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Posts Tagged ‘Howie Carr’

A sequel we definitely do not need

by Mojambo ( 120 Comments › )
Filed under Barack Obama, Elections 2016, Hillary Clinton, Politics at June 9th, 2014 - 8:00 am

I would bet that Mooch follows the Hillary play book except she will not even try to pass herself off as a moderate.

by Howie Carr

Moochelle Obama for the Senate? I think I’ve seen this movie before.

Let me guess, she’s the smartest woman in America. And she’s one of the 100 best lawyers in America — oh, that’s right, she doesn’t have a license to practice anymore. So that’s one thing the pajama boys of the state-controlled media won’t be able to gush about as the tingles run up their legs.

When does this nightmare end? Yesterday, her husband shows up for the 70th anniversary of D-Day, a solemn occasion by any measure, and he’s chewing gum.

And now Mrs. Mooch is being “urged” to run for a Senate seat. Who’s going to be her campaign manager — Bowe Bergdahl?

[……] “One thing I can promise you is Michelle will not run for office.”

Of course, another thing he promised us is that if we liked our health insurance, we could keep it, period.

There are some similarities between her and Hillary, beyond the obvious ones of nepotism and incompetence. When Bill was elected AG of Arkansas, Hillary was hired by the Rose Law Firm. Two years later, he became governor, and she made partner.

By an amazing coincidence, after Barry was elected to the U.S. Senate, another nationwide search took place, and Moochelle scored a $316,000-a-year gig at a private hospital in Chicago.

Oddly, when she resigned after her husband’s election as president, the job was never filled again. […..]

One of my favorite Moochelle quotes: “When I applied to Princeton, they said: ‘You can’t go there, your test scores aren’t high enough.’ ”

Guess what? “They” were right. You should check out her senior thesis sometime, which she wrote “as a future Black alumnus.”


As one obviously racist critic pointed out, her prose style “reflects an estranged relationship to the English language.”

Most parents would grimace if their ninth-grader wrote the following:

“Predominantly White universities like Princeton are socially and academically designed to cater to the need of the White students comprising the bulk of their enrollments.”

You don’t say? The bulk of the enrollment at white colleges is white students?

I can see the announcement of her 2016 candidacy on MSNBC: “Moochelle Obama, the smartest woman in America …”

Read the rest – Senator Michelle Obama is a sequel we don’t need

Mitt Romney looks right

by Mojambo ( 109 Comments › )
Filed under Democratic Party, Elections 2012, John Kerry, Politics, Russia at March 9th, 2014 - 12:13 pm

America was the loser in November 2012.

by Howie Carr

“I told you so.”

Those have to be four of the most satisfying words in the English language. And Mitt Romney has earned the right to speak that short sentence, over and over again, whenever he chooses.

Not that he would — it would be “unbecoming,” to use one of Romney’s old-fashioned words that in 2002 had the mandarins of Political Correctness harrumphing about his “sexism,” I believe the charge was that time.

But these days, Mitt looks more and more prescient, and his critics ever more deluded. First of all, Russia has become “our number one geopolitical foe,” as he put it in the 2012 campaign. Back then, Barack Obama derided him, saying “The 1980s are calling to ask for their foreign policy back.”

Now, not so much.

As a Republican, Romney understands the double standard in the lapdog media. When Mitt says “tar baby,” he’s a racist. When John Kerry says “tar baby,” nothing to see here folks, move along.

Barack Obama admits eating dogs — crickets in the press. Mitt puts one on the roof of his car in a crate — David Letterman demands his arrest.

Speaking of which, Mitt’s net worth is a reported $230 million, and Letterman’s is $400 million. Yet Letterman spent 2012 joking about how loaded Mitt was, once saying Romney was taking a weekend off “to hike to the top of his money.”


Since then, how many Democrat politicians have enlisted in that same war on women — Alan Grayson, Mel Reynolds, Bob Filner, “Carlos Danger,” Carlos Henriquez, Eliot Spitzer, Robert Menendez. …

Here’s another word that in 2007 got Mitt into hot water with the PC Police — “un-American.” That’s how he described the Democrat bigots who were attacking his Mormon faith. How dare he use such a McCarthyite word, the moonbats fumed.

Why, it’s a code word, a “dog whistle,” a throwback to the bad old days of the House Un-American Activities Committee (chaired by a Democrat named Martin Dies, but again, nothing to see here folks, move along.)


Last week, though, the Democrats were tossing around the word “un-American” with such abandon that you would have thought they were, well, speaking truth to power.

Congressman Elijah Cummings blurted it out at a House hearing, and it’s how Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid described the Koch brothers — “un-American.”

You see, when George Soros or the pinky-ring unions funnel millions to the Democrats, they’re exercising their First Amendment rights, their freedom of speech.

When the Koch brothers do the same thing, they’re un-American. Not only that, Reid said, but they’re also trying to “subvert” democracy.

Hey, Harry, the 1950s are calling to ask for their code words back.

Harry Reid, by the way, is a Mormon. Did you ever hear any late-night comedians joking about his “magic underwear,” or how many wives he has?

Anyway, this week, when some foolhardy D.C. pundits risked their status as Beautiful People by criticizing the sacrosanct Reid, he shot back by quoting Adlai Stevenson:

“If the Republicans will stop telling lies about me, I’ll stop telling the truth about them.”

Brave words from a hack who less than two years ago was falsely accusing Romney of income-tax evasion.

“Let him prove that he has paid taxes,” Reid said on the Senate floor, “because he hasn’t!”

In other words, guilty until proven innocent. Isn’t that … un-American?

The famous senator Henry Clay once said, “I’d rather be right than president.”

Who knows if he meant it? Mitt should probably start thinking about borrowing Clay’s old line, although I’m not sure he believes it either.

Read the rest –  Romney looks right

What a drag it is, being a moonbat

by Mojambo ( 216 Comments › )
Filed under Barack Obama, Economy, Energy, Progressives, unemployment at June 10th, 2012 - 5:00 pm

Barack Obama has been having a bit of a rough time lately. It’s all George Bush’s fault!

by Howie Carr

It’s no fun being a moonbat anymore.

You didn’t get invited to Barney Frank’s wedding in Newton. That “Elizabeth Warren for Massachusetts” bumper sticker on your Prius has become a magnet for roadway ridicule.

But worst of all is what’s happened to your hero, Barack Hussein Obama. The emperor has no clothes. Mighty Casey has struck out.


Was it a mere four years ago when Barack modestly predicted that just his nomination alone would be the moment “when the rise of the oceans began to slow?” On Friday — exactly four years and four days after the seas started receding — the modern Moses conceded that housing in the U.S. is “underwater,” and that he hasn’t done squat about it.

But hasn’t he brought down the gas prices to $3.50 a gallon? Only $1.61 more to go and they’ll be back to where they were on Bush’s last day in office.

How can Barack be trailing the vulture capitalist Mitt Romney in Michigan? Don’t these bitter clingers read The New York Times [NYT]?

Even Chris Matthews’ leg has stopped tingling.

In 2008, everything was, you’ll pardon the expression, black and white. Predator-drone attacks under Bush — unconstitutional genocidal terrorism. Five times as many Predator-drone attacks under Barack — brilliant strategy by our wartime president.


Campaign spending was never an issue in 2008 when Barack was grinding McCain’s moneymen into the dust. Then money was the mother’s milk of politics. Now, this George, er Mitt Romney, is lowering the boom on His Wonderfulness.

A national scandal is what these super-PAC’s are. Somebody call George Soros.

As a loyal moonbat, you’d love to respond to Jim Messina’s endless email money grovels. But the trust funds Pater and Mumsy set up for you just aren’t getting nearly the returns they did in the bad old days when Dick Cheney was unleashing hurricanes to ravage New Orleans.

The economy is “unexpectedly” sliding yet again, as the network anchors always say, but it’s not Barack’s fault. It can’t be. He went to Harvard. It’s all caused by those “headwinds” from Europe, that’s what Jim Cramer blamed it on this week. And before that it was the warm winter, or the Japanese tsunami, and don’t forget the early Easter, or was it the late Easter and, and … George Bush!

Doesn’t anyone remember Bush’s jobless recovery — when unemployment was 4.5 percent? Now 3 million citizens have vanished from the workforce and unemployment is 8.2 percent. It’s the new normal.


Read the rest – The dark side of the moonbats


Senate candidate Elizabeth Warren’s race card was a real joker

by Mojambo ( 158 Comments › )
Filed under Elections 2012, Multiculturalism, Political Correctness, Politics, Progressives at May 10th, 2012 - 8:00 am

Howie Carr makes a very interesting point – liberals support reverse discrimination because they and their kids will not be affected by it personally. Their kids are not going to become firemen, policemen, sanitation workers,  public school teachers,  teamsters, subway conductors, etc.  The diversity that they celebrate will never impact negatively on a Kennedy, Rockefeller, Bush, Gore, Edwards,  Clinton,  Obama, Kerry,  Warren,  Pelosi,  et al. Their kids will all get into the best schools as legacies. Ted Kennedy hired someone to take a Spanish test for him at Harvard – did he pay a price for it?

by Howie Carr

The Beautiful People still can’t figure out what all the fuss is about over Granny Warren’s family “lore.”

The other day, The Washington Post ran a lengthy story about the 62-year-old Oklahoman’s sputtering campaign. Would you care to guess how far down you had to read to find the first mention of the fake-Indian fiasco?

The 21st paragraph.

The problem the elites have understanding the power of this story is simple. They’ve never been passed over for a job they were qualified for because of some allegedly disadvantaged person who wasn’t.

Nobody ever leapfrogged over a moonbat’s kids into a good school because of the racial spoils system. As Michael Barone put it yesterday, the upper classes have no comprehension of the “rottenness” of this system. (And even if they did, it would be un-PC to bring it up).


Someone passed over for a job because he’s white? But Chauncy, don’t the ads always say “Equal Opportunity Employer”? Must be another of those anecdotes our eminently qualified governor Patrick is always talking about.

Liberals are all for affirmative action … in the police and fire departments, because they know their kids won’t be working there.

Oh sure, someone in the Harvard counseling office might sadly inform a young Trustafarian that he might have a problem getting into the law school. But then Someone who knows Someone picks up the phone and young Throckmorton suddenly bumps a kid from Quincy with higher LSAT’s who never knows what hit him, although he probably has his suspicions.

Guys grew up around here figuring they’d be the third, maybe even fourth-generation cop in their family. Now they’re pounding a beat … at the mall.

The racial spoils system doesn’t reduce the number of legacies in the freshman class, but it damn sure decimates the population of working-class whites and Asians. It’s as if the old white-shoe outfits have dusted off their old “No Irish Need Apply” signs. Only now they say, “Celebrate Diversity.”

Granny’s fellow multimillionaire academics may pooh-pooh it this summer on the Vineyard, but this is going to be a problem for Pinnochio-hantas. Nobody who ever lost out, or thinks they lost out, on a good school or job because somebody played the racial trump card on them is ever going to vote for that person.


Read the rest –  Granny Warren’s race card was a real joker