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Posts Tagged ‘Guest Post’

Saturday Lecture Series: Type I Diabetes

by coldwarrior ( 41 Comments › )
Filed under Academia, Guest Post, Health Care, Open thread, saturday lecture series at March 5th, 2011 - 8:30 am

Good morning all, today we have a guest lecturer.

Again, I will happily accept papers they you would like to write. The more detailed and narrow the better, this is a slot for the ‘academic’…are you up for the challenge?

‘Associate Professor’ Calo has graciously taken up the challenge to deliver the a Saturday Lecture so here it is:

Diabetes Type I

A Vaccine Possible?


Diabetes is a disease that affects how the body uses glucose, or sugar. Glucose comes from the all types of foods we eat and is the source of energy used to fuel our body’s cells. After you eat, the body breaks down food into glucose and other nutrients. They are absorbed into the bloodstream via the gut or gastrointestinal tract. Glucose in the blood rises after a meal which causes the pancreas to make insulin and release it into the bloodstream. The insulin and sugar enter the body’s cells together.

People with diabetes cannot make or respond to insulin properly. Their pancreas is unable to manufacture insulin. Sugar stays in the bloodstream and is unable to enter the body’s cells without insulin. This causes high blood sugar levels in the bloodstream or hyperglycemia. http://www.endocrineweb.com/conditions/diabetes/symptoms-hyperglycemia Blood sugars that are too high and not treated may result in coma and eventual death.

Here are some additional links to Type I Diabetes





Here are some quick facts on Diabetes Type I

Causes and Research on of Type I Diabetes

The medical community is not quite sure why some people develop Type I Diabetes but they think it has something to do with genes. A person would then have to be exposed to something else, like a virus, to get Type I Diabetes. Here are some common viruses that are thought to cause Type I Diabetes. http://www.mayoclinic.com/health/type-1-diabetes-in-children/DS00931/DSECTION=risk-factors

However, last month researchers discovered a common virus that might be the cause for Type I Diabetes called enterovirus.

a common virus that can cause cold-like symptoms, fever, or diarrhea and may be linked to the development of this disease. A new study published in the journal BMJ provides further evidence that these viruses play a role in Type I Diabetes.

The new study was a meta-analysis, meaning the researchers did not conduct any human trials, but reviewed and compared data from about 5,000 people with Type I Diabetes to draw their conclusions. Based on the data, the researchers concluded that there is a clinically significant association between enterovirus infection and Type I Diabetes.

Here is a telling statistic from one of the sub-articles: In the study, the researchers tested the blood of 112 children, ages 2 to 16, at the time of Type I Diabetes diagnosis to see if their blood contained enteroviral DNA.  The researchers found genetic signs of enterovirus infection in 83 percent of the diabetic children, compared with just 7 percent of children without diabetes.

What does this new study mean to Type I Diabetics? Not much, it will not lead to a cure for those already afflicted with it. However, it does identify a likely viral culprit responsible for the disease. And, understanding the role viruses play in people who develop Type I diabetes does produces knowledge that could prevent the disease. Understanding the causes could lead to a vaccine to prevent it from occurring in the first place. And, that would be a good thing.


My niece is a Type I Diabetic.  Here is a quick video of her story

Star Trek Comparisons

by Phantom Ace ( 230 Comments › )
Filed under Blogmocracy at December 7th, 2009 - 4:30 pm

Blogmocracy in Action

Guest Blogger: Macker


Hello Fellow Blogmocracy Netizens!

Well, Chrisopher Plummer would be proud of these lines. It was he who started the whole thing. This group only finished it!

And now here’s a question put to you: If Star Trek equivocated the Klingons with the Russians, and the Romulans with the Chinese…then who are the Islamofascists? And the Progressives?


The Distant Rumbling…

by Phantom Ace ( 272 Comments › )
Filed under Blogmocracy, Progressives at December 6th, 2009 - 12:10 am

Blogmocracy in Action

Guest Blogger: Doriangrey

Listen carefully children, far off in the distance you can just hear it, it is the rumbling of a great storm. This is no ordinary storm, this is a unique storm. This is the sound of a storm you may never hear, or if you do, never hear again in your life time.

You may never hear it, because their are powerful people who have invested enormous amounts of time, money and reputations in your not hearing it. They are even now pulling out the flash paper to blind you, the shiny objects to distract you, the frightening things to scare you.

Sen. Barbra Boxer wants ClimateGate investigated, not because of what the leaked e-mails show, but because they were leaked to a public that was never ever supposed to see them.

The Mainstream Media refuses to cover ClimateGate or when they do, they pretend that the leaked information is meaningless noise rattled by discredited deniers.

They turn this way and that way pointing here and there with one single ambition, to get your attention off and away from the substance of the leaked East Anglia CRU documents.

Ask yourself the one single solitary important question if you ask no other question. Why are they (Gordon Brown, Barbra Boxer, The MSM) working so feverishly to condemn the messenger rather than addressing the message?

The answer is genuinely frightening, because they know and have known all along that the so called science behind Anthropogenic Global Warming is a fraud.

The politicians, the media and the core group of scientists involved in AGW have been conspiring to propagate the largest Ponzi scheme in human history.

Sherlock Holmes once postulated the theory of evidentiary discovery as, once all the fictions have been stripped away and the facts laid bare what is left, however inconceivable and bizarre is the truth.

In this case, as inconceivable and bizarre as it may seem, what remains is the brutal truth. From the highest levels of government world wide have come a conspiracy to defraud virtually every private citizen in every nation on earth of a significant percentage of their personal assets.

From the cap and trade bills to the Copenhagen carbon emissions protocols there is not one single bit of politically motivated legislation capable of effecting future weather patterns. All these proposed laws do is give various governments supposed rights to tax the citizen of the world for climate fluctuations that human beings are neither responsible for nor capable in any way shape or form of altering.

They are counting on you not knowing anything about science, they are counting on you being easily distracted, they are counting on you not caring, but most of all, they are counting on you not doing anything at all to oppose their actions.

Listen carefully, that sound you hear is them, the corrupt politicians, a Fourth Estate that sold it’s soul to become a Fifth Column, and so called scientists who have no ethics or integrity, they are doing a mad shuffle off in the wings, scurrying like cockroaches when the kitchen light is turned on.

They are throwing all the flash paper they can find, tossing objects at you to distract you from the obvious fact. They are going after the messenger…. Because they already know what the message is, they have all along.

If they succeed in distracting enough people with their claims that the CRUtapes mean nothing, lets investigate who leaked this information, then the one single thing you can be guaranteed of is this.

As long as the governmental structures and the media complex that exist today remain, you the general public will never see the light of truth out of any government on earth again so long as you live.

(Cross posted at The Wilderness of Mirrors)

The United States of America, a bought and paid for Oligarchy

by Phantom Ace ( 208 Comments › )
Filed under Blogmocracy, Guest Post, Liberal Fascism, Progressives at December 3rd, 2009 - 7:08 pm

Blogmocracy In Action

Guest Blogger: Doriangrey

How do criminals masquerading as politicians like Nancy Pelosi and Barbra Boxer keep getting re-elected? The answer is frighteningly simple. Money, in California for example it cost nearly one million dollars to run a genuinely effective Senate seat challenge.

If you don’t have a million dollars to run your campaign you are not going to challenge a sitting incumbent, period. Take me for example, I would gladly challenge Barbra Boxer for her senate seat. But I have no name recognition, no party funding (I’m far to conservative for the plastic fake California Republican Party) and no personal fortune with which to challenge Sen. Boxer.

American politics have become an Oligarchy run by special interest groups and unions. Average working stiff’s like me are shut out not only of the possibility of running, but of even having a regular working class individual to represent our political views.

We have become nothing less than a ATM machine for corrupt professional politicians, a surf class of laborers good only to be told what is good for us because our new Aristocratic leaders are so much smarter than we are.

The Mother E’ffing Mainstream Marxist Propaganda Media (which has become so corrupt that it makes the old Soviet Pravda blush) has transformed from the Fourth Estate into a Marxist Fifth Column. They combined with the special interests groups and the unions have in effect stolen from “We the People” any genuine ability to determine whom our elected officials will be.

The frightening and sad fact is that whilst we decry the obvious fraud of Iran’s Presidential elections we suffer under a currently inequitable system every bit as fraudulent. Wealthy and powerful people hidden deeply in the darkest shadows decide for us who we can and cannot vote for.

Our founding fathers warned us not to allow professional politicians to gain control of our political process, they considered professional politicians to be the lowest form of scoundrel. It is a damned shame and possible an outright crime against those courageous men that we failed to listen to their advice.

Instead of the citizen patriots that they envisioned running our great republic, we have Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi, John Murtha and Barbra Boxer. Our founding fathers surely are looking down on us and thinking, what fools our children have become.