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Posts Tagged ‘Chuck Norris’

Van Damme Ups Chuck Norris OOT

by Deplorable Macker ( 190 Comments › )
Filed under Humor, OOT at February 28th, 2014 - 8:00 pm

First it started with Jean-Claude doing his splits between two European semis, then Chuck responded with two aircraft and some SEALs for Christmas.
And now, this:

Unlike the author, I predict Chuck will respond with his splits between two planets! While we wait for the obvious CGI sequence, let’s get right into The Overnight Open Thread!

Merry Christmas, Chuck Norris Style

by Deplorable Macker ( 75 Comments › )
Filed under Humor, Military, Open thread at December 20th, 2013 - 7:00 pm

As only he can! Take THAT, Jean Claude Van Damme!


HAT TIP: rain of lead

The real Chuck Norris exposes the privacy violations and government data collection in “Common Core”

by 1389AD ( 111 Comments › )
Filed under Education at December 2nd, 2013 - 2:00 pm

AmmoLand has the story:

Dallas, TX – -(Ammoland.com)- After months of the feds doing everything they could to distance themselves from the origin and launch of the controversial Common Core State Standards, more and more of Washington’s tentacles are surfacing through public rage, implementation revelations and the White House’s own foot-in-mouth disease.

After Education Secretary Arne Duncan cast bigoted blame on “white suburban moms” for nationwide resistance to CCSS — an oops from which he still is reeling in public humiliation and maternal fury — White House spokesman Jay Carney dodged Duncan bullets by claiming ignorance to his statements. But then Carney buried the White House in federal ownership of CCSS by saying,

“I can just tell you that the secretary of education and everybody on the president’s team dedicated to this effort is focused on making sure that we do everything we can, working with states and others.”

“Everybody on the president’s team dedicated to this effort”? Thanks, Mr. Carney. It’s about time the feds ponied up to their place on the CCSS playground.

In the first part of my series on CCSS, I revealed how the feds spent $350 million of taxpayer money, funding and giving grants and waivers to muscle and bribe states and local school districts to accept CCSS.

Last week, I showed how feds are injecting their progressive agenda into curricula taught to U.S. kids in elementary, middle and high schools via their influence in standard directives and posting educative minions in academic arenas and among CCSS curricula creators.

Today I will begin to give you the third piece of evidence of the feds’ collaborations and entanglements within CCSS — namely that they are creating and expanding a national database to store, access and peddle your kids’ private information obtained through a technological project within CCSS.

Sound crazy or like sci-fi socialism? Maybe, but it’s all real, true and coming soon to a school near you, if it isn’t there already.

It all started in the third month of President Barack Obama’s reign in 2009, when the Department of Education initiated the State Fiscal Stabilization Fund, which — under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 — awarded “governors approximately $48.6 billion … in exchange for a commitment to advance essential education reforms … including: college- and career-ready standards (aka CCSS).”

Under that umbrella, the feds further bribed the states into building and expanding longitudinal data systems “to capture, analyze, and use student data from preschool to high school, college, and the workforce.”

Robert Swiggum, the Georgia Department of Education’s chief information officer, explained to PolitiFact that his state’s system “collects data points in about 10 categories,” including “a student’s name, grade, gender, ethnicity, birth date, attendance, enrollment history, test scores, courses taken and grade received, and any subgroup (example: English language learner, retained, economically disadvantaged).” PolitiFact added, “Each of the categories has dozens of data points that can vary.”

Bottom line: lots of personal information.

In a White House press release dated Jan. 19, 2010, Obama and Duncan stated that the purpose of expanding the longitudinal data systems was to make the massive amount of information “more accessible … to key stakeholders.”

Wondering who the “key stakeholders” are? Let’s just say I don’t think it’s a coincidence that a 2012 White House budget sheet for the Department of Labor also mentions grants being offered to expand the workforce information side of the data system coin. The grants “support the development of longitudinal data systems that integrate education and workforce data to provide timely and accessible information to consumers, policymakers, and others.”

Did you catch that? “To consumers, policymakers, and others”? And what or — more appropriately — whose information are the feds providing (or peddling?)? So much for the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act, the federal law established to protect the privacy interests of students. I guess the Department of Education, which maintains FERPA, decided it really liked this statement in it: “Schools may disclose, without consent, ‘directory’ information such as a student’s name, address, telephone number, date and place of birth, honors and awards, and dates of attendance.”

U.S. Department of Education press secretary Dorie Turner Nolt explained in June, when she was with the Georgia Department of Education, that the data in the state’s longitudinal data system are computerized but that the students’ information is, in PolitiFact’s words, “not shared beyond the student’s teachers and school administrators.” She needed to add the word “yet.”

Don’t ever forget the White House’s words in its own memos: for “key stakeholders,” who, at the very least, include “consumers, policymakers, and others.” And guess who gets to define “others.” (Now you’re getting the picture!)

You don’t think the feds gave away billions of taxpayer dollars to states and public schools without expecting anything in return or to be included in the informational mix, do you?

It’s one big happy federal and state communication merry-go-round with your family’s private information from the school cradle to the federal grave!

In Part 4, I will show further evidence from the feds themselves that the longitudinal data systems and new Common Core State Standards are intricately intertwined and going to be used by the federal government and state governments to tap your children’s personal information and to leverage significant educational change.

Follow Chuck Norris through his official social media sites, on Twitter @chucknorris and Facebook’s “Official Chuck Norris Page.” He blogs at http://chucknorrisnews.blogspot.com.

Action hero and Second Amendment activist, Chuck Norris is one of the most enduringly popular actors in the world. He has starred in more than 20 major motion pictures. His television series
“Walker, Texas Ranger,” which completed its run in April 2001 after eight full seasons, is the most successful Saturday night series on CBS since “Gunsmoke.”In 2006, he added the title of columnist to his illustrious list of credits with the launch of his popular Internet column. Now Chuck is a regular contributor to AmmoLand, click the following link to see more of Chuck Norris on AmmoLand Shooting Sports News.

Under Creative Commons License: Attribution
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The real Chuck Norris exposes the hard-left indoctrination that makes up “Common Core”

by 1389AD ( 282 Comments › )
Filed under Education, Progressives at November 21st, 2013 - 12:00 pm

AmmoLand has the story:

Dallas, TX – -(Ammoland.com)- Last week, I explained what the Common Core State Standards are and how, despite the federal government’s saying it’s staying out of the classroom standards business, there is much evidence to show that the feds are intricately linked to them.

The first way I demonstrated that was by pointing out that the feds have spent $350 million of taxpayer money, funding and giving grants and waivers to muscle and bribe states and local school districts to accept CCSS. And all of that was done without a single act of Congress, meaning the federal government – including the White House – dumped protocol again to dodge accountability.

With their monetary tentacles reaching over state lines and into classrooms, their second step is to inject their progressive agenda into curricula taught in elementary, middle and high schools. And that is easily accomplished because their educative minions pervade academic arenas and CCSS curricula creators.

Common Core advocates pride themselves in saying that the standards don’t set curricula, that they only set goals (or what they call “benchmarks”) that educators utilize to help their students reach the academic stars. They say states and local school districts, administrators and educators will fashion curricula.

In fact, the Curriculum and Instruction Steering Committee, a group under the California County of Superintendents Educational Services Association, issued a form titled “Frequently Asked Questions (About) Common Core Standards,” in which it is categorically stated: “The Standards don’t dictate the details of academic curriculum.”

Even Education Secretary Arne Duncan regurgitated the vision of Common Core this way: “Tight on goals but loose on means — that’s our theory of change. It’s the exact opposite of how No Child Left Behind was structured.” (There’s that plural fed-ownership language again, “that’s our theory of change.”)

“Tight on goals but loose on means” — sounds like a good plan, right?

Here’s the problem. You’ve heard the version of the golden rule, “He who has the gold makes the rules.” Here’s the academic version: “He who sets the standards controls the curricula and even the educators.” Despite how CCSS defenders say that dictating standards doesn’t lead to determining the content taught in classrooms, that’s exactly what it does. Proof of the link is found in the fact that when Common Core standards are completely implemented in 2015, at least 85 percent of states’ curricula will be based upon them. Get it?!

Of course, in public, advocates, including Duncan, state categorically — loud and proud — that the feds are completely hands-off when it comes to CCSS curricula. Duncan told one group of journalists back in June: “The federal government didn’t write them, didn’t approve them and doesn’t mandate them. And we never will. Anyone who says otherwise is either misinformed or willfully misleading.”

“Never will”?

Mr. Duncan, I don’t know what political pipe dream you live in, but to say that the federal government “never will” write or influence any portion of any national educational standards or curricula when it has the Department of Education overseeing the whole ball of wax is about as unrealistic as saying that the feds “never will” get involved in the health care business. Sure, local districts and states can create and control their curricula, just as we citizens can keep our medical plans if we like them! That’s all federal fantasy, not based upon historical facts of the feds’ overreaching, influencing and controlling anything and everything that is national.

Duncan and President Barack Obama don’t need to have a meeting in the Oval Office to draft modes in which to shape and influence academic curricula. They only have to post their leftist minions in positions of influence throughout the academic world; those people will do their dirty work for them. And it’s already happened!

In fact, concerned parents and educators across the country just had their curricula fears grow legs when CCSS English lessons for elementary classrooms were discovered with partisan political statements in them. These are the types of covert moves that experts and citizens have warned about and hoped never would become a reality.

ProGressive Nouns
ProGressive Nouns

Fox News reported recently: “Teaching materials aligned with the controversial national educational standards ask fifth-graders to edit such sentences as ‘(The president) makes sure the laws of the country are fair,’ ‘The wants of an individual are less important than the well-being of the nation’ and ‘the commands of government officials must be obeyed by all.’”

What?! Do those statements sound like the principles upon which our republic was founded or socialist dogma and indoctrination?

The statements are in a worksheet titled “Hold the Flag High,” in which students are instructed about Abraham Lincoln and the Civil War and assigned to make sentences describing a U.S. president’s duties “less wordy by replacing the underlined words with a possessive noun phrase.”

And remember that Common Core standards have been applied to only two subjects, mathematics and English language arts. Consider what secular progressive agenda awaits when other standards, such as those for social sciences, roll out. And yes, 45 states already have swallowed the entire CCSS pill, without ever looking at or considering CCSS benchmarks for all the remaining school subjects.

Syndicated columnist Michelle Malkin cited University of Arkansas professor Sandra Stotsky, who said months before this revelation that federal partisan politics invaded CCSS curricula:

“An English curriculum overloaded with advocacy journalism or with ‘informational’ articles chosen for their topical and/or political nature should raise serious concerns among parents, school leaders, and policymakers. Common Core’s standards not only present a serious threat to state and local education authority, but also put academic quality at risk. Pushing fatally flawed education standards into America’s schools is not the way to improve education for America’s students.”

And while the protests, debates and storms rage about CCSS, the children of America remain the sacrificial guinea pigs in this political, crippled and inept system that we call public education.

Next week, I will give you the third piece of evidence for the feds’ collaborations and entanglements within CCSS — namely that the feds are creating a national database to store your kids’ private information obtained through a technological project within CCSS.

Follow Chuck Norris through his official social media sites, on Twitter @chucknorris and Facebook’s “Official Chuck Norris Page.” He blogs at http://chucknorrisnews.blogspot.com.

Action hero and Second Amendment activist, Chuck Norris is one of the most enduringly popular actors in the world. He has starred in more than 20 major motion pictures. His television series “Walker, Texas Ranger,” which completed its run in April 2001 after eight full seasons, is the most successful Saturday night series on CBS since “Gunsmoke.”In 2006, he added the title of columnist to his illustrious list of credits with the launch of his popular Internet column. Now Chuck is a regular contributor to AmmoLand, click the following link to See more of Chuck Norris on AmmoLand Shooting Sports News.

Under Creative Commons License: Attribution
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