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Posts Tagged ‘Fort Hood’

Couldn’t Have Happened To A Nicer Mohammedan!

by Deplorable Macker ( 135 Comments › )
Filed under Islamic Terrorism at November 26th, 2013 - 5:00 pm

Quick! Someone break out the tiny violins! From Liberty Digest:

If Hasan thought he was having a bad day when he had his beard forcibly shaven when he entered prison, his concept of a bad day got worse last week when, according to rumors coming out of Leavenworth, he had been beaten by three other inmates.
According to the rumors, three of Hasan’s fellow inmates set upon Hasan and beat him profusely while guards were “busy” looking away while transferring him from a religious service of his choosing back to his cell. It is alleged that he is suffering from a broken nose and several facial lacerations. The rumors are yet to be confirmed by the prison.

This bastard is eventually going to DIE! at the hands of the Fort Leavenworth inmates, and not even أوباما will be able to save him.

#MyJihad – Mass murder at Fort Hood, Obama abandons survivors

by 1389AD ( 3 Comments › )
Filed under Barack Obama, Islamic Terrorism, Military, Special Report at February 17th, 2013 - 7:54 pm

Labeling the mass murder “workplace violence” rather than violence involving a foreign terrorist element deprives the survivors of benefits.

Veterans’ benefits, including health care for veterans with service-related injuries, are EARNED. It’s part of their compensation for their service. To renege on the commitment to take proper care of veterans is disgusting. The mass murder at Fort Hood involved foreign Islamic infiltration on US soil. In this case, the infiltration targeted a US military installation. Our troops have taken on the duty to defend against such infiltration, and it is our duty to support our troops.

On YouTube:

Published on Feb 13, 2013 by SDAMatt2a

In the wake of an ABC News story detailing claims by victims of the Fort Hood shooting that they have been neglected by the military and ‘betrayed’ by President Obama, the chair of the House Homeland Security Committee has sent a letter to his fellow members of Congress demanding that the Obama administration classify the attack as a terrorist act and provide full benefits to the victims and their families.

“It is time for the administration to recognize the Fort Hood shooting for what it is—an act of terrorism,” wrote Rep. Michael McCaul, R.-Texas, in a letter cosigned by Rep. Frank Wolf, R.-Virginia. “To date, the Department of Defense and the Army classify this attack [as] ‘workplace violence,’ despite mountains of evidence [that] clearly proves the Ft. Hood shooting was an act of terror.”

The letter recommends that members of Congress view the ABC News report, “which highlights the broken promises made to the victims of that attack by the Obama Administration. The video contains never-seen-before footage of the terrorist attack and moving interviews with several of the survivors.”

“As this news piece makes clear,” wrote McCaul and Wolf, “the result of this inexcusable [workplace violence] classification … is that victims and their families have not received the same recognition or medical and financial benefits as those wounded or killed in war.”

In a report that aired on “World News with Diane Sawyer” and “Nightline,” former police sergeant Kimberly Munley, who helped stop the Ft. Hood shooting, said that President Obama broke the promise he made to her that the victims would be well taken care of.

“Betrayed is a good word,” said Munley, who sat next to First Lady Michelle Obama at the 2010 State of the Union address. “Not to the least little bit have the victims been taken care of … In fact, they’ve been neglected.”

There was no comment from the White House about Munley’s allegations.

Thirteen people were killed, including a pregnant soldier, and 32 others shot in the Nov. 5, 2009 rampage by the accused shooter, Major Nidal Hasan, at the Army base in Killeen, Texas. Hasan now awaits a military trial on charges of premeditated murder and attempted murder.

Despite extensive evidence that Hasan was in communication with al Qaeda leader Anwar al-Awlaki prior to the attack, the military has denied the victims a Purple Heart and is treating the incident as “workplace violence” instead of “combat related” or terrorism.

Al-Awlaki has since been killed in a U.S. drone attack in Yemen, in what was termed a major victory in the U.S. efforts against al Qaeda.

Munley and dozens of other victims have now filed a lawsuit against the military alleging the “workplace violence” designation means the Fort Hood victims are receiving lower priority access to medical care as veterans, and a loss of financial benefits available to those who injuries are classified as “combat related.”

“A Ticking Time Bomb”

by lobo91 ( 139 Comments › )
Filed under Islamic Terrorism, Jihad, Military, Political Correctness at February 4th, 2011 - 4:30 pm

The Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs issued its report on the Fort Hood massacre today.  I spent some time going through the 91 page report this afternoon, and I have to say that I’m surprised by its candor.

After reading the first report on the attack, which was a complete whitewash, devoid of any substance or useful recommendations, I expected to see more of the same this time.  Surprisingly, this report, titled “A Ticking Time Bomb,” pulls no punches, and plenty of oxen are gored.

For those more interested in the bottom line, the report’s Executive Summary, which begins on page 7, does a pretty good job of laying out the main findings, conclusions, and recommendations.

Here are the main findings:

1. Evidence of Hasan’s radicalization to violent Islamist extremism was on full display to his superiors and colleagues during his military medical training. An instructor and a colleague each referred to Hasan as a “ticking time bomb.” Not only was no action taken to discipline or discharge him, but al so his Officer Evaluation Reports sanitized his obsession with violent Islamist extremism into praiseworthy research on counterterrorism.

2. FBI Joint Terrorism Task Forces (JTTFs) are units in FBI field offices that conduct counterterrorism investigations and are staffed by FBI agents and employees from other federal, state, and local agencies. A JTTF learned that Hasan was communicating with the Suspected Terrorist, flagged Hasan’s initial [REDACTED] communications for further review, and passed them to a second JTTF for an inquiry. However, the ensuing inquiry failed to identify the totality of Hasan’s communications and to inform Hasan’s military chain of command and Army security officials of the fact that he was communicating with a suspected violent Islamist extremist – a shocking course of conduct for a U.S. military officer. Instead, the JTTF inquiry relied on Hasan’s erroneous Officer Evaluation Reports and ultimately dismissed his communications as legitimate research.

3. The JTTF that had reviewed the initial [REDACTED] communications dismissed the second JTTF’s work as “slim” but eventually dropped the matter rather than cause a bureaucratic confrontation. The JTTFs now even dispute the extent to which they were in contact with each other in this case. Nonetheless, the JTTFs never raised the dispute to FBI headquarters for resolution, and entities in FBI headquarters responsible for coordination among field offices never acted. As a result, the FBI’s inquiry into Hasan ended prematurely.

The short version, then, is that the Army not only didn’t do anything about Hasan, despite clear indications that he was a problem, but his superiors actually lied on his OERs in order to cover up for his issues.  Then, when the San Diego JTTF became aware of his correspondence with “the Suspected Terrorist” (code, I believe, for Anwar al Awlawki), analysts there passed the information on to the DC area JTTF for action, since he was working at Walter Reed at the time.  The DC JTTF spent a grand total of 4 hours looking into the report, without making so much as a phone call to anyone who knew Hasan.  They pulled his Official Military Personnel File, noted that all his OERs looked fine, and that one of them mentioned his “research into Islamic extremism,” and closed the case.

Basically, the bogus OERs written by his superiors in an effort to pass him on to someone else’s command with as little trouble as possible were later used by the FBI as evidence that he wasn’t a threat.

I suspect that there are a number of officers who are busy getting their resumes ready this evening.  Unfortunately, there is no offense under the UCMJ for being a gutless weasel, so none of them will be held responsible for the crimes Hasan committed.

Death by Political Correctness

by tqcincinnatus ( 301 Comments › )
Filed under Islamic Terrorism, Islamists, Jihad, Liberal Fascism, Political Correctness, Progressives at November 11th, 2009 - 4:32 pm

The right wing fanatic at Renew America responds to the Fort Hood shooting and to the trend of political correctness in general, and boy is he ticked,

Even beyond these examples, however, we see that political correctness has emerged, especially in the years following 9-11, as a deadly threat to Americans. How? By the fact that it hampers us from being able to defend ourselves against the existential threat to America posed by radical Muslim terrorists. Far from waking up and getting serious about dealing with the threat of Islamofascist terrorists, America has largely followed a course of politically correct head-in-the-sand relativism towards the people who would like nothing more than to destroy America and behead any who don’t convert to their particular version of lunar idolatry. Even in the midst of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan — ostensibly being fought to destroy foreign supporters of terrorism — Bush was telling us “Islam is a peaceful religion.” The FBI — the people who are supposed to be investigating and stopping acts of terrorism on American soil — have relied upon the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), a group with high-ranking members who are known to have supported terrorist organizations, to train its field agents in “sensitivity.” The new watchword of the PC thugs is “Islamophobia,” which can be defined as “a willingness to speak the truth about the ugly aspects of Islam.”

So we see the PC infection having deadly results at Fort Hood, in Texas, where a Muslim terrorist masquerading as a U.S. Army Major ambushed and killed 12 unarmed American soldiers, and wounded 30 others. But wait — we can’t call it terrorism. Instead of calling a spade a spade, the news media concoct all kinds of stories to explain why Major Nidal Malik Hasan would have gone on his shooting rampage. Perhaps it was post-traumatic stress disorder — except that he had never been in combat. Maybe he just empathized with the soldiers with PTSD that he was counseling and broke from the stress — except that he reportedly spent many a counseling session berating them for participating in “the war against Islam” instead of trying to help them through their psychological difficulties. Perchance Maj. Hasan is really the victim here, since at one point several years ago, some guy in his apartment complex allegedly tore a pro-jihad bumper sticker off his car and keyed it? Sure, since we all know that a shooting spree is the entirely appropriate response to a stolen bumper sticker and a keyed car. One thing that the media and the commentators and apparently the President of the United States himself are all agreed on is that we can’t “jump to conclusions” that radical Islamic beliefs had anything to do with a guy shouting “Allah Akbar” while shooting unarmed people.

Read the whole thing!