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Posts Tagged ‘Hate Speech’

More On That Demand For Civility: Hate Speech and Thuggery From The LEFT!

by Flyovercountry ( 195 Comments › )
Filed under Censorship, Free Speech, Hate Speech, Tea Parties at March 3rd, 2011 - 2:00 pm

In early January of this year, I like a lot of Americans logged onto my facebook account. I read something posted by a friend which really ticked me off. It was a well written piece of garbage which stated that political discourse from the right was responsible for all acts of violence in the world in general, and specifically a terrible shooting in Arizona. By stating our case for limited government, fiscal responsibility, free market principles, freedom of speech, support for the Second Amendment, and the Tenth Amendment, we conservatives were guilty of attempted murder, murder, and just generally inciting rage and violence. Did I miss any of the evils? I probably did, but my guess is that you get the point. Well, have a peek at the civility offered by the political left.

I am literally left speechless. When pressed for any actual acts of violence by any Tea Party activists anywhere, the left has been able to produce exactly zero instances. There have been several counter protesters arrested, (SEIU thugs, Acorn members,) and even a few dozen Tea Party infiltrators convicted of violent crimes. Undaunted by facts, I was virulently attacked by others in several forums for being a hatemonger wingnut, inciting my fellow conservatives to violence by merely stating my case. Watch the next video and ask yourself what would have happened to the Republican State Senator from Wisconsin had his Democrat colleague not been present. We on the right do not need catchy slogans to prevent us from acting in a thuggish manner.

This is why I have zero tolerance for anyone who wishes to pontificate about hate speech from the conservative movement. Be warned, you will get it right back.

Crossposted at Musings of a Mad Conservative.

Progressive Hate Speech hypocrisy

by Phantom Ace ( 91 Comments › )
Filed under Democratic Party, Leftist-Islamic Alliance, Liberal Fascism, Progressives, Tranzis at May 19th, 2010 - 9:00 pm

The Totalitarian Progressive movement loves to accuse Conservatives of using hate speech. When we point out the violent nature of Islamic-Imperialism, they label us racist. These tactics are really designed to silence opposition to the Left’s narrative that Judeo-Christian Civilization is evil and others are good. It is a form of intimidation and with their control over the Media, the entertainment industry, corporate America and our education system, they are able to impose their world view. However, they tolerate hate speech by Islamic Imperialists and their own side as long as it’s Conservatives or the West being bashed.

We are taught to believe that ideology is the enemy of free thought. But that’s not right. Ideology is a mere checklist of principles and priorities. The real enemy of clear thinking is the script. We think the world is supposed to go by a familiar plot. And when the facts conflict with the script, we edit the facts.

So, for instance, David Horowitz is a stock villain on US campuses because he deviates from the standard formula of coddling the usual victims and lionizing the usual heroes. Once a committed left-wing radical, Horowitz now resides on the right. Two of his favorite targets are academia and radical Islam. He leads an extensive network of Web sites, books, lecture series, pamphlets and conferences aimed at exposing the folly and dangers of both. Horowitz’s detractors, and even some of his friends, sometimes roll their eyes at his confrontational tactics and rhetoric.

But that doesn’t mean he’s wrong. Horowitz recently spoke at the University of California, San Diego. (An excerpt from his appearance is on YouTube.) In it, a Muslim student from UCSD, Jumanah Imad Albahri, asks Horowitz to back up his attacks on the Muslim Students Association. Horowitz turned the tables. In less than two minutes, she revealed herself as a supporter of the terrorist group Hamas. Horowitz then noted that Hezbollah, another terrorist organization, wants all Jews to return to Israel so they can be more conveniently liquidated in one place. Horowitz asks Albahri whether she’s for or against that proposition. She’s “for it.”

Read more: Liberals’ unreal ‘hate speech’ script

Progressives tolerate genocidal speeches by Islamic Imperialists in the name of free speech. They are all for Israel and Christianity bashing, but if you bash Islam they label you racist. The Left is Fascist by nature and hypocritical. Their labeling of opposing views as hate speech is a form of intimidation. Our side should not let these smears effect us and we should continue to call out the Progressives and their Islamic allies.

This is the face of SEDITION

by savage ( 207 Comments › )
Filed under Academia, Education, Hate Speech, Multiculturalism, Political Correctness at May 8th, 2010 - 7:00 pm

Want to see the face of the enemy? Well, that face is right there. A tenured UCLA professor.

These ‘people’ are itching for war. I am ready, are you?

Olbermann Guest: Beck, Bachmann ‘Actively and Consciously’ Trying to ‘Get the President Killed’

by tqcincinnatus ( 240 Comments › )
Filed under Hate Speech, Politics at September 2nd, 2009 - 2:55 pm

Just when you thought the Left’s bad crazy couldn’t get any worse, then you turn on Keith Olbermann’s show, and see Dan Savage getting air time,

“I really do think that the Michele Bachmanns of the world and the Glenn Becks of the world are actively and consciously, or subconsciously, trying to get – I’m just going to say it, trying to get the president killed. That’s why they’re setting this up as kill or be killed arguments. He’s going to kill your grandma, pull the plug on grandma, death panels that little children have to go in front of.”

Good grief.

It figures, however.  Generally speaking, the people attacking both Bachmann and Beck right now are a collection of unhinged kooks, wackos, and intellectually shallow malcontents.  

By the way, this Savage fellow isn’t our Savage.  Just so you’ll know.

As an aside, I find it interesting that this guy burbles on like a gossiping schoolgirl about the horrible, horrible Wepubwicans who “think God’s on their side” and who “claim to speak for God.”  The reason this is interesting is because the Republicans haven’t done that.  However, the Democrats have.  Bill Clinton’s the “voice of God?”  Health care “reform” is a spiritual imperative?  Left-wing pastors need to encourage their flocks to push for socialised medicine?  Misquoting Bible verses completely out of their natural context to try to support a public option?   What, are the Democrats closet theocrats or something?