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Guest Post: Have you been indoctrinated?

by Guest Post ( 87 Comments › )
Filed under Blogmocracy, Blogwars, Conservatism, Guest Post, Republican Party, The Political Right at April 10th, 2013 - 6:00 pm

Gust Blogger: Doriangrey

Indoctrination and Propaganda, they are words. Words just about everyone has heard. But almost no one actually understands what they really mean or how they really work. They are like Einsteins famous E=MC2 equation. Everyone has heard of it, nearly everyone accepts that it is 100 percent real and has genuine real world implications. But ask the average person to explain the mathematics that underlie that famous equation ad you will receive little more than blank and confused stares.

Well, indoctrination and propaganda are in the same league as Einstein’s equation in that regard. Ask the average person to explain the process of indoctrination or what the purpose and procedures behind propaganda are and you will receive those same blank and confused stares. Most people now little more about indoctrination and propaganda other than they hear those words being used as bludgeons against one group or another. They now little more than that the Fifth Column Treasonous Media mocks and ridicules the very concept that either indoctrination and propaganda exist as a significant issue in America.

But what exactly are the concepts of indoctrination and propaganda?

Merriam-Websters defines indoctrinate as

transitive verb \in-ˈdäk-trə-ˌnāt\
Definition of INDOCTRINATE
: to instruct especially in fundamentals or rudiments : teach
: to imbue with a usually partisan or sectarian opinion, point of view, or principle
— in·doc·tri·na·tion noun
— in·doc·tri·na·tor noun

The goal should be to teach politics, rather than to indoctrinate students in a narrow set of political beliefs.

and propaganda as

noun \ˌprä-pə-ˈgan-də, ˌprō-\
Definition of PROPAGANDA
capitalized : a congregation of the Roman curia having jurisdiction over missionary territories and related institutions
: the spreading of ideas, information, or rumor for the purpose of helping or injuring an institution, a cause, or a person
: ideas, facts, or allegations spread deliberately to further one’s cause or to damage an opposing cause; also : a public action having such an effect
— pro·pa·gan·dist noun or adjective
— pro·pa·gan·dis·tic adjective
— pro·pa·gan·dis·ti·cal·ly adverb
See propaganda defined for English-language learners »
See propaganda defined for kids »
Examples of PROPAGANDA

He was accused of spreading propaganda.
The report was nothing but lies and propaganda.
She didn’t buy into the propaganda of her day that women had to be soft and submissive. —Maria Shriver, Time, 26 Oct. 2009

But what does this really tell us about indoctrination and propaganda? In reality, not a whole lot. Let’s start with the process of indoctrinating someone.

The process of indoctrination always begins with the identification of which idea’s and concepts the subject hold which are contrary to those the indoctrinator desires the subject to hold. Let’s take for example the United States Constitution’s 2nd Amendment. And let’s say that the the indoctrinator desires the subject to hold a negative opinion of the 2nd Amendment.

First the indoctrinator must identify the subjects opinions on the 2d Amendment. Having identified the subjects positive opinion of the 2d Amendment the indoctrinator must begin to erode that positive opinion. To do that, he must introduce new and contrary information. He must cast doubt in the mind of the subject on the validity of the positive opinion. At the same time that he is casting that doubt, he must also engage in a ruthless propaganda campaign to demonize the 2d Amendment as something that threatens the safety, well-being and happiness of the subject.

Contrary to what the majority may think, the most powerful tactics of indoctrination are not the direct attacks. They are not the propaganda lies, distortions, and haft-truths. The most powerful tactics of indoctrination are the fine tiny little mental splinters of agreement. A frontal assault is just that, a frontal assault, and 99 percent of the time it is nothing less than a tactical diversion. Frontal assaults are impossible to miss, hence the unlikely probability of their success as a indoctrination tactic.

Instead, the tactic is, frontal assault, frontal assault, frontal assault, until the subject feels besieged and becomes angry, defensive and combative. At which point the indoctrinator switches up and begins to agree with the subject. Offering incredibly small but seemingly reasonable, rational, and logical compromises. In this manner an absolute position is transformed into a relative position.

Example: A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.

This is an absolute position, it leaves no wiggle room what-so-ever in it’s interpretation. The phrases, “the right of the people” “keep and bear” and “shall not be infringed” all have incontrovertible and indisputably defined legal meanings.

The first step in breaking the absolute nature of the preceding absolute position is to transform it into a relative position. This as I said above is done by introducing small reasonable, seemingly rational and logical compromises into the absolute position.

In this case, the regulation of certain undesirable elements to exercise that constitutional protected right. Obviously we don’t want criminals to own or posses firearms, they might use them to commit violent crimes. Well, how do we keep firearms out of the hands of criminals if the 2nd amendment forbids the state or federal government from restricting the rights of free citizens from keeping or bearing arms?

We do so by employing the reasonable argument that criminals are individuals who have proven that they have no respect for the rule of law and that because they have no respect for the rule of law present a life threatening danger to those who do abide by the rule of law, therefore in the interests of public safety they must be striped of certain of those inalienable natural rights as codified in the United States Constitutions Bill of Rights.

This is how Free American citizens ended up surrendering their natural constitutionally protected right to keep and bear arms for a government grant of privilege to own and sometimes under certain circumstances bear those arms.

Unlike a natural constitutionally protected right, in order to exercise a government granted privilege one must first meet the criteria for and then obtain the permission of the body granting that privilege. You must pass a background test and receive authorization to purchase any firearm in the United States of America in direct violation to the 2nd Amendment to the United States Constitutions Bill of Rights.

The constant hammering certain concepts is part of the process of indoctrination. Like small cracks in a large boulder that fill with water, the water freezes forcing the small cracks a little at a time to become large cracks. The small reasonable compromises slowly become the reversal of the original absolute position.

In stripping small undesirable classes of citizens of their constitutionally protected rights the flood doors were opened to striping all citizens of their constitutionally protected rights. Background Checks became Universal Background Checks in direct violation of the Due Process Clause. Universal Background Checks become Universal Firearms Registration.

To achieve this end, the process was to engage the subjects of indoctrination in an endless barrage of controversy, beating n them day in and day out until the subject feels besieged and becomes angry, defensive and combative and finally becomes fed up with arguing what seems to be an endless argument, then comes the fine tiny little mental splinters of agreement. Well, a Universal Background Check isn’t as bad as a full on ban of firearms. After-all, it really only serves to ensure that those of the specially designated undesirable classes are prevented from owning firearms, right?

The whole point of designating criminals as ineligible to own a firearm is that they don’t obey the rule of law, right? They are the ones most likely to use a firearm in the commission of a crime or to murder someone right? So banning criminals from exercising their 2nd Amendment Constitutionally protected right is a reasonable and rational thing to do, right? Except, that it has transformed an absolute inalienable right into a relative right, or more properly, a grant of privilege.

As the old joke goes, “Would you sleep with me for a million dollars? Yes. How about a hundred dollars? No, what do you think I am a prostitute? My dear, we have already established that you are a prostitute, now we are just haggling over the price.”

Al across the so called Conservative Blogsphere there are so called “Professional Conservative Bloggers” who have been engaging in just such propaganda and indoctrination, under the guise of keeping their readers and commentator informed of the news of the day or hour. Beating them relentlessly with carefully written articles whose sole purpose is to open that door for those little tiny splinters of the mind.

Ed Morrissey of HotAir is just one such propaganda and indoctrination merchant. Carefully attempting to cultivate the air of reasonable creditable objective conservative blogger. Yes, if you understand ow the process of indoctrination and propaganda work the indisputable evidence is all right there splashed across the front page of HotAir every single day. Same Sex Marriage is inevitable, Amnesty is inevitable, the abolishment of the 2nd Amendment is inevitable. Slowly beating down the resistance of his audience softening them up, preparing them for those little tiny splinters of the mind that will eventually transform absolute position into relative positions.

Before jumping head first into the shallow end of the pool of denial, think long and hard. Would you recognize the process of indoctrination if you saw it in action? Would you recognize the application of propaganda in the indoctrination process? When was the last time you were indoctrinated?

(Cross Posted @ The Wilderness of Mirrors)

Rodan Note: I have been telling the readers here at Blogmocracy that Hot Air is a propaganda blog. People here may not always agree with my opinions, but I am not a propagandist.

Here are two examples of Hot Air propaganda.

Hot Air blatantly lies to its readers regarding Syria

Hot Air makes common cause with Tranzi Progressive NGO Human Rights Watch

How can we ever defeat Progressives if we are being lied to by our own side?

Update: Doriangrey has more to say about the Propaganda outlet known as Hot Air.

The Conservative “Professional Blogging Class” are perfect examples of the Israeli Army at the time of David and Goliath, to chicken shit scared to take on Goliath themselves, perfectly willing to hide behind the skirts of women and let untrained inexperienced teenagers do their fighting for them. (Yes, pointing directly at you Ed Morrissey) Oh, if David win’s you can bet your last dollar they will be right there to celebrate, but if Goliath wins, they will pretend that they never knew David.

Moreover, the majority of individuals who read or comment on the so called conservative blogs are just like David’s so called friends. When the underdog win, oh yea, they will be there to celebrate, but when he loses… Yea, they won’t be anywhere to be found.

Today Goliath turned me into a bloody spot on the ground, Goliath in this case is none other than HotAir’s Ed Morrissey. A chicken shit coward who is frightened to death that he might speak the truth and offend the even bigger Goliath of the Fifth Column Treasonous Media.

Michelle Malkin, an individual reputed to be a Conservative Blogger created HotAir under the pretext of creating a Conservative Bog and news site. Which at the apex of the sites popularity she sold to the supposedly Conservative Christian Broadcasting Company “Salem Communications”. No harm no foul, eh? I mean, she built the site from the ground up, so if she wanted to sell it and make a nice little profit, where’s the harm there, right?

Well, other than failing to inform her faithful regular readers that she was selling it to a bunch of Marxist controlled stooges. I guess there really isn’t any harm. Funny thing though, right after Ed Morrissey banned me from HotAir, Michelle Malkin follow suit and banned me from her Blog as well. I guess the truth has finally come out, like Ann Coulter, who writes all of her books and articles, not out of her own personal convictions, but purely for the money to people unaware of what her real personal ideologies are, it seems that Michelle Malkin is no different.

Hot Air blatantly lies to its readers regarding Syria

by Phantom Ace ( 219 Comments › )
Filed under Al Qaeda, CAIR, Dhimmitude, Islam, Leftist-Islamic Alliance, Muslim Brotherhood, Progressives, Republican Party at April 3rd, 2013 - 5:00 pm

I know some of our readers also comment at Hot Air, this is in no way directed at you.

Hot Air is one of the reasons why the Right gets its butt to handed to it  by Left because they push propaganda stories based on lies to deceive their readers. Their latest lie is that Obama is not intervening in Syria on the side of the anti-government rebels in order to appease Iran. This is utter nonsense and blatantly false on their part. I will deconstruct the lies they are claiming.

Allahpundit who is a propagandist and a lying hack, starts off with this statement

What better way to show an enemy that nuclear proliferation isn’t in their interest than by … ceding a crucial regional battlefield to them in hopes of getting them to play nice on nukes?

What is this liar’s source? Well its a comment by Spanish Marxist Javier Solana, who is nothing but an Islamist appeaser.

“I think that the United States has not taken a more active role in Syria from the beginning because they didn’t want to disturb the possibility, to give them space, to negotiate with Iran,” Javier Solana, the former European Union foreign policy chief, said Monday at a Brookings Institution discussion about this week’s talks.

Yeah, he’s really a reliable source. The only reason the Euro-Marxists want to go to war in Syria is to appease their Muslim Brotherhood buddies while a  “conservative” blog is using a Marxist to push their theme.  Allahpundit is not being very honest, but there is more. He then claims that Obama by appeasing Iran is not helping al-Qaeda in Syria.

If the AP report is accurate, says Mead, this is Obama’s Green Revolution failure “on steroids.”

To compare a Pro-Democracy/Persian Nationalist protest in Iran with an al-Qaeda/Muslim Brotherhood led revolt in Syria is a lie.

Here are the Green Revolution protestors in Iran:


Here are the Syrian al-Qaeda rebels known as al-Nusra Front.



Has Allahpundit become such a propagandists that he thinks he can fool his readers with a dishonest comparison between people who want freedom and an organization trying to establish a Caliphate? He continues to spew lies by making this false claim.

 If you knock out their top proxy, Assad, which in turn badly weakens their other key proxy, Hezbollah, does that damage their strategic position in the region badly enough that then they’ll have no choice but to make nice on nukes?

If Assad falls, al-Qaeda has made it clear that Hizb’Allah is their next target. In fact they already are forming brigades in Lebanon for the next phase of the struggle. Without any allies in the region and a hostile emerging Sunni Caliphate, they will speed up their nuclear program. Iran will progress towards nukes regardless of the situation in Syria.

Allahpundit then calls for military intervention in Syia!

Plus, what message is sent if the U.S. and EU decide they’ll intervene in Syria but only up to a point (i.e. no boots on the ground)? If, say, a no-fly zone is imposed and Assad holds on, then you have the worst of both worlds — western servicemen in harm’s way and a lesson to Iran that U.S./EU resolve in accomplishing their aims militarily only goes so far..

Allahpundit is calling for US troops to invade Syria to help al-Qaeda. He wants us to help the same organization that did this.


This alone makes Allahpundit a tool in my eyes. I witnessed 9/11 first hand when I worked in Jersey City which makes it very personal for me and I have no respect for any American who calls for us to help al-Qaeda. What the liar is not telling his readers, is that the US is already helping the rebels by coordinating weapons transfers from other Arab countries.

Allahpundit is also not telling his readers that the leader of the Syrian rebels, Ghassan Hitto was a member of the Council of American Islamic Relations. There was a time that CAIR was considered bad at Hot Air, but now a group led by a CAIR member is worthy of American blood and treasure? Allahpundit should go join al-Nusra if he is so keen on helping them.

This is just a little example of why the Democrats run circles around Republicans. How can Republicans claim to be against Islamic terror, when one of their major propaganda blogs is calling for war to help al-Qaeda?

To the readers of this blog that comment at Hot Air. I know sometimes you may have disagreements with me, but I will never lie to you. Hot Air is lying to you about what is going on in Syria. When they spew these lies, please educate the readers there with the truth. I give you my full permission to use any post I do to prove Hot Air’s lies to other readers. Before we can go after the Democrats, we need to expose the liars on our side.

Hot Air needs to stop lying to its readers! Have they no shame?

Hot Air makes common cause with Tranzi Progressive NGO Human Rights Watch

by Phantom Ace ( 102 Comments › )
Filed under Progressives, Russia, Tranzis at February 1st, 2013 - 7:00 am

I am no fan of Hot Air. I like many of the commentators over there, like our own Dorian Grey or AZFederalist and others but the people who run the blog are just tranzi progressive propagandists. When the Arab Spring began Hot Air was supporting it knowing full well it was a Muslim Brotherhood led movement. When Qaddafi began to crack down on Al-Qaeda, Hot Air advocated war to remove him. Then when Obama went to  war for the Islamists, they complained he did not do enough. When the blowback from Libya destabilized Mali, Hot Air hypocritically attacked Obama for getting rid of Qaddafi.

Now Hot Air launches an attack on Russia’s “human rights” record.

Hot Air

The title says a “Rights” group. Here is the the article which they link to and notice the name of the organization.

MOSCOW (Reuters) – Authoritarianism increased last year in Russia to levels unseen since the Soviet era with a raft of harsh laws curbing political freedoms and harassment of opposition activists and critics, Human Rights Watch said on Thursday.

Hot Air which is allegedly a Conservative blog is supporting the viewpoint of a Tranzi Progressive NGO!  If people do not know who Human Rights Watch are, well here is what the The Volokh Conspiracy has to say on Human Right Watch’s connections.

Human Rights Watch, bleeding donors because of the various scandals surrounding its reporting on the Middle East [I have a lengthy series of blog posts on HRW and Israel, most of which can be found here, with some more recent ones here], and apparently finding Saudi elites either unavailable or no longer palatable, has found a sugar daddy: George Soros, who is donating $100 million to the organization.

This certainly takes care of HRW’s intermediate funding needs, but also makes HRW’s position as a leading organization of the anti-Israel international left even clearer. Even J Street and Soros parted ways long ago, before J Street even officially launched, because Soros is so toxic to anyone most people sympathetic to Israel, and J Street seeks to represent the left/liberal wing of the pro-Israel community. Gerald Steinberg of NGO Monitor has more.

This is a George Soros supported anti-Capitalist organization. They are also very anti-Israel and have criticized nations such as Colombia, India, the Philippines and various American Corporations. Now as to who Putin is cracking down on, they are Russian Leftist Occupy Wall Street types who want a  Marxist state. The Russia of today is not the Soviet Union. They are a Rightwing Nationalist Capitalist nation with a better tax code than the US and a private Social Security system . Who Putin cracks down on is an internal matter for Russia and as an American it’s none of my concern.

I hope Conservatives realize how Hot Air is pulling a  fast one on them. The fact they are linking to Human Right Watch proves they are not a  Conservative blog. They are a Tranzi Progressive blog with a Globalist agenda. There is nothing Conservative about a blog that supports a George Soros linked group.

Conservatives need to realize the con job Hot Air is pulling on them.

The 2 Year Anniversary of Killgore Trout’s N word stunt at Hotair

by Daedalus ( 217 Comments › )
Filed under Blogmocracy, Blogwars, Diary of Daedalus, Humor, LGF, Open thread at September 18th, 2011 - 7:00 pm

Progressives accuse Conservatism of racism. Yet time and time again, it’s the Left who engages in racism. A prime example is what occurred 2 years ago today.

At the time Little Green Football was in undergoing an Iceweasel lead great purge. Many long time commentators were being banned. Despite this, some still considered Charles Johnson’s blog credible. That changed in the eyes of many in one night.

Killgore Trout was part of the ruling cadre at LGF. He had clout there and had people banned. One night he jumped the shark over at Hot Air. He accused them of racism over the term Wookie. Killgore then went into a racist rant. He used the N word and admitted he hated Blacks.

These are just 4 examles of Killgore’s racist rants. You can find it the below inks.

Killgore Trout at Hot Air Pt.I

Killgore Trout at Hot Air Pr.2

(Hat Tip: Chen Zhen)

The consequences for this action still reverberate today around the Blogosphere. LGF was discredited and became a laughing stock. People just read Charles for amusement and no longer take his conspiracy based rants serious. Killgore continues to be the Cheetos King’ s court jester.He has no moral authority since he showed his racist colors.

LGF has never recovered from this incident.