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Posts Tagged ‘Debt Ceiling’

Here We Are Again!

by Flyovercountry ( 130 Comments › )
Filed under Debt, Economy, Marxism, Progressives at January 15th, 2014 - 12:00 pm

Driving to work this morning, I listened to the radio and heard something new. Apparently we have a new debt ceiling hard date coming at us as early as tomorrow. We’ve not seen this before, have we? Our government has enough money to keep it operating through tomorrow, and then, unless we agree to take on more debt, we won’t.

Don’t panic, those political elites came to a quiet and and largely unreported compromise, and have agreed on a spending bill and debt ceiling increase which will keep the farce going through the remainder of 2014. Guess what ended up happening to those, “spending cuts,” promised during one of these previously debated budget deals, that were supposed to kick in with this year’s budget.

As for what I believe the theme of our government should be, at least in terms of what its overall impact to our economic well being will be, that can be summed up in two words, “Ramming Speed!”

This should explain it all, and do so in a way that even a Congressman would be able to understand, (though I suspect that most of them will not.)

As for the compromise itself, you may be wondering what types of things would we be paying for that might cost our nation $1.6 Trillion. Well, have no fear. The Heritage Foundation has waded through this assault on common sense. Just click the link to read their complete analysis. Some of the things that struck me as maybe being less important than the vital government services that always seem to find themselves threatened whenever budgetary cuts are suggested follow:

$35 Million to provide Abortion Services for Chinese Citizens, because it’s just too darned easy to kill our own unborn any more. There’s just no challenge to it.

$474 Million to build walking trails in California, because when faced with economic collapse, my chief concern is whether or not people who think 55 degrees is cold have ample opportunity to take nature walks.

$8.6 Billion to Head Start, a program so vital that every study of its efficacy has shown the program to do more harm than good in terms of preparing our young urban youths for the rigors of full day school participation.

$1.9 Billion for more renewable energy boondoggles, because that whole Solyndra thing turned out to be so successful.

$292 Million for more crap like Cowboy Poetry Festivals, because when I think no spending beyond what’s absolutely necessary, I see Cowboys reading their poetry to both of the hippies who might be mildly interested in attending something so mind numbingly vacuous.

Of course, Let’s not forget my personal favorite, $40 Million to teach Chinese Prostitutes how to hold their liquor, something upon which I’m willing to bet a lot, that they already know the better points of.

Cross Posted from Musings of a Mad Conservative.

Friday with the ‘hammer: Republicans should have fought over the debt ceiling, not Obamacare funding

by Phantom Ace ( 113 Comments › )
Filed under Barack Obama, Democratic Party, Republican Party at October 4th, 2013 - 12:00 pm

I know many disagree with my view that the Republicans by trying to defund Obamcare fell into Obama’s trap. For months Ted Cruz was telegraphing that he was going to rally Republicans for a showdown over Obamacare. This was the type of fight the Obama Regime and their Media cohorts wanted. The NSA spying scandal and his attempts to start a war in Syria, was doing him political damage. Now thanks to Government Shutdown Obama has the Republican Party as the perfect strawman to beat up on.

The fight the GOP should have had was the debt ceiling. The American public by a 2-1 margin were against raising the debt ceiling, without cuts. That is an issue the Republicans could have won on. Instead led by emotionalism, the Republican Party went right into the trap the Obama Regime and their media allies laid.

The mainstream media have been fairly unanimous in blaming the government shutdown on the GOP. Accordingly, House Republicans presented three bills to restore funding to national parks, veterans and the District of Columbia government. Democrats voted down all three. (For procedural reasons, the measures required a two-thirds majority.)

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid won’t even consider these refunding measures. And the White House has promised a presidential veto.

The reason is obvious: to prolong the pain and thus add to the political advantage gained from a shutdown blamed on the GOP. They are confident the media will do a “GOP makes little Johnny weep at the closed gates of Yellowstone, film at 11” despite Republicans having just offered legislation to open them.


I don’t agree with current Republican tactics. I thought the defunding demand impossible and, therefore, foolish. I thought that if, nonetheless, the GOP insisted on making a stand, it should not be on shutting down the government, which voters oppose 5-to-1, but on the debt ceiling, which Americans favor 2-to-1 as a vehicle for restraining government.

The Republicans picked a fight on Obamacare funding the Obama Regime wanted over the debt ceiling, a fight they could have won. To make matters worse, John Boehner is now prepared to cave on the debt ceiling.

WASHINGTON — Speaker John A. Boehner has privately told Republican lawmakers anxious about fallout from the government shutdown that he would not allow a potentially more crippling federal default as the atmosphere on Capitol Hill turned increasingly tense on Thursday.

Mr. Boehner’s comments, recounted by multiple lawmakers, that he would use a combination of Republican and Democratic votes to increase the federal debt limit if necessary appeared aimed at reassuring his colleagues — and nervous financial markets — that he did not intend to let the economic crisis spiral further out of control.

Once again, Republican voters have been played. John Boehner goes along with a losing fight, over a fight they could have won. If this is not evidence the GOP is the stupid party that has no strategic thinking I don’t know what is. I know people will  view me as the bad guy or RINO for disagreeing with the Conservative conventional wisdom, that Republicans are winning on the showdown and this was brilliant of  Republicans. But it is my responsibility to tell the readers of this blog the truth of the political situation.

Now that the milk has been spilled, crying over it will change nothing. The Republican Party needs to hold firm. If it means keeping the governmnet shutdown for months so be it. They should not cave on the debt ceiling either. John Boehner needs to be read the riot act on this. The Republicans need to damage Obama as much as possible, so it becomes a draw, that is the only way out of this trap

Most American support Obama’s position on the debt ceiling

by Phantom Ace ( 10 Comments › )
Filed under Barack Obama, Cult of Obama, Economy, Fascism, Headlines, Liberal Fascism, Progressives at January 16th, 2013 - 2:35 pm

Thanks to the support of the Media-Entertainment Industrial complex, most Americans agree with Obama on raising the debt ceiling.

President Obama heads into his second term with political momentum on his side, and leads congressional Republicans when it comes to dealing with the country’s debt limit according to a new Washington Post-ABC News poll.

More Americans now approve of the way Obama is doing his job than at any point in the past three years, except for a fleeting spike upward after the killing of Osama bin Laden. The number seeing him as a “strong leader” is sharply higher, and a clear majority again sees him as empathetic with the problems they face.


Nearly half of Republicans also take the president’s side when it comes to one important aspect of the intense debate over the nation’s debt limit: that the issue of raising the borrowing limit should be separate from the identification of spending cuts.

Republican leaders in Congress have drawn a hard line that such cuts are essential to any legislative deal to raise the debt ceiling. Republicans in the poll, however, are divided on the issue: 48 percent say any increase in the debt limit should be tied to cuts, while nearly as many, 45 percent, say that the two issues should be isolated, discrete issues.

The general public sides with Obama on this question: 58 percent say cuts should be a separate matter, and 36 percent say they should be knotted with the borrowing limit. Obama also has the trust edge here: 49 percent say they have more confidence in him to handle the issue, compared with 35 percent who put more faith in the GOP.

If the GOP can’t even convince Americans that raising the debt ceiling without cuts is irresponsible, there is no point in them existing as a party.. The US is now a 3rd world style Fascist style one party dictatorship.

Our Politicians Have No Faith In Us

by Flyovercountry ( 97 Comments › )
Filed under Democratic Party, Economy, Progressives, Republican Party at January 7th, 2013 - 7:00 am

Political Cartoons by Lisa Benson

I find it hard to blame them, as true faith is a hard thing to have. Faith is that ability to believe in something, even though all of the objective evidence points in another direction. It is the ability to hold a belief in direct contrast to the world around you. Like anything else in our world, while it is difficult to maintain, the rewards are also extraordinary. Faith gives people an emotional strength unparalleled during times when they should be falling apart. Faith gives a strong moral compass to those who find themselves in a world where the morals of alley cats seems a more fitting description. Faith can give its adherents courage during times when courage is needed, and compassion when it is needed most.

As with anything else in life, it can also be misplaced, misapplied, or even lied about. When that happens, it almost never turns out to be a good thing. Every first Tuesday in November since the founding of our nation, we have held elections to help determine the direction of our government. Every year, during those few months in the lead up to those elections, we have a national debate in which we try to convince each other that the person we like will do the best job of representing our wishes, values, beliefs, and best interests for the various positions which are being contested. A sundry list of housekeeping issues will also appear, mostly involving spending issues or changes in public policy concerning various organized ideas of the electorate. Every year, without fail, promises are made. There will invariably be a group of people who promise that they believe in smaller government, less spending, and share the values of the half of the electorate who believe themselves to be conservatives. Some of them will win, and some of them will not.

The first Tuesday in November of 2012 was no exception to this. In fact, 233 of the 435 people elected to the U.S. House of Representatives, which constitutes a majority of that particular institution of our federal government, fit into the category of people who promised to be conservatives. How did that work out you may ask, and it’s a good question too. Allow Charles M. Schultz to illustrate.

New Year’s Day in 2013 did not find me in a happy place. That was the day that the Republican controlled house once again pulled away the football, and again tested our faith as voters in the professed intentions of those for whom most of us voted. We will hear the same things in 2014, said by mostly the same people, and we will all continue to receive the same solicitations for funding in the mail, beseeching us with an appeal for putting a stop to the profligate spending, which will doubtless be increasing at an insane rate. Help us to put an end to the bloated out of control behemoth that our government has become will be written in emails, spoken to us from scripted phone calls, sent via The United States Postal Service, or even solicited door to door.

My prediction is that come 2014, no matter what we all say now, we will be there attempting to elect the very same group. Our faith is not what’s at issue. The faith of those for whom we are voting is. What after all led to our Republican controlled congress to agree to a deal that saw an increase in every American’s tax rate in exchange for, well nothing good? What John Boehner and his team of crack experts born apparently without spines got in exchange for admitting that Reagan’s economic boom was the evil that caused our economic malaise, (which is nonsense of course,) was an actual increase in spending, on top of our already disastrous budgetary deficit. That was then trumpeted by our petty little President as the mere beginning of his, “balanced approach.”

The good news in all of this of course is that John Boehner has officially announced that he fully intends to grow a spine for future negotiations, yay! The bad news of course is that Boehner, along with many of his colleagues, lack the faith to follow through with this promise once things begin to look tough for them. They lack the faith that the electorate will stick with them should they be blamed for what ever happens once the nonexistent and totally manufactured crises become perceived reality. They lack the faith that we voters will adequately reward them for not bringing home more pork than their neighbor. They lack the faith that free market principles will work sufficiently well to overcome the allure of those snake oil salesmen selling free goodies from public largess. They lack the faith in us, that we will be able to see through the empty promises of free crap and find the virtues of social and economic freedom more appealing.

Milton Friedman once said that electing the right people is not what we should be concerning ourselves with. We should be concerning ourselves with the task of making it politically profitable for the wrong people to do the right things. My faith is not in John Boehner, or even Jim Renacci, (who thanks to redistricting, replaced Dennis, “the complete loony tunes out there idiot,” as my representative, and also by the way voted against the fiscal cliff deal.) My faith is in the Constitution, and the wisdom of our forefathers. While it is true that I am not ecstatic with the direction our nation has taken recently, I also have faith that the very same document which founded our nation gave us the tools to reverse problematic courses, and eventually we’ll figure this out. I have faith that anything that can be done by man, can also be undone. I also have faith that our country is worth fighting for. Our freedoms are worth fighting for. Our God given rights, which by the way were only recognized in the Constitution rather than granted by it, are also worthy of one hell of a fight.

November of 2012 was a disaster for our country. The fiscal cliff deal was one of the many consequences of that disaster, there will be more. This President and his minions will be ushering us from one looming manufactured and not quite real crisis to another for the next four years. It’s how they roll. We still need to fight this in order to save our country. Obamacare is the law of the land, but as with anything that can be done by man, it can be undone as well. Fortunately, economic markets are self correcting, if slow sometimes. I refuse to give up, and I will continue fighting for this nation. I also have faith in my fellow man, and more particularly in my fellow American. I have this faith because our nation is not a decade in age, nor was it founded just prior to Woodrow Wilson becoming President. Our nation is 239 years in age, and that economic freedom that has been blamed for today’s ills, albeit wrongly, is also the very same engine that produced the vast wealth that has allowed us to survive so well while we dismantle the very engine of our success. In this we should take the lesson well. The leftists never fully disappeared due to the collapse of their model nations. They continued fighting on, until they took control here. We should keep fighting also. After all, we have the virtue of the better message.

Cross Posted from Musings of a Mad Conservative.