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Posts Tagged ‘Donald Trump’

Donald Trump rips Chuck Todd

by Phantom Ace ( 4 Comments › )
Filed under Conservatism, Headlines, Media at December 5th, 2011 - 10:44 pm

Donald Trump takes on Chuck Todd and exposes him as a liar!

This is great! This is how you treat the media. Trump also takes a shot at Karl Rove and blames him for Obama.

Donald Trump rips Obama for being inconsiderate

by Phantom Ace ( 6 Comments › )
Filed under Republican Party, Special Report, The Political Right at November 29th, 2011 - 11:09 pm

Obaman plans to have a fundraiser near Rockefeller Center the same day as the Christmas Tree lighting ceremony. Trump rips him for this because of the inconvenience it will cause for the people who will come to see the lighting.

This was spot on!

Donald Trump calls out Jon Stewart’s racism

by Phantom Ace ( 14 Comments › )
Filed under Elections 2012, Progressives, Republican Party, Special Report at November 1st, 2011 - 11:29 pm

The Media gives Progressives a pass for their racism. Not so Donald Trump. He calls out Jon Stewart’s attack on Herman Cain for its racism. Trump also calls out Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton and Chuck Todd for not complaining about Stewart’s racism.

Trump is spot on!

Trump calls Budget deal a Joke and Obama incompetent

by Phantom Ace ( 6 Comments › )
Filed under Barack Obama, Economy, Elections 2012, Progressives, Republican Party, Special Report, Tea Parties, unemployment at August 4th, 2011 - 10:25 am

Donald Trump pulls no punches in this interview. He blasts the debt ceiling deal as a sick joke on the American public. He points out that this deal does nothing to begin to balance the budget or paying off our debt. Trump also called Obama incompetent as president, but a master of winning elections.

The apparent deal to extend the debt ceiling is “fantastic” for President Barack Obama but a “joke” for the rest of the country, real estate magnate Donald Trump said.

Speaking as Washington politicians move closer to approving a deal that would give the US another $2.1 trillion in borrowing authority, the colorful businessman and TV personality said the nation is tinkering while losing even more ground to China.


“Eventually you have to balance the budget. This is a long way from balancing the budget,” he said. “This is just a joke. This is a down payment at most.”blockquote>

I wish more Republicans spoke like Donald Trump. He has no qualms calling Obama a failure or in this cae incompetant. The GOP elites acts as if Obama is a devine being, who can’t be criticize. With a bad economy Obama should be an easy target. Luckily for him, he has the GOP as his oppoenets.