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Posts Tagged ‘Globalism’

End of a Honeymoon?

by Mojambo ( 164 Comments › )
Filed under Barack Obama, Europe, Tranzis at April 6th, 2010 - 9:30 am

My, my, my,  so the Eurotrash finally realized that The One is a fake, a phony, and a fraud (just like a lot of dumb, deluded people here in the colonies). Obama identifies with the Third World not with Europe and he has no intention of defending you.  So you actually might start missing “Cowboy Bush” soon?

Hat tip Spitfire Murphy

by H.D.S. Greenway

EUROPA IS pining for what she believes is unrequited love when it comes to the United States. Having fallen head over heals for Barack Obama, Europe is now feeling jilted.

In a paper entitled “End of a Honeymoon,’’ the German Marshall Fund’s Constanze Stelzenmuller recently wrote: “It seemed as though a fairytale had come true’’ when America elected the president of Europe’s dreams. “But in all myths and fairytales, wish fulfillment is, of course, the stuff of tragedy,’’ he wrote. Obama may be “a man of Western values,’’ but he was not formed by the Cold War’s east-west divide, and, as he said himself, he is the “first Pacific president. ’’

The press made much of President Nicolas Sarkozy’s visit to the United States, describing it as fence-mending, and saying that Obama finally granted the French president the special gesture he craved: a meal for the French first couple in Obama’s family dining room. Sarkozy, the most pro-American French president in a long time, had felt miffed because the Obamas had chosen to eat at a left bank restaurant instead of in the Elysee Palace.

In Britain, where a parliamentary foreign affairs committee recently called for a reassessment of the traditional bonds that bound America and Britain, the reaction was vociferous. “The Special Relationship Is Over . . . Now Stop Calling Us America’s Poodle,’’ headlined the Guardian. The committee warned that Prime Minister Tony Blair’s eagerness to join Bush in attacking Iraq had hurt Britain’s standing in the world. The subservient “poodle’’ image “is deeply damaging to the reputation and interests of the United Kingdom, ’’ the parliamentarians said.

The “special relationship’’ that Franklin Roosevelt formed with Churchill against Hitler was tested in 1956 when President Eisenhower told Britain, France and Israel to stop their invasion of Egypt and restore the status quo ante. While France took home the message that the United States could not be trusted, the British decided never again to let their foreign policy drift too far from that of the United States.


Read the rest here: Europe’s honeymoon with Obama is over

Tranzi Global Schemes

by Phantom Ace ( 227 Comments › )
Filed under Climate, Liberal Fascism, Progressives, Tranzis at December 22nd, 2009 - 4:00 am

Good morning Blogmocracy Netizens! I hope your day is off to a good start. Here is an article I came across that I find chilling.

The Tranzi Progressive movement is global in scope and reach. Through NGO’s and other International Institutions, they are pushing their Ideology on the world populace. The Global Warming hoax is the Global threat they are using to implement their plans. Through their control of the Media and Scientific Institutions they are pushing a false crisis to achieve control. Progressives don’t believe in the concept of the Nation State, they are Transnationalists who would love to subject nations to a Global government.

There is scope for debate – and innumerable newspaper quizzes – about who was the most influential public figure of the year, or which the most significant event. But there can be little doubt which word won the prize for most important adjective. 2009 was the year in which “global” swept the rest of the political lexicon into obscurity. There were “global crises” and “global challenges”, the only possible resolution to which lay in “global solutions” necessitating “global agreements”. Gordon Brown actually suggested something called a “global alliance” in response to climate change. (Would this be an alliance against the Axis of Extra-Terrestrials?)

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As Patriots we must confront the Tranzi concept of Global governance. Our forefathers fought to have America as an independent nation. The Progressives want end America as a sovereign state and this must not be allowed to succeed.

Obama is Clueless on Job Creation

by Phantom Ace ( 197 Comments › )
Filed under Barack Obama, Economy, Progressives, Tranzis at October 15th, 2009 - 7:17 am

Goodmorning Blogmocracy Netizens! I hope everyone slept well and will have a great enjoyable day. As always, I must bring news about the antics of the American Progressives.

Our Tranzi Progressive ruler, Barack Hussein Obama, is promising to do whatever it takes to create jobs. He really believes that job creation is done by the government and not the private sector. His wasteful stimulus is just debt accumulation and payoff to Progressive interests. However, job losses continue with no end in sight. The Progressive Propaganda machine is proclaiming that we are in an unprecedented economic boom. The truth is the economy is stagnant and in a ditch.

SPRINGFIELD, Va. (AP) – Standing at the site of a highway project funded by his economic stimulus plan, President Barack Obama said Wednesday he is committed to exploring all avenues to create jobs.

Obama said his administration is going to keep going until “every single American in this country who’s looking for work is going to be able to get the kind of well-paying job that supports their families.”

Obama spoke from the top of a large mound of dirt and gravel, the site of a highway construction project in the Virginia suburbs outside Washington. He chose the site of the Fairfax County Parkway Extension project to feature the progress of the stimulus package passed earlier this year.

The project is the state’s largest stimulus-funded project. When completed, it will connect both ends of Fairfax County.

While some businesses have credited the stimulus bill with preventing layoffs, the national unemployment rate stands at 9.8 percent. Many economists have said unemployment could continue to rise.

Read the rest.

What Obama really wants is to expand government to the point that it becomes the largest employer. This will make Americans dependent on political goodwill to have a job. Hence a Neo-Feudal system the Progressives dream off.

America needs to have an aggressive economic policy. We need to stop this global economic cooperation nonsense the Progressives and RINOs keep pursuing. We need to reform our tax code and economic policies to one of a cut throat policy. America should create an attractive and competitive economic environment that will attract foreign and offshore American capital and corporations. America must be an economic predator and do what it takes to create jobs and high living standard here.

Government is not a job growth engine, the private market is.

The Limits of Obama’s Star Power

by Phantom Ace ( 242 Comments › )
Filed under Barack Obama, Communism, Liberal Fascism, Multiculturalism, Progressives, Tranzis, World at October 14th, 2009 - 6:40 am

Good Morning Blogmocracy Netizens! I hope everyone slept well and is off to great start of your day.

Our Community Organizer in Chief, Barack Hussein Obama is a Global star. He is the first Globalist Post American President, for this he is beloved by people the world over and is a celebrity in Europe. His popularity is propped up by the Transnationalist Progressive Media Machine. This adoration has gotten into his head and he believes he can solve all of the world’s conflicts and ills due to the love he receives. He has developed a Messiah Complex and believes he is beyond being a mortal human. However, he has little to show for this adulation in concrete results. He has appeased enemies and abandoned allies, all of which has weaken America’s strategic position.


WASHINGTON — President Barack Obama’s Nobel Prize for climate change — the Nobel committee credited him with “creating a new climate” — was useful in at least one way. It exposed the truest of the true believers — those who believe that the tonic of Obama’s presence deserves the Nobel Prize for medicine, that his magnetism merits the Nobel Prize for physics, that his charisma demands the Nobel Prize for personal chemistry.

Even Obama could not claim that he personally deserved the award. “I do not view it as a recognition of my own accomplishments,” he said — which was simple realism, not false humility. Those who credit Obama’s nine undistinguished months for this honor display a panting infatuation even stronger than Obama’s healthy self-regard.

Others, however, embraced the award in a more sophisticated manner — not as a tribute to Obama but as a symbol of America’s revived popularity in the world. It is a good thing, the argument goes, for an American president to be loved by foreigners, even if their sloppy display of affection is embarrassing.

But this point needs to be argued, not merely assumed. How does American standing translate into effective diplomacy? And what role does presidential popularity play in building national standing?

Read the rest.

Barack Hussein Obama loves the adulation of the Global public. He views himself as a Global Citizen and not as an American. This is dangerous to our interests as Obama just wants people to love him. He is a typical Totalitarian Progressive, he has big case of narcissism. Unfortunately it is the nation as a whole that will suffer from this. America needs to stand up for its interests and allies, not the love of the Global masses.

Update: Big favor, let us limit the disucssion of a failed Progressive blogger. There will be open threads later where we can do that.

Thanks in advance.