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Posts Tagged ‘Education’

Texas State School Board Adopts New Curricula

by tqcincinnatus ( 73 Comments › )
Filed under Education, History at May 22nd, 2010 - 7:00 pm

The first crack in the monolithic left-wing control of public education?

Texas schoolchildren will be required to learn that the words “separation of church and state” aren’t in the Constitution and evaluate whether the United Nations undermines U.S. sovereignty under new social studies curriculum.

In final votes late Friday, conservatives on the State Board of Education strengthened requirements on teaching the Judeo-Christian influences of the nation’s Founding Fathers and required that the U.S. government be referred to as a “constitutional republic” rather than “democratic.” (See earlier story)

The board approved the new standards with two 9-5 votes along party lines after months of ideological haggling and debate that drew attention beyond Texas.

How horrible!  Texan schoolchildren might learn…the truth?  Of course, for those on the Left, this IS horrible.  As you can imagine, the Dems and other lefties are apoplectic about these changes.  But really, I don’t see what the controversy is all about.  Let’s look at the sore points for a moment,

“Separation of church and state” is not in the Constitution – well, uh, actually it isn’t.  It appears in a private letter written by Thomas Jefferson, the context of which pretty clearly shows that Jefferson wasn’t anywhere close to advocating today’s radical, secularfascist approach to religion in the public square.

The United Nations undermines US sovereignty – This has been pretty common knowledge since the beginning of the Cold War.  In fact, we were aware that the UN had been subverted by the Soviets since 1950.  One look at the long list of UN proposed treaties (such as the Small Arms Treaty) makes it pretty clear that the UN intended to infringe on American liberties and freedom of action.

The Judeo-Christian influences on our Founders – Well, duh.  Even the ones who weren’t Christians (and no, they weren’t all, but some of them were) are pretty clearly within the general Judeo-Christian orbit with respect to their views on religion and its impact on governance.  The myth that they were all “Rational Deists” who couldn’t have cared less what the Bible or Christianity said is just that – a myth.

Referring to the US as a constitutional Republic instead of a democracy – well yeah, that’s because we ARE a constitutional Republic.  I wonder if any of these naysayers have ever actually read what the Founders had to say about democracy (hint – it wasn’t positive)?

This change in curricula is a tremendous step forward toward retaking our public schools from the radical Left.  Per their Gramscian master plan, the Left made taking the public schools one of their primary goals, because if they can shape and mold the thinking of impressionable children, then they create an entire generation that thinks the way they want it to because its most formative years were spent sucking down non-stop propaganda of their devising.  Why do you think most reasonable and intelligent people know, based on the evidences, that global warming is nothing but a con game, yet America’s kids are still being propagandised to believe it as absolute truth?  It’s because the Left knows that sooner or later, we will pass off the scene, but the kids will still be left, and old enough to vote, and get elected, and make policy decisions.

The new curricula flatly contradicts so many dishonest Leftist truisms, it’s no wonder the lefties are up in arms (one Texan lawmaker – a Democrat – has vowed to “rein in” the board).  In other words, punish them for doing their jobs, and doing them well.

Even better, it’s not just 4.8 million Texan kids who will be shown the truth by these curricula.  Texas is one of two states (the other being California) that basically serve as a “gold standard” for public school curricula.  As Texas goes, so go a lot of other states, when the time comes for them to pick out the new textbooks that will be used in their schools.

The public education establishment hates alternatives to the public schools, especially homeschooling.  Every kid that is homeschooled, going to a religious school, etc. is a kid who is not in the clutches of the left-wing educrats.  While alternatives are good solutions, all the same, I think it’s pretty obvious that not every parent can afford a private school, and not every parent is capable of homeschooling their kids.  This leaves the public schools as an unfortunate necessity.  If we can actually succeed in wrestling back public education from the radical left fruitcakes who control so much of it now, it may not be an unfortunate option anymore.  This Texan curricula is a good first step, one which will hopefully be followed by other states as well.

That’s Doctor ManBearPig to you.

by snork ( 105 Comments › )
Filed under Climate, Evolution at March 5th, 2010 - 9:00 am

File this under amazing timing. The University of Tennessee in Knoxville has recently seen fit to award Al Gore an honorary Doctorate.

Gore will receive the degree — an Honorary Doctor of Laws and Humane Letters in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology — at the spring commencement exercises of the College of Arts and Sciences on May 14. He will be the featured speaker at the ceremony, addressing graduates and their families along with the gathered faculty.

Evolutionary biology??? WTF??? Maybe it’s for the discovery of the half-man-half-bear-half-pig species known as Homo Ursu Porkulus. It has an extra chromosome, you know.

So, the Knoxville News Sentinel ran an op ed saying “Al Gore a fine choice for honorary degree” and at the same time ran a reader poll on their website. Here’s the result as of 10:30 pm PST 3/3/10:

Must be all them toothless Tennessee rednecks clinging to their guns and religion and pickup trucks. They don’t understand that the core of the earth is millions of degrees. It’s peer-reviewed and all that shit.

So, Glenn Reynolds, what say you about your University handing MBP a plastic doctorate that says something about “laws”?

It’s real. It’s happening now:

School Evacuated because Student knows Science!

by snork ( 191 Comments › )
Filed under Open thread, Political Correctness, Science, Technology at January 17th, 2010 - 8:30 pm

This story perfectly illustrates the problem that I have with the Nancy Johnson school of scientism. Full story here.

A San Diego school vice-principal saw an 11-year-old’s home science project (a motion detector made out of an empty Gatorade bottle and some electronics), decided it was a bomb, wet himself, put the school on lockdown, had the bomb-squad come out to destroy X-ray the student’s invention and search his parents’ home, and then magnanimously decided not to discipline the kid (though he did recommend that the child and his parents get counseling to help them overcome their anti-social science behavior).


When police and the Metro Arson Strike Team responded, they also found electrical components in the student’s backpack, Luque said. After talking to the student, it was decided about 1 p.m. to evacuate the school as a precaution while the item was examined. Students were escorted to a nearby playing field, and parents were called and told they could come pick up their children.

OMG. A kid actually knows how to (GASP!!!!) use his knowledge of science to construct something, and the candy-assed  vice principal calls the bomb squad!

The school, which has about 440 students in grades 6 to 8 and emphasizes technology skills, was initially put on lockdown while authorities responded.


Both the student and his parents were “very cooperative” with authorities, Luque said. He said fire officials also went to the student’s home and checked the garage to make sure items there were neither harmful nor explosive.

So what’s up with this?

The student will not be prosecuted, but authorities were recommending that he and his parents get counseling, the spokesman said. The student violated school policies, but there was no criminal intent, Luque said.

Well, Jeebers. Knowing photons from futons, and actually knowing how to do something is against school policy. Science is  supposed to be sitting there and reciting the catechism of how the polar bears are drowning. Understanding and thinking are forbidden.

Could you imagine what would happen if a kid brought a spud gun to school? Go ahead and keep telling yourselves that we’re #1, and we can and should play these PC footsy games while the Asians eat our lunches. We’re not #1 in science and tech, not even close. And these idiots are the reason why. How can we be producing first-rate scientists and engineers when the people teaching at our “technology” schools can’t even tell a motion detector from a bomb?

This is also an open thread.

Matchbook Diploma Environmental Experts in California

by snork ( 69 Comments › )
Filed under Climate, Crime, Economy, Science, Technology at January 16th, 2010 - 5:00 am

For those who’ve wondered where policy originates, here’s a story of a very expensive environmental initiative in California, placed there by an ‘expert’ with a PhD in Statistics, who’s studied the public health consequences of diesel exhaust, and concluded that draconian measures need to be taken to clean up the exhaust from diesel engines that we’ve been living with for decades (yo Savage, are you listening?).

Anyone who is familiar with diesel technology knows that in the 1990s, diesel injection technology was revolutionized with the development of electronic high-pressure injection. Ever noticed that you rarely see the big clouds of black smoke that were once common from diesel engines? That’s the main reason why.

So it’s not as if this is an area where there’s been no progress. Regardless, environmentalists still think diesels are icky (even though they get better mileage than their beloved hybrids), and want to turn the screws on them. So how to you build a case for action when there isn’t one? The same way environmentalists do everything: they fake it.

The “expert” has a PhD in applied statistics from Thornhill University. Where is Thornhill University, you ask? Good question. The internet doesn’t know. From the first link, it seems to be registered to Israeli Avrohom Mondrowitz, who according to Haaretz:

As far as the Israel Police know, Mondrowitz is currently devoting most of his energy, in the many leisure hours at his disposal, to the Internet. There he gratifies his deviant inclinations by watching clips of sadistic activity and pedophilic material. In his remaining time he makes a living by issuing bogus academic degrees to all comers, particularly to students from the Third World. He has emblems and logos from various universities, as well as seals, examples of signatures and registration forms. He refers most of the students to Thornhill University, in London, which grants degrees by correspondence and has a branch in Brooklyn.

Eek. This is where our environmental policy is coming from. And the problem is broader than California, because several other states have adopted California’s emissions standards, so whenever California’s Assembly adopts a new law, it’s automatically adopted in these other states, such as Washington.

We’re being ruled by crooks, charlatans, fanatics, and fools.

Hat tip: Mrs. Robinson