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Posts Tagged ‘Green Energy’

Karl Rove supports Tax credits for Wind Energy

by Phantom Ace ( 18 Comments › )
Filed under Economy, Headlines, Regulation, taxation at June 10th, 2012 - 5:39 pm

Just because the Left hates a person, doesn’t make them a Conservative. Karl Rove is despised by Progressives, but he himself is no Conservative. He believes in big government and  regulated economy. Rove comes put in support of tax credits for wind energy. Despite getting subsidized, wind energy has not taken off. Yet Rove believes in the mythical  green energy energy fairy.

Renewal of federal tax credits for wind energy can save U.S. jobs and reduce dependence on foreign oil, according to Karl Rove, an adviser to former President George W. Bush.

“We’ve got a growing economy that’s increasing energy consumption and wind energy should be part of the solution,” Rove said today on a panel at a wind conference in Atlanta. Extending the so-called production tax credit “should be a priority.”

Karl Rove is no Conservative.

Taxpayers lose money in Ethanol plant sale

by Phantom Ace ( 14 Comments › )
Filed under Business, Economy, Energy, Progressives, Socialism, Special Report at January 6th, 2012 - 10:00 am

I never understood the concept of burning food for fuel. The Brazilians started the trend by using sugar based ethanol. Then Progressive American politicians in both parties began to see this as the magic bullet to get the US energy independent. The truth is ethanol has turned into a boondoggle. Recently an ethanol plant was sold at a loss of 65 million dollars. That’s taxpayer money lost in that deal.

The failed Range Fuels wood-to-ethanol factory in southeastern Georgia that sucked up $65 million in federal and state tax dollars was sold Tuesday for pennies on the dollar to another bio-fuel maker with equally grand plans to transform the alternative energy world.

LanzaTech, a New Zealand-based biofuel company, paid $5.1 million for the plant in Soperton. Its main financial backer: Vinod Khosla, a California entrepreneur who also bankrolled Range Fuels, and helped secure its government loans, before Range went bust last year.

LanzaTech hasn’t received the same type of loans, but the company has received $7 million from the U.S. departments of Energy and Transportation to assist in the development of alternative fuels.

This is a disgusting example of State Capitalism/Socialism. Let me know when the US gets backs to fiscal responsibility and free markets. I will not hold my breath.

Critical Thought, The First Casualty Of The Captain Planet Generation.

by Flyovercountry ( 45 Comments › )
Filed under Academia, Cold War, Communism, Economy, Energy, History, Politics, Progressives, Regulation, Socialism at October 15th, 2011 - 4:00 pm

I miss my Saturday Morning cartoons. The good old fashioned kind when Bugs Bunny was viciously ruthless in his dealings with Elmer Fudd and Yosemite Sam. I enjoyed the violent repartee played out each week by Foghorn Leghorn and the dog. Wylie E. Coyote was much more enjoyable before he began to speak. Tom and Jerry were always better as enemies than friends. Then a hippie, no doubt with an impressive list of academic achievements to their credit convinced the powers that be that cartoons were creating violent maniacal children. The bland, non entertaining, sans violence, Saturday Morning Cartoon was born.  something funny happened which I am sure is a pure coincidence, our children became much more unruly and more prone to commit acts of violence within a generation.  Personally, I believe this has more to do with the insane societal ban on corporal punishment than cartoon violence, but I still want to see Bugs Bunny in drag convincing Elmer Fudd to shoot Daffy Duck in the Face by exclaiming that he would just love a duck dinner.  Welcome to the Captain Planet Generation.  We have produced brain dead morons who are unable to consider anything that they are told critically.

For those of you who do not know him, Captain Planet is a cartoon character who flies around the globe shutting down businesses and closing down factories in an effort to save the Earth, from global warming.  It is a show designed for pre to early elementary aged kids.  The indoctrination effort of the Marxists upon our kids began in the 90’s, and it started at an early age.  Al Gore’s thoroughly discredited movie is still being shown as a science curriculum in our nation’s public science classes, to kids at the elementary and intermediate levels.  The ties between the Marxists we thought were put out of business by the collapse of the Soviet Union and the implosion of the Eastern Bloc and the Global Green Movement have been well and completely documented.  They are still trying to inflict their failed economic agenda upon the world through the ecological movement.  Energy production you see, is the engine that drives a robust economy.  With our ability to utilize an efficient and very inexpensive source of energy, our economy is impossible for them to topple.  Which is why Captain Planet has told an entire generation of kiddies that we need to shut down everything but solar panels and windmills in order to make Earth feel better about itself.

A funny thing happened on the way to the Marxist shooting of the moon.  The green companies in this country all began failing in spectacular fashion a full year and a half ahead of schedule.  Unfortunately for them and fortunately for us, the Marxists are even worse at economics than anyone realized.  Nobody told them that no business could possible stay afloat by selling a product which cost them $6 to produce for $3.  The reason we had to sell them for $3 you see is that the Chinese were able to produce their product and sell it at a profit for that price, and that includes the cost of shipping it halfway around the world.  Think for just a moment how cheaply this very product could be sold in China.  Even with that fact, the only people buying Chinese Solar Panels are us here in the good ole U.S.A.  So, what kind of energy sources does China employ?

Oct. 12 (Bloomberg) — Prime Minister Vladimir Putin said Russia is nearing an agreement with China to supply natural gas to the world’s biggest energy consumer.
“Those who sell always want to sell at a higher price, while those who buy want to buy at a lower price,” Putin said yesterday at the start of a meeting with Chinese Prime Minister Wen Jiabao in Beijing. “We need to reach a compromise that will satisfy both sides.”
The Russian premier, who is making his first foreign trip since announcing plans to return to the presidency next year, is seeking to overcome a stalemate in talks on natural gas deliveries to China. Russia, the world’s largest energy exporter, has delayed plans to build gas pipelines to the Asian country for more than a decade because of wrangling over how much China will pay for the fuel.
Russian gas export monopoly OAO Gazprom plans to ship Siberian gas from as early as 2015, with total annual deliveries to reach 68 billion cubic meters, more than 60 percent of China’s 2010 consumption, according to BP Plc’s Statistical Review of World Energy.

So, how did we get here, to a place in history where Vladimir Putin, a member of the old Communist guard in the former Soviet Union, would be a far superior business person than the guys running our country and posses a far greater understanding of economics than our own leaders to boot? The first warning sign that something was terribly wrong with the entire green movement was when they declared the debate over. The second warning sign should have been the indoctrination techniques and outright thuggery employed to silence any critics of their failed theories. Now that their hypothesis has been completely debunked by scientific experiments conducted at Cern, the true purpose of Marxism is the only explanation left for the entire farce. But the fact that the former Marxist nations selling us this wonderful green technology do not even employ it themselves is the single best clue to the bull shit I could possible think of. By the way, guess where those GE windmills are built. That’s right, in China. The Chinese aren’t using those either. In fact, the Chinese are building two coal burning electric power plants each and every day.

Hat tip: StoptheFreeze

Cross Posted at Musings of a Mad Conservative.

The Green Fairy Poised To Strike Again, Look For National Rolling Blackouts In 2014.

by Flyovercountry ( 97 Comments › )
Filed under Barack Obama, Economy, Environmentalism, government, Politics, Progressives at June 14th, 2011 - 2:00 pm

I should have qualified the headline, look for those blackouts if we fail to act before then. The action needed is simple and easy. All we need to do is ignore the lunacy of the green crowd, and reverse the damage we have inflicted upon ourselves by being suckered into this global warming, (which has now turned to global climate change,) hoax. A little background for those of you who do not know what I am talking about.

Here is an article detailing the effects of the unreported Obama regulations are about to have on our electricity supply. 

Consumers could see their electricity bills jump an estimated 40 to 60 percent in the next few years.

The reason: Pending environmental regulations will make coal-fired generating plants, which produce about half the nation’s electricity, more expensive to operate. Many are expected to be shuttered.
American Electric Power, one of the country’s largest coal-burning electricity generators, said Thursday it will retire nearly a quarter of its coal-fueled generating capacity and that it will spend up to $8 billion to retrofit remaining units to meet regulations that start taking effect in 2014. Those moves will have an impact.

During the National Debate leading up to the Presidential Election of 2008, this topic came up a lot.  Politicians are very adept at making the impossible sound possible.  The whole green economy is one of those instances.  This is the reason for comparing the Obama Administration to a fairy.  A major difference between the Bamster and other lying politicians is that this particular lie, while being much more damaging than most, is also the centerpiece of his economic agenda.  Let that sink in for a moment , and then we’ll continue.

Why is it impossible?  I am glad you’ve asked that question.  What do we have to replace fossil fuels?  I would agree that we should be searching for more efficient and any source of energy possible.  I just  happen to believe that the free market does that better and quicker than a central government planner is able to.  The government subsidizes 49 times the cost per kilowatt hour for wind and solar energy produced than that of what we pay for coal produced electricity.  Simply because you and I do not pay these costs directly to the electric companies does not mean that we do not pay them.  Since the government does not produce its own wealth, it merely confiscates whatever it spends from us, we pay for it through taxation, or in the form of debt for future generations.  That cost of course is on top of what the electric producers will still decide to charge for their energy.  Even with this subsidy, wind, solar, and hydro-electric still produce about 2% of our electricity needs.  When the fossil fuel burning plants shut down, what will we do then?

When the price goes up, and the brain trust in the executive branch enact the price controls to quell the crowd of angry citizens mad about the increased percentage of their paycheck now needed to keep their refrigerators, light bulbs, air conditioning, heating, stereo systems, Internet, T.V.’s, Nintendo, etc. we will pay for our foolishness in another way.  Rolling blackouts, and artificial shortages will be the new norm.  For those of you too young to remember the gas lines of the 70’s, I will have a more recent example later on in the paragraph.  During the 70’s, when we allowed our President, Jimmy Carter, to project American weakness as our foreign policy agenda’s main plank, we were faced with a major shortage in the amount of gasoline oil companies were able to supply to local gas stations.  Jimmy Carter pushed something called the Windfall Profits Tax, which served as a form of price control.  The result of course, without getting too wonkish about the economics, was long lines and rationing for gasoline purchase across the country.  The lines in some cities were miles long.  A rationing system was established in several states whereby the last digit on a license plate dictated which days during the week drivers were permitted to purchase gasoline.  The more recent example, California in 2002.  This whole green energy fiasco was attempted in the People’s Republik of Kalifornia.  Governor Gray Davis promised Kalifornians that their energy prices would not increase, so he established price controls.  He ignored the economic heavy weights at the Hoover Institution and pretended instead that the law of supply and demand did not exist.  The result of course was an entire year in which the State Government of Kalifornia and the public utilities czars turned off the power to the entire state, in sections which rolled for hours at a time.  Every home in Kalifornia had about 3 hours per day without electricity.  Kalifornia was reduced to being part of the third world. 

Last week, President Obama gave a speech to auto workers who build Suv’s.  He told them of a brave new world where they would have great opportunities building hybrid vehicles which the government has had no luck at selling so far.  (Indeed, only 2184 have actually been sold to date.)  He told of his plan to sell these vehicles by punishing economically, anybody who would dare to consider the old and reliably efficient gasoline versions of this mode of transportation.  He told them tales of other business related to their work at the factory which had been saved and would continue to be saved by his unpopular auto industry bailout, including a restaurant which shut down literally days after his visit after 90 years of operation.  (The restaurant was called Chet’s for those of you who wish to fact check.)  less than a week after his speech, Obama sold the government’s stake in Chrysler for $560 Million.  This was far less than what we taxpayers paid for the auto company we did not wish to buy in the first place.  Where do I turn to to declare my capital loss on this year’s 1040?  For that matter, why did I not get the opportunity to vote on the sale in a proxy vote, as something this important would definitely be mandated under the corporate bylaws?  To put the sale of Chrysler in perspective we’ll try this.  $560 Million is roughly the amount new debt added by the Obama Administration in 3 hours time.  In the 3 hours it took President Obama to travel to Toledo to lie his tuchus off to the people who build the unappreciated Jeep Wranglers coming off of that line, Obama had blown through the proceeds of the stock no one gave him permission to buy or sell. 

Next question, when we are no longer able to purchase electricity, either due to the enormous prices, or due to the rolling blackouts, and grid shortages, how will we be able to drive those nifty and enormously expensive green cars anywhere?  A lot of us had been predicting these results at the top of our lungs prior to November of 2008.  All we got in response was the bleary eyed hopety change rhetoric.  Obama’s only miscalculation concerning his destruction of the American Economy so far is the speed with which his agenda has had its inevitable results.  I personally believe that the ravages of his agenda would not be experienced prior to his reelection bid in 2012.  What I find most troubling is America’s refusal to reference history.  These initiatives and policies are nothing new.  We saw this movie before, and it is playing out exactly the same way.  We are running Jimmy Carter’s playbook again, and we are reaping Jimmy Carter’s results again.  We simply can not afford 4 more years of Barack Obama.  We need to not only stop this lunacy, but to actually reverse the damage.

Crosposted at Musings of a Mad Conservative.