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Posts Tagged ‘Liberalism’

The day when liberals became scolds

by Mojambo ( 168 Comments › )
Filed under History, Progressives at October 10th, 2013 - 2:00 pm

The Left never could accept the fact that Lee Harvey Oswald was a Communist through and through, and their disappointment that he was not a member of the  K.K.K. or John Birch Society still resonates to this day with their ever bizarre conspiracy theories. Several authors have come to the conclusion that the JFK assassination turned liberalism form a sunny, optimistic philosophy into a lecturing, moralistic creed that we see today.

by George F. Will

“Ex-Marine Asks Soviet Citizenship”

— Washington Post headline,

Nov. 1, 1959

(concerning Lee Harvey Oswald)

“He didn’t even have the satisfaction of being killed for civil rights. It’s — it had to be some silly little Communist.”

Jacqueline Kennedy,

Nov. 22, 1963

She thought it robbed his death of any meaning. But a meaning would be quickly manufactured to serve a new politics. First, however, an inconvenient fact — Oswald — had to be expunged from the story. So, just 24 months after the assassination, Arthur Schlesinger Jr., the Kennedys’ kept historian, published a thousand-page history of the thousand-day presidency without mentioning the assassin.

The transformation of a murder by a marginal man into a killing by a sick culture began instantly — before Kennedy was buried. The afternoon of the assassination, Chief Justice Earl Warren ascribed Kennedy’s “martyrdom” to “the hatred and bitterness that has been injected into the life of our nation by bigots.” The next day, James Reston, the New York Times luminary, wrote in a front-page story that Kennedy was a victim of a “streak of violence in the American character,” noting especially “the violence of the extremists on the right.”

Never mind that adjacent to Reston’s article was a Times report on Oswald’s Communist convictions and associations. A Soviet spokesman, too, assigned “moral responsibility” for Kennedy’s death to “Barry Goldwater and other extremists on the right.

Three days after the assassination, a Times editorial, “Spiral of Hate,” identified Kennedy’s killer as a “spirit”: The Times deplored “the shame all America must bear for the spirit of madness and hate that struck down” Kennedy. [……..]

Hitherto a doctrine of American celebration and optimism, liberalism would now become a scowling indictment: Kennedy was killed by America’s social climate, whose sickness required “punitive liberalism.” That phrase is from James Piereson of the Manhattan Institute, whose 2007 book “Camelot and the Cultural Revolution: How the Assassination of John F. Kennedy Shattered American Liberalism” is a profound meditation on the reverberations of the rifle shots in Dealey Plaza.

The bullets of Nov. 22, 1963, altered the nation’s trajectory less by killing a president than by giving birth to a destructive narrative about America. Fittingly, the narrative was most injurious to the narrators. Their recasting of the tragedy in order to validate their curdled conception of the nation marked a ruinous turn for liberalism, beginning its decline from political dominance.

Punitive liberalism preached the necessity of national repentance for a history of crimes and misdeeds that had produced a present so poisonous that it murdered a president. To be a liberal would mean being a scold. Liberalism would become the doctrine of grievance groups owed redress for cumulative inherited injuries inflicted by the nation’s tawdry history, toxic present and ominous future.

Kennedy’s posthumous reputation — Americans often place him, absurdly, atop the presidential rankings — reflects regrets about might-have-beens.  [……..]

Under Kennedy, liberalism began to become more stylistic than programmatic. After him — especially after his successor, Lyndon Johnson, a child of the New Deal, drove to enactment the Civil Rights Act , Medicare and Medicaid — liberalism became less concerned with material well-being than with lifestyle and cultural issues such as feminism, abortion and sexual freedom.

The bullets fired on Nov. 22, 1963, could shatter the social consensus that characterized the 1950s only because powerful new forces of an adversarial culture were about to erupt through society’s crust. Foremost among these forces was the college-bound population bulge — baby boomers with their sense of entitlement and moral superiority, vanities encouraged by an intelligentsia bored by peace and prosperity and hungry for heroic politics.

Liberalism’s disarray during the late 1960s, combined with Americans’ recoil from liberal hectoring, catalyzed the revival of conservatism in the 1970s. As Piereson writes, the retreat of liberalism from a doctrine of American affirmation left a void that would be filled by Ronald Reagan 17 years after the assassination.

The moral of liberalism’s explanation of Kennedy’s murder is that there is a human instinct to reject the fact that large events can have small, squalid causes; there is an intellectual itch to discern large hidden meanings in events. And political opportunism is perennial.


Read the rest – When liberals become scolds

Liberalism Is Dead

by Mojambo ( 286 Comments › )
Filed under Barack Obama, Liberal Fascism at January 19th, 2010 - 11:00 am

Actually what I think the author means is that classic liberalism is dead. In the last election – the Republicans became classic liberals and the Democrats became Socialists (in my opinion).  Liberalism used to believe in freedom, individualism, a robust self confidence, and a love of nation. Now it appeals to envy, greed, feelings of inadequacy, and an abhorrence of individual initiative. Liberalism has now become punitive, snarling, and has embraced a philosophy of all’s fair in politics. There are no lows to which they will not stoop too and they are masters of the politics of personal destruction.

P.S. – Gotta love the way he refers to Nancy Pelosi as a “Mafia moll”.

By James Lewis

The name “liberalism” has now drifted so far from its moorings that it has turned into a lie. Anybody who uses “liberal” these days is trying to put one over on you. It’s like Florida swampland peddlers talking about their “beautiful lakeshore.” You can stop listening at that point, because nothing you’re going to hear is true. Liberalism used to mean something. Today it’s pure Florida swampland, complete with snapping alligators.

Consider: Martha Coakley, the Democrat candidate for US Senate for “Teddy Kennedy’s seat” in Massachusetts, as Middlesex County DA kept in prison a victim of one of the worst miscarriages of justice during the witchhunts of the 1990s against supposed Satanic child abusers, based on pressured testimony by very young (and therefore unreliable) children. The case against the Admiraults was admirably exposed by the Wall Street Journal, who made it overwhelmingly clear that they were the innocent victims of a radical feminist delusional assault. But thanks to Martha Coakley’s efforts, Gerald Amirault was left to rot in jail long after it was clear he was innocent.

Coakley is not a liberal in any honest sense of that world. She is a radical prosecutorial Leftist. That is how she made her bones in the Mass Democrat Machine.

The l-word still has a positive flavor from the old days, when it meant tolerance, open-mindedness, and the active defense of freedom. That’s how JFK used it. Barack Obama is not a liberal; he is a Third World Socialist of the really angry kind. From childhood on Obama has been surrounded by enraged Leftists, including those crucial four years of living in Indonesia, right after the whole Communist Party was wiped out by the Indonesian military under General Sukarno. That’s Obama’s real experience of the world outside of Hawaii. Ever since then Obama has chosen to be surrounded by anti-Western, anti-liberal Leftists. Jeremiah Wright is perfectly typical of Obama’s crowd. Obama is mentally the most fixated president we’ve had for a century, because he has never bothered to look outside of his Hard Leftist circle. He doesn’t know any normal people. Like the New York Times Editorial Board or the Faculty of Harvard.

A big chunk of the Left has always despised liberalism anyway. Marx and Lenin made a big thing out of sneering at soppy liberals. Those are the kinds of folks who raised and befriended Barry Soetoro. Bill Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn were never liberals. They’re maybe New Left Mao Zedong worshippers, or some such thing.


On the other side of the world, Obama likes to show public contempt for the Brits, who are the source of American ideals of liberty. It was the Royal Navy that halted the African slave trade, if only belatedly, and it’s Muslim Africans who still own black slaves today, two hundred years after the Brits swept slavery from the oceans. Just as it was Abe Lincoln, an American Republican, who ended slavery in America.


Even Massachusetts may be catching on that so-called liberals don’t deserve that name any more. Barney Frank is not a liberal, but a demagogue and corruptocrat with truly awesome, dictatorial arrogance. That is because he has a safe seat in Boston. Chris Dodd is not a liberal, but said to be one of the most corrupt members of the US Senate. Harry Reid is a demagogue and a Machiavellian. Nancy Pelosi is a Mafia moll. We should therefore stop associating the word “liberal” with such creatures. Liberalism is dead; anyone using that word is lying or living in the long-ago past.


Jonah Goldberg’s book “Liberal Fascism” points out a lot of similarities between the modern Left and fascism — they are only slightly different brands of Control Freak Statism, alternative brands like Coke and Pepsi. I think he is right on the facts but not on the labels. “Liberal fascism” sounds like a contradiction because the Left is no longer liberal. That’s all there’s to it.