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Posts Tagged ‘Howard Dean’

The Forward mach of American Fascism.

by Guest Post ( 48 Comments › )
Filed under Fascism, Liberal Fascism, Progressives at May 21st, 2014 - 8:00 pm

Guest Blogger: Dorian Grey

Fascist Totalitarianism is on the rise in America, it ugly head clamoring ceaselessly to put it’s jackboot’s on the very real necks of those who resist it’s intolerant ideologies.

Howard Dean: Republicans Should Leave America

At a fundraiser for Colorado Congressional candidate Andrew Romanoff last week, former Democrat Party Chairman Howard Dean had a message for people who aren’t Democrats: Get out!

“They are not American. They would be more comfortable in the Ukraine, or Russia, but stay away from our country,” yelled the bombastic Dean to a wildly cheering and supportive crowd.

During President Obama’s time in office, eliminationist rhetoric on the part of the left has been deemed acceptable and is rapidly on the rise. Vitriol reaches the highest levels, and the lip service paid to “working together” is belied by the true nature of Democrat politics, which is to exclude, isolate, ridicule, and destroy. From MSNBC hosts speechless at the idea of even speaking to Tea Party supporters to Howard Dean endorsing kicking out half the population, the new tone of the left increasingly means “burn the heretics.”

Does Andrew Romanoff think Republicans should leave America? More importantly, do the voters of Colorado’s sixth district feel that way? Someone should ask him.. And them.

Howard Dean is one of those Democrats who want to ensure that illegal aliens can vote in America, but even more importantly, that Democrats can vote as many times as it take for the Democrat candidates to win. While Republicans innocently and naively think that only American Citizens should be allowed to vote in American elections and that every citizen should have exactly one vote per item on each ballot.

As if it isn’t bad enough that America has totalitarian fascists like Howard Dean, now we even have to contend with imbeciles from Canada trying to push their totalitarian agenda on America.

Scientist On PBS: Lock Up Politicians Who Question Climate Change

Canadian geneticist David Suzuki urged Western governments to lock up politicians who question man-made climate change, telling PBS’ Bill Moyers “our politicians should be thrown in the slammer for willful blindness!”

Suzuki appeared on “Moyers and Company” earlier this month to express his abject frustration over politicians, in both Canada and the United States, who refuse to accept the “settled science” on man-made global warming.

“Our politicians should be thrown in the slammer for willful blindness!” he asserted. “If we are in a position of being able to act, and we see something going on and we refuse to acknowledge the threat or act on it, we can be taken to court for willful blindness.”

“I think that we are being willfully blind to the consequences to our children and grandchildren,” Suzuki continued. “It’s an intergenerational crime.”

Moyers, a well-known climate alarmist, didn’t push back a bit — instead gently tabling the idea as impractical.

“The problem is, if that should happen — if politicians were to be convicted to willful blindness to the fate of the Earth and future generations — there would have to be mass arrests, and lots more funding for new prisons,” he noted. “We’re not talking about a mere handful of culprits. It’s hard to know where to start.”

Willful blindness is a legitimate legal reference in the United States (and, presumably, Canada) used to describe the intentional failure of an individual to become aware of facts pointing to criminal liability.

But arresting politicians for “being willfully blind” to facts on climate change would mean criminalizing not only those industries and individuals that emit carbon, but also anyone who dares take an opinion contrary to the “settled science.”

I think it would be safe to say that what ever paper mill gave David Suzuki a degree, should be sued, more importantly though, I would really love to see David Suzuki enter a darkened ally, and find Nicolaus Copernicus and Galileo Galilei waiting there for him. Three scientist enter, two scientists and one bloody piece of road kill exit. Talk about a video that would go viral. David Suzuki seems to be cut from the same disgusting vomit covered cloth as Bill Ayer’s, who infamously called for the execution of 25 million American citizens for the crime that they would refuse to accept a Marxist America.

And then of course, we have the rankest of hypocrisy coming to you courtesy of Hollyweid California.

New O’Keefe video “punks” Hollywood enviros

The Cannes launch got the attention of The Hollywood Reporter:

Muhammad, accompanied by a man pretending to be an ad executive, seemingly has the two actors agreeing to participate in the scheme, even after he acknowledges that his goal is to keep America from becoming energy independent. The meeting, which appears to have been secretly recorded, took place a few months ago at the Beverly Hills Hotel.

But the real target of the sting operation appears to be Josh and Rebecca Tickell, a husband and wife team known for their environmental movies, such as 2008′s Fuel, which won an award at Sundance and was later screened at the White House for members of President Obama‘s administration.

Begley tells THR that if it looks like he’s agreeing with faux Muhammad about anything, it’s because the Tickells asked him to be polite so that they’d get their funding for a movie they’re making called Fracked, a film that will argue a technique for extracting natural gas called fracking is bad for the environment. Also, Begley says that he is hard of hearing and couldn’t understand everything Muhammad was saying.

The video also includes some audio from phone conversations between the fake Muhammad’s representatives and the Tickells. “We’re confident that we can keep this zip-locked. You know, tight. Tight. Air-tight forever,” Josh Tickell is heard saying. “If we don’t protect who is kind of funding this thing … if we have to disclose that or that becomes a necessary part of it, the whole enterprise will not work.”

Rebecca Tickell adds: “Because if people think the film is funded by Middle Eastern oil it will, it will not have that credibility,” and Josh Tickell says, “It’s money, so in that sense we have no moral issue.”

Yeah, I suspect that last statement won’t be much of a surprise to anyone who’s worked in Hollywood, either.

The Tickells, Begley, and Hemingway are crying foul now. In comments to THR, they claim that O’Keefe’s editing made things look worse than they are, and are demanding the release of all the video. That didn’t do much to help ACORN, or for that matter, Planned Parenthood when dealing with Live Action’s exposés. The Tickells say that no deal was actually consummated, and that they would have done “due diligence” at that point, but O’Keefe wouldn’t have had $9 million anyway. The point of O’Keefe’s sting is to expose Hollywood enviro eagerness to accept oil-baron money from the Middle East to attack American energy production, and this video certainly does that much. Not that people couldn’t figure that much out from Promised Land‘s Abu Dhabi funding, if they wanted.

The Tickells have decided to keep trying to fund Fracked anyway:

Update: Late Tuesday, the Tickells created a video response that also serves as a pitch to raise $72,000 via an IndieGoGo crowdfunding campaign to make Fracked. “I’m about to tell you a story of the lengths that some people will go to discourage the transition to green energy,” Josh Tickell says in the video. “If it wasn’t so serious it might even be kind of funny. Recently, my wife and I were royally punked.”

Actually, the story is about how some Hollywood enviros will sell out to the worst offenders in order to build their soapboxes. And hey, why do they need to go on IndieGoGo anyway? Doesn’t Mark Ruffalo and Woody Harrelson have $72 grand between them?

That Ed Begley is such a arrogant self sanctimonious narcissistic asshole comes as no surprise to anyone who has ever watched a single interview with him, nor should such a revelation about the Tickells be surprising. Hollyweird is overflowing with hypocrites of this nature. Frankly, and I say this as a 40 plus year resident of California, Hollyweird has become nothing less than an open latrine blighting the California countryside. A gangrenous puckering wound on America that refuses to heal, crawling with maggots and stinking to high hell.

Edit: The best description of Ed Begley and his Hollyweird hypocrite crowd ever…

It is what it is, and they are what they are…

Howard Dean Bribes Wisconsin Fleebaggers to Stay Away and Not Vote

by 1389AD ( 90 Comments › )
Filed under Breaking News, Crime, Democratic Party, Economy, Education at February 26th, 2011 - 11:30 am

Yes, you read this correctly. Failed presidential candidate Howard Dean has collected a slush fund for the express purpose of bribing the “fleebagging” Wisconsin Democrat State Senators to remain in hiding and not report to the legislature to vote.

Without Howard Dean’s slush fund, at least some of those Democrat legislators would find it necessary to return to the legislature to pick up their paychecks in person, thus providing enough State Senators to form a quorum. A quorum is required for voting on the Budget Repair Bill proposed by Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker that will require public employee union members to contribute more toward their benefits and restrict their collective bargaining privileges. The Republicans have enough votes in the State Senate to enact that legislation without delay.

A recent article in American Spectator follows the money to expose the flagrant corruption associated with this slush fund. However, like many articles in the media and the blogosphere, it stops short of drawing the necessary conclusion from the facts that it has established. The article talks about this slush fund as though it were nothing more than a campaign contribution that is well over the legal limit in amount. The article even admits that there is no election coming up in the near future for which the “fleebaggers” would need to collect campaign funds. It also shows that the funds are instead being used for lavish travel expenditures, thus rewarding the “fleebaggers” for their gross dereliction of duty.

It is time to stop pussyfooting around and start calling things what they are.

This slush fund is no campaign contribution. It’s naked bribery. Howard Dean is paying the Wisconsin “fleebaggers” to stay away from the legislature so as to block the enactment of legislation that Howard Dean wants blocked.

Free Online Law Dictionary: Legal definition of bribery

The offering, giving, receiving, or soliciting of something of value for the purpose of influencing the action of an official in the discharge of his or her public or legal duties.

The expectation of a particular voluntary action in return is what makes the difference between a bribe and a private demonstration of goodwill. To offer or provide payment in order to persuade someone with a responsibility to betray that responsibility is known as seeking Undue Influence over that person’s actions. When someone with power seeks payment in exchange for certain actions, that person is said to be peddling influence. Regardless of who initiates the deal, either party to an act of bribery can be found guilty of the crime independently of the other.

A bribe can consist of immediate cash or of personal favors, a promise of later payment, or anything else the recipient views as valuable. When the U.S. military threatened to cancel a Texas relocation company’s contracts to move families to and from military bases, the company allegedly gave four representatives in Congress an all-expenses-paid weekend in Las Vegas in January 1989, and $2,500 in speaking fees. The former president of the company was indicted by a federal Grand Jury in 1994 on bribery charges for both gifts.

Read the rest.

Note that it is equally blameworthy to give or offer a bribe as it is to accept or solicit it.

The American Spectator: Howard Dean and the $100,000 Wisconsin Slush Fund

By Jeffrey Lord on 2.22.11 @ 6:09AM

Illinois US Senator Howard Dean

You can call them “Dean Dollars.”

Former Vermont Governor and Democratic National Committee Chairman Howard Dean, a one-time presidential candidate, is the founder of a group that by mid-day of President’s Day had raised over $100,000 in a slush fund to “back” the on-the-lam Wisconsin Democratic State Senators.

The Dean Dollars are being specifically funneled to the Wisconsin State Senate Democratic Committee (SSDC) — an apparent violation of Wisconsin election law that pointedly says, according to the Wisconsin Election Board’s Legal Counsel in a 2005 decision, that the “SSDC may not accept a contribution of more than $6,000 from a single committee in a calendar year.” (Note: the Election Board is now called the “Wisconsin Government Accountability Board.”)

The money, requested in an e-mail obtained over the weekend by The American Spectator, is being solicited in $14 dollar contributions through the Dean-founded million-member “Democracy for America” grassroots organizing group chaired by Dean’s brother Jim. There are no prohibitions on more generous donations of any amount. The funds are being collected through the left-wing “Act Blue” fundraising website, which identifies itself as “the online clearinghouse for Democratic action.”

The $14 dollar solicitation is symbolic — as in one dollar for every one of the fourteen Democrats in the Wisconsin State Senate. All of whom have now fled the state in a political battle royal over budget cuts and collective bargaining rights for public employees with the newly elected Republican Governor. On Monday, the Huffington Post quoted Senator Tim Carpenter, one of the fourteen, as saying of the decision to remain out of state: “We’ll be here until Gov. Walker decides that he wants to talk.”

Carpenter made no mention of who was paying his expenses.

The slush fund revelation comes on the heels of the discovery by both Fox News reporter Mike Tobin and the Wisconsin-based John K. MacIver Public Policy Institute of an organized effort by some Wisconsin doctors — who were deliberately handing out “doctor’s notes” to teachers feigning illness in order to protest the governor’s legislative plans. Which would be fraud, if proven in court. The Fox report uncovered at least one doctor connection to the presumably taxpayer-funded University of Wisconsin Family Medical Program. The MacIver video, posted over the weekend by my American Spectator colleague Philip Klein, is a particularly stunning depiction of both teachers and doctors quite publicly engaged in what appears to be outright fraud, a question raised by one reporter to an angrily defensive doctor on the MacIver video.

The fraud suggested? Doctors — some of whom may be paid by Wisconsin taxpayers — are willingly lying about the health of protesting teachers (also paid by Wisconsin taxpayers) who in turn are lying about their health status in order to skip school so they can spend their time protesting.

As of Monday, following the Fox News and MacIver revelations, the teachers union leadership apparently had a change of mind, urging teachers to return to work. Whatever happens now, what has effectively been a teachers strike — also illegal in Wisconsin — shut down some Wisconsin schools, leaving school kids without teachers, hungry school kids without government-financed school lunches while stiffing taxpayers for the bill. Ironically, only a little over a month ago the Wisconsin Education Association Council — the teachers union — was trumpeting the importance of having children in school because of the critical nature of “child nutrition” and to fight “obesity.” Apparently hungry kids and unhealthy fat kids are not as important as lying to get days off to protest on the taxpayers’ dime.

Or is it the taxpayers’ dime? Is some of this instead being paid for by Dean Dollars?

The Dean brothers goal was originally $75,000 but changed upward to $100,000 over the President’s Day holiday weekend. By 12:23 pm on President’s Day itself the group had met its revised goal, with over $100,027 having cascaded into the coffers of the Wisconsin State Senate Democratic Committee.

Says Jim Dean in his e-mail of why the Dean Dollars slush fund for state senators is needed:

If even one of these Democrats had remained in Wisconsin, the state police would have forcibly brought them to the state Capitol and the bill would have passed. So now they are holed up in another state playing a high stakes game of chicken over which side will cave first. That’s why we absolutely must back these Senators up today.

The e-mail, re-written slightly after being sent to individual members of Democracy for America by name — one of which was obtained by The American Spectator — is now used as the solicitation language on the Act Blue site, found here.

The funds are being funneled from the Dean group to the Wisconsin State Senate Democratic Committee, specifically to be provided as “back up” for the 14 state senators described as “heroes” for fleeing the state.

Ironically, it is one of those hiding senators, Jon Erpenbach — reported by Chicago’s ABC affiliate to be hiding in a Chicago hotel — whose over-limit contribution of $21,000 to the SSDC drew a 2005 rebuke from the Government Accountability Board’s predecessor, the Wisconsin Elections Board. Said the Board’s Legal Counsel in an April 22, 2005 memo to the Board:

(2) A legislative campaign committee may accept no contributions and make no contributions or disbursements exceeding the amounts authorized for a political party under this chapter. (Emphasis supplied)”

(Note: the bold print for this sentence from the memo was deliberately included in the original document by the author of the memo to draw specific attention to the problem. The term “Emphasis Supplied” was also written by the Board’s Legal Counsel to emphasize the point of law.)

The amount of money legally authorized to be contributed to the SSDC, according to Wisconsin law, is $6,000 in “a calendar year.” Erpenbach was cited for a $27,000 contribution from his own campaign committee to the SSDC — $21,000 over the limit. Under the law he was mandated to give the balance as punishment to Wisconsin’s “Common School Fund” or a charity.
Read it all.

Question for you:

Would it be appropriate to call the FBI and ask them to investigate this matter further?

Originally published on 1389 Blog.

Old Weird Howard: Don’t Pass Hellcare

by snork ( 112 Comments › )
Filed under Abortion, Barack Obama, Democratic Party, Healthcare, Politics, Progressives at March 5th, 2010 - 1:00 pm

It’s starting to crack. The monolithic support for ramming through socialized medicine with the nuke option is giving cold feet to none other than Howard “Scream” Dean.

Passing the healthcare proposals before Congress will “hang out to dry” every Democratic incumbent running for reelection this fall, Howard Dean said Thursday.

Dean, a physician by training who’s a former chairman of the Democratic National Committee (DNC), said that Democrats in Congress — and President Barack Obama — would do themselves more harm than good by passing the current healthcare bill.

“The plan, as it comes from the Senate, hangs out every Democrat who’s running for office to dry — including the president, in 2012, because it makes him defend a plan that isn’t in effect essentially yet,” Dean said during an appearance on the liberal Bill Press Radio Show.

Ya think, Howard? So what’s up with Olosi? Are they such political nincompoops that they don’t even have the political horse sense that Howard “Scream” Dean seems to have?

I think the whole thing is over for now anyway. The reconciliation process (“nuke option”) requires that the house pass the exact bill passed in the senate. It looks like that’s not going to happen, because there are a dozen donkeys who voted for the original bill, but won’t vote for the senate version over the publicly funded abortion provisions.

So I guess it’s all over but the screaming. Take it away Howard…

Addition by Speranza:

At the Washington Examiner yesterday an Editorial compared Obama’s obsession with trying to ram Obamacare down our throats despite the public’s opposition to it, to Pickett’s Charge at Gettysburg. “a horrendous, bloody carnage that could have been avoided, had not their commander, Gen. Robert E. Lee, been so determined to do it his way — a massed frontal assault against a nearly impregnable position.”

hat tip to Powerline

Just about everyone who was on that battlefield July 3, 1863 knew that 12,000 men were going to be sent to their doom due to the stubbornness of their commander, the same as just about everyone in this country knows that Obamacare will lead to a disaster as well. At least Lee was man enough to say after the disaster “It is all my fault” – words that are alien to Obama. Dr. K. yesterday said that he thinks 2010 might not be the complete disaster for the Dems as 2006 was for the GOP because 1. Obama is still popular and, 2. Americans felt lied to about the war. I disagree. 1. Obama might be personally popular (primarily because too many naive people invested so much in him) but his policies are not, 2. in addition to the wildly unpopular Obamacare, we still have massive unemployment to worry about, and 3. voters are waking up to the dangers of having one party rule when the POTUS is an ideologue. I expect a Republican tidal wave in November.

by Charles Krauthammer

So the yearlong production, set to close after Massachusetts’ devastatingly negative Jan. 19 review, saw the curtain raised one last time. Obamacare lives.

After 34 speeches, three sharp electoral rebukes (Virginia, New Jersey and Massachusetts) and a seven-hour seminar, the president announced Wednesday his determination to make one last push to pass his health care reform.

The final act was carefully choreographed. The rollout began a week earlier with a couple of shows of bipartisanship: a Feb. 25 Blair House “summit” with Republicans, followed five days later with a few concessions tossed the Republicans’ way.

Show is the operative noun. Among the few Republican suggestions President Obama pretended to incorporate was tort reform. What did he suggest to address the plague of defensive medicine that a Massachusetts Medical Society study showed leads to about 25 percent of doctor referrals, tests and procedures being done for no medical reason? A few ridiculously insignificant demonstration projects amounting to one-half of one-hundredth of 1 percent of the cost of Obama’s health care bill.


Obama has chosen differently, however. The time for debate is over, declared the nation’s seminar leader in chief. The man who vowed to undo Washington’s wicked ways has directed the Congress to ram Obamacare through, by one vote if necessary, under the parliamentary device of “budget reconciliation.” The man who ran as a post-partisan is determined to remake a sixth of the U.S. economy despite the absence of support from a single Republican in either house, the first time anything of this size and scope has been enacted by pure party-line vote.

Surprised? You can only be disillusioned if you were once illusioned.

Read the rest here: Why the Health Care Bill is a Failure