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Posts Tagged ‘Deval Patrick’

Democrats may reject Hillary Clinton in 2016

by Phantom Ace ( 109 Comments › )
Filed under Democratic Party, Elections 2016, Hillary Clinton, Progressives, Tranzis at May 30th, 2013 - 3:00 pm

The media has turned Hillary Clinton into a national “Great Mother” figure. The media with the help of polling data has all but declared Hillary the the winner of the 2016 elections. Even many Republicans admit that due to the dysfunctional state of their party, Hillary will romp to an easy win. But we heard this story before back in 2008. Then as now, Hillary was promoted as “the Great Mother” who will take care of her children. But then, a man named Obama wrecked her plans.

History may repeat itself in 2016. A Chicago connected Black man named Deval Patrick is eying the Presidency. He knows that being a  Black Democrat will make him virtually invincible and untouchable should he win the nomination. It also gives him a heads up on Hillary and the race card will be played against her. Although the media is with her now, they will turn on their “Great Mother” for Deval.

Another threat to Hillary in 2016 is Elizabeth Warren. With her claims of Native ancestry and hardcore Marxist views,  She is the darling of the hipster movement. She might take away the first female card from Hillary Clinton. Another factor, Hillary is more hype than reality.

It looks like the Hillary Clinton inevitability bandwagon is up and running again.

Just as in the ramp-up to 2008, Hillary has again scored a victory in the Political Prognosticators’ Primary, vanquishing the prospective Democratic field, in the eyes of the cognoscenti, by pre-spanking her opposition with her imposing résumé.

But what those who tout Clinton as a nigh unstoppable force for the 2016 Democratic nomination fail to realize is that Hillary Clinton is the most overrated politician of her generation.

No doubt she can outwork the opposition and probably raise more money and get more pop stars to pledge their allegiance. She eats determination for breakfast and persistence for lunch.

But diligence, as Barack Obama has taught us, does not guarantee success. Getting results and performing when it counts — as Obama also teaches — are what matters in politics. And results are what Clinton doesn’t get, and probably won’t get in 2016.


Clinton’s bumbling political touch was on full display during a recent congressional hearing in which she exclaimed, with respect to the cause of the Benghazi attack, “What difference at this point does it make?”


First of all, unlike Republicans, Democrats don’t stage a coronation for the last cycle’s runner-up. Reagan, Bob Dole, John McCain and Mitt Romney had all gained credibility with Republicans voters who decided it was their turn after an earlier strong primary loss.

“It’s her turn,” is what’s often said about Clinton, but Democratic primary voters don’t care whose turn it is. They have repeatedly swooned for thrilling newcomers instead.

Hillary Clinton would be virtually invincible in a general election. With fond memories of the 90’s prosperity and a Republican Party that is self imploding, Hillary would not have to do any serious campaigning. But she is very vulnerable in the Democrat primary where the Hipsters may fall in love with another cool/hip Black guy or an allegedly part Native American Marxist as opposed to “the Great Mother.”  It may just come down to that Hillary Clinton is not cool or hip enough to win the Democrat nomination.

Sadly I fear the 2016 Democrat nomination will be the main poliotical event as the GOP has no one to rally around, the party is controlled by Corrupt Consultants and many of its base voters prefer offensive  hostile red meat rhetoric than winning. Hopefully Hillary Clinton will be a loser in 2016 and she was in 2008. Hillary not being President in 2016, regardless if the Democrats still win would be good enough for me. I don’t want to see that ugly face or hear that annoying voice on TV.

Senator. Barney Frank.

by Deplorable Macker ( 215 Comments › )
Filed under Democratic Party, Economy, Regulation at January 10th, 2013 - 5:00 pm

And here we thought we were done with him. Apparently not:

Former Rep. Barney Frank says it was the year-end standoff over the fiscal cliff that prompted him to seek an appointment to John Kerry’s Senate seat and then to go public with hopes for his next career move.
Asked why he changed his mind, Frank told POLITICO that, during a House Democratic Caucus meeting on the heated fiscal cliff negotiations, he had a change of heart, as he confronted the details of the bill that Congress would pass.
“We’ve put off the sequester for a couple of months, and we will decide in a couple of months what to do about spending cuts,” Frank said. “And the debt limit will come up. And there will be efforts to reduce Medicare and Social Security. … So it was when I sat there and learned what important decisions were going to be have to be made in February, March and April, I decided that I wanted the job.”
Frank had previously said it would be “presumptuous” to comment on a job that hasn’t been offered when asked whether he would want the interim Senate seat that will open up if Kerry is confirmed as secretary of state. But soon after, Frank revealed on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” that he had told Bay State Gov. Deval Patrick he wanted the job.
“Previously, I was facing a situation in which the first few months of the year, as they often are, would not be very important in terms of legislation, and it would have been more ceremonial than substantive. I’m not a big ceremony guy,” Frank told POLITICO in an interview Tuesday.

Frank goes on to say that he has ruled out running in the Special Election, which would take place if Massachusetts’ current senior Senator, John F. Kerry, is confirmed as the next Secretary of State. Why should we trust his word, given how much he helped cause this entire mess and now he wants to “help the country?” Yeah, RIGHT. He’ll help shove more crap down our throats…and I’ll just leave it at that.

The probable Democratic ticket in 2016

by Phantom Ace ( 114 Comments › )
Filed under Barack Obama, Cult of Obama, Democratic Party, Elections 2016, Progressives at November 20th, 2012 - 7:00 am

The 20o12 election is over but due to the news cycle, there is already talk for 2016. Many people claim that Hillary Clinton is the favorite on the Democratic side. I don’t view it like that because let’s just say she hasn’t aged well. Others claim Joe Biden is the favorite but the man is a buffoon and will be treated as a laughing stock. Some analysts think Andrew Cuomo has shot but the problem is he is too economically and fiscally conservative to even win the Democratic nomination. The favorite in 2016, will be another Black man-god.

I am convinced that the Democratic nominee for 2016 will be Massachusetts Governor Deval Patrick. He has ties with Obama going back a decade. His main campaign consultant is David Axelrod. Plus he is Black and that helps with the media and popular culture if you are a Democrat. If you are a Black Republican, well that’s a different story. With Obama not dismantling his campaign machine, he can get Deval Patrick up and running quickly and give him the edge. The media will then ascribe god-like qualities to Gov. Patrick and create a messianic cult. Obama will give him his blessing and he will sail to win the nomination easily.

Deval Patrick’s VP pick will be newly elected Senator from Wisconsin Tammy Baldwin.

Why would Patrick pick a freshman Senator? She’s a female and a lesbian. A Black-Lesbian ticket would be very difficult for this current incarnation of the Republican Party to defeat. The media will decry any criticism of a Deval Patrick and Tammy Baldwin ticket as racist, homophobe an anti-women. Since the Republicans tend to nominate retreads, the nominee in 2016 will probably be Jeb Bush, Mike Huckabee, Rick Santorum or Chris Christie. Anyone of these four will be the perfect straw-men for a Patrick-Baldwin who will probably go on to win.

I wish I was joking with this post, but my gut tells me this is the likely scenario for 2016. If the Republicans Party could not defeat a Messianic Black guy on 2 occasions, they will not be able to defeat another one with a Lesbian as his running mate. The Democrats know this and are probably plotting this ticket as we speak.

Massachusetts Welfare Recipients Given Cars

by Phantom Ace ( 31 Comments › )
Filed under Democratic Party, Economy, Liberal Fascism at May 7th, 2009 - 7:43 am

This is unreal, but another example of the creeping Socialist/Marxist direction America is going in. In the Radical Neo-Marxist state of Massachusetts, Gov. Deval Patrick is giving cars to welfare recipients.

Free cars for poor fuel road rage

Gov. Deval Patrick’s free wheels for welfare recipients program is revving up despite the stalled economy, as the keys to donated cars loaded with state-funded insurance, repairs and even AAA membership are handed out to get them to work.

But the program – fueled by a funding boost despite the state’s fiscal crash – allows those who end up back on welfare to keep the cars anyway.

“It’s mind-boggling. You’ve got people out there saying, ‘I just lost my job. Hey, can I get a free car, too?’ ” said House Minority Leader Brad Jones (R-North Reading).

This just pisses me off. Why should the government give away cars to people collecting money from tax payers? This is wrong and setting a bad example. Why not provide everyone with HDTVs and Blu-Ray Players also? Why stop at cars, how about a free boat also? This is disturbing, but it seems the public wants this.