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Posts Tagged ‘Free Speech’

There are no Secular Syrian Rebels; Update: Israel allegedly struck a target in Syria

by Phantom Ace ( 155 Comments › )
Filed under Al Qaeda, Barack Obama, Democratic Party, Hezballah, Islamists, Leftist-Islamic Alliance, Muslim Brotherhood, Progressives, Republican Party, Sharia (Islamic Law), Syria at April 28th, 2013 - 8:52 am


The Obama Regime and the Nation building Wing of the GOP continue to salivate over intervention in Syria. Despite evidence that al-Qaeda’s Syrian wing; al-Nusra Front is the backbone of the rebellion, they still claim it is a freedom based movement. WHne presented with evidence that the rebels are Islamists, our officials claim there is a Secular component to the rebels. It turns out this is a bald face lie. In a rare piece of journalism, the NY Times exposes that even the Syrian rebels not aligned with al-Qaeda are Islamists themselves of the Muslim Brotherhood variety and want an Islamic state in Syria or as they call it Balad al-Sham.

CAIRO — In Syria’s largest city, Aleppo, rebels aligned with Al Qaeda control the power plant, run the bakeries and head a court that applies Islamic law. Elsewhere, they have seized government oil fields, put employees back to work and now profit from the crude they produce.

Across Syria, rebel-held areas are dotted with Islamic courts staffed by lawyers and clerics, and by fighting brigades led by extremists. Even the Supreme Military Council, the umbrella rebel organization whose formation the West had hoped would sideline radical groups, is stocked with commanders who want to infuse Islamic law into a future Syrian government.

Nowhere in rebel-controlled Syria is there a secular fighting force to speak of.


Among the most extreme groups is the notorious Al Nusra Front, the Qaeda-aligned force declared a terrorist organization by the United States, but other groups share aspects of its Islamist ideology in varying degrees.


When the armed rebellion began, defectors from the government’s staunchly secular army formed the vanguard. The rebel movement has since grown to include fighters with a wide range of views, including Qaeda-aligned jihadis seeking to establish an Islamic emirate, political Islamists inspired by the Muslim Brotherhood and others who want an Islamic-influenced legal code like that found in many Arab states.

“My sense is that there are no seculars,” said Elizabeth O’Bagy, of the Institute for the Study of War, who has made numerous trips to Syria in recent months to interview rebel commanders.

Our political leaders are lying to us about who we are giving aid to. They claim we are helping the secular faction of the rebels to provide balance to al-Qaeda. In reality, this secular force is the Muslim Brotherhood’s Free Syrian Army. Americans are being lied to about the Syrian war by the fake god-king Obama and the McCain Wing of the GOP.

America needs to stay out of this Islamic mafia turf war and let these savages kill each other.

Update: Syrian rebels claim Israeli warplanes were spotted over Assad’s palace.

A Syrian rebel army spokesman said Sunday that Israeli Air Force fighter jets were observed circling in sky over Damascus. He said the planes flew over Assad’s palace and over security and military institutions in the Syrian capital.

Update II: The airplanes spotted over Assad’s palace are alleged to have struck a Chemical Weapons site outside of Damascus.

DAMASCUS, Syria, April 28 (UPI) — The Free Syrian Army says Israeli air force jets flew over President Bashar Assad’s palace and bombed a chemical weapons site near Damascus, Maariv reported.

The report said the Israeli jets entered Syria’s airspace close to 6 a.m Saturday and flew over Assad’s palace in Damascus and other security facilities before striking a chemical weapons compound near the city.

Take this report with a grain of salt until here is more corroborating reports.

To Blog, or not to Blog. That is the question.

by Phantom Ace ( 77 Comments › )
Filed under Communism, Fascism, Guest Post, Liberal Fascism, Progressives, Tranzis at June 8th, 2012 - 12:00 pm

Blogmocracy in Action

Guest Post by: Doriangrey

On Friday, June 8th 2012 many Conservative bloggers are encouraging the conservative blogging community to have a day of silence in support of Arron Walker and the other victims of Brett Kimberlin and those responsible for Conservative Blogger SWAT’ing. Somebody correct me if I am wrong, but, isn’t getting the conservative blogging community to shut the hell up the entire point behind Brett Kimberlin and the whole SWAT’ing concept?

Now, perhaps I’m not the smartest Blogger on the planet, but can someone please explain to me, how surrendering even for an hour to the demands of thugs like Kimberlin or those responsible for SWAT’ing constitutes a victory in any stretch of the imagination? Somebody care to remind me exactly how well the whole surrender appeasement thing worked out for Neville Chamberlain? Or anyone one else for that matter?

I mean, ok, if you are a bank robber, and you’re holed up in the bank with a bunch of hostages, and every damned cop in the world is outside just praying for a chance to fill you full of lead, then yeah, surrendering just might be a good option, but it also means you lose. While losing is definitely better than dying, when the stakes are not life and death, surrendering really is a pretty stupid idea.

Sorry Ace, a day of silence really does rate up there pretty high on the scale of stupid responses to people who are trying to get you to shut the hell up. Like I said before, I might not be the smartest blogger on the planet, but this is really pretty much of a no brainer. Hell no I will not be silent seems to me to be the correct response. But hey, that’s just me, somebody once rather indigently asked me if I minded, I responded then, just as I do now, “Not very well or very often”.

I am not trying to pick a fight with anyone in the conservative blogosphere who wishes to show their support for Aaron Walker or any of the other victims of Brett Kimberlin and the thugs that are supporting and helping him. If you feel that a day of silence is the right thing to do, knock yourself out. As for me, I will not go quietly into the night, not for one day, not even for one hour.

If you have read my blog before you know I don’t update it with any predictable regularity, I write when I see something that I think is important to speak out about. Thugs and criminals trying to crush the first amendment rights of individuals whom they do not agree with seems to me to be pretty high on the list of things that are important to speak out about.

Hot Air’s Ed Morrissey has this over at Hot Air, Bloggers protest bizarre court ruling in Walker case, SWATting

Michelle Malkin, (God bless that woman) has several incredible posts on the subject, they are in-depth filled with facts, names dates ad links.

ACLJ steps up to defend bloggers targeted over Brett Kimberlin coverage

The Blogmocray has hit on it several times as well.

Senator Chambliss asks the Justice Department to look into SWAT-ting attacks on conservative bloggers

The Jawa Report has likewise thrown their hat in the ring covering it.

Rep Kenny Marchant(R-TX24): Marchant Stands for Free Speech and with Conservative Bloggers Under Attack

Kudos to everyone out there who has taken the risk of covering this story, because as Arron Walker, Patterico, Erick Erickson, and Robert Stacy McCain can all testify from first hand expereince, blogging about Brett Kimberlin and his thug pals is anything but safe or comfortable.


(cross posted from The Wilderness of Mirrors)

You Want Me To Be Silent? Screw You Then!

by Flyovercountry ( 117 Comments › )
Filed under Free Speech, Hate Speech at January 11th, 2011 - 6:30 pm

I awoke this morning to a new meme coming from the drive by media.  That meme angered me even more than the previous 4 days.  I know that it’s hard to believe, but the talking heads on the telly managed to sink even lower.  First, let me tell you up front what I wish to hear from the left right now.  I, and every other conservative in the country deserves your most humble apology.  Anything short of that makes you a hypocrite.  That being said, let’s get on with the outrage.

The new meme was that we all need to slow down the destructive rhetoric, and quit trying to politicize the tragic shooting which occurred on Saturday.  What good, sound, wonderful, and completely dishonest advice to hear from the political left.  Nobody on the Conservative side ever tried to politicize this tragedy.  We responded, by defending ourselves against allegations which attempted to name us all accessories to murder.  We showed our outrage at the notion that we should be silenced.  We scoffed that somehow, our belief in limited government, people having a say in determining their own destinies, people being allowed to rise to their own level of success, people being permitted to make their own choices in life, would lead to a madman going on a killing spree and targeting those on the political left, all due to what we say on the radio, write in blogs, or say on T.V.  I suppose that the new meme is in place of an apology, but it ain’t good enough, not for me.

Let’s look at several aspects of this nonsense.  We’ll start with the past.  First, there have been zero, let me repeat that, zero acts of violence recorded to date at any Tea Party Rallies or demonstrations which have been perpetrated by the Conservative attendants.  There have been several incidents of SEIU and Acorn members assaulting the Tea Parties to be sure.  At an anti Obamacare Rally in St. Louis for example, a member of the Tea Party had his finger bitten off and was beaten senseless by SEIU members.  Why, you may ask.  As it turns out they were angry that a black man would dare be a conservative, and felt an attitude adjustment was in order.  I am waiting for the MSNBC coverage of this to happen.  I am still waiting for the reports of how the anti-conservative rhetoric of the left may lead to violence.  The last two years have brought us demonstrations on the private property of U.S. citizens by angry mobs of Acorn members, and nary a peep from the drive by media about vitriol from the left being dangerous.  Bush = Hitler signs were all over the Democrat National Conventions of 2004 and 2008, no commentary on that though.  Now, I realize that examples of the, “heated rhetoric,” or the more ambiguously defined hateful language can be found on both sides, but look in the mirror, those of you on the left, before you point the dirty end of the stick at us.  Here is an excellent look at that mirror for you. It is probably the best cataloged view of the left’s hateful vitriol from 2000 until the present.  It was compiled by Michelle Malkin, who is not only a better writer than myself, but much better at researching these things as well.  Fitting that I would point to Malkin’s work here, since Keith Olberman referred to her as a, “mashed up bag of ugly meat with lipstick.”  Nice huh?  Her crime it seems, is being a non-white female conservative.  Special hatred is reserved for people who the left considers part of their pet groups that have the temerity to stray from the fold.

On to the present.  On Saturday, a tragedy occurred.  My heart goes out to the victims and their families.  My prayers go out also.  Within minutes of the shooting, I found out from the drive by media that it was all the Tea Parties fault.  Sarah Palin was implicated as well, because she had a map showing congressional districts she felt were ripe for victory by Tea Party Candidates.  Her map showed the districts with rifle target views on the map.  I heard that Rush Limbaugh was to blame, along with the asinine claim again that Rush’s show was to blame for the Oklahoma City Bombing of 1995.  Sheriff Barney Fife of Pima County Arizona went on the tube to claim that he had evidence, (which by the way he didn’t,) that the assailant was a Tea Party Conservative who did this as a politically motivated act.  (More will follow on Sheriff Fife later.)  this mantra was repeated loudly, and without deviation from most of my liberal friends.  It never occurred to them that they were attempting to implicate over half of the country, and over half of their friends in this heinous crime.  They called us names when we defended ourselves against these baseless charges.  Not every, or even most conservatives are violent, racist, homophobic, xenophobic, bigoted evil monsters.  In fact, most of us wish to help the same people who need to be helped as the liberals do.  Most of us wish to see everybody share in the wealth of the world, have the lives available for people that they want to lead, and do all of the same good that you liberals wish for.  We just feel that the best way to achieve that type of society where everyone is in the best possible position to be happy is to adhere to the free market open society that we currently have.  As the facts came in, it became evident that Loughner was no conservative.  He is a committed, and psychotic communist.  Undaunted by the facts, it was until Monday morning that the meme of evil conservative involvement began to wane.  As more facts came out, it became obvious that Loughner was indeed planning this since 2007 at least.  We knew by Monday, that Gabby Giffords’ only crime was to be a pretty public figure who caught the attention of a paranoid schizophrenic.  Now let’s talk about Sheriff Fife.  As it turns out, he was not unaware of Loughner.  Since 2006, the people of Pima County have been making 911 calls to the Sheriff’s dept. about Loughner.  People were afraid that Loughner would do, just what he did.  Fife’s answer was to assure the citizens of the county under his protection that the mental health services had things under control with poor, crazy, Jared.    So, after the entire meme fell apart, we got this:

So, let me get this straight, we are supposed to just take the charges that we are murderers, and then just turn the other cheek.  Well I say no.  My answer to everyone who repeated this charge, feigned anger at the right, or said one word about the hate speech from conservatives, hypocrisy is your name.  You made this charge with not one scintilla of evidence that it was true.  For you, hate speech and vitriol is defined as anything said by those you do not agree with.  This makes you intolerant, which is what you accuse us of being.

Now let’s move on to the future.  Heated rhetoric is an ambiguous definition at best.  It’s determination is decided mostly by who is on your side, and who is on the other side of a debate.  Beyond that, it is a needed part of our vigorous political debate.  Our First Amendment Rights include free speech, saying whatever is on our mind.  There is a divide of ideology in our country right now.  We are split almost exactly 50/50 on the direction we wish to take.  Argue with us in the arena of ideas.  This is why campaigns and elections take place.  Attempting to keep us from speaking our minds shows that you are afraid of that debate.  This is one of the things we disagree about with you.  This heated rhetoric as you call it happens to be us advocating for what we believe in.  Our two sides disagree, and nothing will be served by ending the debate.  Finding common ground is just another way of saying, “you guys should just give up your core beliefs and let us have our way.”  I am sorry to tell you, that is not going to happen.  I promise to be respectful and even cordial while stating my arguments, but make them I shall.  I will never be silent to mollify the political left, especially if they try to characterize my positions as, “hate speech.”

Special Hat tip to Rain of Lead for the Malkin Link. It truly is a great piece of work.

Teach your children

by goddessoftheclassroom ( 52 Comments › )
Filed under Blogmocracy, Education, Free Speech, Guest Post, History, Patriotism, Political Correctness, Politics at May 22nd, 2010 - 2:00 pm

As many of you know, facebook allows its users to post a “status” statement. The person’s friends can then “like” this statement and even respond to it.

The following is an exchange between my younger son, whom I’ll call “demigotc” and a friend of his, both of whom are 14-year-old 8th graders.


Stop making groups or posts saying you want to kill Barack Obama or Justin Beiber or things like that. There are certain people that I dislike, but that doesn’t mean I want them to die. Think before you post.

I agree with you. But they’re allowed to “like” whatever they want, regardless of whether or not you like or agree with it. Not to be rude or anything, but I’m just saying.
10 hours ago

There’s a difference between saying that you don’t like something and wanting it to die
9 hours ago

But that doesn’t change the fact that people have the right to express their opinions.
9 hours ago

There are boundaries
9 hours ago

Nah, not really. Again, I don’t agree with these groups at all. But some people do, and while these groups annoy you, what annoys me is when people constantly lose sight of the wonderful freedoms we have, and to say there are “boundaries”, just make it seem like all those men 200 some years ago died for nothing. People insult my religion at school for instance, they have that right as Americans. Of course, I don’t like it or agree with them, but even so.
9 hours ago


Some of our leaders could learn a lot about both courtesy and freedom from a couple of junior high kids.