservative whites and minorities who refuse to play the roles given them by the Democrats are viewed as infidels who must be silenced.

This is what Republicans are up against. We are dealing with a religion that has Obama as it’s godhead. The way to defeat them is by going after Obama and destroying the aura of divinity.

Update: Abortion on demand (as opposed to circumstances) is the religious sacrament of the Democratic religion. It’s a form of human sacrifice and a means to eliminate what they consider inferior.



Move over Jimmy Carter, you will soon be joined by another terrible president that the press touts as our greatest ex-president

by Flyovercountry ( 243 Comments › )
Filed under Barack Obama, Democratic Party, Progressives at August 30th, 2012 - 3:00 pm

Political Cartoons by Ken Catalino

Bill Whittle sums it up beautifully in this edition of Afterburner. It is the tale of two campaigns and their corresponding messages. An unfair fight really, between an actual heavyweight with intellectual gravitas and a lifetime of actual accomplishment versus a petty little man who really has zero business in the arena inhabited by adults. That is as diplomatic a description as I could have given to the campaign of 2012. Barack Obama won the election in 2008 due in large part to the ability of the press to keep hidden from the American people his core principles, beliefs, origins, associations, philosophical direction, campaign tactics, and what this person actually was. Now in 2012, as Americans have gotten to know him more intimately, they, about 55% of them anyhow, have had enough. Democrat party stalwarts who have not turned completely against him have taken to beating land speed records in their attempts to clear distance betwixt he and they.

I remember watching ABC news’ Nightline one day during the spring of 1988 and watching a glowing report of Jimmy Carter’s activities as an Ex-President. No matter what you believed about his job performance while in office, I was told, He was a stand out as one of our greatest former Presidents. A fitting tribute indeed, praising him for activities that had no real consequence, except as a good will ambassador shining his famous smile for various charitable photo ops, while actual decisions which needed to be made were left for the adults in the room. I can think of no better job for the Obama family. Traveling the country far and wide getting their picture taken in soup kitchens, where more than half of the people standing in line are there as a direct result of an Obama policy decision, and then leaving as the real business of feeding the hungry is attended to by people who really care enough to put forth an effort.

As the convention reaches its final day today, and we look forward to Mitt Romney’s acceptance as the top of the GOP ticket, I implore all of us to put aside our admittedly well deserved differences and get behind the necessary effort to remove this petty little man, the destructive force that he has turned out to be, from the highest office in the land. We need to put our nation first, because four more years of a Zero Presidency will see damage done to our nation that will take decades to reverse, possibly longer. Many of us, myself included wanted another candidate to emerge victorious from the primary fights earlier during the spring. Mitt Romney, for better or worse is what we have. The attempts of a very small minority to replace him with their respective candidates during a floor fight at the convention have failed as well.

Yes, Mitt Romney comes from the liberal wing of the party, and yes he has shown those colors vividly in the past. He has also kept his language strictly in line with free market economics since winning the nomination, and has not taken that all familiar turn to the left, as have many Republican Presidential nominees before him, (Nixon, Bush, Dole, Bush, McCain.) He, even without saying this is for the Tea Party, has picked one of our own for the number two spot on the ticket. What’s even more important about that pick, is that it was not a blind pander to the conservative base that makes up the bulk of those who regularly vote for Republicans, but rather the result of his well established management style. He chose someone he felt was capable of doing the top job, but that would also serve as a compliment to his strengths and views. He picked Ryan precisely so that he would always have a more conservative argument and view point present during the decision making process, someone who will have the strength to stand up to him when disagreement inevitably does arise.

Compare, just for the moment, the differences between these two men and their management styles. Barack Obama chose Joe Biden, the only man in America capable of making Barack Obama seem serious by comparison. Biden is one of the very few people in this country who Barack Obama can surround himself with and not feel threatened that his abilities will overshadow those of Obama. Mitt Romney chose someone precisely because he wished to surround himself with people who are the most capable around. He is not threatened by the capabilities of others, he actively seeks them out and offers them jobs.

Cross Posted from Musings of a Mad Conservative.

AP Poll with a +6 Democratic sample gives Caligula (Obama) a 1 point lead

by Phantom Ace ( 4 Comments › )
Filed under Barack Obama, Elections 2012, Mitt Romney, Polls, Special Report at August 22nd, 2012 - 11:14 am

The Pharoanic Regime of King Putt aka Caligula is crumbling. The Desperation is seen in the vindictive nature of the attacks on Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan. The media is trying all they can to prop up Obama. One method is to put out polls that oversampled Democrats. The latest scam poll is the AP-GFK poll. It shows Obama leading Mitt Romney 47-46%. They get this result with a 6 point Democratic over sample!


This result means Mitt Romney is ahead. No amount of fabricated polls can cover up the fact, the Obama Regime is crumbling.

Obama is the reincarnation of Caligula

by Phantom Ace ( 168 Comments › )
Filed under Barack Obama, Cult of Obama, History at August 16th, 2012 - 8:00 pm

I have called Obama the American Domitian, in reality he is closer to Caligula. I was emailed by Speranza this Article from History Today. I added comments on the similarities between Obama and Caligula.

Caligula was a nickname meaning ‘Little Boot’ or ‘Bootikin’ that was bestowed on the future emperor when he was a small boy by his father’s soldiers in Germany, where he paraded around among them in a miniature legionary’s uniform. It was said that when he grew up, he disliked it. His real name was Gaius Julius Caesar Germanicus and he was born 30 miles or so south of Rome, on the coast at Antium. His father, Germanicus, was a grandson of the Emperor Augustus and extremely popular. After commanding in Germany he was given a major role in the eastern provinces by the Emperor Tiberius (Augustus’ stepson and successor), who had adopted Germanicus as his nephew. The family relationships of Julius Caesar’s descendants were extraordinarily complicated and often savagely hostile; Caligula’s mother Agrippina was a grand-daughter of Augustus.

Augustus died in ad 14 and Tiberius succeeded him. Germanicus died at Antioch five years later, possibly poisoned, when Caligula was still only a boy and Agrippina took her children back to Rome. She hated Tiberius and in ad 29 was banished to an island (Obama grew up on an Island) between Italy and Sardinia, where she died in ad 33. Caligula was her only surviving son and had three sisters, Agrippina the Younger (future mother of the Emperor Nero), Drusilla and Livilla. Since the year 31 he had been living on the island of Capri with Tiberius, who after eliminating many real or possible opponents had retreated there in fear of assassination. Somehow Caligula managed to survive, though he afterwards claimed he had come close to murdering the emperor, while Tiberius is said to have remarked that he was ‘nourishing a viper’. (Obama is a viper on America)

Tiberius died in ad 37 when Caligula was 24. The other candidate for the succession was a grandson of Tiberius called Gemellus, who was 17. The Praetorian Guard (Obama has the media as his Praetorian), the imperial bodyguard, intervened under its commander, a man named Macro, to make sure that the Senate chose Caligula. Not long afterwards Caligula forced Macro to commit suicide and had Gemellus killed.

Caligula was very popular at first ( Obama was popular at first), but he came down to history as a viciously cruel and depraved megalomaniac. How far the stories about him were true is impossible to know, because there is such a shortage of contemporary sources. The main authority is the historian Suetonius, who was writing some 80 years after Caligula’s death. Sadly, the most famous story about the emperor, that he tried to make his horse Incitatus a consul, is considered definitely untrue.

In addition to four successive wives, Caligula was said to have enjoyed all three of his sisters in bed and sold their sexual services to other men. He threatened numerous other aristocratic women into submitting to him and went round boasting about it. He staged trials of innocent people so as to confiscate their estates, while lavishing quantities of money on luxuries for himself (Obama wants to redistribute wealth). He also provided spectacular games in the Circus to entertain the common people (Obama appears on Pop Culture shows)and retain their loyalty, although bored on one occasion and, with no criminals available that day, he allegedly had a group of the spectators thrown to the wild beasts in the arena to liven things up.

Unlike his predecessors, Caligula was an idler. He could not be bothered with the hard routine work of his office, which he handed over to assistants while he enjoyed himself (Just like Obama). He became increasingly suspicious and resentful of the Senate (Obama hates Congress). Many suspects were killed or banished and the emperor began publicly praising the advantages of full-scale autocracy and insisting that he was already a god and must be worshipped (Obama is treated like a god-king by the media and pop culture) while still alive (unlike his predecessors).

In the year 40 Caligula led an army into Gaul and reached the Channel shore for what it seemed was to be an invasion of Britain. However all he did was tell the legionaries to collect seashells as the plunder of the conquered ocean. Then he led them back to Rome for a triumph (Obama did asurge in Afghanistan that had a deadline and he has declared al-Qaeda defeated when they are still around).

For all the misgivings about the evidence, it is difficult not to think that he had gone mad and, after less than four years of Bootikin, the Praetorian Guard decided that enough of him was enough (Many Americans think Obama is crazy and 4 years are enough). A group of officers organised a plot with the surreptitious support of some Senators and on January 24th, 41 the emperor was cornered and stabbed to death at the Palatine games. He was 28 years old. Caligula’s current wife, Caesonia, was killed as well and their baby daughter and only child had her brains bashed out against a wall.

Some in the Senate hoped to use the situation to restore the republic (Hopefully we can save our Republican after 4 years of Obama), but the Praetorian Guard ensured that the successor was Caligula’s uncle, Claudius, Germanicus’ younger brother. He was the last adult male of his family left alive and the one who would conquer Britain.

These parallels are very chilling.

(Hat Tip: Speranza)