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Senate candidate Elizabeth Warren’s race card was a real joker

by Mojambo ( 158 Comments › )
Filed under Elections 2012, Multiculturalism, Political Correctness, Politics, Progressives at May 10th, 2012 - 8:00 am

Howie Carr makes a very interesting point – liberals support reverse discrimination because they and their kids will not be affected by it personally. Their kids are not going to become firemen, policemen, sanitation workers,  public school teachers,  teamsters, subway conductors, etc.  The diversity that they celebrate will never impact negatively on a Kennedy, Rockefeller, Bush, Gore, Edwards,  Clinton,  Obama, Kerry,  Warren,  Pelosi,  et al. Their kids will all get into the best schools as legacies. Ted Kennedy hired someone to take a Spanish test for him at Harvard – did he pay a price for it?

by Howie Carr

The Beautiful People still can’t figure out what all the fuss is about over Granny Warren’s family “lore.”

The other day, The Washington Post ran a lengthy story about the 62-year-old Oklahoman’s sputtering campaign. Would you care to guess how far down you had to read to find the first mention of the fake-Indian fiasco?

The 21st paragraph.

The problem the elites have understanding the power of this story is simple. They’ve never been passed over for a job they were qualified for because of some allegedly disadvantaged person who wasn’t.

Nobody ever leapfrogged over a moonbat’s kids into a good school because of the racial spoils system. As Michael Barone put it yesterday, the upper classes have no comprehension of the “rottenness” of this system. (And even if they did, it would be un-PC to bring it up).


Someone passed over for a job because he’s white? But Chauncy, don’t the ads always say “Equal Opportunity Employer”? Must be another of those anecdotes our eminently qualified governor Patrick is always talking about.

Liberals are all for affirmative action … in the police and fire departments, because they know their kids won’t be working there.

Oh sure, someone in the Harvard counseling office might sadly inform a young Trustafarian that he might have a problem getting into the law school. But then Someone who knows Someone picks up the phone and young Throckmorton suddenly bumps a kid from Quincy with higher LSAT’s who never knows what hit him, although he probably has his suspicions.

Guys grew up around here figuring they’d be the third, maybe even fourth-generation cop in their family. Now they’re pounding a beat … at the mall.

The racial spoils system doesn’t reduce the number of legacies in the freshman class, but it damn sure decimates the population of working-class whites and Asians. It’s as if the old white-shoe outfits have dusted off their old “No Irish Need Apply” signs. Only now they say, “Celebrate Diversity.”

Granny’s fellow multimillionaire academics may pooh-pooh it this summer on the Vineyard, but this is going to be a problem for Pinnochio-hantas. Nobody who ever lost out, or thinks they lost out, on a good school or job because somebody played the racial trump card on them is ever going to vote for that person.


Read the rest –  Granny Warren’s race card was a real joker

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