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Posts Tagged ‘Government Regulation’

Older than dirt!

by 1389AD ( 62 Comments › )
Filed under Food and Drink, History, Humor, Open thread, Regulation at March 15th, 2012 - 11:00 pm

Storehouse of data
How well do you remember life before the digital age?

Zombie: New Rules for Old Farts

Zombie never fails to entertain. Read Zombie’s article and the comments that follow, and see how much of it applies to you!

How Did We Make It this Far?

This list has been making the rounds on the Internet, at least since 2002, and probably before.

How much more freedom have we lost since then?

Somehow we survived!!!

Looking back, it’s hard to believe that we have lived as long as we have…

As children, we would ride in cars with no seat belts or air bags. Riding in the back of a pickup truck on a warm day was always a special treat.

Our baby cribs were covered with bright colored lead-based paint.

We had no childproof lids on medicine bottles, doors, or cabinets, and when we rode our bikes, we had no helmets. (Not to mention hitchhiking to town as a young kid!)

We drank water from the garden hose and not from a bottle. Horrors.

We would spend hours building our go-carts out of scraps and then rode down the hill, only to find out we forgot the brakes. After running into the bushes a few times we learned to solve the problem.

We would leave home in the morning and play all day, as long as we were back when the streetlights came on. No one was able to reach us all day.

No cell phones. Unthinkable.

We played dodgeball and sometimes the ball would really hurt. We got cut and broke bones and broke teeth and there were no law suits from these accidents. They were accidents. No one was to blame but us. Remember accidents?

We had fights and punched each other and got black and blue and learned to get over it.

We ate cupcakes, bread and butter, and drank sugar soda but we were never overweight … we were always outside playing.

We shared one grape soda with four friends, from one bottle and no one died from this?

We did not have Playstations, Nintendo 64, X Boxes, video games at all, 99 channels on cable, video tape movies, surround sound, personal cellular phones, Personal Computers, internet chat rooms, … we had friends. We went outside and found them.

We rode bikes or walked to a friend’s home and knocked on the door, or rung the bell or just walked in and talked to them.

Imagine such a thing. Without asking a parent! By ourselves! Out there in the cold cruel world! Without a guardian. How did we do it?

We made up games with sticks and tennis balls and ate worms and although we were told it would happen, we did not put out very many eyes, nor did the worms live inside us forever.

We ate penny candy, swallowed bubblegum -and our intestines did not stick together because of it.

Little League had tryouts and not everyone made the team. Those who didn’t had to learn to deal with disappointment.

Some students weren’t as smart as others so they failed a grade and were held back to repeat the same grade … Horrors. Tests were not adjusted for any reason.

Our actions were our own. Consequences were expected. No one to hide behind. The idea of a parent bailing us out if we broke a law was unheard of. They actually sided with the law, imagine that!

This generation has produced some of the best risk-takers and problem solvers and inventors, ever. The past 50 years has been an explosion of innovation and new ideas.

We had freedom, failure, success and responsibility,! and we learned how to deal with it all. And you’re one of them. Congratulations!

Please pass this on to others that have had the luck to grow up as kids, before lawyers and government regulated our lives, for our own good?


Regulators Gone Wild, Farmers Latest Hit!

by Flyovercountry ( 95 Comments › )
Filed under Economy, Regulation, unemployment at August 30th, 2011 - 8:00 pm

For the last couple of years, one of my favorite daily features has been at HotAir.com.  It is a daily posting by Ed Morrisey called Obamateurism of the day.  Yesterday’s example proves my point about government regulation almost perfectly.  For a while now, the Tea Party/Socialist debate has been reported as being about taxes.  I must tell you that I believe this to be a secondary problem for our economy.  While important, and far too complicated, It is the over zealous culture of regulation that is taking the lead position on the destruction of our economy and culture.  You can read the Morrisey piece by clicking here.  If you don’t wish to, I’ll summarize it for you.  During his Midwest tax payer funded family preparation for vacation campaign bus tour, President Obama spoke to some farmers in Southern Illinois.  A concerned farmer, frustrated with the government’s full out assault upon his business asked about the latest asinine regulation rumored to be coming down the pike.  The rumor was that farmers, will be required to attain CDL’s to operate their farming machinery.  The President’s response was recorded in the following video.

Special note for the Blogmocracy gang. I am not savvy enough to embed any videos outside of youtube videos. Follow the link, it works.

Please click here to see the video.

After listening to the answer, a reporter for Politico, which by the way is as left leaning an organization as there is, took the President’s advice and called the appropriate authorities.  That one phone call led to a two day journey through the very depths of bureaucracy land.  Bounced from one governmental agency to another on both the Federal and State levels led to a sense of frustration for a reporter who had no actual skin in the game, and yielded not a single definitive answer.  Just imagine the frustration level for someone who’s livelihood depended on the answer.

We have indeed reached a surreal point in America my friends.  The good news for the farmer, and those of us wishing to buy groceries at an affordable price, is that with a bevy of regulation so thick that our overlords are no longer capable keeping up with all of them, he may very well be able to operate his machinery for at least a little while before someone in the government realizes that he is indeed in violation of rule 12.1647/sj75.prc12.578/jx/b.  On the other hand, the fine may be the amputation of his right arm and confiscation of half his land.  Candidate Obama campaigned on a platform of being a pragmatist, and depending on what crowd he was speaking to at the time, even managed to sound as though he were well to the right of John McCain.  As President, he has promised to put an end to cumbersome regulations, which he admitted to having the knowledge were choking our economy.  During his last State of The Union Address, he pledged to roll back over burdensome regulations, and pledged to not increase upon them.  Since that time, he and his executive branch team have starred in the upcoming video, regulators gone wild.  Putting aside for the moment the surreal optics of 9 year old children across the country being busted in a series of lemonade stand stings, (a great example by the way of teaching children the values of self reliance and hard work,)  we now live in a society where over half of us need some form of government permission to work, and where  hair dressers require more class time than medical doctors.  These regulations are doing much more damage to our economy than the tax code, and as the above video shows, it is affecting every industry.  It is far too easy to point to the chosen corporations selected for purely demagogic reasons as deserving of punishment for having provided too much benefit to their fellow citizens.  When it is your industry or job however, it stings just a little more.  In the end, we all pay for it.

Just one more thought.  Late last week, the Holder Justice Department raided Gibson Guitars for using rosewood on their fretboards.  The reason for the raid was not given, as Gibson actually was not in violation of any U.S. laws, that anyone was able to determine.  This was the 3rd time in 2 years Gibson has been raided for the rosewood.  Since Michelle Obama gave a Gibson Guitar as a Present to the wife of the French President, she is also guilty of felonious behavior should Gibson be guilty of anything.  Teams of legal analysts should be done researching whether or not Gibson is guilty of violating any government regulations by the time the Obama’s leave Washington permanently, in January of 2013.

Cross Posted at Musings of a Mad Conservative.

We Don’t Need Something Euphemistically Labeled A Jobs Bill, We Need The Government Out Of Our Way.

by Flyovercountry ( 59 Comments › )
Filed under Economy, Politics, unemployment at August 26th, 2011 - 2:00 pm

In listening to the political rhetoric traveling across the airways, the only piece of the debate which ever gets attention seems to be about taxation. What is fair and how much are the only points contested by the talking heads, and the invited, “expert,” pundits. For the purposes of job creation, and economic health, the most important aspect of the conversation is missed almost entirely. It’s not just about the taxes, but also about the regulation, and baby, we got plenty of that, with more planned to arrive. The effects of regulation is impossible to measure. This is one thing Speaker Boehner got completely wrong in his letter to the President. He estimated a cost in the newest round of planned regulations to be about $2 Billion per year, but this is only a beginning point. That might be the cost of compliance immediately, but those are far from the only ill effects these 219 new parasites on our economic activity will have. As businesses react to this newest assault on the free enterprise system, they will hire less employees, who will be paying far less in taxes. Current employees will be laid off, or downsized. Future innovation will be stifled. Consider this, would the wright brothers have been able to invent an airplane in today’s environment? We have already taken Edison’s invention and made it illegal to produce and market.

It is not as if the President is oblivious to this purposeful stagnation of our economy either. During his latest State of the Union Address, and indeed during all of his SOTU Addresses, he claimed that he would work tirelessly, and make one of his top priorities eliminating over burdensome regulations, which were serving only to stunt our economic growth. So of course, during the past year, the Obama Administration has enacted, without the consent of Congress 191 new executive regulations. The Obama Administration plans on placing 219 new ones this year. These are on top of the regulations included in the Health Care monstrosity and the Dodd Frank assault on our entire financial system. The latter is a reform by the way which was passed as a reaction to the financial meltdown of 2008, and will do not a single thing to alleviate the root causes of the mortgage crisis. The root causes of the meltdown, Fannie and Freddie are exempt from the regulation and indeed any scrutiny. Like most governmental promises to protect the masses from the, “big guy,” it actually punishes any small businesses in favor of granting competitive protections to the very big corporations which have been shoved into our faces as the evil we are supposed to hate. The Dodd Frank bill was actually written by the Obama team members who were on the board of Goldman Sachs, hardly a collection of small business entrepreneurs.

Over the last 2 3/4 years, our economy has been brought to its knees. 10 oil rigs have left the gulf for more friendly waters. They have taken thousands of high paying jobs with them. The result will also be higher fuel costs for businesses who use oil to produce their goods and services, which will also make the situation worse. Consequently, tax cuts won’t do squat for us anymore. A change of leadership will. We, now more than ever need a person in the White House who understands the principles of the Free Market System, and will have the political courage to adhere to them. We need to roll back the damage inflicted upon us by the sour little man we hired in November of 2008.

Cross Posted at Musings of a Mad Conservative.

Slick Messaging, A Helping Governmental Hand, Little Guy Gets Screwed.

by Flyovercountry ( 58 Comments › )
Filed under Economy, Politics, Progressives, Regulation, unemployment at July 8th, 2011 - 5:00 pm

In yesterday’s post, from a PBS special which aired in 1982, we learned that it is better to be a cab driver in Washington D.C. than it is in Philadelphia, Pa. Well, the big government Democrats in D.C. are about to change all of that. They are about to pass a new law which would regulate about a third of D.C.’s cab drivers out of business. Thanks to the left’s, “looking out for the little guy,” it will now be possible for large companies to buy the limited amount of cab licenses, lease them out at their choosing, and make Millions without owning a single cab. The increased cost for the cab companies who own businesses based solely on trading the newly formed medallions, well the consumer will get to pay that. This video is the perfect example of what government regulation does to all of us, and it does this every day in ways that we have hidden from us.

I realize that some very limited regulation is necessary. Those which prevent fraud, promote transparency, and in the very few industries where standards of ability need to be guaranteed. (Medical Doctors and pilots being the only real examples I can think of for now.) The D.C. cab example is very clearly a way for a politician to make a buddy rich by screwing an entire city a very little bit at a time. They figure, and so far they’ve been correct, that if they only steal a couple of pennies from at a time from each citizen, then no one will get angry enough to do anything about it. This is not capitalism, competition, or anything resembling a free market, which is what their slickly worded media campaign is claiming it to be. What it is is crony capitalism, where a politically appointed panel of bureaucrats get to pick the economies winners and losers based on nefarious considerations. This type of big government overreach is the reason why Boeing can not open a plant to build airplanes in South Carolina. It is the reason why tens of thousands of previously high paid oil rig workers in Louisiana have lost their jobs. It is one of the reasons why our economy is in such bad shape today. November of 2012, that is the time we can reverse this national damage.

Cross Posted at Musings of a Mad Conservative.