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Posts Tagged ‘God-King Obama’

The Buck Most Assuredly Does Not Stop On The President’s Desk, Bet On Him To Get To The Bottom Of That Whole Buck Thing Though!

by Flyovercountry ( 72 Comments › )
Filed under Barack Obama, Cult of Obama, Democratic Party, Progressives at May 29th, 2013 - 8:20 am

Political Cartoons by Steve Kelley

We have had 44 Presidents during our nation’s relatively short history. I believe it is safe to say that not every American has been happy with whom ever served in that capacity, at any time during that history. Through it all though, for the most part, a vast majority of Americans have held a healthy level of respect for the office itself. Barack Obama, just like George W. Bush before him, has had detractors. Our nation today is as divided along partisan lines as I have ever seen it. The President, who ever it is at any given point in time, needs for that respect of his office to be in tact. Governing without that respect would be a far more difficult task than with it.

Respect is a two way street however, and in order to ever receive respect, a person must first give it. Respect for the office of the Presidency must first and foremost be paid by the person holding that office. Our nation to date has suffered through three Presidents who have failed to adequately pay that respect. The first to fail in that humbling task was Franklin Pierce. He also stands as the only incumbent President to fail in his efforts to secure his own party’s nomination while seeking reelection. The second President to fail in the task of paying adequate respect for his office was Richard Nixon. Having had his personal paranoia get the better of him, he was forced into resignation before his term ended, and stands as the only President in our history to have done this. The third President to have failed to pay adequately, the respect due his office, or any amount of respect for that matter, is our current President, Barack Obama.

Never before have I witnessed a President so capable of completely divorcing himself not only from the consequences of his policies, but also from any of the day to day happenings within his own Administration. Solyndra, if you recall, was that Green Fairy scam in which his Administration rushed through one of those Stimulus Package loans to a green tech boondoggle owned by one of his donors. The money was forked over literally while the company in question was busy with proceedings in bankruptcy court. Obama gave a speech on the importance of green tech for our nation’s future economic viability, touting Solyndra as a shining example of that success, and a cornerstone of his brilliance in action. Six months later, he was promising tax paying American Citizens that he’d be getting to the bottom of how every single member of his White House could have been so thoroughly hoodwinked. (Yes, we’re still waiting anxiously for the answers to those hard hitting questions that the Bamster has promised to ask on our collective behalf.)

Then there was, and is, Fast and Furious. Putting your adult memory on the shelf for just a little while, never mind the small fact that Barack Obama himself held a joint press conference touting this operation. He held the presser with the FBI, ATF, ICE, and the Justice Department. When two ICE agents turned up dead, shot by Fast and Furious weapons, some very disturbing facts came out. Among those facts was the revelation that our government had been purchasing large amounts of high powered weapons illegally from border state gun dealers and gifting those weapons to Mexican Drug Lords, with the aim of having the ensuing violence convince Americans that the Second Amendment itself was a problem. In the aftermath of course, a befuddled President Obama promised to, “get to the bottom of things.” (Yes, we’re still waiting anxiously for the answers to those hard hitting questions that the Bamster has promised to ask on our collective behalf.) Special note here, this particular scandal has seen a Contempt of Congress order issued, and upheld in Federal Court for Eric Holder, the nation’s Attorney General. This marks the first time in American History that a sitting Cabinet member was found to be in criminal contempt, and had that finding upheld by a Federal Judge.

Please don’t forget about Pigford, the reparations scam that Barack Obama was involved with even prior to his being elected President. The graft in that baby is north of $50 Billion, and has that, “I can’t believe they actually got away with a scam so brazen,” smell to it. This little baby, that Barack Obama has promised to get to the bottom of, featured tenement housing occupants from Chicago and other urban areas claiming that their inability to grown a Boston Fern on their high rise balconies represented an inability to farm, despite best efforts, and netted them all checks for $50,000, paid by the American Taxpayers via the USDA. (Yes, we’re still waiting anxiously for the answers to those hard hitting questions that the Bamster has promised to ask on our collective behalf.)

The latest three, Benghazi, IRS, and the Justice Department’s wiretapping of reporters who actually asked questions, have all been well documented recently, just about everywhere. All three have a similar theme to them. Some people, working in our Executive Branch, have done some very bad things, things that would have seen anyone not working for government while they did them land in jail for a minimum of half a century. Some how, our President, who was touted as being some sort of messianic figure while campaigning during the 2008 election, managed to not know a gosh darned thing about any of it. He has expressed shock that such things could occur, and he is mad as a hornet that anyone would endeavor to act in such a morally reprehensible manner. He has further promised to, “get to the bottom,” of all of it. Next year, I’m sure I’ll be typing the following sentence in parenthesis. (Yes, we’re still waiting anxiously for the answers to those hard hitting questions that the Bamster has promised to ask on our collective behalf.)

Mean while, not a single one of the President’s policy initiatives, or agenda items, has led to anything resembling a positive result. Any one in the private sector with such a record as that enjoyed by our President, would not only have been fired from their current position, but would doubtless be having major league difficulties in having anyone else hire them, to do anything. It is a record of failure that stands as a modern marvel, in that this level of failure, 100%, was previously thought impossible to reach, even for those actively seeking failure. Even a broken clock shows the correct time twice per day.

My entire point is that somehow, our President is seen as a victim of such things, and not the driving force behind them. The Chief Executive of our country has transcended all accountability, both for the scandal and for the results of his Administration. Every other President in my memory has been held to account, at least minimally, for everything that happened, anywhere on the planet, whether they possessed the ability to do anything about it or not. Not so for Barack Obama. He has plausible deniability down to an art form. I would even be willing to bet quite a sum that Barack Obama would be able to deny knowledge of how his own shoes get tied each and every morning.

So the question is, how does a fellow square his ability to, “heal the planet,” “turn back the rise of the oceans,” “turn aside the partisan divide that has afflicted our nation’s capitol,” and “leap tall buildings in a single bound,” with his inability to prevent the most senior members of his Administration from violating every single law we have on our books designed to protect the American People from government malfeasance? Of all of the scandals, perhaps the most chilling was Eric Holder’s swearing out a warrant for James Rosen, naming him a criminal co-conspirator in a completely fabricated crime, for the purposes of intimidating a reporter who had the temerity to ask any questions of the Administration that sought some semblance of accountability.

As our President stands as the Victim in Chief, the guy most ravaged by that now infamous missing buck which used to stop on the desk of anyone who’s work address was the Oval Office, 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, Washington DC., fear not Oh America. For Barack Obama, the man wholly incapable of confirming exactly how his shoes get tied every morning has promised to get to the bottom of all of these annoyances to his fundamental transformation of our once free nation into something that no longer has a First, Second, Third, Fourth, Sixth, Seventh, Eighth, Ninth, or Tenth Amendment, (turns out he and his peeps found a use for the Fifth.) Don’t hold your breath though, Pigford broke in 2009, and four years is a long time to be doing that particular waiting activity.

Cross Posted from Musings of a Mad Conservative.

Chris Matthew’s tingle is gone

by Phantom Ace ( 112 Comments › )
Filed under Barack Obama, Cult of Obama, Progressives at May 16th, 2013 - 11:00 am

The Charles Johnson of cable news, Chris Matthews has been a fanatic Obamabot. He accuses any opposition to his god-king as racism. He even agreed that Obama was a god and the perfect man. Now after the IRS and AP scandal stories come out, he has soured on his icon.

President Obama “obviously likes giving speeches more than he does running the executive branch,” Chris Matthews said tonight.


“What part of the presidency does Obama like? He doesn’t like dealing with other politicians — that means his own cabinet, that means members of the congress, either party. He doesn’t particularly like the press…. He likes to write the speeches, likes to rewrite what Favreau and the others wrote for the first draft,” Matthews said.

Obama’s godhood status is starting to crumble. Republicans would be best serve by just staying out of the way and see how this plays out.

Washington Democrats might be turning on the god-king

by Phantom Ace ( 244 Comments › )
Filed under Barack Obama, Cult of Obama, Democratic Party, Progressives at May 15th, 2013 - 3:00 pm


Obama whether Conservatives like it or not, is a cultural icon. No matter what he does, the American people support him and trust him. But recent scandals are turning many Democrats in Washington against him. Obama’s arrogance and cult following never sat well with many Establishment Democrats. Now that scandals are occuring, some of them might be turning on the god-king.

The town is turning on President Obama — and this is very bad news for this White House.

Republicans have waited five years for the moment to put the screws to Obama — and they have one-third of all congressional committees on the case now. Establishment Democrats, never big fans of this president to begin with, are starting to speak out. And reporters are tripping over themselves to condemn lies, bullying and shadiness in the Obama administration.

Obama’s aloof mien and holier-than-thou rhetoric have left him with little reservoir of good will, even among Democrats. And the press, after years of being accused of being soft on Obama while being berated by West Wing aides on matters big and small, now has every incentive to be as ruthless as can be.

This White House’s instinctive petulance, arrogance and defensiveness have all worked to isolate Obama at a time when he most needs a support system. “It feel like they don’t know what they’re here to do,” a former senior Obama administration official said. “When there’s no narrative, stuff like this consumes you.”

Republican outrage is predictable, maybe even manageable. Democratic outrage is not.

The best thing Republicans can do is just let the facts come out and let the chips fall where they may. If they start with hyperbole and hysteria, the public will tune out these scandals. Jon Stewart going after Obama has more impact on the public than Rush Limbaugh ranting. Death by a 1000 cuts is a better strategy than an attempted knock out blow that too many Conservatives think they will achieve.

Obama is NOT a normal politician. He’s a cultural icon and has a hold on the majority of Americans whether we like it or not. Its best for the Right to let the Regime self destruct as they appear to be.

Republicans Aren’t the Problem, Your Neighbors Are

by Guest Post ( 174 Comments › )
Filed under Blogmocracy, Cult of Obama, Democratic Party, Elections 2012, Guest Post, Progressives at November 21st, 2012 - 5:00 pm

Blogmocracy in Action

Guest Blogger: Macduff

What Americans must understand is that the Democrats don’t simply want to defeat Republicans, they want to kill and bury us as a party then salt the Earth where we once thrived…and they won’t rest until that has been accomplished. They will lie, cheat, steal and have no qualms against permanently slandering a good man’s reputation, as we saw in this cycle, to get what they want. We’ve had nasty politics in this country since our founding, but instantaneous modern communication, the inherent vulnerability of electronic voting systems and “data mining”, which the Obama campaign almost pioneered, and definitely perfected (to the delight of Democrats, everywhere), “nasty” has been raised to a level heretofore unknown.

This isn’t about simple mudslinging, it’s about permanent scarlet letters tattooed upon the foreheads of anyone who dares to oppose them. There are those who advocate our descent into the muck and matching them handful for handful, but I’m not convinced that’d work, even if I could convince myself to support a candidate who could excel at such woeful behavior. The Obama campaign ran one of the most vile, negative campaigns in memory, then had the temerity to tag Romney’s campaign as negative….and it stuck!
We can talk all we want about the “messiah” schtick, and it’s absolutely pivotal, but we must talk about how he was able to sell that schtick in the first place as well as the gullibility and low self-esteem of the majority of voters that bought it two cycles in a row.
This isn’t a problem so much with Republicans as it is with the American electorate. Yeah, we’ve had some real duds, but the Democrats haven’t exactly been producing stellar examples of statesmanship either (Elizabeth Warren? Really?). Hell, Obama himself is an urban myth (and yes, I meant that just the way it sounds), wrapped around a set of grievances and sold as a savior — and people not only bought it, they practical pee on themselves in his presence!

We’re definitely in “Brave New World” territory here — with the country in shambles, demonstrably worse than when he took over, no president should have been reelected. Again, ascribing this phenomenon to the messiah schtick is only half of the problem, even “messiahs” need loyal followers and in this case, they’re the real issue.

(Cross Posted @The Weeks Review)