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Posts Tagged ‘Haaretz’

Left-wing Israeli newspaper publishes a Warsaw Ghetto revisionist screed

by Mojambo ( 140 Comments › )
Filed under Anti-semitism, History, Holocaust, Israel, Judaism, Leftist-Islamic Alliance at January 3rd, 2014 - 7:00 am

Ha’aretz, (aka Ha’Hamas) a miserable left-wing. post-Zionist newspaper (financially kept going by  European NGO’s)  recently published a revisionist screed about the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising of April, 1943.  Ha’aretz is a newspaper that publishes the vile calumnies of Amira Hass and Gideon Levy (just Google their names as see the type of Internet sites that link to them) and is dedicated to the destruction of the nation which guarantees them the free speech that they abuse. By the way, the Nazis had already decided by the Summer of 1942 to liquidate the Warsaw Ghetto and had already shipped to Treblinka over 80% of the Warsaw Ghetto population so to blame the Uprising for the deaths of 50,000 Jews (who were condemned to death any way) is absurd.

 Warsaw Ghetto: Żelazna Street (looking East) from the intersection with Chłodna Street, June 1942.

Warsaw Ghetto: Żelazna Street (looking East) from the intersection with Chłodna Street, June 1942. Photo: Wikimedia Commons

by Isi Leibler

I rubbed my eyes in disbelief this week when I read an article prominently featured on Haaretz’s website entitled “The Warsaw Ghetto Myth.” The story asserts that the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising, the largest single revolt by Jews under Nazi occupation, was extremely limited in in scope and duration. The most obscene aspect of the article is the allegation that the fighters were responsible for the death of the 50,000 Jews in the ghetto who had not yet been deported.

This unquestionably distorted interpretation of events typifies the historical revisionism to which Haaretz is predisposed, not only with regard to post-Zionism but now also to Jewish history. That such an article is given prominence in an Israeli daily newspaper with a wide Internet English readership reflects adversely on us all.

The author, Eli Gat, is a Holocaust survivor who in 2009 privately published a shoddy book called Not Just Another Holocaust describing his sufferings and alluding to the revisionist nonsense incorporated in his current article. His book was completely ignored and very few people would have even heard his name until Haaretz published his article.

In his article Gat dishonors the heroes of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising and diminishes its historical and symbolic significance. He insists that there were fewer than 700 ghetto fighters and that the revolt lasted a mere two days, after which time many fighters fled. Gat has the gall to repudiate the accepted view that the most significant portion of the uprising took place over the course of a month and specifically dismisses the assertion confirming this by the late Professor Israel Gutman, a respected Holocaust historian and participant in the uprising.

The most obscene aspect of “The Warsaw Ghetto Myth” is the allegation that the ghetto fighters were responsible for the death of the 50,000 Jews who remained in the ghetto and were engaged in factories producing goods for the Nazi war effort, claiming that these Jews may have survived had the revolt not taken place. He justifies the tragically mistaken and failed policies of most of the Judenrats (Nazi-appointed Jewish committees to oversee the ghetto inhabitants) who opposed resistance and were convinced that acquiescing to the Nazis demands might save them.

The unqualified fact, however, is that the Nazis were unaffected by the Warsaw Ghetto heroes’ decision to die with honor rather than be led to slaughter; their commitment to a program of complete extermination was already absolute.

This article is only one example of Haaretz’s irresponsible and biased journalism. Over recent years the newspaper has served as the primary vehicle for promoting destructive post-Zionism. It has engaged in deliberate campaigns to demonize Israel and frequently published articles promoting the BDS movement.

Indeed, its online edition now represents one of the principal sources of fodder for global hatred against the Jewish state by the hostile international media and anti-Israeli politicians. It has inflicted, and continues to inflict enormous damage on Israel.

A most blatant example of Haaretz’s self-hating approach was its vitriolic campaign against the IDF, in which it published numerous examples of alleged war crimes committed by individual soldiers. These allegations were subsequently proven to be unfounded, but only after the damage had been done: the stories were reproduced on the front pages of the major media outlets throughout the world, fermenting the hostile climate which paved the way for the notorious Goldstone Report.

There are a number of Haaretz journalists who are often indistinguishable from Palestinian propagandists.

For example, in April this year, after an incident in which a three-year-old Israeli girl was critically wounded when a car driven by her mother was struck by a stone, Amira Haas, notorious for her pro-Palestinian bias, justified the act by stating, “Throwing stones is the hereditary right and duty of someone under a foreign power.” Haaretz publisher Amos Schocken defended her, stating, “sometimes you have to fight violence with violence.”

Gideon Levy, who regularly churns out articles that quote verbatim obscene Palestinian allegations of Israeli oppression and criminality, in October of last year produced a front-page story entitled “Most Israelis Support Apartheid Regime in Israel.”

Israelis were outraged and five days later Haaretz was forced to publish an apology. But again, the damage was done and newspapers throughout the world widely disseminated this lie.


But in recent years, the newspaper has extended its post-Zionism to promoting a revisionist narrative which undermines the core of Jewish continuity, questions links of today’s Jewish people with the biblical era, and challenges the validity of a Jewish nation.

Last year it published an article resurrecting the theory that the majority of today’s Jews are descendants of Turkic Khazars converted in the eighth century, who allegedly now represent the bulk of European Jewry. This absurd notion was employed in the past by anti-Semites and is now heavily promoted by the Arabs to “prove” that the Jews of today have no link to the biblical land of Israel.


In its zeal to undermine the core principles of Zionism, it has done irrevocable damage. The distortion of facts, and outright lies, have aided our enemies and confused our friends, including Jews living in the Diaspora with limited understanding of Jewish or Israeli history. The Gat article demonstrates to what depths Haaretz will sink, twisting the facts – even of Holocaust history – to provoke its readers and disallow them even the smallest measure of Jewish pride.

Read the rest – Debasing the Warsaw Ghetto

Peter Beinart to join Haaretz, The Atlantic

by Mojambo ( 13 Comments › )
Filed under Headlines, Israel at November 5th, 2013 - 4:23 pm

He will be right at home at Haaretz and The Atlantic.

JERUSALEM — Author and journalist Peter Beinart is leaving the Daily Beast to join the Israeli daily Haaretz as a senior columnist.

Haaretz is the perfect post-Zionist venue for Peter Beinart. He will feel right at home there.

Beinart will begin writing for Haaretz as of Jan. 1, the newspaper announced, on “issues related to the complex triangle of Israel, America, and the American Jewish community.”

 Beinart, who edited the Open Zion blog at the Daily Beast, also will join The Atlantic. His articles for The Atlantic will appear in the Hebrew edition of Haaretz.

The author of the book “The Crisis of Zionism,” Beinart has spurred controversy with his call for a boycott of West Bank Jewish settlements. He also is an associate professor of journalism and political science at the City University of New York.

“Peter Beinart has reshaped the discussion about the future of Israel in the American Jewish community, and his voice will be a great contribution to Haaretz’s team of writers,” said Haaretz editor in chief Aluf Benn. “His original thinking and unique point of view will enrich both our Israeli and American readers.”

Obama chasing rainbows with two-state solution

by Mojambo ( 169 Comments › )
Filed under Barack Obama, Islamists, Israel, Palestinians, Politics at January 25th, 2010 - 11:00 am

No kidding. The search for a solution is like the search for El Doradao – ain’t gonna happen. In fact, in my opinion, the Middle East suffers from too many negotiators, special envoys,  etc. who might mean well but only feed into the Arab delusion that someone else will do the dirty wok of actually negotiating  for them. The Arabs start off with maximalist demands and never, ever step down. Besides, the Palestinian conflict is not now nor ever was the most important problem in the Middle East or the reasons  for wars – the most important reason why there is no peace is Arab/Islamic irredentism i.e. the refusal to acknowledge another nation that is different from them.  Obama with his Messianic pretensions combined with his overly high opinion of his own abilities, will be just another in a long line of failed would-be peace makers.

Haaretz by the way, in my opinion, is a post Zionist newspaper (that is why anti Semite Andrew Sullivan likes to link to it a lot).  In addition to their horrrible left-wing  commentators (Amira Hass, Gideon Levy, Akiva Eldar) it attracts like fleas to camel dung a whole lot of Israel haters and anti Semites  (check out the comments section at the end of the article).

by Moshe Arens

“I’ll be honest with you, this is just really hard. This is as intractable a problem as you get … We overestimated our ability to persuade them … If we had anticipated some of these problems, we might not have raised expectations as high,” U.S. President Barack Obama confided to Time magazine last week, regarding his efforts to advance the peace process in the Middle East. He is clearly disappointed, but insists he will continue to work on a two-state solution.

It is not just that, during this past year, Obama has learned what old Middle East hands have known all along – that the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is an intractable problem – but also that intractable problems do not easily get solved, if they are at all soluble, even when the president of the United States weighs in with full force.

It is hard to be optimistic regarding the continuing U.S. efforts in this matter, since the president seems to have his mind set on the two-state solution, “in which Israel is secure and the Palestinians have sovereignty.” That aim has been pursued by many ever since the ill-fated Oslo Accords signed by Yitzhak Rabin and Yassir Arafat in Washington, D.C. almost 17 years ago. Whereas there might have been some reason to expect at the time that Arafat, who seemed to enjoy the support of most of the Palestinians in Judea, Samaria and Gaza, as well as in much of the Arab world, would be able to implement any peace agreement he might eventually sign with Israel – it turned out that he had no intentions of reaching such an agreement, and those who knew the Palestinian leader realized even then that he had no such intentions. It was another case of wishful thinking being applied to attempts to resolve the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

There were many more to follow over the years. The continuing infatuation with the idea of a two-state solution is at the bottom of most of these naive dreams. The idea seems eminently appealing: In a Solomonic move, western Palestine is to be divided between Israel and the Palestinians, and Jews and Arabs will live peacefully ever after.

Read the rest.