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Posts Tagged ‘American Pharoah’

Republicans Aren’t the Problem, Your Neighbors Are

by Guest Post ( 174 Comments › )
Filed under Blogmocracy, Cult of Obama, Democratic Party, Elections 2012, Guest Post, Progressives at November 21st, 2012 - 5:00 pm

Blogmocracy in Action

Guest Blogger: Macduff

What Americans must understand is that the Democrats don’t simply want to defeat Republicans, they want to kill and bury us as a party then salt the Earth where we once thrived…and they won’t rest until that has been accomplished. They will lie, cheat, steal and have no qualms against permanently slandering a good man’s reputation, as we saw in this cycle, to get what they want. We’ve had nasty politics in this country since our founding, but instantaneous modern communication, the inherent vulnerability of electronic voting systems and “data mining”, which the Obama campaign almost pioneered, and definitely perfected (to the delight of Democrats, everywhere), “nasty” has been raised to a level heretofore unknown.

This isn’t about simple mudslinging, it’s about permanent scarlet letters tattooed upon the foreheads of anyone who dares to oppose them. There are those who advocate our descent into the muck and matching them handful for handful, but I’m not convinced that’d work, even if I could convince myself to support a candidate who could excel at such woeful behavior. The Obama campaign ran one of the most vile, negative campaigns in memory, then had the temerity to tag Romney’s campaign as negative….and it stuck!
We can talk all we want about the “messiah” schtick, and it’s absolutely pivotal, but we must talk about how he was able to sell that schtick in the first place as well as the gullibility and low self-esteem of the majority of voters that bought it two cycles in a row.
This isn’t a problem so much with Republicans as it is with the American electorate. Yeah, we’ve had some real duds, but the Democrats haven’t exactly been producing stellar examples of statesmanship either (Elizabeth Warren? Really?). Hell, Obama himself is an urban myth (and yes, I meant that just the way it sounds), wrapped around a set of grievances and sold as a savior — and people not only bought it, they practical pee on themselves in his presence!

We’re definitely in “Brave New World” territory here — with the country in shambles, demonstrably worse than when he took over, no president should have been reelected. Again, ascribing this phenomenon to the messiah schtick is only half of the problem, even “messiahs” need loyal followers and in this case, they’re the real issue.

(Cross Posted @The Weeks Review)

Post Election Analysis: No Use In Sugar Coating A Disaster.

by Flyovercountry ( 404 Comments › )
Filed under Barack Obama, Elections 2012, Progressives, Socialism at November 7th, 2012 - 5:30 pm

We’ve all seen this before, and we all had a good laugh, but it’s not at all funny, it’s what our nation has become. Idiots who are proud to sell out their future opportunity to amount to anything, or to have any ability what so ever to support themselves, have sold their souls, and along with that price, our future, for cheap consumer products. The message last night delivered by the people who bothered themselves to vote was loud and clear. “Soak anyone more successful than we are, and use that confiscation of their property rights to give us more free crap!”

I am sickened beyond belief, and not just at the prospect of a second Obama term in office, a man by the way who has yet to do anything at all to show that he deserves the respect befitting a man who holds his office. I am sickened that I live in a nation where 59,971,178 of my fellow citizens feel that he was worthy of their vote, and that he actually performed the duties of his position well enough to deserve a second term. Beyond that though, there are a couple of lessons that we can take from the disaster, and any time a lesson is learned, even though it is often painful as it is in this instance, it will turn out to be a positive thing.

You will notice that Barack Obama’s vote total was actually 10,000,000 less this year than it was four years ago. The problem of course is that Mitt Romney’s vote total was also lower than the number of supporters that John McCain actually had show up for him. Mitt Romney received 2,000,000 fewer votes. Barack Obama’s entire campaign was based on demonizing Mitt Romney, and it appears to have worked. When push came to shove, the undecided independent voters saw the choice in last night’s election as voting for Mitt Romney or staying home. They chose to stay home, so score one for dishonest negative advertising. Remember that lesson in four years, when you hear all about civility in campaigning and how it will damage our brand to go negative. Leo Durocher was correct about how well nice guys do. In two elections the geniuses who run the Republican Party refused to take on Barack Obama, fearing some sort of backlash if they, “went negative.” The irony of course is that pointing out the negatives surrounding Barack Obama would have been entirely true. Mitt Romney was so clean, that all the negatives surrounding him had to be completely fabricated, top to bottom, and there was no real backlash. So, how did that refusal to take on Barack turn out? Hear we are, saddled with four more years of watching the single worst President in our nation’s history go about the task of attempting to destroy the greatest republic the world has known.

During the last two weeks of the campaign, Mitt Romney switched his message from one of conservatism to one of appealing to the more liberal voters in our nation. I am growing tired of being the base voter in a party that considers me to be an embarrassment, rather than an important constituency. Sometime during the coming weeks the Republican Party will hit me up for a donation, for the important elections coming in two years, or to help Republican Governors running some where else, or for lobbying efforts necessary to stop the damage about to be inflicted by a man that they refused to fully engage over the last four months. Since Barry Goldwater we have nominated Richard Nixon twice, Gerald Ford, Ronald Reagan twice, George H.W. Bush twice, Robert Dole once, George W. Bush twice, John McCain once, and Mitt Romney once. There is only one man from the conservative wing of our party, also knows as the voting base, on that list. He won by two of the largest landslides in our nation’s history, so please stop telling me that we need candidates exclusively from the liberal wing of our party in order to win the independents necessary for electoral success. During an argument at Tea Party Nation in which I was defending one of my essays that was slightly critical of Mitt Romney, one of his supporters called me out for believing that we conservatives were at all important to the Republican Party. What was lost on this particular dolt is that we conservatives are the only ones voting for Republican candidates, and that without the pesky, knuckle dragging, sloped fore headed base, they would never win another election. The time has come to abandon the Republican party, unless of course they start making an actual attempt to represent our principles. I don’t see that as happening, so maybe a shake up is in order. The fact is, that conservatism, when articulated clearly, and consistently wins elections. It is when the message waivers or submits its candidates to purity tests of singular issues that our side meets with electoral failure.

There really are two America’s, and the problem is that they are geographically intertwined. One American wishes to live under the rule of law established by our founders, who saw the destructive potential of a democracy, and the lasting virtue of a republic. Protecting individual rights against the tyranny of a majority who would simply vote themselves authority to systematically rob the fruits of the labors of those who chose to be productive. The second American wishes to live in a society that would seek to cede all responsibility and consequence to a federal authority in exchange for having their basic needs provided for. The second America is no longer the land of the free and the home of the brave, but is instead the land of the kept and the home of the clueless. They seek nothing more than to have their freedoms traded one by one for a stream of relatively cheap consumer products and state run reeducation at one of the labor camps known as land grant colleges. Unfortunately, these two Americas live side by side, and have very little if any geographical division, which would be necessary for the divorce that I believe is now inevitable. Said divorce will be a messy affair, but there is no chance of a reconciliation that I can see as being possible.

Sure, we have the usual suspects in our government talking about working together to solve our problems, but what we do not have is any possible ideological bridge where our differences can be placed into anything that resembles common ground. One America believes in a government limited in scope and authority by the constraints set in place by the governed, the other America sees that as an outdated notion which should be swept away as a footnote to a by gone era. One America seeks to maintain individual property rights and the rights guaranteed by the First Ten Amendments as the corner stone of our society, and the Other America has already taken the steps necessary to eliminate those Constitutional guarantees, once considered the entire basis of our founding. The problem is that in even those states where the Marxists lost last night, the Marxists still managed to receive between 40 and 49% of the vote. In those places where the Marxists won, our side managed to garner between 40 and 49% of the vote. The two Americas live in the same space, constantly violating the very laws of nature. Separation of our two diametrically opposed existences will be a painful and messy process, but our differences are irreconcilable, to borrow a phrase from the many divorce lawyers whom I have unfortunately made the acquaintance of.

I am definitely growing tired of living with an ungrateful soon to be ex spouse. While I wish her well, I also wish her to be gone. I would rather go about my own existence, and will bristle with the concept of her supporting her own self.

Cross Posted from Musings of a Mad Conservative.

The Ditherer In Chief, A Profile Of A Man Who Is Truly Unfit For His Job

by Flyovercountry ( 163 Comments › )
Filed under Barack Obama, Elections 2012, Mitt Romney at October 25th, 2012 - 11:00 am

Political Cartoons by Steve Kelley

One of those snark lines issued by our President during Monday’s foreign policy debate that substituted itself for the more boring and coincidentally more competent serious thought, was this little gem.

“Governor Romney, the 1980’s called and they want their foreign policy back.”

It was one of those instances in my life that I found myself speechless, for days afterwards on this particular topic, not because of the sentiment being so insightful that I could think of no retort, but because the comment is so egregiously specious, so egregiously vacuous, and so egregiously dangerous to our national security that I stood flabbergasted with the concept that anyone, more particularly a sitting President, could possibly be so ill equipped for the Oval Office that he would verbalize that thought. The problem with a statement this moronic of course is as much as determining a place to start as it is anything else. There is so much wrong with this kind of idiocy, and I really do not want to miss anything, that this singular statement may very well be able to completely sum up what is wrong with the Obama Presidency, and with the Democrat Party as a whole, all by itself. I realize that every Democrat base supporter had that collective thrill going up their legs with this utterance, but my faith in Americans tells me that it will cost the Democrats big for at least the next two election cycles. In any case, it proves the statement that Barack Obama is the least qualified person in any room that he enters to be true.

In January of 1992, Northwestern University, perennial doormat of Big Ten football, hired Gary Barnett to be the new head coach. Barnett took over a team that during the previous decade had won fewer than 20% of their games. Barnett led the Wildcats to two Big Ten titles over the next six seasons, and then left to coach the University of Colorado football team, also leading them to a conference championship. As important as his success was how he got there. He researched the entirety of his staff at Northwestern and discovered that not a single one of his coaches had ever been a part of a winning team. He fired them all, and hired a new staff in its entirety. His top criteria for new hires was that they came from an atmosphere of success, a program that at some level was able to claim a clear record of winning. He wanted people who knew how to be successful on his team. when he recruited players, he only recruited those from high schools that won at least 8 of ten games in their senior years. He wanted players who knew how to win, and what winning felt like.

Ronald Reagan had a foreign policy that can only be considered successful. While the Democrats were tripping all over themselves trying to portray Reagan as a doddering old senile fool who was an affable dolt, the plain fact is that he took the reigns of leadership from a disastrous Jimmy Carter Administration that made foreign policy losses of the most astounding proportions seem so common place that a group of Iranian college kids stormed our embassy there intending to hold it for an hour or two, and ended up keeping hostages for 444 days. From that starting point, Reagan won the Cold War, paved the way for former Soviet Satellites to be granted membership to NATO, and created a missile defense shield for a Europe that has forgotten that they at one time had to defend themselves against foreign aggression. When Barack Obama denigrates the foreign policy of the 80’s as so old school that it should be considered laughable, let’s at the same time remember that this was the last successful foreign policy that our nation had.

Perhaps the silliest part of Obama’s theory is that the Reagan foreign policy would have only been successful if employed in a world in which the Cold War was raging, and that winning the peace were somehow not possible if we insisted upon keeping that which had proven itself so successful that it actually ended the previous hostilities. I realize that being on the back nine of my life there may not be a majority of my fellow citizens who can remember back to that ancient decade which followed the hapless Jimmy Carter Presidency and proceeded the skirt chasing years of the Clinton Presidency. So, here is a little history lesson for those of you who are a wee bit young, or a wee bit forgetful. Ronald Reagan’s admittedly simple foreign policy agenda was based on the belief that American Strength would lead to a lasting peace. He believed that if we built our military capability to the point that nobody in their right minds would consider picking a fight with us, and that if we projected that strength anywhere around the globe where our interests, or the interests of our friends happened to be, this would be the single greatest benefit that we could give to a world that relished a peaceful coexistence with their fellow human beings. As it turns out, he was right. Life really was that simple, and more importantly, it still is. What Ronald Reagan understood, and this is still true by the way, are the necessary conditions that actually lead to peace. One, is a mutually beneficial open exchange of goods and services. Another possible avenue is an overwhelming military victory by one side over the other. The last condition that can lead to peace is one side being so overwhelmingly better equipped militarily that attacking them is placed right out of the question. There is not a single instance, in all of human history by the way, of diplomats negotiating a lasting peace where one of those three conditions was not present to begin with.

Immediately upon his inauguration in January of 1993, William Clinton embarked upon what he termed as the peace dividend, which included huge budget cuts to our military, and our intelligence services. The subsequent frightful consequences of those cuts were later decried as George W. Bush’s fault when it became necessary to defend ourselves against the vicious attacks that would never have been possible if we had only kept the peace through strength posture. Those same people who were out in the streets campaigning for the, “peace dividend,” were the first to start wailing about how our intelligence and military had let us down so terribly on September 11, 2001. The dots so easy to connect for anyone not living in the liberal vacuum have yet to be connected by these self anointed intellectual elites. Nuance it would seem is synonymous with an intellectual and moral relativism that can only be possible when delivered in the context of serious thought being mixed with a constant assault upon the brain by a steady diet of hallucinogenic drugs, for example, pot. Our colleges have become cesspools of this type of idiocy masquerading as intellectual pursuits, and the worst part is that right and wrong are no longer considered to be absolutes, but merely differing realities in which it is considered taboo to measure outcomes against each other lest someone’s feelings get hurt.

So, when Barack Obama chides Mitt Romney over his old school beliefs, it is not an indictment about where we place the Russians on our list of friends or foes, but an indictment on the entire concept of measuring success or failure. One of the scariest things ever uttered by a President elect, was said in December of 2008. Barack Obama said the following.

“I don’t think that victory is possible in Afghanistan in the classical sense of what people would expect a victory to look like. There will probably be no ceremony of someone signing an agreement where we are declared victorious and the Taliban surrenders.”

The entirety of the Liberal mindset is that since there is no real right or wrong, only a moral relativism upon which any values should be based, where by all outcomes must eventually be made equal by an elite class of self anointed, the entire concept of victory against our enemies flies in the face of those victories being undeserved. If you are confused, don’t worry, just realize that the current group in charge do not feel that any one truly deserves to be victorious or defeated. Since Barack Obama feels that all wealth in this world is set at a specific amount, we can only be successful here in America by stealing wealth from a place where no matter how evil those inhabitants are, our two societies are indeed equal. So, when our embassies are overrun through out the Middle East and across North Africa, and Mitt Romney says that he intends to project American Strength as a means to keep the peace that we last enjoyed under a Reagan Presidency, Barack Obama’s chiding is not so much a symbol of claiming that this policy would not produce the results intended, but that we are wrong for desiring those results in the first place.

It is that belief that I find so extremely dangerous in a Commander in Chief. It is the belief that we Americans are not deserving of a peaceful existence or in the protection of our national interests. Barack Obama is intelligent enough to know that he can not verbalize his convictions in these terms. If he did, he would never have been elected so much as dog catcher. Snarky insults are all he has left in this particular debate, and that snark, once considered will not sit well with the voting public at large.

Cross Posted from Musings of a Mad Conservative.

Chris Matthews has had a Charles Johnson style nervous breakdown

by Daedalus ( 190 Comments › )
Filed under Blogwars, Cult of Obama, Humor, LGF, Progressives at October 24th, 2012 - 8:00 pm

Many of us over the Diary of Daedalus have come to the conclusion that Speranza’s analysis of Charles Johnson is correct, the Corpulent Creep has had a nervous breakdown as  he went from being a rational blogger, to a deranged Obama supporter. Charles calls any opposition to Obama racist, well Chuck is not alone in his Obama worship derangement.

There once was a time when Chris Matthews was a credible journalist as he tended to be a Moderate-Liberal and was no great fan of Bill Clinton. He even hosted the Rush Limbaugh show a few times back in the 90’s, but sometime during the Bush Administration (around the time of the run-up to the Iraq war in 2003) , Matthews had a nervous breakdown.  He then he latched onto Obama and declared him to be God and the perfect man,  and now he lashes out Charles Johnson style at any critic of Obama as a racist.

Chris Matthews is a man who is not functioning fully with a mental capacity. He now claims that had he run for The Democratic nomination for Senator in Pennsylvania, that he would have won. Even worse, Matthews claims he would be a star for the Democrats.

Election years brings larger challenges, starting with the party conventions, and then the long campaign. Matthews was enthusiastic about Barack Obama in 2008, but now he is disappointed. “I vote for heroes,” he says. “Obama’s strengths were apparent; his weaknesses weren’t. We saw someone who was very brilliant, but what we didn’t see was someone who didn’t have the necessary skills as a backroom deal maker.”

This time around, he thinks it will be close. A lot depends on three factors, he says, such as “how Romney performs during and after the debates—does he come across as a human being? If he does, look out, Obama. Then, [the subject of] unemployment—if it goes up again above 8.5 percent in October. Put them together, with the huge amount of spending that the Republicans can use to trumpet any triumphs in those two areas in the last week or so— the money they have now that they could never spend before—just trumpeting the latest bad economic news, pounding it home to people. Don’t tell me that’s not going to have an impact.”

As for his own political ambitions, he says that dream is over. “I know this: If I had run and won and beaten [Senator Pat] Toomey,  I would be one of the Democrats people talk about today,” Matthews says. “I’m not dreaming here. I would be one of the stars of the Democratic Party—there aren’t that many. My agenda now is to do what I’m doing, which… if you’ll notice, I like.”

Chris Matthews has gone down the path of Charles Johnson and Andrew Sullivan.  He has lost the credibility he once had and has become something of a joke with his comment about getting a “thrill up my leg” after an Obama speech.  Both men worship Obama as a political/cultural deity who does no wrong.  If Romney wins on November 6th, I would put these two  on a suicide watch.