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Posts Tagged ‘facebook’

The Facebook Wars

by Eliana ( 72 Comments › )
Filed under Islamists, Israel, Terrorism at March 27th, 2011 - 3:30 pm

Unfortunately, “Facebook Wars” isn’t a euphemism. Social networking in the Muslim world via Facebook and Twitter have been bringing on riots and regime changes in the Middle East lately. It didn’t take long for them to decide how best to use the real power of social networking in their circles – against Israel.

They are raising support for a quite murderous “Third Intifada” right on Facebook. Even the Israeli government has asked the page to be taken down. Hatred for Jews and Israel runs rampant among people in the Muslim world and they are threatening Facebook with a 1.5 billion person boycott if the Facebook execs take the anti-Israel pages down.

The page, ‘Third Palestinian Intifada’, urges its readers to copy the link, place it in their profiles and publish it on all pictures, videos and pages – everywhere they can. An alert announces that a march to “Palestine” will begin from neighboring countries on May 15 and soon after, “Palestine will be liberated and we will be freed. Our goal now is to reach millions of subscribers on this page before May.”

The page also includes inflammatory language that calls for supporters to build on the previous two murderous previous intifadas in which Arab terrorists murdered and wounded thousands of Israeli civilians. The second intifada is also called the Oslo War as it took place after the Oslo peace accords were signed by PLO leader Yasser Arafat and Israeli Prime Minister Yitschak Rabin. The notice refers readers to related content on other sites such as Twitter and YouTube.

“This Facebook page constitutes an appalling abuse of technology to promote terrorist violence,” said Foxman.

Battle Over Facebook’s Third Intifada’ Page

It’s sickening that the best use Israel’s neighbors can find for modern technology is to find a way to hurt Israel with it.

Protest Against Jihadi Recruitment and Propaganda on Facebook

by 1389AD ( 66 Comments › )
Filed under Afghanistan, Al Qaeda, Chechnya, Hezballah, India, Islamists, Jihad, Pakistan, Taliban at March 24th, 2011 - 6:30 pm

I have never had a Facebook account, chiefly because Facebook fails to protect the security of its users. For those of you who do have a Facebook account, I suggest that you let the admins know that Facebook is being abused as a tool for jihadi propaganda and recruitment.

The Jawa Report: Facebook Terrorist Propaganda/Recruitment Continues

One of our commenters, Anna Warren, has asked for help:

It is time to shame facebook for their continued inactivity in preventing terrorists from using their platform! It is time to publicly call them out. There are many of us who spend our individual free time “reporting” pages, to no avail. Facebook must do a better job of keeping terrorists and their supporters from using facebook to promote their agendas and activities! Please help.

Here is a SMALL list of sites that I regularly “report.”

Ummah’s Jihad
Taliban in Afghanistan [Official Voice of Jihad..ed]
facebook.com/arrahmahcom [Indonesian]
Ansar Correspondent
Alkataib Channel
Islamic Resistance Hezbollah
Supporters of the Resistance Movement
Ummah al-Jihad
Al-Jihad [Has link to donate]
Network Media Correspondents
Pakistan Mujahideen Voice of Islamic Resistance
Islamic Emirates of Kashmir
Global Islamic Front 2 [Gone]
Quran and Sunnah
Kataibul Iman [shows ID of kidnapped? Afghan National Army person]
Abdullah As Saif
Islamic Media Network [shows al-Qaeda’s Russian arm propaganda via their mouthpiece, Kavkaz Center)
Kataibul Iman for Statements
Islamic State
Jihad Nasheeds
Network of Global Jihad [Interesting tidbit: Video posted today shows former Emir of Revolution Muslim Joseph Cohen (aka Yousef al Khattab)
Supporters of Chechnya terrorists

Groups/pages above ‘likes’ lead to more interesting pages/groups. Have a Facebook account? Please flag, thanks in advance.

Previous ‘Facebook Jihad’ posts here. Note, first one was in 2007, 4…years ago…

View the original and participate in the comments here.

More here:

Facebook is being used to schedule some more evil for May 2011:

Facebook Jihad: Tunisian & Egyptian Third Palestinian Intifada 5-15-2011

Previously published on 1389 Blog.


“Kill these all KAFIR”

by Bunk Five Hawks X ( 198 Comments › )
Filed under Censorship, Dhimmitude, Free Speech, Hate Speech, Humor, Islamic hypocrisy, Islamic Supremacism, Islamists, Open thread, Politics, Religion at May 18th, 2010 - 10:30 pm

The threats have begun! Earlier today I followed a link from Michelle Malkin’s site and found a wealth of nastiness on this Facebook Page: Everybody Draw Mohammed Day. The admin of that page has received threats and harrassing phone calls, and has refused to take it down or delete threads.

For your entertainment, here are some of the charming responses to the concept of Freedom of Speech, after the break. And with reverence for the First Amendment, this is an Overnight Open Thread.

Related posts here and there, this, and that.

[LANGUAGE WARNING for what follows.] (more…)

Idiocy in age of FB

by Mojambo ( 153 Comments › )
Filed under Open thread, Technology at March 1st, 2010 - 9:30 am

I found this article which I thought was rather interesting and amusing. The moral of the story  being – be careful what you put on Facebook, MySpace, and on other Internet sites. Your interviewer or spouses divorce lawyer might well be checking you out!

by Kyle Smith

In the future, John Waters has predicted, the growth industries will be gay divorce and tattoo removal. But what’s even more embarrassing and indelible than a “Slippery When Wet” tattoo on a lumpy 52-year-old inner thigh? Social-networking photos and details. Today they’re fun. Tomorrow they’re info-tats.

A 2009 study concluded that 45% of employers were checking social-networking sites before deciding whether to hire someone. That’s shocking: only 45%? (A similar study the previous year reported that only 22% of employers were checking. Note the trend, and how quickly it’s moving.)

The news gets worse: of that 45% who bothered to check, 80% subsequently decided not to offer a job to someone based on info found on the sites. Facebook: the great job killer of the 21st century.

As an employer, you’re taking a chance when you hire someone. No one wants to hire a dud, but the stakes are larger than that. What if someone has a history of, say, posting rude sex jokes about women on his Facebook “wall” and turns out to be much the same around the coffee pot at work? No sex-harassment lawyer is going to fail to tell the jury that the company would have known it was making a hostile-workplace hire if only it had Googled Mr. Rufus T. Pervinator before putting him on the payroll.

The No. 1 reason not to hire someone discovered on social-networking sites, though, is “provocative or inappropriate photos.” A picture can be worth a thousand paychecks.

Facebook is also the new BFF of divorce lawyers, who called it their favorite place to find cyber-evidence in a survey this month. “Every client I’ve seen in the last six months had a Facebook page,” Ken Altshuler of the American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers told The Post, “and the first piece of advice I give them is to terminate their page immediately.”


Sure, post your secrets under a slightly different name known to only 500 of your friends. No risk of that ever leaking out!


Deleting Facebook information can be surprisingly complicated, too: The fine print of the site makes it easy to “deactivate” your account but deleting each cringemaking photo or confession requires additional steps. And thanks to cached searches, information remains findable to the Web-savvy long after the page it came from has been deleted.

It’s the age of TMI. But people learn, slowly. After another few years of being educated by their own promiscuity with information, oversharers might take a giant leap backward and become as coy, demure and modest as Victorian letter-writers. It’s almost conceivable that, in the future, people might get to know each other by meeting up for conversation.

Read the rest: Idiocy in the age of Facebook