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Posts Tagged ‘halloween’


by Bunk Five Hawks X ( 75 Comments › )
Filed under Humor at October 31st, 2017 - 12:00 pm

Happy Halloween! The Bout Of Negativity Is Officially Over.

by Flyovercountry ( 120 Comments › )
Filed under Conservatism, Democratic Party, Libertarianism, Progressives, Republican Party, Tea Parties, The Political Right at November 1st, 2013 - 7:00 am

Political Cartoons by Henry Payne

Originally, I had planned for today to be part five of Republican Stupidity, a brief discussion as to how the party apparatchiks constantly fall for the Main Stream Media’s version of the, “got your nose trick.” That is to say, holding fast to the almost fantasy driven hope that they’ll be treated fairly by a press corps with no political agenda of their own, and still claiming that elusive concept known as objectivity while demonstrably picking sides at every opportunity, in every debate. In 2016, we’ll see four silly debates in which someone resembling Candy Crowley will make it her business to jump into the argument and correct the Republican Candidate with, “facts,” that are later shown to be fallacious. She’ll do it in a manner meant to demean, diminish, and embarrass the GOP Candidate, while bolstering the position the Democrat, no matter how silly his particular belief happens to be. What’s worse than this however is the fact that the paid political consultants will express genuine surprise, as if this movie has never been seen before.

There is Good news however.

The good news is that it doesn’t have to be that way. There is a way that our side can receive good press, and the kicker is this, one of their own has taken the trouble to actually write a, “how to manual,” on how to accomplish this. The book is called, “The Boys On The Bus,” and was penned by the guy who had the thankless job of following Hunter S. Thompson around in 1972, bailing him out of jail, bribing local officials when ever his psychosis got too out of hand, and just generally keeping him at least minimally functional, so that he would be capable of justifying Rolling Stone Magazine’s expenses while he partied on the Nixon Campaign Bus.

In his book, Timothy Crouse described how Richard Nixon of all people, received glowing press from America’s main stream media, even though each and every reporter, columnist, television talk show floating head, and morning drive disc jockey, reviled the man with every fiber of their being. My message, for any wishing to see our side win again, is that if Richard Nixon could do it, anyone can do it. This is not some impossible dream, but the realization of a thought process, a technology if you will, and one that can be mastered just like any other.

Politics, for lack of better descriptions, is nothing more than pop culture. This is nothing new, it has been this way at least since the beginning of our nation, and most probably dates back to the beginning of human society as well. At one time, concepts such as individual freedom, self determination, being able to enjoy life with minimal interference from self anointed elites were all considered to be cool. Those concepts are still cool, it’s just that we’ve lost the ability to defend the mischaracterizations that the left has become so adept at foisting upon us, and we have lost our ability to present those concepts in a way that connects with the pop culture of today.

Andrew Breitbart spoke about this issue five years ago in an interview in which he spoke about why the political left fears Sarah Palin, and why politicians on both sides of the aisle feel that she must be destroyed. Ted Cruz and Rand Paul both get it, and Cruz has been making the rounds on late night talk shows in an effort to connect. All of us in the Tea Party should begin referring to our group of head strong radicals as the Rebel Alliance.

Someone pointed me to an article today that I found extremely interesting. The article, which appeared at Blaze dot com and was authored by Dr. Gary Casselman, describes how our political system has made it possible for 20% of us, those who describe themselves as politically left of center, to take control of our national agenda and have been able to keep that grip on power for the better part of a full century.

In short, they are able to perpetuate their mythology, (just a nicer way of saying lies,) through a concentrated effort to control the pop culture. They own the media, entertainment, and education, and indeed haven’t made a political argument in decades. Consider the fact that we saw Barack Obama win two Presidential elections, and all without, at any one time, announcing anything so mundane as an agenda. He won his second election despite the fact that an overwhelming majority of likely voters, 87% of the country, felt our nation to be headed in the wrong direction at the time. News such as this usually indicates disastrous results for an incumbent. In 2012, it hardly caused a blip on the radar.

Our side has the advantage in talk radio, and in online forums, so we are not completely shut out. I remember being young once, and I also remember that there was a certain amount of cool in being perceived as the non-conformist in the group. Not that being a non-conformist was cool beyond perception, but at one time, these leftists who now run things were the counter culture. Their ideals caught on not because of the arguments made, but solely because being a part of the counter culture itself was cool. The pendulum that swings in one direction, can swing in the other as well. Despair not my friends, we ain’t dead yet.

From the article linked to above:

How do they do this?

They lie.

The uninformed voter will not take the time to learn the facts.
For example, Democrats have convinced the nation that people are poor because they have been treated unfairly and are victims of greedy capitalists. To address this purported social injustice, President Obama’s approach is to “re-distribute” the nation’s wealth. President Johnson pushed through “The War on Poverty” as part of his “Great Society” platform to rectify, supposedly, the “social injustice” committed by those “evil capitalists.”

The fact is that poverty levels in the United States since The War on Poverty was implemented are unchanged in 50 years – despite the re-distribution of literally trillions of dollars. Since President Obama’s first inauguration, poor people are notably poorer now than when he took office in 2009, only five years ago!

Household median income, since President Obama took office, is down $3,000. Since 2009 the poverty rate has risen from 14.3 percent to nearly 17 percent in 2013. Additionally, 20 percent of the nation’s children live in poverty.

And the blunt force to the face of Obamacare hasn’t even hit yet. As has been said for years: “If you think healthcare is expensive now, just wait until it is free!”

Example after example of this could be given, but the point is made. Democrats continue to win over public opinion despite the facts. People largely blame the Republicans for things like government shutdowns, as has been the case throughout recent history, despite the facts to the contrary.

I am not saying that we should take up the habit of lying to the voting public, but I am saying that we educate ourselves on how to fight back. All of us need to implore our elected leaders to read Crouse’s book, and make certain that they begin employing the strategy Richard Nixon used to control his press. That’s step one. We need to learn that messaging is important, and that phrasing our message in a way that connects with people who possess limited attention spans is step two. The bottom line is that we can do this.

Cross Posted from Musings of a Mad Conservative.

Dressing up as a Journalist for Halloween

by Phantom Ace ( 75 Comments › )
Filed under Communism, Cult of Obama, Democratic Party, Media, Progressives, Tranzis at October 31st, 2013 - 8:00 pm

There is a picture making the rounds on Twitter that although funny, contains seeds of truth.


This picture is accurate in describing the media’s adulation of their fake god-king Obama.

Halloween Eve – One Bigass Pumpkin

by Bunk Five Hawks X ( 41 Comments › )
Filed under Humor, Open thread at October 31st, 2012 - 11:00 pm

That’s one bigass pumpkin, napping, and patiently waiting for sundown to attack the unsuspecting.

(Original pic came from The Swamp without attribution.)